When Everyone Thinks You Have a Crush

Chapter 1


The whole company knew that He Yunsheng had a crush on Xi Feng.

From the first day Xi Feng joined the company, someone told him that He Yunsheng, the head of the finance department, was gay. He Yunsheng is in his thirties this year, and Xi Feng is not sure about his thirties, because he doesn't look old, he is white and thin, he wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, he always dresses well, and his shirt buttons must be buttoned up. The top one looks very refined.

At that time, Xi Feng couldn't match the names of the people in the company. He only knew that the head of the finance department was gay. He said casually, "I don't discriminate against homosexuals."

Afterwards, Xi Feng forgot about it.

Until two months later, one day Xi Feng came back from the outside due to something, and when he got into the elevator, he rushed over recklessly, bumping into He Yunsheng who was holding a stack of documents from inside.

Xi Feng was tall, and He Yunsheng was knocked backwards on the floor of the elevator, and the documents in his hand were scattered all over the floor.

The others in the elevator walked around them as if they didn't see them. Only Xi Feng was embarrassed and squatted down to help He Yunsheng pick up things, while thinking that this kind of big company is really inhumane.

He Yunsheng also got up quickly and picked it up with Xi Feng.

After all the materials were picked up and packed away, He Yunsheng thanked Xi Feng repeatedly.

Xi Feng heard that his voice was a little hoarse, and asked, "Do you feel unwell?"

He Yunsheng shook his head this time and stopped talking.

It was later that Xi Feng found out that He Yunsheng's throat had been injured before. Because of this, he felt that his voice was not pleasant, so he didn't usually speak much.

However, at that time, Xi Feng was still very sorry, seeing that He Yunsheng was carrying a lot of things, he offered to help him carry them.

He Yunsheng smiled and said, "No, thank you." Then he walked out of the elevator.

Xi Feng didn't take this matter to heart.

That afternoon, when he was about to leave after get off work, it suddenly started to rain heavily.

Young people like Xi Feng, relying on their good health, usually don't bother to hold an umbrella as long as it doesn't rain heavily, let alone carry an umbrella with them.

He stood at the door of the company, thinking about the possibility of taking a taxi.

It was already off-duty time, and seeing a group of ladies scrambling for the few empty taxis around him, he suddenly felt embarrassed, and decided to run to the bus station in the rain just like that.

When he just took a step and ran a short distance, a car stopped beside him, the window was pushed down, revealing He Yunsheng's fair face inside, and asked him, "Do you want to give you a ride?"

Xi Feng stopped immediately and said happily, "Okay, thank you."

He is an informal man, upon hearing He Yunsheng's invitation, he opened the car door and sat in, stepping on the clean carpet inside.

He Yunsheng just glanced at it and didn't say anything.

Xi Feng wiped the water from his hair with his hand, then shook it carelessly.

The rain shook He Yunsheng's face, and he silently stretched out his hand to pull a tissue, handed it to Xi Feng first, and then pulled another tissue to wipe his face.

Xi Feng didn't notice these small details, he said to He Yunsheng: "Just send me to the bus stop in front."

But He Yunsheng asked him, "Where do you live?"

Xi Feng said the address casually.

He Yunsheng was silent for a while, as if he was calculating the route, and then said: "It's okay, it's still on the way, I'll take you back."

Xi Feng was very happy immediately, but he still declined and said, "No need, what's the point of this?"

He Yunsheng replied flatly: "It's okay."

Along the way, Xi Feng was chatting with He Yunsheng. The company is so big that he had no contact with many people. He didn't know who He Yunsheng was at first.

It wasn't until he heard that the other party was the head of the finance department that he realized that this man was his superior. Immediately, it was inevitable to restrain himself a little.

However, He Yunsheng didn't seem to care much about these things, and he was still chatting with Xi Feng quite flatly.

When getting out of the car, Xi Feng patted He Yunsheng on the shoulder and said, "Thank you, Director He."

He Yunsheng smiled and said nothing.

And until that day passed, Xi Feng didn't realize that the day he first joined the company, the rumored gay finance director was He Yunsheng.

Xi Feng is tall and handsome, with a hearty personality. Such a young man can enjoy himself everywhere. Although he has only been in the company for a short period of time, he has already become a very popular existence.

But the only bad point is probably that it is a little frizzy and not solid enough.

One day in early July, Xi Feng lost a document that the department wanted to hand over to the board of directors. He stored that file in his computer, but the hard disk failed and couldn't recover, so he couldn't find that file.

There is no other way to submit materials for the meeting tomorrow except to work overtime tonight. Fortunately, the original data material required for the document is still available.

Xi Feng, who was so tall, stood in front of the desk of the department head and bowed his head to apologize.

Naturally, the supervisor scolded him a few words and asked him to stay and work overtime tonight, even if he stayed up all night, he had to drive out the documents.

When it was off-duty time, the entire department was gone, and Xi Feng was the only one left in the big office.

He was so immersed in his work in front of the computer that he didn't even bother to eat dinner, thinking that if he could finish it in the first half of the night, he could at least go home and sleep.

However, at eight or nine o'clock, Xi Feng felt so hungry that he couldn't concentrate on his work. Feeling helpless, he stood up and searched around for a takeaway phone but couldn't find it, so he could only walk outside with the key, ready to eat something.

In the elevator going downstairs, Xi Feng ran into He Yunsheng.

Xi Feng has a familiar temperament, the last time He Yunsheng sent him home, he naturally regarded him as a familiar friend. On the way to the first floor by elevator, he kept complaining. Of course, he mainly complained about his carelessness, and then said that he would have to work overtime one night, which caused him a headache.

He Yunsheng silently heard the first floor, and suddenly said to him: "Why don't you go back to work overtime first, and I'll buy you something to eat."

Xi Feng was taken aback, "Aren't you going back?"

He Yunsheng spread his hands helplessly, he didn't bring anything with him, how could he go back? "I'm also going to buy some supper, and I'm going to work overtime tonight."

Xi Feng laughed immediately when he heard the words: "Thank you so much, Director He."

He was not polite to He Yunsheng at all, thinking in his heart that there was no air-conditioning outside the company, and he was sweating all over after walking for a while, so it was really good not to have to go out now.

After returning to the office and continuing to work overtime for a while, Xi Feng heard footsteps coming in this direction.

At this time, there were almost no people in the company, and the surroundings were very quiet, so the sound of He Yunsheng's footsteps was very clear.

Listening to Xi Feng, he felt that his footsteps were quite characteristic, not rushing, and walking very steadily with every step.

He Yunsheng walked into Xifeng's office, and put the lunch box he bought next to his desk.

Xi Feng quickly thanked him, and at the same time pulled the chair beside him to invite him to sit.

He Yunsheng was stunned for a moment, and said in his hoarse voice: "No, I'm going back to the office first."

Xi Feng said: "Anyway, you have to eat first, let's sit down and eat together, let's chat."

He Yunsheng seemed to be hesitant.

Xi Feng simply stood up and sat down on the chair while pressing his shoulders.

He Yunsheng was not good at dealing with such a strong personality, he felt embarrassed when he sat down and had to get up and leave, so he reached out and took out his lunch box from his pocket.

While eating, Xi Feng asked He Yunsheng: "Director He also works overtime?"

"Well," He Yunsheng ate slowly, and replied, "There is a document that has not been finished."

"Write it yourself?" Xi Feng was a little surprised.

This time He Yunsheng just said "hmm" and didn't say much.

Xi Feng sighed, "Director He is really doing his best for the company."

He Yun fell silent.

After eating, He Yunsheng went back to his office.

Xi Feng continued to work overtime until around twelve o'clock in the evening, and finally finished the work at hand.

Stretching, when Xi Feng stood up, he suddenly felt that he was quite lucky, at least if he went out at this time, he could take the car home and sleep comfortably.

When taking the elevator downstairs, Xi Feng ran into He Yunsheng again.

He Yunsheng was also taken aback for a moment, and nodded to Xi Feng.

Xi Feng was actually very happy. When he saw He Yunsheng, he thought that it would be best if He Yunsheng could give him a ride, but he was too embarrassed to say such a thing, so he approached the elevator thinking in his heart, Thinking about how to hint later.

He Yunsheng was obviously going to the parking lot to pick up his car. Xi Feng noticed that he had pressed the elevator on the lower floor, so he said, "It's dangerous to go to the parking lot alone at such a late hour? I'll go with you."

He Yunsheng hesitated, and replied: "I'm a man, it doesn't matter much."

Xi Feng said: "Who knows if there was any robbery? It's hard to say about places like the underground parking lot. It's okay, just take it as thank you for inviting me to eat, and I'll take your car to the street corner to take a taxi later."

He Yunsheng heard what he said, so he had no choice but to say: "It's too late to take a taxi, I'd better take you back."

Hearing this, Xi Feng suddenly shouldered He Yunsheng with his shoulder, and said, "Director He is too polite, what a shame."

He Yunsheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but seeing Xi Feng's straightforward speech, he couldn't say anything more, so he just said, "You're welcome."

They took the elevator to the underground parking lot to pick up the car. The floor mats in He Yunsheng's car had been replaced with new ones. Of course, Xi Feng couldn't notice these details. He worked overtime all night, and by this time he was so tired that he fell asleep as soon as he leaned his head back on the chair.

When the car drove downstairs to Xi Feng's house, He Yunsheng pushed him awake and said, "Here we are."

Xi Feng woke up with a start, sat up straight all of a sudden, then was stunned for a short while, and finally said: "It's here, thank you, Director He."

He Yunsheng replied, "You're welcome."

Xi Feng smiled, and said to He Yunsheng before getting out of the car: "I'll treat you to dinner next time."

This time, I had to wait almost half a year for the next time.

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