When the evil heroine has the ability to read minds

Chapter 71: Sir, can I borrow a fire from you?


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The scene fell into dead silence.

Seeing that the door showed no trace of movement, someone finally couldn't hold it in any longer: "Hahahahaha, it's really not a bad idea to come today!"

This man's smile made everyone around him laugh, and Xiang Yu was immediately surrounded by laughter.

Xiang Yu didn't pay attention to the laughter around him, and raised his hand to knock on the door again.

After laughing, the man looked pitifully at Xiang Yu's thin and pitiful figure, so he said loudly: "The servants of the Seventh Prince's Mansion have always only listened to the orders of the Seventh Prince. Today, even if you break your hand here, , as long as there is no order from the Seventh Prince, no one will come to open the door for you."

Xiang Yu glanced at the tightly closed door and sighed softly. Alas, it seems that I can only send myself in personally.

Xiang Yu rubbed the finger that hurt from knocking on the door, stared at the closed door of the Seventh Prince's Mansion for a while, then raised his head and scanned the courtyard wall of the Seventh Prince's Mansion, and finally turned around and glanced around again. The person who looked at her as a monkey.

Wherever Xiang Yu glanced, people avoided her gaze like the god of plague.

Just when the people were curious about Xiang Yu's mysterious behavior, Xiang Yu turned around and walked towards his sedan chair.

People who eat melons: Are you ready to go home

Xiang Yu stopped in front of his sedan, raised his hand to lift up the red satin in front of the sedan, and gently touched the red satin with his hand.

Well, it feels comfortable to touch, and I think the effect will not be too bad after using it.

Xiang Yu finished touching the red silk, then turned and walked towards the crowd.

The crowd approached by Xiang Yu dispersed to make way for Xiang Yu. After Xiang Yu walked through the crowd, he found a skinned man who was smoking a hookah, dressed in rags, and lying crookedly on the ground. Stopped in front of the old man.

Xiang Yu slowly squatted down, put his head close to the old man, and said in a gentle voice: "Uncle, can I borrow some fire from you?"

The old man took a long puff of cigarette, blew out a big smoke ring, and looked at Xiang Yu with his cloudy eyes.

He seemed to be sizing up Xiang Yu, and seemed to be hesitating whether to hand the hookah to Xiang Yu.

"Uncle, I don't smoke." After saying that, he looked back at his poor dowry and said, "I will pay for it."

After a while, the old man hesitated and tremblingly took out a fire sickle from his shabby sleeve and handed it to Xiang Yu.

"Thank you, uncle." Xiang Yu took the fire sickle from the old man's wrinkled palm, took off a delicate hairpin inlaid with pearls from her head and put it in the old man's hand, showing a sweet smile: " Uncle, I don’t have any money in cash, can you think of this?”

The uncle looked at the hairpin in his hand with tired eyes, looked at Xiang Yu's smile, and held the hairpin in his hand.

After getting the fire sickle, Xiang Yu walked up to the big man carrying the sedan again, raised his head, and said softly: "Brother, can you please move your steps? I'll get something."

The man who carried the sedan chair with a strong body and big muscular arms frowned and looked down at the petite woman in front of him.

Although the woman in front of him was several sizes smaller than him, her whole body exuded an aura that was not to be violated. He stepped aside hesitantly.

Is there anything he can get here

Xiang Yu's hands rose and fell.


Under the gaze of the big man, Xiang Yu directly chopped off the protruding part of the red sedan that carried people.

The big man was stunned. Cold sweat began to break out from his back. Why was the thick stick broken like this

The jaws of the melon-eaters dropped to the ground as soon as they were retracted.

The big man looked at the petite woman in front of him in horror. Before his head could react to this scene, the words were already out of his mouth: "You knocked down this thing that carries the sedan, how can I carry you back?"

Xiang Yu bent down and picked up the stick on the ground, raised his face and smiled sweetly: "It's okay, brother, I can walk back."

Big man: "This is not a question of whether to leave or not!"

"Isn't that no problem?"

Xiang Yu picked up the stick and looked at the big man with eyes filled with disbelief. Then he said with a smile: "Don't worry, brother, I don't need you to carry me back. The money for the damage to the sedan chair will be compensated by the Seventh Prince after I marry him into his palace."

This is the most critical question: This seventh prince will never marry you, how can he compensate? Although the big man planned to continue talking, the scene of the stick being chopped directly appeared in his mind.

He felt that if he spoke again, the stick would be his fate. The big man swallowed a gulp of saliva and swallowed the rest of the words.

(End of chapter)