When the evil heroine has the ability to read minds

Chapter 217: New system comes online tough penalties


After spending the past ten days together, Nurchacha also basically understood the little warrior's personality and personality, so he did not refuse Xiaoyu's request.

Nurchacha followed closely behind the young man who blended into the cheering and cheering crowd, protecting him.

When Little Feather squeezed into the front row, the two foreign princes were already on the stage and began to compete fiercely.

While Xiaoyu was watching the game in fear, the system's voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

"Hello player, System 007 is at your service."

Xiangyu asked curiously after hearing the voice that was completely different from the original system: "Are you not from my original system?"

007: "Because the previous system interceded for a player and resisted the punishment mechanism designed by the designer, it was defined as a system failure by the designer and was destroyed. Now I, 007, take over his job."

Xiang Yu's heart beat suddenly when he heard this: "Is that player me?"

007: "This is confidential, so this system cannot disclose it."

Although 007 didn't tell her, she had already guessed, who else could it be besides her

Xiang Yu's heart felt like it was being grasped hard in someone's hands.

007: "I have re-checked your progress. Although you have received most of the punishments, because you have changed the plot too much, we have to punish the player in order to maintain the basic plot in your outline."

Xiangyu knew that the day to punish herself would come sooner or later, so she was not surprised at all when she heard this sentence. The only thing that shocked her was that the system that she often harmed each other actually sacrificed for her!

She never expected that a system that was originally emotionless could do this!

Xiang Yu's heart was filled with guilt for the previous system.

007: "This system has detected that you have completely fallen in love with the villain in the book, so the punishment of this system is: kill the villain in the book with your own hands and then commit suicide."

007: "This way you can complete the mission and return to the real world."

Xiang Yu said firmly: "Impossible!"

007: "You don't have to kill the villain, but your soul will have no way to return to the real world. You can only wander in the vicious system and become a free vicious female supporting character in this system. As long as any vicious female supporting character needs a substitute or Even if you quit the strike, you will have to bear the consequences and endure the punishment of eternity."

Xiang Yu's heart suddenly stopped beating for a while, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Impossible!"

How much did it take for him and Chen Nuode to fall in love? How could she let go so easily? !

007: "Player, please think about it carefully. The villain will definitely take you back to his camp later. Before he takes you back to the camp, you can think about it during this time."

007: "If the player has not made a choice when returning to the camp, then the system will default to the player making the second choice. Punishment will be implemented directly."

Xiang Yu suddenly felt that his heart was frozen.


The eldest prince's muffled scream suddenly sounded from the ring.

The people who were watching Taisho's enthusiasm suddenly stopped cheering and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

"The second prince actually used dirty tricks?!"

Although the Huns like to compete, they also pay attention to fair and aboveboard competition! Therefore, he is very dissatisfied with the eldest prince's use of underhanded tactics!

Little Feather looked up at the ring. At this moment, there was a spear behind the Hun Prince. The ring was already surrounded by people holding spears.

Those with serious faces and spears in their hands were all pointed at the eldest prince who was kneeling on one knee.

Helbazar swung his sword to cut off the spear inserted into his body, stood up slowly from the ground, and looked at Adi, who had a victorious smile on his face.

"Brother, I thought you and I would have an open and honest showdown this time. Unexpectedly, you still used such underhanded tactics to kill me."

Herbazar's tone was surprisingly calm.

Helbach put the big knife in his hand behind his back: "A Chang, this matter was not my idea."

Hearing this, Helbazar looked up.

Not far from the ring, his father was looking at them with a gloomy face.

The audience in the audience watched this sudden scene on the stage without understanding.

A keener audience has realized that the plot against the eldest prince was clearly a well-designed conspiracy.

"I know that all the tribal leaders must be very curious as to why I would plot against my prince's father. Because...my prince's father has bewitched my father! And all this is my father's attention."


There was an uproar below the ring!

Some people have even started shouting to attack the eldest prince.

"Execute the eldest prince as a traitor! Execute the eldest prince as a traitor!"

Although there are those who crusade, there are also those who rehabilitate the prince and those who remain silent.

The crusade was because the eldest prince dared to assassinate the king he admired and recognized. The reason for being rehabilitated is because there are people who admire and accompany the Xiongnu King to conquer the current empire, and are recognized as the princess and believe in the character of the eldest prince. Silence, on the other hand, means it’s hard to interrupt because you don’t know the truth.

The originally cheerful and cheering stadium suddenly turned into a noisy and abusive place.

Xiao Yu finally understood why Xiao Nuonuo asked her not to interfere with the Hun Prince's affairs at noon.

If Xiao Nuonuo hadn't reminded her, she would have been unable to bear the thought of not intervening in Helbazar's affairs even though she knew the truth.

"Nurchacha, please take care of me and take the opportunity to go up and protect the eldest prince!"

Little Feather said to Nurchacha, who was already eager to rush forward and live and die with the eldest prince, but had to obey the eldest prince's order to protect the little strong man.

"The eldest prince needs you more than me!"

Nurcha checked the young man's permission and glanced at the young man hesitantly. After receiving the young man's affirmative permission, he held the handle of the knife at his waist and dived forward cautiously.

Xiao Fei knew that Xiao Noonuo would not deceive him. Xiao Noonuo said that he had arranged everything, so everything must be ready, so Xiao Fei began to squeeze out of the crowd.

As soon as Little Feather squeezed to the edge of the crowd, someone casually put the horse's reins into her hands.

Looking at the figure that disappeared in the crowd, Xiaoyu immediately recognized that person as the owner of "Xiangxiang".


The Hun King suddenly stood up from his seat and shouted with all his strength at the crowd of people bubbling like boiling water.

The Hun King's voice swallowed up the noisy noise of the crowd bit by bit like a ferocious beast.

The noisy crowd gradually quieted down, and they all looked at the Hun King, who no longer looked tired at all.

"I didn't expect that I, the King of the Huns, was so smart that I ended up falling into the hands of the son I raised with my own hands."

"I have already known that I was poisoned! It's just that I didn't want anyone to reveal this to me!"

"Perhaps the tribal leaders would like to ask why I want to hide all this?"

The Hun King glanced at the confused tribal leaders.

"Because I want to expose the ugly face of my son who I raised with my own hands on this grand day! Let him be ruined!!"

The crutches used by the Hun king to support his walking were pounding the ground angrily.

There was a dull loud noise on the wooden platform!

At this time, the tribal leaders who were blindly watching this sudden incident on the stage began to talk to each other with their heads down.

The people below basically believed the second prince's words because of the Hun King's remarks, and began to chant uniformly: "Execute the eldest prince! Execute the eldest prince! Execute the eldest prince!"

(End of chapter)