When Everyone Thinks You Have a Crush

Chapter 10


Xi Feng went back to the banquet hall and told Xu Qing that he had to leave first.

Xu Qing looked at him inexplicably, "Why are you in such a hurry? Haven't you eaten yet?"

Xi Feng couldn't go into details, so he just said vaguely: "My friend has something to ask me, you can eat first, we will call later." After finishing speaking, he didn't listen to what Xu Qing said, turned around and ran outside.

Xu Qing was simmering with fire in his heart but couldn't express it in front of his colleagues, so he could only watch Xi Feng leave, vacating a seat beside him.

Xi Feng hurried out from the gate of the restaurant and saw He Yunsheng's car was already waiting for him by the side of the road, so he ran over and opened the door to sit in the co-pilot.

He Yunsheng said apologetically, "I'm sorry to delay your meal."

While fastening his seat belt, Xi Feng said, "It's okay."

He Yunsheng sighed secretly and started the car.

Because it was the weekend and it was lunch time, there were not many cars in the urban area, so He Yunsheng drove for half an hour to reach their destination.

Parked the car outside the gate of the community, He Yunsheng and Xi Feng got out of the car and walked inside.

Xi Feng remained silent along the way, and He Yunsheng remained silent until they arrived at Xu Fengjie's parents' home. After Xu Fengjie divorced, he moved out alone, and later committed suicide, and has been living in his parents' house ever since.

It was Xu Fengjie's mother who opened the door for them. The old lady already knew that He Yunsheng was coming, so she invited them in with a rare kind attitude.

The old lady walked to the door of a room, knocked on the door, and said, "Feng Jie, He Yunsheng has come to see you." After speaking, she opened the door directly and stood at the door to let He Yunsheng and the others in.

He Yunsheng walked ahead and stopped to wait for Xi Feng when he was standing at the door.

Xi Feng followed immediately. He couldn't restrain his curiosity and looked inside the door, wanting to see clearly what kind of person Xu Fengjie was.

However, when he walked to the door, he found that He Yunsheng suddenly held his hand.

Xi Feng was a little dazed at the time, as if he had never held hands with a man since he was an adult. He Yunsheng's hands were not as soft as a woman's, but clean and strong, with slender fingers and slightly dry skin.

He subconsciously rubbed the back of the opponent's hand with his fingertips, and He Yunsheng looked at him inexplicably.

Only then did Xi Feng recover from his trance.

He Yunsheng took his hand and walked in. Xi Feng saw that it was a bedroom with simple furnishings. There was a man lying on the bed in the middle. After seeing them, he supported himself and sat up.

Xi Feng looked at the other party.

Xu Fengjie looked a little haggard, maybe because of depression, he looked thin and pale. Even so, it can still be seen that the other party has a tall frame and handsome features. He should be a very outstanding man. Xi Feng has always been quite confident about his appearance, until now he feels that he may not be better than the other party.

Xi Feng stared at him in a daze. Whether it was He Yunsheng or Xu Fengjie, they completely overturned his impression of the homosexual group. He originally thought that they should all be a group of shy and feminine men.

However, He Yunsheng walked up to Xu Fengjie, and said calmly: "Let me introduce first, this is my senior from the university—Xu Fengjie; this is my boyfriend—Xi Feng."

Xi Feng pretended to be steady and nodded towards Xu Fengjie.

But Xu Fengjie's expression became even more gloomy. When he didn't ask more about Xi Feng, he just said to He Yunsheng: "Can I have a few words with you alone?"

He Yunsheng hesitated a little when he heard the words, then turned to Xi Feng and said, "Can you wait for me outside?"

Xi Feng suddenly became nervous, he didn't want to leave He Yunsheng to talk to Xu Fengjie alone, he was always worried that He Yunsheng's remaining affection for him would be rekindled after being begged by the other party for a few words.

He grabbed He Yunsheng's hand and didn't let go.

He Yunsheng looked at him strangely, "Xi Feng?"

Xi Feng knew that he was not He Yunsheng's real boyfriend, otherwise he could have refused to let He Yunsheng stay and talk to Xu Fengjie alone, and now he does not have this right. In the end, he could only let go and say, "I'll wait for you outside."

He left Xu Fengjie's room, He Yunsheng closed the door from the inside, so he had no choice but to go to the sofa and sit down.

After a while, Xu Fengjie's mother poured him a cup of tea and put it on the coffee table.

Looking at the old lady's wrinkled hands and haggard face, Xi Feng suddenly thought of his mother, and his heart twitched for no reason. He felt that the old lady was very pitiful, not only the old lady was pitiful, Xu Fengjie was also pitiful, if Xu Fengjie hadn't been a homosexual from the beginning, if Xu Fengjie had been willing to live a good life after getting married and stop making troubles, then the family wouldn't have become like this.

He waited outside for about twenty minutes, his heart was extremely impatient, but he couldn't express it.

After a while, He Yunsheng pushed open the door and came out, meeting the expectant eyes of the old lady. He didn't say anything, but said: "We're leaving, I won't see him again."

The old lady ignored He Yunsheng and hurried into Xu Fengjie's bedroom to see how he was doing.

He Yunsheng and Xi Feng came out of Xu Fengjie's house one after the other, and they didn't speak when they got into the elevator.

Later, when he got into the car, Xi Feng asked him: "Have you made it clear to him?"

He Yunsheng looked at the rearview mirror and reversed the car, "I said that I am very happy now, I hope he will not disturb me."

Xi Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, but after a while he couldn't help asking again: "Do you think he really gave up?"

He Yunsheng replied: "I don't know if he gave up. Anyway, I gave up a long time ago. I won't force myself to be with someone I don't love. Even if he threatens me with death, it's useless."

When He Yunsheng said this, his face was expressionless, but Xi Feng felt a little uncomfortable.

After driving the car for a while, He Yunsheng seemed to come back to his senses suddenly, and asked Xi Feng: "Do you want to go back? Your girlfriend seems to be still over there, right? Shall I take you to the wedding banquet?"

Xi Feng quickly said: "No need, I told her that I won't go back in the afternoon, let's find a place to eat first."

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, Xu Qing called.

Xi Feng turned his head to answer the phone in a low voice, and when Xu Qing asked him where he had been, he told him to go back quickly, and said, "I'm not done with my work, you can play cards with your colleagues this afternoon."

Xu Qing said a few words to him, and hung up the phone angrily.

He Yunsheng could guess who he was talking to, opened his mouth hesitantly, but finally said nothing, because he felt that he had no position to meddle in Xifeng's business.

Later, He Yunsheng said that Xi Feng's meal was delayed because of his business, so he invited him to this meal. After thinking for a long time, Xi Feng pointed to a western restaurant quite far away, where both food and afternoon tea were served, so that he could have dinner with him. He Yunsheng sat together for a while longer.

As a result, He Yunsheng was stuck in traffic on the road there for a while, and when he arrived at his destination, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Sitting down in a secluded corner of the restaurant, one person ordered a meal.

Xi Feng was so big, his chest was pressed to his back with hunger by this time, but he was still very satisfied with staying in the car with He Yunsheng for so long.

After sitting down for a while without saying anything, Xi Feng said, "I think Xu Fengjie looks so pitiful."

He Yunsheng took a lemonade and glanced at him.

In fact, Xi Feng didn't think too carefully about what he wanted to say, he just wanted to have a few more words with He Yunsheng, and then said, "Have you ever thought about the feelings of an old man?"

He Yunsheng took a deep breath, as if suppressing something, he put the glass water cup on the table, and said, "I understand that he considered the old man's feelings and chose to break up. I didn't pester him."

Xi Feng said: "That's not what I mean. I mean, since he can marry a wife and have children, so can you. Why do you have to be gay and let others point fingers at you."

He Yunsheng couldn't hold back a sneer, "Do you think I should find a woman to cheat marriage?"

Xi Feng was taken aback by what he said, and he thought about his words, "This can't be called a fraudulent marriage, you see, so many people who get married get married when they reach the age and feel that they are suitable for each other. Can't you say that I don't love that woman enough, that my marriage to her is a fraudulent marriage?"

He Yunsheng squeezed the glass firmly with his fingers. If he hadn't known that Xi Feng always speaks and does things without thinking, otherwise a glass of lemonade would have been poured on his face at this time. He said, "I'm different from you. I can't be hard on a woman, and I can't give my wife a complete family even if I get married, and no matter how good I am to her, it will be a kind of deception, and I won't get married."

Xi Feng looked gloomy and said, "Then when you get old, you won't have a family or children. Isn't it pitiful to be alone?"

He Yunsheng looked at him for a long time, and said in a cold voice: "Thank you for your concern."

But Xi Feng really cared about He Yunsheng, and even felt sad for the miserable old age he imagined for He Yunsheng, he didn't want He Yunsheng to become like that. He said: "I don't know about your group, but I still think this is wrong. You are too selfish, why don't you think about those who care about you."

He Yunsheng leaned back, he breathed heavily to calm down, felt that he was about to be laughed out of anger, and finally said: "You don't need to understand if you don't understand, this is everyone's choice of their own life, not to marry a wife and have children It’s not selfish anymore. The result of being worthy of my parents is being sorry for myself and my innocent wife. My sexual orientation is innate, and I can’t be pursued to be perfect.”

Xi Feng clasped his hands in front of him, and said, "Maybe it can be changed."

He Yunsheng suddenly felt that he had nothing to say to him.

Xi Feng still didn't give up: "Why don't you try to find a girlfriend?"

He Yunsheng looked at him, sighed weakly, and said, "Since you are full of curiosity about our group, then I will take you to have a look."

The two of them ate and sat in the restaurant for a while, He Yunsheng asked Xi Feng to get into his car.

Xi Feng was a little nervous, "Where are we going?"

He Yunsheng said: "Go to my friend's bar."

Xi Feng immediately understood that the bar He Yunsheng was talking about should be gay. He had never been to that kind of place, so he couldn't help asking He Yunsheng: "Do you often go there?"

He Yunsheng shook his head, "I don't go often, I go to drink occasionally."

Xi Feng had drank with He Yunsheng before, and he knew that He Yunsheng drank very sparingly. Now when he heard that he said to go to the bar, he asked, "Do you drink a lot?"

He Yunsheng glanced at him, "What do you want to ask?"

Xi Feng hesitated and couldn't understand, he just felt that the circle was quite chaotic, and he didn't know if He Yunsheng went to the bar to drink, would he also have a one-night stand or something.

But he couldn't ask these questions.

Since he didn't ask, He Yunsheng naturally didn't want to say anything, so he remained silent and concentrated on driving.

The bar is opened by He Yunsheng's friend, he doesn't come often, but the waiters and bartenders know him. It was still early when they arrived, so He Yunsheng found a secluded corner and sat down with Xi Feng, and ordered two more bottles of beer at will.

On the small stage of the bar, someone was playing a guitar and singing. He Yunsheng folded his arms in front of his chest, and leaned against the back of the sofa chair to concentrate on listening to the song.

Xi Feng also sat silently, looking at the people who came in from the gate of the bar from time to time.

The later the time, the more people there were in the bar. The person who was originally singing on the stage went down and was replaced by a woman in a low-cut long skirt. She stood in front of the microphone and sang the first sentence. Xi Feng didn't realize it. This is not a woman at all, but a man in women's clothing.

The seats in the bar were all taken, and there were still many people standing or sitting in front of the bar. There were men and women here, but Xi Feng didn't know how many of them were men dressed as women, because he also saw a few pairs of les, Obviously they are all young and beautiful women, but it is uncomfortable to look at them hugging each other.

Xi Feng noticed that someone was looking in their direction, and suddenly felt uncomfortable. He turned his head to look at He Yunsheng, only to find that he was drinking heavily with a bottle.

After He Yunsheng finished drinking a bottle, he raised his hand and asked the waiter to bring another bottle.

Xi Feng was stunned, he grabbed He Yunsheng's hand, "Why are you drinking so much?"

He Yunsheng glanced at him and threw away his hand, but the look in his eyes just now was a little bored and impetuous.

Xi Feng realized that He Yunsheng was not in a good mood, maybe he was already in a bad mood when he came out of Xu Fengjie today, but his good self-cultivation kept him from showing it. It wasn't until now that He Yunsheng was sitting in the bar, under the dim and misty environment, that he started to pick up the wine bottle and drink himself.

The beer was not completely swallowed, and the liquid slid down his jaw and onto his fair neck, leaving a trail of light.

Xi Feng noticed a tall man looking at He Yunsheng, and then walking towards them with a wine glass in his hand, he grabbed He Yunsheng's wrist anxiously and said, "Stop drinking, how are you going to drive back later?"

He Yunsheng said irritably: "I will take care of myself, if you don't like this place, go first."

Listening to his impatient tone, Xi Feng realized that he was already half drunk.

At this time, the tall man had already walked to their table, shaking the wine glass in his hand and shouting, "Yunsheng."

Xi Feng was taken aback, while He Yunsheng looked up, then sat up with support, "Brother Cong?"

The man's name was Cong Yu, and he was the friend He Yunsheng had mentioned, the owner of the bar. He used to come out of the same school as He Yunsheng and Xu Fengjie, and he watched them from the time they met each other until they finally broke up.

Cong Yu sat down on the sofa, put the wine glass on the table, and said to He Yunsheng, "Drink from a glass."

He Yunsheng looked at him and smiled.

Cong Yu raised his jaw in the direction of Xi Feng, "Friend?"

He Yunsheng said: "Colleagues from the company."

Xi Feng didn't expect that he was not even considered a friend with He Yunsheng, but just a colleague in the company, and suddenly felt blocked.

But He Yunsheng didn't care about that, he just said to Cong Yu: "I went to see Xu Fengjie today."

Cong Yu sighed and said, "I went to see him before, and he is really not very good."

Xi Feng took a sip of the wine bottle sullenly, stood up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom." He really didn't want to sit there and listen to He Yunsheng telling people about his previous relationship entanglements, but he felt uncomfortable just letting him go. Not reconciled, what exactly is not reconciled, Xi Feng himself can't figure it out.

He grabbed the waiter on the way and asked the direction of the bathroom. When he went to open the door of the men's room, he saw a woman in a skirt coming out, and he was so frightened that he leaned against the door.

As a result, the woman walked up to him and gave a rough laugh, and touched his chest, and he realized that it was a man.

The man in the skirt and the wig said to him, "Brother, buy me a drink."

Xi Feng felt sick immediately, he pushed the man away and said, "Go away!" Then he walked into the bathroom, hesitated in front of the urinal, and finally went to the cubicle and locked the door.

He stood in front of the toilet, thinking about the mess of people in this bar, just feeling bad. Just like the man who touched him just now, he wished he could punch him home. If a man doesn't behave well, what kind of woman is he wearing a skirt

Xi Feng stood for a long time to suppress his anger, opened the zipper to urinate, and made a decision the moment he finished urinating, he wants to go back now and take He Yunsheng away. This kind of environment is really not suitable for He Yunsheng. In his memory, He Yunsheng has always been a clean and decent man, he shouldn't be so depraved.

He strode out from the bathroom, ignoring all the ghosts and ghosts who accosted him along the way, but his full momentum withered when he saw Cong Yu put He Yunsheng's shoulder. He thought that since Cong Yu was gay, he must be gay too. Now that He Yunsheng is alone, there is no guarantee that he will not have any ambiguity with the development of this Cong.

He Yunsheng was still drinking heavily, and even Cong Yu started grabbing his cup and told him not to drink.

Xi Feng walked over and softly called out, "He Yunsheng?"

Seeing him coming, Cong Yu helped He Yunsheng to stand up and said, "You are his colleague, can I trouble you to take him home? He drank too much, it is best not to let him drink any more."

Xi Feng also had this intention, and hurriedly stepped forward to support He Yunsheng, and said, "I'll take him away now."

He Yunsheng pushed him and said, "Brother Cong, I'm fine, I know what I'm doing."

Cong Yu looked a little helpless, and he said to Xi Feng: "Yun Sheng doesn't hold a lot of alcohol, but he can still speak clearly now, and he probably won't be able to do it once he gets out of this door. It's better not to let him drink any more."

Xi Feng then said: "I also want to tell him not to drink, I will send him home."

Cong Yu nodded, and called the driver first. Sure enough, as he said, while waiting for the substitute driver, He Yunsheng became more and more drunk.

When the substitute driver arrived, Cong Yu helped Xi Feng help He Yunsheng out together, and told the substitute driver the address of He Yunsheng's home, then bent down and said to Xi Feng who was sitting in the back seat: "Be careful on the road, sorry for the trouble. "

Xi Feng put his arm around He Yunsheng's waist and said, "Don't worry, leave it to me, I will definitely send him home."

He Yunsheng, who was drunk, was not noisy, but quietly rested his head on Xi Feng's shoulder to sleep.

Afraid that his glasses would pop out, Xi Feng first reached out to help him take them off, and then used his fingers to brush the somewhat messy hair on his cheeks.

People in their thirties, how come they look like a child when they are drunk? While staring at He Yunsheng's face in a daze, Xi Feng thought to himself.

The driver on behalf of them took them safely to the parking lot of the community where He Yunsheng lived. Xi Feng got out of the car and paid the money. After the driver returned the car keys to him and left, he went to the back seat to wake He Yunsheng up.

He Yunsheng was not so drunk that he passed out, he opened his eyes and asked in a daze, "Who are you?"

Xi Feng was a little injured, and thinking that he didn't have to argue with a drunk, he simply hugged him out of the car because of his strength.