When the evil heroine has the ability to read minds

Chapter 203: The road to finding a husband is bumpy


"Thousands of miles away, I'm looking for my husband."

Xiang Yu blurted out.

"Then your husband is really lucky. After all, in this dynasty where Long Yang's kindness is not accepted, it is not easy for you to be able to never leave your husband."

Prince Baza seemed to become interested as he spoke, and asked enthusiastically: "I am very curious about the story of you and your husband. Can you tell it to me?"

Seeing Helbazha's gossiping look, Little Feather immediately screamed "Ouch!" and then lay down on the horse very weakly, having difficulty breathing.

"It's a long story."

Prince Baza immediately increased the speed of the horse slightly while ensuring that the horse moved forward smoothly. He looked at the little warrior with great excitement, his eyes full of curiosity.

Seeing that she couldn't shirk it, Xiaoyu had to give full play to her natural advantage as a writer, and said nonsense in a serious manner: "It was a dark and windy night, with dark clouds and closed moon. I accidentally fell into my brother's trick and fell into the incense of love. Feeling uncomfortable, unbearably horny and being sent to his bed."

a few moment…

Little Feather didn't expect Helbazar's heart to be so soft. She picked up a story that had already been written down in the novel world, and actually told Helbazar's eyes with tears.

The seven-foot man actually moved to tears!

In the end, Xiaoyu needed to carefully comfort him...

The young man had to give a thumbs up and say: There are not many men with such delicate emotions!

It was already dusk when Helbaza took the young warrior to the Seventh Prince's camp, and the blood-red sunset dyed most of the sky red.

Helbaza glanced at the large and small fires that were flickering in the distance, and then at the young man who was pale and lying weakly on the horse with his eyes closed.

"I'm afraid I can only send you here."

Xiang Yu's pale lips moved and thanked him.

Helbaza handed the horse's rein to the young man, and then glanced at the young man's heart-wrenchingly weak face before making sure that the young man held the reins tightly and had enough strength to ride the horse. After the Seventh Prince's camp, he stared at the little head lying on the horse.

"Little strong man, although I have not been with you for a short time, you can be regarded as a passionate and kind-hearted person. I and you can be regarded as people who have experienced death. If we are destined to meet again, I will definitely be with you. Let’s become brothers!”

Xiaoyu saw Helbaza's serious expression and couldn't laugh or cry: It's okay to be brothers if we can't be lovers.

After having a brotherly shell in love, it will not be so awkward for them to meet and get along with each other in the future.

Little Feather struggled to smile and agreed.

But she still had to find a chance to confess to Helbazar.

Helbazar showed a generous smile and patted the young man's shoulder that was not hit by the arrow.

"The little warrior and this prince must survive!"

Herbazar's dark eyes reflected the vastness, but it was unknown what kind of prairie suddenly popped out from the tender grass half a meter deep.

Helbazar slapped the little strong horse's butt hard and said with a smile.

"When the time comes, I must meet the young man's husband to see what kind of outstanding person he is and how he can make the young man risk his life and death to find his "husband"."

The young man could only pretend to be dumbfounded with a silly smile: Maybe you don’t want to see him.

The horse was in pain, carrying the young warrior and Helbazar on its back, and ran towards the camp of the Seventh Prince.

Helbaza escorted the young man until he would be discovered by patrolling soldiers if he did not dismount, and left a message: "You must survive!"

Then he jumped off the horse and ran wildly in one direction through the half-meter-high grass.

Little Feather lay on the horse and looked at Helbaza who returned to the prairie like a leopard that had unleashed its nature and ran wild on the prairie.

I don’t know what kind of charm the original owner had to make such a wild little puppy surrender.

When Xiang Yu rode his horse to the camp of the Seventh Prince, he was too weak to call out to others, so he had to give the horse a hard slap, and he and the horse rushed into the camp.

By doing this, she naturally hoped that her horse would gain some energy and rush directly into the Seventh Prince's tent by intuition, which would save a lot of trouble.

But goose…

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very rough.

As soon as her horse broke into the military camp, she was spotted by patrolling soldiers and stopped with a spear.

Her horse was so tired that the sudden sharp spears frightened her horse.

The horse was frightened and became extremely irritable. Since she was controlling the horse with one hand, she was unable to control the horse, so she just poked her head out and was thrown away by the frightened horse.

Her body was weak due to excessive blood loss, so the swing knocked her unconscious...

There was light rain falling in the bright sky.

Small raindrops hit the cheeks of a man with delicate features but bloodless lips and a pale face.

The man's curled eyelashes trembled slightly, and all the raindrops hanging on the long and curled eyelashes fell down.


The severe pain on his shoulder made Little Feather gasp before he could even open his eyes.

Xiao Yu's twisted brows relaxed slightly, and then she slowly opened her eyes, which were slightly upward-turned, like peach blossom petals, like drunken peach blossom eyes.

As far as the eye can see, there is only the muddy mud on the ground, the thick wooden stakes driven into the mud not far away, and four little legs standing outside the wooden stakes.

The raindrops hitting her face slightly blurred Little Feather's vision, making it impossible to clearly see things in the distance.

Little Feather raised her hand to wipe the rain off her face, but as soon as she raised her hand, the crisp sound of the swaying chains hitting each other rang in her ears.

She stood up suddenly from the ground and lowered her head.

Her delicate wrists and ankles were all covered with heavy iron chains.

Xiang Yu raised her hands and pinched her eyebrows, and the scenes that happened yesterday came to her mind.

She was probably kidnapped by the patrolling soldiers as an assassin, and they were waiting for her to wake up and torture her for interrogation.

Thinking about it this way, she was quite lucky and was not directly executed as an assassin.

The corner of Xiao Yuyu's mouth raised with a smile: Her journey to find a husband was really bumpy.

Little Feather raised her hand to catch a little drizzle that could wash everything clean, then held her breath and suddenly buried her head in the mud.

Little Feather twisted her face in the dirt a few times, until her face was basically covered by the dirt, then she raised it up and wiped her facial features with clean hands.

It should be difficult to recognize people like this.

Little Feather stood up, carrying the heavy iron chain, and walked towards the two soldiers standing upright outside the tall wooden stake, guarding him.

The crisp sound of the iron chains hitting Xiangyu as she walked was quickly caught by the soldiers guarding her. They quickly turned to look at the assassin in the cage.

(End of chapter)