When an Alpha is Marked by One of His Own Kind

Chapter 96


DG drew the blue side in the first game.

SLG is the red side and has the right to counter.

The first bans shown on both sides are basically paying tribute to each other. DG has banned the cards that Crown likes to use in recent rankings. At the same time, they also banned Kaisha, which SLG and BLX played before. bit, and also put a Xia.

SLG banned DG's Spider, LeBlanc and Sword Demon.

The ban position was revealed, and the atmosphere at the scene heated up—

Lele and Momo from BLX were also present, but instead of sitting in the front row where the players watched the game, they entered the arena last and watched the big screen at the edge of the field. Lele also wore a scarf and sunglasses. , Seeing the choices on the screen, he whispered to Momo beside him, "Both sides have studied each other. Today, it seems that SLG will die first, or DG will die slowly."

Because BLX super talk and official blog have been frantically being rhythmized recently, they both don't want to appear in the public eye now, otherwise BLX fans who don't watch the game must be very happy in this "leisure time" Show them face-to-face.

You don't have to think about it, it's bound to be:

"Momo should retire when he wins the summer championship, so that he will always be on the altar. Now it's alright, it's a shame to go to the quarterfinals of the world championship. I wonder if he wants to go to the European duty-free shop. Is it cheaper to buy it?"

"You don't really think that BLX can win the championship, do you? Just when Ueno was able to lead the team into a trough this year, Xu Xiao is really unreliable, can I BLX not be able to buy a good top laner and jungler? Now? It's time for a change, a dignified old club, is it lacking this money?"

"Think about it when things go wrong. The bot lane team is obviously a well-planned and well-kept housekeeping team. You're stupid, wouldn't you save a ticket if you made it to the World Championship? [/dog head]"

"It's fake to play in the World Championship, and it's real to want to switch to purchasing."

Pulling back a little bit from her memory, Lele heard the teammates around her slowly respond: "Yeah."

He looked at the screen and found that at this time DG had already locked down Shen Qiao's best crocodile, while SLG locked Iron Man in seconds, steadily trying to keep the top lane under pressure.

Subsequently, SLG took the ice girl again.

This is also a hero that I have seen in previous games. It seems that SLG intends to take advantage of the players' stable performance in the game recently and continue their consistent style. Ice Girl is better at pulling in team battles. He is a hero who tests consciousness and operation.

After the ice girl took out, DG did not rush to choose the hero in the lane, but locked the bot lane combination of Verus and Thresh first.

SLG immediately took Vayne.

DG backhanded the Titan and the prince to the ban position, and the SLG exchanged gifts, banning the most suitable mid lane knife man for DG. After all, this is the assassin hero Qian Bao is good at, and at the same time, he also bans the blind man.

It seems that Lu Zhe's common jungle heroes are all in the ban position.

in the DG channel.

Coach Fang said slowly: "Take a wine barrel? This is suitable for starting a team first."

Lu Zhe thought for a while: "How about... weapons? I used weapons to rank two days ago. Although it may not be very suitable for grabbing map resources, it can be controlled hard, and it can also be matched with Crocodile and Syndra. Qian Bao Zhonglu Are you going to take Syndra?"

Qian Bao gave a "hmm": "You must use a burst of heroes to play against the ice girl, right, coach?"

Coach Fang responded with a short "um".

He thought about this lineup, crocodile with weapons, Syndra in the middle, Verus and Thresh in the bottom, whether it is to start a team first, control, cut back, and have both AP output and AD output, there is no problem with this lineup.

So he nodded: "Okay, then the weapon is jungler. Lu Zhe's ability to gank online is not bad. Even if you drag SLG to the late stage, you still have a chance of winning. Of course, it is better to win the head advantage in the early stage."

DG's penultimate locks the weapon master.

The five bans had already been released at that time. Seeing DG's move, the assistant on SLG chose Morgana, which has its own control. When laning with Verus and Thresh, it can assist Vayne. The output is extremely high, and in the team battle, the shield can also prevent teammates from being stunned by the control of the weapon.

DG saw this Morgana, did not change his choice, and finally locked the Syndra that Qian Bao wanted to use.

SLG finally locked the jungle excavator.

The lineup of both sides is out-

DG is Crocodile, Weapon, Syndra, Varus and Thresh.

SLG is Iron Man, Digger, Ice Woman, Vayne and Morgana.

Lele shook his head and sighed when he saw this bp hand: "The LCK team's research on lineups and tactics is still worth learning from."

After all, just looking at the selection of DG's lineup, everyone can see how strong this lineup is. The upper and lower limits of the crocodile itself are very high. It is a hero that allows the existence of fault tolerance. , then be honest, and stand at the front during teamfights, which can not only help your AD to block damage, but also be caught off guard by rushing into the face of the opposite side and grabbing the back row.

at the same time.

The weapon itself is very fleshy, yet to be controlled, it is a continuous output, in a team battle, it can control the back row, and can keep up with the follow-up damage after the burst output of the ball girl Syndra.

Verus is protected by Thresh's lantern, and there are two meats in front of him, so the output environment can be described as comfortable.


The lineup BP on SLG's side is late, so what if your crocodile develops strongly? If you dare to punch me in the face during teamfights, I will dare to let Tie Nan lock you in a small dark room, and honestly have a 1v1 real man battle with Tie Nan before you come out.

As for the control of the weapon, as long as Vayne brings a purification, or enters the game and puts out a mercury sash, it can be removed. At the same time, Morgana can also keep Vayne well.

The outcome after the opening of the group is still to be seen.

as predicted-

After the two sides entered the game.

The prediction of the odds of jumping out of the lineup curve on the screen is that DG is only 47% in the early stage, and only 53% in the later stage. After all, the C-position of Verus has a long development cycle, and the crocodile also needs a head to take off.

But once dragged into the later stage...

Competition is SLG's favorite operating rhythm.

In addition, Lu Zhe used a weapon that he hadn't used much in the usual games to play the jungle. The efficiency of brushing the jungle in the wild map is far less than that of the excavator, and the online support speed is not as fast as the excavator. It is probably not only that he can't gain an advantage in the early stage. , in the later stage, because too many map resources are lost, the economic advantage of the entire team cannot be determined.

When Lele saw the game entered, he touched his chin: "This game won't take more than 40 minutes, will it?"

on the DG channel.

Seeing the lineup of SLG opposite, Lu Zhe curled his lips slowly and said, "Many people now think that DG is not good at operation at all."

Qian Bao echoed him with a smile: "Yes."

Lao Wo and Er Hua walked with Lu Zhe in the direction of the red buff, smiled in the channel, saw Er Hua peeking into the grass, and said, "We didn't play BLX for an hour last spring, didn't we? of?"

"Hey, it's because Father Wolf recently brought out the energy of our young people, which made everyone think that we don't work overtime every day."


Compared with operation, DG may not lose to SLG.

Er Hua didn't speak, squatted in the grass, looked at the small grass on the opposite side, thought for a while, and suddenly stretched out a hook into the grass, and the tentative hook was hit.

The opposite Morgana was hooked out.

Because Qian Bao was a little slow to go out, seeing the situation in the wild area, he had not yet reached the middle road, but now he was going to the bottom road to help. Lao Wo, Er Hua and Lu Zhe were all chasing after Morgana on the opposite side, Wei Wei. In order to save people, En had to level up to E and nail Erhua's Thresh to the wall.

However, Lu Zhe stunned Morgana. He cooperated with Lao Huo's Verus and kept leveling A Morgana. The jungle excavator wanted to help, but unfortunately he couldn't do anything in the early stage, not to mention Qian Bao's ball girl had already chased after him. to the front-

Seeing that her teammates couldn't come to save her, Morgana was helpless and handed over Flash.

The first-level counter field of the SLG bot lane combination failed.

Morgana lost a flash, and when she matched Vayne, Verus, and Thresh later, she would become a breakthrough for being caught.

After Lu Zhe successfully won the red buff, he did not miss the opportunity to take care of the SLG bot lane team. When Verus and Thresh deliberately released the lane, they surrounded Vayne and Morgana from the rear and forced to stay behind. Morgana's head.

Shortly after.

On the road, Shen Qiao used a crocodile to take down the head of the iron man with blood, and widened the gap to twenty knives.

"Brother Wolf, this crocodile... can't let it go."

Lele propped on the back of the chair in the front row with one hand, seeing DG's temporary lead on the screen, a bit of relief appeared in his eyes, and he suddenly thought of the spring game where Shen Qiao had made a big splash in BLX.

He was the crocodile at the time.

Tie Nan, Crocodile, Aoun, Dashu... Such pressure-resistant heroes were the heroes favored by the BLX coach at the time. At that time, Shen Qiao did not show any special preference. Whatever the team needed, he would Practice what heroes, and even play the output of these meat heroes beautifully.

At that time, as long as he got the crocodile, he could basically get up.

The LPL teams know each other's strengths of the players, so when they meet Shen Qiao, they must first ban the heroes he is comfortable with. The crocodile is almost one of his natural heroes.

What is life

That is, no matter how the new version of the new season is weakened, as long as you get it, you will play more beautifully than others.

Seeing that Shen Qiao doesn't need help from the jungler, he still beats Tie Nan as his younger brother, but Lele thinks of Shen Qiao's performance on the field over the past year, sword demon, Akali, vampire...

More attention was focused on the top lane position that should have been "Orphans Against Pressure".

So more people saw his transformation.

This time BLX didn't make it to the semi-finals, and some fans made fun of BLX's super words, saying that they "don't cultivate their own genius top order well, and insist on buying Korean aid, but the Korean aid can't lift you, but instead The one who left got along well."

Of course Lele wouldn't pay attention to such content, but as an old friend of Shen Qiao, seeing that he could show his style on the field day by day, he was sincerely happy for Shen Qiao.

BLX has not won the world championship for so many years, Shen Qiao has been in BLX for so many years, it is not bad to go to DG...

If DG wins the championship again, then rounding up, it can be considered that the BLX players have touched the championship trophy.

He was a little disappointed in his heart, but he thought about it happily. After a long time of distraction, he heard Momo say next to him: "Twelve minutes in the beginning, ten heads, DG is still eight to two, if this game doesn't collapse in the later stage, SLG has no chance."

Lele retracted his divergent thoughts, looked at the head score on the big screen and the 2,000 economic gap opened by DG, and took over the words: "If DG is not reckless, there should be no problem."

"SLG doesn't look for opportunities as much as our LPL team. If the snowball doesn't roll, the crown's status has declined in recent years, and there is no position to carry against the wind. It is estimated that there will be no drama."

Lele has some self-joking meaning:

"Hey, if DG beat SLG 3-0, will our team fans let us retire collectively? It's like that. After watching today's game, I realized that BLX has a lot of dishes."

Momo calmly responded to him: "it's very possible."

The two took the recent game results as a cold humor, and at the same time—

DG, who broke out in a team battle in the middle, successfully fought a two-for-four with the opponent. Lu Zhe took his teammates to the direction of Dalongkeng and took the Dalong buff at the time of twenty minutes.

The previous two teams didn't have the chance to take the Rift Pioneer, so this big dragon buff became the key to pushing the tower.

Shen Qiao is now a 5-0 crocodile father. He makes one or four pushes with the team, and goes to the top lane alone to lead the line. Lu Zhe and others use the big dragon buff to explore back and forth with the opponent in the middle lane, while protecting the long-range. The gun truck is convenient for dismantling the tower.

SLG was continuously broken into two lanes in the middle, and was tired of returning to defense. Tie Nan used to carry a hammer and wanted to duel the crocodile. Who would have guessed that if the equipment was not up, he could still only end up in the desolate life of being beaten to death in his own room. It's four on four.

The sidewalk crocodile demolished the tower happily alone.

During the time of the big dragon buff, DG slowly polished off the crystals of SLG's mid lane, and demolished half of the HP of one of the incisor towers, only to return to the city with unhealthy HP when they all came up to fight. Supplementary equipment.

However, SLG did not struggle for long-

Thirty-two minutes to start.

Their crystals were still knocked out.

The MVP of the whole game was given to the crocodile with the highest participation rate, output and head count.

The on-site commentator said excitedly in a foreign language: "Congratulations to the DG team for the first point!"

In the auditorium, the DG fans were waving their cheering cards and cheering.

But the first one doesn't say anything.

SLG was almost unaffected by the failure, and quickly adjusted the plan. In the second game, Shen Qiao's crocodile was firmly placed in the ban position. At the same time, they chose Lan Fang first and quickly won their Viru. Thresh and Thresh combination.

This is about the so-called "if you can't beat me, join in" series of live learning and use.

Seeing their Verus and Thresh, DG suddenly took out a hand of Kalista gems. This combination is called "mutual protection". Kalista has an advantage in online in the early stage, although in the later stage The damage output in teamfights is not high, but he can protect himself well because of his many displacement skills.

And the gem's ultimate move can play a very good role in teamfights.

After seeing this gem—

SLG suddenly pulled out a top-lane hero, Poppy.

This hero's ultimate move can knock people from one end of the battlefield to the other. During teamfights, he smashes away the annoying C-position or the person who can affect the situation of the battle, and when the opponent comes back, he will Like a gourd baby saving grandpa...

What if the gem can protect everyone

When you put on your shield, I, Bobby, turned out a big hammer, like bowling, and hammered you collectively from the wild side to the middle side. When you came over again, I had already eaten the dragon. Done.

SLG's unpredictable Poppy made DG a little overwhelmed. In the second game, because Poppy was in a good position to start the team, he repeatedly hammered Shen Qiao and Lu Zhe out of the team battle, not only did not let Lu Zhe grab it Longkeng resources also made DG lose the output position of Shen Qiao, so in the 35th minute of the second game, DG was pushed and blew the crystal.

The two sides fought one-to-one.

In the third game, DG grabbed the blue side again.

This time they took a Verus Gabron, with Braum's shield, such as Poppy, MF and other heroes' ultimate output, they will be well restrained, and they also dismantled the famous combination of SLG Kashabulon, SLG reciprocated, gave up his unique tactics, and only took a Luoxia in a regular manner.

Seeing the pull type of Luo Xia's combination, Coach Fang chose a long-lost... anti-pressure mid lane hero for Qian Bao in the middle.


This is one of the Nakano-assistant linkage tactics that DG once practiced, but it didn't work much in the summer game. I only tried it in the practice match with WTG, and it worked wonders.

It's barely...

The first hand hidden by DG.

Although this hand has long been known by WTG.

In the face of Qian Bao's stress-resistant titan, SLG seemed a little confused. The next players' picks were delayed until the last second. I don't know why the coaching staff was entangled.

The crown has never seen this type of mid laner. He only felt that the first two games were against his tough opponent, and suddenly he was stagnant under the tower, like a turtle, unable to move, and people refused to come out.


Qian Bao also took the initiative to sacrifice the army line, TP went to the top, followed the path of linkage between the middle and the jungle, and the top order of the crazy military training SLG.

Caught SLG's top laner Jess directly in the early stage.

SLG lost an important output point. The hero Jace didn't deal the damage he deserved, and his output was often insufficient in teamfights. The economy was opened up by DG's continuous small-scale victories—

In the end, the game ended in twenty-nine minutes!

At this moment, in the domestic live broadcast room.

"DG has reached match point, my God!"

"I'm so nervous, so nervous, so nervous..."

"DG win quickly! Three to one victory! Give mom a steady happiness!"

"Ah, this World Championship is really exciting! Woohoo today's game is enough for me to watch it many times! I love Wolf Cub, Emperor Zhe, and our money, Qian Wo Wo and Xiao Hua!"

"Wait the one in front, what the hell is Xiaohua?"

"I don't care, I want to see DG enter the finals again! Your fans have been looking forward to this day for a year, please tell the whole LPL with your strength, who is the real king!"

Player backstage lounge.

Shen Qiao took the warm water that Lu Zhe handed over and drank it. Hearing that the coach and staff reminded the next one to start immediately, he walked out and turned to look at Lu Zhe at the same time.

Lu Zhe smiled at him: "Nervous?"

Shen Qiao raised his eyebrows.

The old snails in front of them turned to look first: "What? Who is nervous? Wolf? Oh, it's his first time in the World Championship semi-finals, right? When BLX entered the World Championship finals, he hadn't joined the team ."

Qian Bao: "Oh, don't be nervous. It's not too late to be nervous when we win this game. It's not even the finals yet!"

Erhua thought of seeing him drinking water just now, and reminded intimately: "Don't drink so much water when you are nervous. If SLG wants to delay the pace with us, you will be miserable for an hour."

Zhao Yue and Zheng Zhizhuo even came over, their palms were sweaty, and there was a picture of the younger brothers willing to help you with psychological counseling.

Shen Qiao: "..."

He said blankly, "I'm not nervous."

Lu Zhe responded to him in a good-natured manner: "Well, okay, let's go, the fourth game has begun—"

Shen Qiao put one hand in his pocket, glanced at him, and took two steps forward as he wanted. When passing through the dark corridor, he deliberately landed at the back with Lu Zhe, and looked at the distance behind him. the staff, he whispered again:

"I'm not really nervous."

Lu Zhe: "Huh?"

Shen Qiao looked at him as if he was ready to listen, and deliberately kept it away without saying anything. Instead, he looked directly at the bright lights on the stage in front of him: "I'll tell you after this is over."