When the evil heroine has the ability to read minds

Chapter 14: Erha is evil


Xiang Yu looked pale, endured the pain in his chest, and walked into the Zhenguo Duke's Mansion with a frown.

Could it be that she really wanted to write to the Seventh Prince and ask for a copy

But even if she writes it, the Seventh Prince may not be able to understand it!

If it is written in traditional Chinese characters, then she still has to learn it!

The point is, who can teach her

At this time, Xiang Yu just wants to say something to the girls and men who are really traveling through time or want to travel through time:

Be careful when crossing and remember to use hair tonic.

Just when Xiang Yu was thinking about writing a book for the Seventh Prince, a man with flowing hair came to Xiang Yu.

Before Xiang Yu could dodge, he was thrown to the ground by the hairy thing.

Xiang Yu came back to her senses and looked at the furry thing crawling on her body.


Although the evil evil spirit is sometimes bullied because of its wanderings, so its face often shows scary expressions, and it looks scary, but it has never really hurt anyone. It mostly uses its ferocious appearance to intimidate others, and the person who intimidates the most is naturally Xiangxuan.

The only time it bit someone seriously was when a group of villains took a fancy to the original owner's beauty and planned to taint the original owner.

Although the original owner knew martial arts, a weak woman could not defeat a group of strong men, so the group of strong men injured the original owner and dragged her into a corner.

Just when the group of evil men were about to take off their pants and desecrate the original owner, the evil men rushed directly into the group of strong men and protected the original owner tightly behind them.

The group of evil men saw that the evil spirit was a bit fierce, so they all took out the knives hidden in their waists.

The original owner's training of the evil spirits was not in vain. In the end, the evil spirits bit several of the evil men.

The villain looked at the long knife marks left on his legs and face, as well as many long and short knife marks on his back and abdomen. However, he still protected the original owner well behind him. He looked at them with a fierce look, as if he planned to fight with them. They were desperately trying to give up, and they all fled with injuries.

After watching all the evil men disappear from its sight, the evil evil walked to the original owner with wounds all over his body, licked the back of the original owner's hand and the tears on the original owner's cheek, and fainted in a pool of blood.

The original owner looked at the evil evil in the pool of blood. Instead of crying, he wiped the tears from his face and walked several streets with the evil evil to find the best doctor in the capital.

When he arrived at the doctor's place, the original owner's eyes were red and he was sweating profusely. His jade-like face was covered with clots of blood, and his white skirt was stained with bright red blood.

The evil spirit is the original owner's favorite in the world.

Xiang Yu lowered his eyes and felt his heart aching as he looked at the knife marks from head to mouth of the evil spirit. It must have been extremely painful when it was injured.

But that distressed feeling disappeared without a trace the moment Erha raised his head and looked at Xiang Yu.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Logically speaking, at such a tragic moment, Xiang Yu shouldn't laugh, but looking at Erha's innocent and inexplicable cute expression in front of him, coupled with the knife marks that seemed to have gone through the vicissitudes of the world.

The serious sense of disharmony really made Xiang Yu couldn't help but laugh.

Erhahanhan happily licked Xiangyu's smiling cheek, making Xiangyu itchy. Xiangyu put his hands on the head of the evil evil and ravaged the soft fur of the evil evil vigorously. He was so unhappy.

"Miss, you'd better let the evil spirit go!"

Xiang Yu heard this and looked up at the maid who stopped the servant.

The second aunt's confidant is Xiaoqiao.

This Xiaoqiao is the dowry wife of the second concubine Jiang's wife. Jiang's successful move into the Duke's Mansion in this town is indispensable without the help of her dowry maid.

The original owner's mother was born prematurely because of this little thing.

Xiaoqiao disguised herself as a maid from the Zhenguo Palace and infiltrated into the Zhenguo Palace. She took advantage of the fact that no one was around to tell Yu You about Yun's and Xiangyuan's affairs.

Yu You would not easily believe a servant's words, so she planned to question Xiang Yuan face to face, but when she turned to leave, she was pushed down by Xiao Qiao.

When Yu You was found, she had lost too much blood. Finally, Yu You used her last breath to give birth to Xiang Yu.

When she died, Xiangyuan was lingering with the Yuan family.

Xiaoqiao's eyebrows were raised higher than Xiang Yu's, and she walked towards Xiang Yu with her arms crossed: "The second lady ordered Fugui to kill this vicious dog. Miss, you'd better not stop Fugui. Otherwise, you will be angry. Second Aunt, let’s see how you explain.”

[Why is this brainless bitch here! The bitch dared to ruin the second lady's good deeds. If I had known earlier, I should have pushed harder to prevent her from being stillborn and causing harm to others!]

Xiang Yu: You don’t have an antenna, so I can’t explain it to you.

If I have to find a reason, it’s: She’s so bad, and the system likes her so much~

The system, which had not shown its face for a long time, finally spoke.


After Xiaoqiao finished speaking, she was stunned when she saw that Xiang Yu didn't look angry at all.

[On normal days, if she spoke like this, this bitch would definitely scold her directly on the spot. Why is she so calm today? !]

Xiang Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Could this Xiaoqiao be a jerk

It's not that Our Lady in Xiangyu costume wants to forgive Xiaoqiao at this time, it's just that why should she talk so fast with a maid whose words have no weight.

Xiangyu glanced at Xiaoqiao.

She has short hands when taking others, but weak hands when eating others, not to mention that she is occupying other people's bodies.

Now that she has become Xiang Yu, Xiaoqiao and Jiang must be punished for what they did to Yu You!

Xiaoqiao was so stared at by Xiang Yu that cold sweat broke out on her back.

[The look in this crazy woman’s eyes is so sudden and scary?]

Not long after Xiaoqiao finished speaking, a strong man with a painful expression walked over to them, covering his bleeding arm.

Xiang Yu immediately turned his eyes to Fugui who came forward, and frowned at the wound on Fugui's hand.

One look at the wound revealed that it was bitten by an evil spirit. Xiang Yu immediately lowered his head and looked at the evil spirit.

Did the evil spirit bite someone? !

This Jiang family is already vicious to the core, but he didn't find a good opportunity to deal with the evil spirit. This time Jiang will definitely stick to the evil evil that hurts people, and punish the evil evil to death.

In order to prevent Jiang from finding a reason to deal with the evil evil, she was afraid that she would take the initiative to punish the evil evil herself!

Xiang Yu just opened his mouth and was about to curse.

The evil spirit directly showed his extremely aggrieved expression, "I was so scared at that time."

Xiang Yu looked at the evil evil with the words "big grievance" written on its face and the clearly visible footprints on the evil evil's belly, and she swallowed back the words she cursed at it.

Xiang Yu put down the evil spirit in his eyes that were filled with grievance at this time, stood up, looked at Xiao Cui and asked with a cold tone: "How can my lady's dog be killed just as the second aunt said?"

Spread flowers ~ Luoluo’s love rival Erha is online

(End of chapter)