When the evil heroine has the ability to read minds

Chapter 221: Extra 1 A bloody plot!


"Ah, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!!!"

The pain that spread throughout Jiang Yu's body made her curled eyelashes tremble violently.

Jiang Yu struggled to open her eyes, which even felt extremely stinging.

As soon as Jiang Yu regained some consciousness, she felt her arms were cold. She remembered that she seemed to be writing a novel and then fell asleep.

So after just sleeping, you feel like your whole body is falling apart

And this cold and faint thing couldn't be the saliva she left behind when she dreamed of a beautiful man, right

When Jiang Yu thought of that shameful scene, she suddenly opened her eyes.

There were puddles of water on top of her laptop, and her face hurt!

For writers, this computer is their life, so Jiang Yu didn't care about where the water came from, nor did she care about her body that was in pain to the point of falling apart. She peeled off the film on the computer keyboard and frantically wiped it with paper towels. , clean the tears on the keyboard.

"What kind of stunning beauty did you dream about?! How much drool did you drool on!"

After she cleaned up the water stains, she quickly checked how her computer was doing. She clicked WPS with her mouse, and the display area at the top of her computer began to load. After a while, the name of the novel she was actually writing appeared.

Jiang Yu sighed. Fortunately, she didn't press any buttons that she shouldn't have pressed while sleeping.

But when the page of the novel was loaded, Jiang Yu stared at the computer screen with wide eyes, quickly sliding the mouse down to look down.

WTF? When did I write so much

Jiang Yu quickly scanned the dense fonts on the screen.

Xiang Yu died on the battlefield, and the seventh prince carried Xiang Yu's body back to Kyoto from the border and returned to the South Campus.

Xiang Yu's body was hugged tightly under the peach tree in the south courtyard, which was hung with red ropes and had peach blossoms in full bloom.

Cen Nuo: "Little Feather, this time, I will not leave you alone in the world."

After saying that, Cen Nuo committed suicide beside Xiang Yu.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who was deliberately trying to seize the throne, lost his only competitor and naturally became the emperor.

The first thing Cen Ze did when he became emperor was to make Xiangxuan his queen.

Xiangxuan became the only male queen in the history of the Yu Dynasty!

A bolt from the blue struck Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu looked at the words "The Only Male Queen" on the screen in disbelief!

Make Xiangxuan the queen? !

Male queen? !

Although she did have the intention to form a CP with Cen Ze and Xiang Xuan at the beginning, this is still a romance novel, so why can there be a man and a woman? So she decisively dismantled the CP duck!

Jiang Yu quickly swiped back to find her heroine ending.

Crown Princess Xiangyue, who was supposed to be the queen, acted very calmly after learning the news, as if she had known all this a long time ago.

Xiangyue indeed knew all this from very early on.

If you like someone, you will always put all your thoughts on that person, and you will pay extra attention to every move of the person you like, so Xiangyue has long noticed the clues in Cen Ze's behavior towards Xiangxuan.

Cen Ze was originally a handsome young man as gentle as jade, but he later changed and was no longer the gentle young man Xiangyue knew.

Xiangyue knew that he fell in love with Xiangxuan. He wanted to marry Xiangxuan openly in this era when Long Yang's kindness was not accepted by people, so he was willing to do everything he didn't want to do for Xiangxuan, including Things that no one in the past dared to do.

Let the person you like stand by your side openly!

Xiangyue had a vague feeling from the beginning that Cen Ze didn't like her, and she directly confirmed this during the hunt. Just to stay with the person she liked, she chose to remain silent, endure, and never exposed it. That’s all.

The night before the ceremony of sealing the queen, Xiang Yu took the initiative to find Cen Ze.

That night, Xiang Yu took off all the valuable jewelry on her body, took off the gorgeous clothes that could only be worn by the princess, and wore clothes that were extremely elegant but very suitable for her cold and indifferent temperament. She refused to have the servants do anything for her. The arranged carriage required one step, two steps, or three steps from the Prince's Mansion to the palace and to Xiangxuan's side.

After that night, there was no more Crown Princess, no more Xiang Yue, the second daughter of Zhen Guo Gongfu, in the world.

In Kyoto, there is no such stunning cold beauty as the flowers on the high mountains, but in the mist-shrouded mountains, there is an exiled immortal who likes to grow flowers and is as beautiful as a picture.

The common people were stunned. In less than a year, the two beauties who were famous throughout Kyoto and even the entire Yu Dynasty became characters that could only exist in picture books.

Since ancient times, beauties have a poor life, and beauties tend to fade away easily.

Although the vicious female supporting character Xiang Yu and the villainous male protagonist Cen Nuo are dead, Jiang Yu saw that the male protagonist Cen Ze and the fourth male protagonist Xiang Xuan in her novel were together, and the female protagonist- - Xiang Yue became the biggest laughing stock of the You Dynasty, and the bloody plot where her brother took away her brother-in-law almost spurted a mouthful of Ling Xiao's blood from her mouth!

What the hell

At this moment, Jiang Yu felt ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past in her heart!

Jiang Yu continued to scroll the mouse. She wanted to see if Xiangxuan would be able to be with her brother-in-law with peace of mind after learning that she had kidnapped her sister's husband!

On the day of the empress conferment ceremony, the emperor granted pardon to the whole world, laid out red makeup for ten miles, held a banquet for all ministers, and envoys from various countries were invited to the imperial court. It was extremely luxurious and gave the queen the ultimate scenery and favor!

However, before the ceremony of conferring the queen had begun that day, the maid discovered that the queen-to-be, Xiangxuan, was missing, leaving only a letter lying on the neatly draped Fengguanxia.

The emperor opened the envelope, and there were only two sentences on the rice paper.

“Once a brother, always a brother; once a brother-in-law, always a brother-in-law.”

Two simple words clearly explained the relationship between the two. You are my brother-in-law. We can be brothers, but we can never be lovers!

Cen Ze has been pursuing someone for half his life, how could he let that person run away so easily

Cen Ze knew that in the era he lived in, it was impossible to marry Xiangxuan legitimately, so he had to sit in the position where he could make all the rules - become the emperor!

To this end, he prepared everything, marrying Xiangyue, the daughter of the Duke of Zhen, who could consolidate his position, getting rid of the prime minister who had absolute authority in speaking in the court, and finally getting rid of Cen Nuo, who competed with him for the throne.

Every step he took, everything he did, was all for the sake of marrying the beautiful smile that gave him hope of life when he was in darkness. But he never expected that in the end he would be the moon in the mirror!

Cen Ze tore up the letter in his hand and Quan You searched for Xiang Xuan.

After five days of frantic nationwide searches, Cen Ze finally got the news about Xiangxuan. It was just that Cen Ze got the news about Xiangxuan, which was more heartbreaking than not finding out the news about Xiangxuan.

Xiangxuan has become a monk with the help of an eminent monk. From then on, regardless of the mortal world, the Ancient Green Lantern Buddha will always be with me.

When Cen Ze rushed to the temple where Xiangxuan was staying, he only saw a bald sweeping monk sweeping the floor under the dazzling red maple leaf tree.


(End of chapter)