When the evil heroine has the ability to read minds

Chapter 229: Extra 9


Extra 9: In heat

Two cars entered the most luxurious community in City A one after another.

Jiang Xiangyu didn't take his eyes off the phone screen for a moment after sending the message.

She just stared at it for a while, but the other party didn't send her a message.

While Jiang Xiangyu was staring at her phone, the car she was in suddenly stopped.

Jiang Xiangyu looked at the bodyguard who was looking seriously in front of him and asked, "What's wrong?"

Bodyguard: "It's okay, miss. It's just that a new neighbor seems to be moving next door."

New neighbor

The villa next door to hers was because she was studying abroad. The couple next door were afraid that their precious son would not have a good life abroad, so they moved abroad with their son, and the villa became vacant. Later, the son found a job abroad after graduating from a foreign country, so the family simply settled abroad. They were planning to sell the villa recently, but they didn't expect it to be sold so quickly.

With this thought in mind, Jiang Xiangyu lowered the car window and looked out, wondering what his new neighbor looked like.

We will all be neighbors in the future, and the relationship between neighbors must be good. The neighbors must be a little uncomfortable when they move here, and they should also take the initiative to provide some help.

Because the family lived abroad all year round and did not regularly clean or repair the villa, the lights in the villa yard seemed to be broken, and they relied on car lights to illuminate the empty and slightly messy yard.

The Bentley slid smoothly into the parking space of the villa. After the car stopped, the rear door opened and a slender man got out of the car.

The man's hands were casually inserted into Zhihong's trouser pockets. The slim-fitting clothes outlined the man's perfect figure, and his slightly messy hair was flying freely in the evening breeze.

Even if you can't see the person's face in front, the back view is enough to make people think about it.

Soon another man came out of the man's car, and the two stood in the yard talking.

Jiang Xiangyu sat in the car that started to slide slowly, staring blankly at the soul-stirring figure.

As Jiang Xiangyu's car slid into the garage of his villa, the man's face gradually appeared in Jiang Xiangyu's sight.

Just as Jiang Xiangyu was about to see the man's face clearly, her phone suddenly rang with a WeChat notification.

Jiang Xiangyu quickly turned on his phone.

"--": Sorry, something was delayed just now.

"--": rock bamboo.

"--":my name.

Rock bamboo

Jiang Xiangyu muttered these two words in his mouth. As he read them, Jiang Xiangyu smiled at the corner of his mouth and moved his fingers quickly on the screen of his phone.

Jiang Xiangyu: He insists on not letting go of the green mountains, and his roots are still in the broken rocks. It has endured countless blows and is still strong, no matter how windy it is, whether it is east, west, north or south.

"--": Miss Jiang is indeed talented and knowledgeable, and it was taken from "Bamboo and Stone".

Jiang Xiangyu: Brother Yan deserves the award, but I just happened to think that this poem was used to praise rocks.

Jiang Xiangyu: Nowadays, people choose names very casually. It is rare to see such elegant and profound names.

After Jiang Xiangyu sent the message, her eyes kept staring at that "Miss Jiang". Although they had just met, it was not inappropriate for Yanzhu to call him Miss Jiang, but she always felt that Yanzhu calling her like this made them very uncomfortable, and she Don't like this raw feeling.

For the first time, such an idea came to Jiang Xiangyu's mind.

Although Jiang Xiangyu is not a person who likes socializing very much, she is not afraid of socializing either. So Jiang Xiangyu jumped with joy and immediately sent a message to Yanzhu.

When Jiang Xiangyu just sent a message to Yanzhu, her car was parked in the garage smoothly.

When the bodyguard got out of the car and opened the door to ask her to get out of the car, she realized that she had arrived at the door of her house, so she quickly put away her phone and looked up at the neighbor's yard.

Sure enough, the slender man was no longer in the dark yard, and the car parked in the yard had also disappeared.

Jiang Xiangyu suddenly felt lost.

After Jiang Xiangyu suddenly had this idea, he was stunned.

How could she have such thoughts? Has she been single for too long and is so horny

When you see a slightly handsome boy, do you pounce on him

All of a sudden, I had strange thoughts about the man I had been chatting with for a few words, and all of a sudden I felt lost in the sight of a man’s back!

This is simply a carefree woman!

Jiang Xiangyu immediately sent a message to Xiao Ding.

Jiang Xiangyu: Xiao Ding, come out and get beaten! It’s all your fault for talking about falling in love in my ears, which makes me go into heat right now!

Xiao Ding: hhh is in estrus? The word "Sister Jiang" should not be used carelessly.

Xiao Ding: Evil smile.jpg

Xiao Ding: Judging from Sister Jiang’s appearance, the person recommended by Xiao Ding must be in line with Sister Jiang’s taste.

Xiao Ding: Evil smile.jpg

Xiao Ding: In this case, Xiao Ding must advance the bachelor party for the sake of Sister Jiang’s happiness!

After receiving the news, Xiao Ding jumped out of bed excitedly and sent a message to his good brothers to disturb their dreams.

Jiang Xiangyu saw that she just sent a message, and Xiao Ding bombarded her with several messages without giving her a chance to speak, so she immediately sent him a long ellipsis.

Sure enough, her sweetheart was never reliable except at critical moments.


On the second day, as soon as Jiang Xiangyu got up and washed up, her WeChat notification sounded.

Who sent her a message so early in the morning

Jiang Xiangyu, who was putting on makeup, put down the brush in his hand and turned on his phone.

Yanzhu: Good morning, Xiangyu.

Good morning to Jiang Xiangyu, she felt shocked and warm in her heart.

Yesterday, she had to take a beauty sleep, so she went to bed early. Seeing that he had not recovered, she did not continue chatting with him. Who knew that as soon as she lay in bed last night, Yanzhu sent her a message? Good night message, I didn’t expect him to take the initiative to reply to me this morning.

Jiang Xiangyu quickly restored the rock bamboo.

When he heard the phone ringing, Cen Nuo, who was drinking milk, put down the milk calmly and gracefully. Looking at Jiang Xiangyu's reply to him, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Xiangyu suddenly felt that he was in a wonderful mood.

Jiang Xiangyu drove to the head office by himself.

Since this was her first time to go to the head office, the young lady at the front desk did not recognize him. As soon as she entered the company, she was stopped by the young lady at the front desk because she recognized that she was not from the company.

Fortunately, she greeted Grandpa Sun in advance last night, so after she told the young lady at the front desk her name, and after the young lady at the front desk confirmed the reservation, she did not embarrass her and immediately told her the floor where the conference room was located.

After Jiang Xiangyu thanked him, he arrived at the company's elevator under the guidance of the lady at the front desk.

As soon as Jiang Xiangyu arrived in front of the elevator, the elevator began to close slowly.

Through the gap, Jiang Xiangyu saw a man wearing casual clothes, a mask on his face, black eyes, and a black fisherman's hat with a low brim.

The man's entire face was covered tightly, and no trace of his face was exposed.

Jiang Xiangyu knew that the man must be an artist by looking at the man's fully armed appearance and the man and woman standing beside him.

As ancient culture is increasingly valued and loved by modern people, clothes that combine the beauty of ancient style with the convenience of modern clothes have become popular among the public, and this trend has gradually spread to the entertainment industry.

Nowadays, more and more stars like to go on catwalks to customize clothes with a touch of antique elements, and as a leader in this industry, their company is naturally favored by many stars. Celebrities often come to their company to have their clothes customized, so meeting celebrities is not a strange thing.

Most celebrities don't like people riding in the same elevator as them, because they are afraid that the people riding in the elevator with them will take photos and videos and post them online, causing unnecessary commotion. Therefore, most companies that often cooperate with celebrities will design elevators for celebrities.

Jiang Xiangyu raised his head and glanced at the word "passenger elevator" above the elevator.

The artist glanced at the tightly wrapped man in the elevator again.

Most of them were visiting the company for the first time, so they didn't know there was an elevator for artists in their company before they got on the passenger elevator.

In order to cause unnecessary misunderstanding, Jiang Xiangyu lowered his hand that was about to press the elevator button.

The artist wearing sunglasses raised his eyes through the black sunglasses and glanced at Jiang Xiangyu who was standing outside the elevator.

The elevator door slammed shut.

As soon as Jiang Xiangyu put down his hand, the originally closed elevator opened.

Jiang Xiangyu looked at the three people standing side by side with the word "convex" inside, and knew that they were the ones who let her in, so she said a friendly thank you and entered the elevator.

Since it was morning time for work, there were many people in the company. Therefore, many employees could not squeeze into the elevator to catch up with the peak of the crowd. Those who could not catch up with the "staff elevator" would occasionally squeeze into the "passenger elevator".

I don't know if it was a matter of luck, but there were many people who didn't squeeze into the "staff elevator" today. As soon as the elevator Jiang Xiangyu took was closed, it was opened again.

A large group of people rushed into the elevator as if they were running for their lives from a scourge.

Pushed by the crowd, Jiang Xiangyu had to step back one after another. Finally, he stopped squeezing people in until the elevator's overload light sounded.

At this time, the elevator was crowded with people. In the small elevator, the backs of those in front were almost touching the chests of those behind.

Jiang Xiangyu also clearly felt the friction between his clothes and the clothes of the man behind him.

A fragrant smell drifted into Jiang Xiangyu's nose from the man behind him.

The scent is not like men's perfume, which has three tones: front, middle and back. Instead, it has a very monotonous smell but makes people feel very comfortable when smelling it. It is more like the innate and reassuring fragrance of the person behind you. .

Jiang Xiangyu was fascinated by the smell. She felt that the smell was so familiar, as if she had smelled that smell on someone before.

Someone was really uncomfortable being squeezed and wanted to stand in a different position, so he twisted his body vigorously.

His twist was incredible, like a stone thrown into a lake as calm as a mirror, with ripples spreading outward from the point where the stone was inserted.

Jiang Xiangyu's body was pushed backwards by the ripples like a rootless duckweed.

Being pushed by the crowd like this, Jiang Xiangyu's body was bound to hit the chest of the man behind him hard.

She had to do something to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Jiang Xiangyu reacted quickly and turned around while being forced backwards. Just when the two were about to collide again, Jiang Xiangyu suddenly pressed his hand next to the tightly wrapped man's ear.

The artist wearing a fisherman's hat was slapped on the wall by Jiang Xiang.

The two people standing next to their artists stared at this scene in disbelief.

Their artist was banged against the wall by a girl in the elevator? !

And their artist is not angry yet

They clearly remember that due to plot requirements, their artist wanted to film an intimate scene with physical contact with a female artist. Their artist directly refused and even complained about the female artist filming with him until she cried and went to the director to complain. Never do any scenes with physical contact with him again!

If they hadn't seen this scene with their own eyes, they would rather be beaten to death than believe that this scene was real!

The man in the bucket hat looked down at his woman.

Jiang Xiangyu immediately realized that his action was inappropriate, so he quickly took his hand back.

"I'm sorry. The situation forced me to do this to you."

Just as Jiang Xiangyu withdrew her hand, another wave of fierce impact hit her, and this time it was even more fierce. Jiang Xiangyu, who had just stood up, was pushed forward without warning.


(End of chapter)