When the evil heroine has the ability to read minds

Chapter 16: Is Miss Xiang thinking about me?


Xiang Yu looked at his grandmother Yunshi very calmly.

In the official family, interests come first.

Yu You was the apple of the Prime Minister's eye. On the day she got married, the Prime Minister wanted to empty out the Prime Minister's Palace just so that his daughter could not suffer in the Xiang family, which was too poor to take the blame.

It would be another story if the short-term prime minister knew that all the dowry had been appropriated and used up after his precious daughter died.

Yu You died when Xiang Yu was born, so no one ever mentioned Yu You's dowry to Xiang Yu.

When Yun heard this, the look on her face immediately became extremely embarrassing. After all, she had been a family member for many years and naturally understood the power of this. She suppressed the anger in her heart and said, "It's just a dog."

The second aunt, Jiang Shi, immediately became unhappy when she heard this. She was about to speak, but she received a look from her grandmother Yun Shi and shut her mouth.

Grandmother Yunshi finished glaring at Jiangshi and looked at Xiangyu's lukewarm expression. She became very angry and said, "Since you have no sense of shame, I will punish you for a day while kneeling in the ancestral hall while copying the "Girl's Ring"!"

As soon as he finished speaking to Xiang Yu, he immediately looked at Xiao Cui: "No one is allowed to give her food during this period. If that cheap maid dares to give it to her, she will be punished with a cane of 30!"

"Thank you grandma, Yu'er will go down and copy right now." Xiang Yu smiled and saluted, immediately stepped back and left the Shura field.

Grandma looked at Xiang Yu's back as he left gracefully, and the wrinkles on his face became even tighter.

[What happened to this girl today? On weekdays, as long as she mentioned not being given food, she would give in.]

Naturally, he wants to restore his vicious image and strive to become a good young man during the May Fourth Movement!

After the original owner experienced the days of being locked up in a small dark room without food, eating was definitely very important to the original owner.

This aspect is quite similar to her.

After all, who in this world can resist the fragrant, soft and glutinous rice

Thinking of this, Xiang Yu suddenly felt as if, as if, seemed, or maybe heard his stomach growling.

In front of the ancestral hall.

She touched the place where she was hit, and the pain crept up to her head as soon as she touched it slightly.

It must be swollen again.

Today, she heard the abuse of her by the servants and the attitude of the old lady, Duke Zhen and others towards her. Xiang Yu felt that it might be difficult to restore her image.

And judging from Er Yi Niang's behavior, this time she unleashes the evil spirit, she will definitely find an opportunity to take revenge on her.

Xiang Yu suddenly felt that her more important thing at this time was to leave the town's government and become self-reliant.

Although Xiang Yu was thinking about other things in his mind, the speed of copying "The Female Ring" did not slow down at all.

And compared to the pain in my arm, the hunt in three days is even more dangerous.

The original owner wanted to make rice with the prince while he was hunting.

On that night of the hunt, the original owner drugged the prince and cooked the rice with the prince. Of course, it was not the prince who cooked the rice with the original owner in the end, but the Hun prince who came to see the hunt.

Just when the emperor was worried about how to deal with this matter, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince came up with a clever plan to let Xiang Yu marry into the seventh prince's house and become his concubine. The ninth princess married the Hun prince as an apology gift.

By doing this, the emperor not only prevented the original owner from falling into the hands of the Xiongnu, but also gave the prime minister and the Duke of Zhen the face. The marriage of the ninth princess to the Xiongnu also made him and the Xiongnu in-laws.

The original owner responded to this incident by protecting his shortcomings, the prime minister, and completely severed the blood relationship with the original owner, offending the Ninth Princess, the Hun Prince and the Seventh Prince.

Because of this incident, the prince not only weakened the power of the Seventh Prince and got rid of the original owner of Brown Candy, but also received a commendation from the emperor.

What a kill and kill three birds with one stone!

But looking at the prince's attitude towards her yesterday, we knew that his highness did not listen to her rejection of him at all.

After all, she was also a sweetheart to the prince at this time.

Xiang Yu looked at her crooked face while thinking about the problem.

Each stroke was like the strokes of a twisting earthworm. She suddenly felt it hurt her eyes and rubbed her brow.

What kind of stuff is this written about

As she copied and copied, Cen Nuo's face kissing her in the sun somehow came to her mind.

The cicada-like eyelashes, the thick sharp eyebrows, the straight bridge of the nose, the sharp contours of the cheeks, and that

Seductive thin lips and slightly convex Adam's apple.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yu pursed her lips subconsciously. This Seventh Prince is really alluring. If this Seventh Prince didn't like men, he would be a girl killer.

"Miss Xiang, are you thinking about me?"

(End of chapter)