When the evil heroine has the ability to read minds

Chapter 95: The king's woman


When Helbazar reacted, he had been pulled into the alley by a man. When Helbazar saw the person who helped him, he was immediately stunned.

"Seventh Prince."

Zenno withdrew the hand on Helbazar's shoulder and straightened out his clothes that were wrinkled by pulling Helbazar back: "When did the eldest prince have the habit of stalking others?"

Helbaza looked away: "I think this Kyoto is very interesting, so I just walked around."

A polite smile appeared on Cen Nuo's lips: "This is the best."

After hearing this, Helbazar smiled politely and immediately planned to turn around and leave.

But before Helbaza took a step, Cen Nuo's cold voice sounded again: "The eldest prince should know that Xiang Yu is now my wife. So it is better for the eldest prince to give up some thoughts as soon as possible. After all, Xiang Yu's current situation The eldest prince must know better than me."

Helbaza stopped when he heard this. He knew that Xiang Yu had too many enemies in Kyoto. If his father knew that he liked Xiang Yu, let alone Xiang Yu's reputation in Kyoto, his father would not agree to let him and Xiang Yu live together just because Xiang Yu was the daughter of Duke Zhen. Together, they even sent two people to assassinate Xiang Yu to make him stop thinking about Xiang Yu.

So he had no choice but to watch his favorite fairy sister marry someone else.

But the blood of the Xiongnu flows in his body, and he has perfectly inherited the Xiongnu's desperate spirit for what he likes.

For Xiang Yu, he stopped pretending to be crazy and acted foolishly when he was injured during the hunt, and lost weight in the shortest time and returned to his best shape.

I thought that Xiangyu would be well protected when she married the seventh prince, but the seventh prince didn't like his fairy sister at all.

Herbaza turned around and looked at Chen Nuo, speaking sharply: "Did the seventh prince just think about the fairy sister, or was he afraid of getting into trouble?"

Cen Nuo touched the jade ring on his index finger and looked at Helbazha's questioning eyes: "That is a matter between the king and his wife. There seems to be no reason for the king to tell the eldest prince."

Helbaza looked at Chen Nuo's cold face and became angry: "Seventh Prince, you knew from the beginning that Fairy Sister was murdered on her wedding night."

"Yes", Cen Nuo looked at the jade ring on Herbazar's index finger: "So what?"

Seeing how Cen Nuo didn't care at all now, and Cen Nu's attitude towards Xiang Yu just now in public, Herbaza couldn't help the anger in his heart, and he directly grabbed Cen Nuo's clothes. : "If you, the Seventh Prince, cannot protect my fairy sister well, then I won't mind replacing you!"

After hearing this, Chen Nuo glanced at Helbazar's hand holding his collar, and then raised his eyes to look at Helbazar.

Herbaza was not afraid of Cen Nuo's fierce eyes at all, and squeezed Cen Nuo's hand harder.

Zenno raised his hand and grasped Herbazar's hand on his collar with a sharp-jointed hand. He took off his hand with a strong force, turned over and directly pressed Herbazar in the alley. on the wall.

Under the horrified look in Herbaza's eyes, Zenno gradually moved closer to Herbaza's face, and finally stopped at Herbaza's ear. He suppressed his own voice and said word by word: "This king's woman No need for protection from others."

Herbaza was frightened by Cen Nuo's sudden behavior. At this time, Cen Nuo exuded a kingly domineering attitude that made people want to surrender.

Zenno held Herbazar's hand, smiled slightly, and continued to whisper in Herbazar's ear: "Besides, the current eldest prince who wants to protect your fairy sister doesn't seem to have the ability. .”

(End of chapter)