When the evil heroine has the ability to read minds

Chapter 219: sacrifice


Little Feather was held in Little Nuonuo's arms and sat on the horse, heading towards Little Nuonuo's camp.

All in Little Feather's mind was the scene of Helbazar being escorted away by soldiers with numerous wounds all over his body after Little Nono took back the Gu worm.

"No, are you hiding something from me?"

Xiao Yu suppressed the sadness in her heart and asked.


Little Nono had no intention of deceiving Little Feather and nodded calmly.

Xiao Yu blinked her eyes and held back the tears in her eyes.

"I did help the King of the Huns to force out the poisonous insects from his body, and I have basically determined that the owner of the poisonous insects is the eldest prince."

"Helbazha is fully prepared for this wrestling competition. If Helbazha wins this time, he will rebel and kill the King of Huns and Helbazha. Become the king. If Helbazar does not win, then he will permanently expel the prince from the steppe after the competition."

After saying that, Little Nono glanced at Little Feather, who was listening attentively and with a serious face and red eyes: "Little Feather, in fact, Herbaza has recognized you a long time ago."

Xiao Yu was shocked, and her mind flashed through every moment she spent with the Hun Prince.

Perhaps when Helbazar said to him in Xiangcheng: "Magistrate Guo, are you going to keep my prince's bodyguard?", Helbazar recognized her as his fairy sister.

It's just that he didn't want to cause her trouble, so he pretended not to recognize her, so he pretended to say to her, "Not to mention you are a man, this prince's heart already belongs to someone! It's a fairy sister." Let her stay at ease. Words around him.

Then he said to her: "This prince and you can be regarded as people who have experienced death. If we are destined to meet again, this prince will definitely become brothers with you!" There is a legitimate reason to protect her, but it will not make her feel embarrassed. beside her

Zen Nuo hugged Xiao Yu tightly, who was already stunned.

After Xiao Yu's mood calmed down a little, Cen Nuo continued.

"As soon as I returned to "Xiang Xiang" after I learned about this matter, the eldest prince was already waiting for me in "Xiang Xiang"."

"The eldest prince handed the Gu worm he raised to me and gave me something in exchange so that I could use this Gu worm to confirm his assassination of the King of the Huns on the day of the competition."


Carrying incense in the building.

Herbaza handed a large black bottle in his hand to Zenno, who was taking a nap on the second floor: "My father is such a smart and suspicious person. Wouldn't he know that he was bewitched?" Are you suspicious of my brother? So I hope you will confirm my murder of my father on the day of the competition."

Cen Nuo stared at the darkness in his hand with a frown. If he hadn't looked carefully, he wouldn't have been able to tell that there was something slowly crawling inside the bottle, so he didn't take it.

After all, compared to Helbazar ascending to the position of King of the Huns, Cennuo hoped that the man in front of him would become the King of the Huns.

"Oh? Why?"

"Compared with me, my prince's brother's attitude of trying his best to get what he wants and accepting failure if he fails is more suitable to be the king of the Huns, and is more in line with the style of the Huns. Therefore, I believe that my brother As long as I focus on commanding the Huns, the Huns will surely move towards greater glory."

"Furthermore, brother, he has always wanted to defeat me and gain my father's attention. For this reason, he can sneak into you, the seventh prince, and work as an undercover agent without fear of death. Although in the end he did not get any information from you, the seventh prince, he will also use his My heart has been lost to you, the Seventh Prince."

Helbazar smiled to himself.

"I have been escaping for so many years. I am not going to escape this time. It is time to do something."

Zennuo looked at Helbazar's serious look and took the bottle in his hand, playing with it: "Listen to the meaning of the eldest prince's words, this is to let me cultivate a bottle for You Dynasty that can be opened at any time. A big lion that swallowed up You Chao with its bloody mouth?"

"Naturally, I will not let the seventh prince help me for free. If this matter is completed, I will give you the things that were originally given to the princess of the previous dynasty by the first general of the previous dynasty."

As he spoke, the eldest prince took out a golden key and a map from his chest.

"Seventh Prince, your mother and my mother are closer than sisters. People in the previous dynasty even joked that if your mother-in-law doesn't want to get married in the future, let my prince's mother marry her."

"However, it is a pity that my mother and your mother-in-law were not able to see each other when they died. This is the regret of my mother-in-law's life, and it is also the regret of your mother-in-law's life."

"So if Concubine Yanhuang can get something from her best sister before she leaves this world, she will be very happy."

Zenno paused while playing with the bottle in his hand, and looked at the golden key and map in Herbaza's hand: "Are you negotiating terms with me now? Huh?"

Herbazar: "As the seventh prince is the richest man in Kyoto, I naturally know that the seventh prince will never do anything detrimental to me."

"So, what does the Seventh Prince think of this condition?"

Zenno glanced at the desperate Helbazar.

In fact, Helbazar himself knew that with the Seventh Prince's intelligence and methods, it would only be a matter of time before the Seventh Prince wanted to know where the box of things he mentioned was, even without the map and key in his hand.

Cen Nuo grabbed the golden key in his hand and said, "I don't like to owe others favors, so I agree to your request as a reward for saving my little feather."

When Helbazar heard the words Xiao Yu, his eyes that were smiling because the Seventh Prince agreed to his request suddenly lost their light.

"I hope the Seventh Prince will not tell Sister Fairy about this."

Zenno looked at Helbazar.

"Both the Seventh Prince and this prince know that with the fairy sister's character, if she knew all this, she would definitely persuade me and would not just watch all this happen."

The corners of Helbaza's mouth raised slightly, showing a smile: "If the fairy sister wants this prince to live, I am afraid that I will regret it and change my mind."

He dared to make this decision because the person he loved most in the world had found his own destination, and his brother had the courage to unify the Huns, so there was nothing to worry about in this world.

"This prince knows that the fairy sister trusts you, the Seventh Prince, so as long as you speak, the fairy sister will definitely trust you."

After saying this, Helbazar turned around and left without waiting for Zenno's consent.

When he opened the door, he seemed to suddenly remember something, stopped, and turned his back to Nono.

"From now on, this prince's fairy sister will be handed over to you. You must treat her well, otherwise, after my death, I will turn into a ghost and haunt you!"


(End of chapter)