When an Alpha is Marked by One of His Own Kind

Chapter 94


A wave of teamfights from SLG stunned BLX.

The economic gap has widened further.

Moreover, SLG also took advantage of the previous team battle to level the second tower in the opposite middle.

BLX also realized this and tried to turn the economy back, but SLG had a good eye on the field. Before the third dragon came out, their assistants were busy lining up, and the third-tier teammates switched lanes with each other. , through continuous online development to further convert the economy into equipment damage, and prepare for the next wave of small dragon groups.

Or is it…

Great Dragons.

During this period, BLX did not find a good starting position. At most, Xu Xiao cooperated with his teammates in the middle lane. He tried to catch Tie Nan in the bottom lane, but Tie Nan had a lot of blood. The single catch here was unsuccessful, and if they didn't retreat in time, they would send a few more heads out.

The current SLG per capita is 2.5 pieces, while the BLX is at most one and a half pieces. If this trend continues, unless the BLX hits a wave of miracles, it will be snowballed all the way to the high ground.

"BLX will now look at the entry position of the next wave of groups. SLG's eyes are all near the big dragon pit. Why don't you try to fight the dragon force group?" Lao Wo touched his chin and stood on the BLX's side Think about the possibility of forcing the opposite group.

"SLG put two real eyes here. Stealing dragons is definitely not acceptable. If you force the group... The blind monk will enter the arena very quickly. Maybe they will steal the dragon in turn. It's a bit risky, right?" Erhua looked at the map. Based on BLX's equipment, I estimated their speed of fighting dragons. I feel that whether BLX steals dragons or forces groups, the benefits will not be very high - if SLG hadn't been drinking all of them, they wouldn't have given this chance.

"BLX is taking the wind dragon..." This season's wind dragon is a buff that increases movement speed. It doesn't help the big dragon in particular. At most, it can help BLX escape or chase people faster.

Zheng Zhizhuo raised his brows: "Dalong has been refreshed, and SLG is going there."

"They want to force the BLX group? That's fine. BLX and other big dragons go up to fight when they are six or seven percent bloody. SLG were all in the dragon pit at that time. Stopwatch, Xia has room for output, after all, SLG still has to fight against Dalong." Zhao Yue said his ideal BLX teamfighting style.

But can the facts work out the way they think

Shen Qiao squeezed the empty plastic water cup in his hand, and heard the slight clack sound, but didn't take his eyes off the screen for a second, only to see SLG lined up, Tie Nan followed his teammates to fight twice, He came out and circled around the river, and the first time the sword demon passed, he dragged the sword demon.

When Luo Xia caught up, Tie Nan directly locked Xia into the ultimate move.

This one, the closed BLX was caught off guard.

Sword Demon hesitated for a moment, not sure whether to wait for Xia to come out and deal with Tie Nan together, or go back and fight the rest of the SLG members in the dragon pit.

Then the clone wanted to run.

The blind man came over and kicked the real body of the demon girl back. At the same time, SLG's assistant lost a redemption in the big dragon pit. At the same time as the whole team recovered blood, they also scraped off a layer of the crispy excavator that rushed up. Blood.

"This wave..." Lao Woo stretched his tone, as if he no longer knew what to say.

Shen Qiao squeezed the water cup in her hand, and said in a low voice, "Huluwa saved Grandpa, this one is gone."

The output of BLX's ultimate move was not connected, nor was it concentrated on the C position of SLG. On the contrary, SLG held the dragon while kiting them, and did not let the blood of the dragon go back. Seeing that they have already replaced BLX with zero Second, when the remaining 2,000 points of blood in Dalong are finished, it is very possible to exchange BLX for zero.

Fortunately, after Xia from the BLX side came out, she killed Tie Nan together with the sword demon, and then attacked the SLG people in the dragon pit with a single output, but in the end it did not change the situation.

BLX fought a two-for-three with there, and lost a big dragon at the same time.

blood loss.

They also couldn't carry the ancient dragon out. After being pushed to the high ground by the big dragon buff, the C position was continuously singled and killed, and SLG quickly confirmed the victory of the first game.

Shen Qiao threw the pinched and deformed water glass into the trash can.

Lu Zhe glanced in his direction and smiled: "BLX took out the hidden things for the second time, don't worry, this is the first one."

Shen Qiao gave a "hmm", glanced over the advertisement page on the screen, looked at this advertisement casually, and soon waited for the second one.

Zheng Zhizhuo went to touch a bag of potato chips, and while eating them, he passed the potato chips one by one to his brothers and sisters, and finally got them in front of Shen Qiao:

"Brother Wolf, would you like something?"

Shen Qiao shook his head and looked at the BP on the screen.

SLG still chose the red side, and the blue side gave up to BLX.

The ban heroes of both sides are not much adjusted from the previous one, and blx chooses the heroes first.

"Lucian?" Lao Wo raised his brows: "Did Momo practice this recently? This season's men's gun..." He tasted it and thought that Momo would insist on taking EZ, after all, he is the C position of BLX, Most of the output points are on him, so I see him taking EZ the most.

Seeing Lucian from BLX, SLG immediately chose Braum with a Kai'Sa.

BLXban dropped the blind monk, then quickly locked a crocodile.

SLG immediately banned the crocodile's best partner Spider, and then selected the top single Iron Man.


BLX chose a Verusgar Thresh.

The five DGs sat up straight, "Is this Lucian swaying? Damn, this hand swaying... It's amazing."

"Coach, isn't this the top AD that our wolf brother wants to play the most?"

"No, Lucian's iron man may not have an advantage, he may be a mid laner, mid laner AD, BLX is actually practicing this hand."

"Look at the final lineup, I'll say BLX must be hiding something!"

"Kasha Gabulon's system is also quite powerful, and SLG has hidden a lot."

Everyone chatted and looked at the counter position of SLG at the end. At that time, the ban position was almost out. Seeing Lucian swinging on the BLX side, SLG didn't know who Lucian and the crocodile were fighting. I got a Ramboga prince.

Then, the lineup on SLG's side is Iron Man, Prince, Rambo, and Kasha Gabloon.

And BLX is Crocodile, Barrel, Lucian, Verus and Thresh.

Lucian's hands are longer than Rambo, the crocodile's damage is higher than that of Tie Nan, and there is meat on both sides, and the BLX side has the advantage of starting a team first. From the perspective of the comprehensiveness of the lineup, the BLX side will be better.

What's more, a hero like the crocodile greatly increases the team's fault tolerance rate in teamfights. If the crocodile develops, during the teamfight, after Braum's big move is released, it can completely cut into the opposing lineup and make a mess. Chop, whether Rambo or Kai'Sa are crispy, it's not difficult to kill.

And Rambo doesn't have much displacement skills yet.

And when the Crocodile doesn't have an advantage in the early stage, he can also make a meat suit to keep the back row output of Verus and Lucian here. The double AD lineup can damage the output as long as it can finish the team battle. The amount of damage is considerable. of.

With Thresh around, Verus and Lucian also have a high survival rate.

As soon as the lineup was selected, DG's players took it more seriously. No matter which side of the two teams has a different lineup, it depends on whether SLG's bot lane combination plays a stronger role, or whether it is BLX. This side can maintain the advantage of the lineup.

The game went on for thirty-five minutes.

Seeing that BLX had already established an economic advantage of 8,000, but inexplicably went too far, sent three heads out, SLG seized the opportunity to push it to the high ground, and removed a front tooth. Fortunately, it adjusted its status in time.

forty-five minutes—

SLG went to open the dragon and forced the group BLX.

At this moment, the director gave a shot to let everyone see the BLX hometown where the soldiers entered. At the same time, a transmitted red light lit up, and it was SLG's mid laner Rambo who sent it over , cooperate with the soldier to start to remove the second incisor and push the crystal.

BLX wanted to teleport, but was interrupted by the people from SLG. The crocodile left the battlefield and teleported back to the city to save the crystal.

A blue light also lit up near the spring.

Rambo has SLG's only earth dragon buff on his body, because his level is high enough, reaching level 16, so when the crocodile arrives, he starts to bend around with the crocodile, taking time to get some crystals while playing.

The blood volume of the blue crystal will soon be only 50%.

The crocodile used his dashing skills to continuously clear the troops, and by the way, he got close to Rambo. This wave of stealing operations made all the audience hold their breath—

One after another, SLG and BLX were sent over.

Remnant Blood Bron arrived, opened the shield to block Lucian's tricks, and also blocked Verus' skills. Kai'Sa cooperated with Rambo to continuously point towers. Bron died, and the prince was killed in the previous team battle. Iron man The same is true.

Only Crocodile, Lucian, and Verus are left on BLX's side. After playing Kasha Garambo, both sides are left with residual blood. I don't know who will win in the end.

Sapphire's HP remains at 20%.

Lucian wanted to punch Kai'Sa's face, but Kai'Sa pulled the distance to the other side and rushed directly into the side of Verus and the crocodile, looking like he wanted to be set on fire to death.

At this time, SLG's next wave of soldiers went all the way over the mountains and into the highland area. Rambo kept hitting the crystals, level A, level A, level A, but the crocodiles killed Kaisha faster, within a few seconds. After ending Kai'Sa's life, he turned around and hit Rambo. Rambo fired his fire-breathing skills and burned them all.

The soldiers surrounded him at this time, pushing the blood volume of the blue crystal to the point where only a trace of blood remained.

Lucian took the time to clear his troops.

The bodies of the soldiers fell to the ground.

Rambo suddenly released a golden stopwatch before he died, and waited until he was resurrected—

A again for a crystal.


"Oh my God!"

"BLX this..."

"I'm going! SLG's extreme operation is really... "

"This Rambo, I'm afraid."

In the hotel where DG is located, everyone was shocked to see BLX's second 8,000 economic lead being overturned. It was unexpected that BLX had such a big advantage. With such a lineup, SLG could succeed in stealing the house.

In this wave, the loss is not only a small score, but also the momentum of being overturned while seeing victory in sight.

Qian Bao sighed: "The crown is really... too strong."

Shen Qiao can't say anything, he has a bad premonition, in this case, if BLX can't resist the pressure and start again, SLG is likely to win the third game in one go, and win this game with a perfect advantage. A bo5 victory.

Lu Zhe also didn't have much to say. After all, it was a game in which both sides tried their best. Sometimes the game is like this. It's not just who has the best lineup and who has the strongest player.

A game, before the result comes out, anything is possible.

He took a breath and said slowly, "Let's see if there is a new system for the third BLX."

After all, this SLG has suffered such a big loss. The next ban position must focus on taking care of the two heroes, Crocodile and Lucian. If these two heroes are banned, what system can BLX come up with

If you can come up with something new, there may be room for struggle.

Or use a normal system and play in a good state, there is no problem.

The most fearful thing is that their momentum will be exhausted.

The third game, thirty minutes after the start—

Shen Qiao got up and walked in the direction of the bathroom. He had not smoked for several days and lit a cigarette at the door of the bathroom. Not long after, he heard the phone vibrate.

There were also footsteps coming from the corner.

He took a deep breath of cigarette, let the lingering smoke go around in his lungs and came out again. He took out his mobile phone, thinking that what he saw was Lu Zhe's news, but it was Lele who sent the content.

There is only one simple sentence above:

"Brother Qiao, come on for your next game."

Shen Qiao snorted in her heart.

At the same time, Lu Zhe came from the corner, raised one hand, propped on the wall, looked at the cigarette in his hand, raised his brows, but said nothing, only said to him:

"Let me have a bite too?"

No matter how many times, seeing the acquaintances who fought together were cut down in this circle, no matter how hard Lu Zhe's heart was, he couldn't be indifferent.

Fans won't know how much their own team blames themselves after losing, and they won't watch how much sweat BLX has put in this season.

They only know that BLX has lost. Those feelings and sustenance feelings in the past will now be turned into sharp blades by failure, which in turn will pierce into the heart of the team, and wave them in the hearts of Momo, Lele, Xu Xiao, and even if they don’t go away Look, I also know that BLX's official blog is now full of ridicule.

When you win, fans blow more than anyone else, and when they scold, fans will scold more harshly than outsiders.

This is eSports.

Shen Qiao put the cigarette in his hand to Lu Zhe's lips, Lu Zhe lowered his head, held the position of the cigarette holder he had bitten, and took the minty smell and the hot smoke into his mouth. After a long time, it slowly turned into a misty smoke. spit out.

He exhaled the pent-up emotions from watching the BLX game.

"Let's go, go back to training."

Shen Qiao crushed the cigarette butt into the pool next to it, turned on the faucet to wash away the black debris, then threw the cigarette butt into the trash can, and walked back with Lu Zhe.

After taking two steps, he said seriously, "Lu Zhe, we want to win."

Lu Zhe gave a "hmm" and glanced back at him, his eyes were still gentle, his pace slowed down, waiting for him to follow along, and then walked side by side towards the previous room.

When I got to the door—

Shen Qiao saw that the teammates who were sitting or not sitting by the sofa had returned to the computer desk at some point, and the page was the most familiar League of Legends ranking page.

Qian Bao was calling for Zhao Yuelai to double row.

Erhua kicked Lao Snail out of the team and listened to his wailing.

Zheng Zhizhuo opened the Hanbok King's page next to Zhao Yue, looking at how far he was from the first place.

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhe tilted his head slightly, but did not turn his head to look at Shen Qiao, only said two words softly:

"Will do."

We will definitely win.

Only victories and trophies are the only honors to return this sweat.