When the Fair Rich Beauty Becomes the Poor Girl

Chapter 37


Although Lin Can has just been recognized, she is still a young lady of the Jiang family. With her identity, others cannot underestimate her.

What's more, Jiang Bao is now facing Lin Can. Although she lacks emotions, she will do her best if she believes that something is good for her.

You can use your IQ to make up for it.

Jiang Bao is very grateful to his parents' genes for giving him and Lin Can beautiful faces. After all, the appearance is first-class, and both men and women can get practical conveniences and benefits.

Mingjuan in a humble house is by no means rare, but compared with big data, it is too scarce.

In most cases, children from wealthy families can be clearly distinguished among the crowd, whether it is their appearance or the temperament they have worked hard to cultivate.

Jiang Bao is good at handling such situations. She can make people feel good with her slightest show of kindness.

She has a strong purpose, but she conceals it well, and she won't be displeased even if the other party notices it.

Their circle is not harmonious in private, but they are harmonious on the surface, and they will give each other enough respect for each other's dignity.

This is why Jiang Bao, who suddenly changed his living environment some time ago, is on the verge of going berserk every minute.

The world in the eyes of rich people and ordinary people is completely different.

To ordinary people, cities are cold forests of steel and concrete, but in the eyes of the rich, they are colorful drunken music.

Their lives become more exciting with the passing of money.

It is a distant dream for ordinary people, but a foreseeable goal for rich people.

Of course, there is no need to expose the darkest side of human nature for that little money.

I won’t force my juniors to take pictures of swimsuits or drug them for 20,000 yuan.

Being rich does not mean being a good person, maybe they have a darker heart, but they hide it well on the surface and will not put their nastiness on the table.

The world where Jiang Bao was so comfortable was completely unfamiliar to Lin Can.

These men don't look easy to get along with. She was afraid of making mistakes, so she could only talk less.

Lin Can is afraid of associating with boys of his own age and outgoing personality. She has received psychological counseling for a period of time, and her condition has improved a lot, and she did not lose her composure on the spot.

After trying to speak several times without success, Lin Can sighed. Compared with Jiang Bao, who was easy to deal with, he seemed like a cold devil...

Jiang Bao quickly noticed Lin Can's embarrassment, and she asked him to go down and walk around.

The group of people on the second floor should be dealt with carefully, but the background of those below is much worse than that of the Jiang family, so there is no need to worry too much.

Xie Liaoyuan looked around between 'Jiang Bao' who was leaving and 'Lin Can' who was chatting.

Finally, I chose to follow 'Jiang Bao' downstairs.

Jiang Bao naturally would not give up the opportunity to expand her network. She chatted with several people about the recent stock market in Hong Kong.

It's much more maneuverable there than in the mainland.

She looked up and saw Lin Can, who had only been away for ten minutes, appearing at the top of the stairs with a bit of panic on his face.

Jiang Bao greeted the people at the same table and stood up to greet them.

She calmly pulled Lin Can around and then warned in a low voice: "You must always pay attention to your posture. If you hang your head, you will look very short!"

Lin Can smelled the faint scent of perfume on Jiang Bao and calmed down.

"A group of people below were cheering and asking me to ride a horse."

Jiang Bao: "Didn't you say it's inconvenient for you to wear a skirt?"

Lin Can: "The one from last time... Ms. Liu is also here. She said she has spare riding gear for me and wants me to compete with her friend."

At that time, the people next to me also started to cheer, saying that even if you are not feeling well, you can still guide others. After all, you are so good.

Surrounded by seven or eight people, Lin Can couldn't stand it, but he didn't refuse in a daze.

Jiang Bao frowned: "It's her again, wait, is Fu Jianyi here today?"

"Well, it's here."

Jiang Bao: "Humph! No wonder she got angry. Liu Xiyu worked so hard on Fu Jianyi that even her reserve was temporarily put aside."

Lin Can's eyes widened: "What, what did you say? What are you saying?"

Jiang Bao: "I said she was coquettish and looking for trouble. She is really coquettish."

Lin Can was dumbfounded. She heard clearly this time. She was completely confused.

In my opinion, Jiang Bao is the kind of... very goddess-like, aloof and a bit alienated. Except for occasionally going berserk, he is impeccable.

The word 'saucy' suddenly came out of her mouth, which didn't suit her at all!

Lin Can's mind was full of the cycle of 'so sexy', and he couldn't accept it for a while.

This is a swear word Jiang Bao learned in school. Sometimes he can say it smoothly, and the old one can express his artistic conception very well.

The living environment is really important. She went to school intensively for half a month and learned a lot, but that's not all. After all, Jiang Bao could only call others "annoying ducks" in the past, so he lacked vocabulary in this area. .

Seeing that the man seemed to have lost his soul, Jiang Bao pushed him: "Why are you in such a daze?"

Lin Can finally came to his senses and asked again with a complicated mood: "What should we do?"

"Let's see what she's up to first." Jiang Bao had a bad feeling about Liu Xiyu, and the two sides had already been at odds.

She must make others feel uncomfortable so that she can feel comfortable.

The two went downstairs, and Jiang Bao saw Liu Xiyu surrounded by a group of people from a distance.

She had the usual smile on her face and spoke softly.

Of course, this 'fake smile' was specially practiced, and Jiang Bao's etiquette teacher also taught him that it must appear sincere, sweet and approachable.

Jiang Bao is not as good at managing his expressions as his opponent.

Liu Xiyu gives the impression that she is a casual and natural young lady. Her clothes are always light-colored, the makeup on her face is also very light, and her hair is not permed or dyed.

Gentle and innocent, her pure and innocent appearance will make a man's protective desire skyrocket.

All in all, she looks very much like a good wife who can be a 'gentle, virtuous and considerate husband'.

The other young ladies next to Liu Xiyu can only be reduced to green leaves as foils.

The other party can also bring out a characteristic to the extreme, and his brain is naturally smart, no worse than his own.

It's just that the two people have different business directions. Liu Xiyu wants to marry a rich man, while Jiang Bao is more direct. She just wants to take money from others.

Whether you are a famous lady or a noble young man, there will be all kinds of tackiness when you are brought back to your family of origin.

Behind Jiang Bao's pride is years of ups and downs and struggles. She no longer wants to be controlled by others and disdains being a good wife who is tolerant and decent at all times.

Although Liu Xiyu comes from a noble family, her family has declined a lot in recent years. In order to maintain her old life, she has a mission and must marry a powerful man.

Jiang Bao: "Ha! Supergirl pretended to be Ai Lian girl."

Lin Can: "...?"

What is this! ! ! How do you know about something like 'Ailian'...? ! !

Sister, you don’t need to study textbooks, so what weird things did you learn in school

Jiang Bao: "Leave Liu Xiyu to you and leave the horse to me."

Lin Can didn't understand and asked: "What should I do?"

Jiang Bao: "It's very simple. You follow Liu Xiyu and prevent her from having a chance to be alone with Fu Jianyi. Isn't that difficult?"

A man and a woman are alone, making firewood a raging fire. It's hard to tell if something happens.

If Liu Xiyu really hooked up with her, Jiang Bao would be so angry.

If you want to send me away, I will arrange a light bulb for you.

Lin Can: "...it's a bit difficult, I'll try my best."

She couldn't go horse riding either, so she had to give it a try shamelessly.

Be an annoying light bulb for once.

Jiang Bao: "Then let's go."


A group of people were a little surprised when they saw 'Jiang Bao' returning and bringing 'Lin Can' with him.

Liu Xiyu smiled and asked: "Why didn't you go change clothes? A group of us are waiting to watch the match between you and Wang Yu."

Jiang Bao said in a calm voice: "No need to wait, she doesn't like to wear other people's riding clothes. My sister won the fifth place in the European Junior Championships last year. The two of them are at completely different levels. Isn't this a competition difficult for one side?"

After a pause, Jiang Bao added: "If she were to be a coach, no matter how high the price, she might not be willing to teach. She is picky about students, but my sister has coached me a few times. Now I will compete with you, and I don't have to change clothes. ,Yeah?"

Everyone: "..."

Although the tone is questioning, you have already made arrangements.

This one seems much more difficult to get along with.

But since the words have been said for this reason, it is naturally difficult to refute.

Before football and basketball became popular, horse racing was the number one sport in Europe. The preparation for each event takes a long time, but the competition only lasts a minute or two.

Jiang Bao rides horses two or three times a week when she has free time. In order to maintain exercise, she does not like indoor gyms or running outdoors. Horse riding can make the waist and abdomen lines smoother and exercise leg muscles.

It's a sport that doesn't require you to communicate with other people, and she likes that kind of freedom.

Jiang Bao quickly chose a horse and asked the staff to bring it over.

The two people got on their horses separately, and those on the second floor also stood up and looked in the direction of the track.

They had just talked to Jiang Bao, and they had a good impression of him. Some people cheered him up with a joking tone.

This is not a professional competition, so Jiang Bao doesn't have to go all out, just win.

The person Liu Xiyu was looking for seemed amateurish just by looking at the horse's posture, but it was just to hold her back... not to disturb her good things.

Jiang Bao winked at Lin Can before the game started, telling her not to forget the mission.

After the gunshot, Jiang Bao controlled her speed, and in the end she was just a little faster than others at the finish line. However, she was calm and composed, and you could tell she was a master from her rhythm.

Jiang Bao reined in the reins and searched for a week.

In just two minutes, Fu Jianyi, Liu Xiyu, and Lin Can were all gone.

Jiang Bao didn't take it to heart. She asked Lin Can to follow her. She didn't need that stupid guy to do anything, just be a competent light bulb.

This is good, as it prevents Lin Can from being embarrassed by others here.

Jiang Bao hasn't ridden a horse for a long time. Now that he has finished warming up, he is not in a hurry to get off. She waved to a few people she had just met on the second floor, then rode forward.

This racecourse is very large. In addition to the international track, there is also an area at the back where you can move freely.

As long as Jiang Bao has an idea, he can easily leave a good impression on others.

Not every man likes the good wife and loving mother type, independent souls are also attractive.

Nowadays, many people think that this girl's chic and elegant posture on horseback is really impressive.


Lin Can looked at the two people walking in front, feeling very helpless.

Sure enough, just as Jiang Bao expected, Liu Xiyu invited Fu Jianyi to pick cherries as soon as the horse racing started...

He said that he had asked the staff at the racecourse and found out that there were several cherry trees on the far right that could be picked by guests.

Before Fu Jianyi agreed, Lin Can stuck his head out and said, can I come with you? I really want to eat.

So... it became the current scene.

Lin Can was still not so shameless that the three of them walked together, and just followed the two of them silently.

Now that I think about it, I just said the wrong thing again. What does 'craving to eat' mean? It's so greedy and disrespectful!

If Jiang Bao knew, he would have to criticize himself again.

The three of them walked for about half an hour and finally saw the cherry tree.

This is a local small cherry. The fruit tree is only over two meters high, and the branches are hanging down. Under the sunlight, the green leaves and red fruits are very beautiful, and you can pick them with your hands.

Lin Can was thirsty after walking under the sun for so long, so he reached out and picked one and put it in his mouth.

Today's pair of shoes were not easy to walk on, and they still had a three-centimeter heel. But seeing Miss Liu walking all the way in seven-centimeter high heels without saying anything, she had no choice but to grit her teeth and persevere.

These rich ladies are too tolerant!

"It's sour and sweet. Do you want to try it?" Lin Can walked all the way for the cherries and had to eat enough this time.

Liu Xiyu looked in disbelief: "You ate it without washing it?"

Lin Can picked a few more and said while eating: "This is purely natural, there is no pesticide residue, and there is no industrial pollution around, why not?"

Turning to look at the other person: "Uncle, you also have a taste."

Fu Jianyi: "..."

Every time he heard 'uncle', he would be stunned for half a second, but the other person's face was calm, so he didn't have the nerve to correct him.

When Liu Xiyu saw that Fu Jianyi had eaten all the food, she changed her mind and said with a smile, "Mr. Fu, I want to try it too."

Fu Jianyi picked some and handed them to others. Liu Xiyu ate one without skipping a beat and said with a smile that it tasted very good.

Lin Can felt that although the other party had a bad character, his manners were first-class, so he couldn't help but slow down his eating speed.

Liu Xiyu happened to look over as well, and the two of them looked at each other.

Liu Xiyu was so angry that she put down her reserve and invited her out because she wanted to stay away from the crowd and get along with Fu Jianyi simply to enhance her relationship.

Because of Jiang Bao's blending, it actually turned into just picking cherries! You’ve come so far! Although a trail was built to facilitate walking, the soles of her feet hurt!

And today’s pair of limited edition red-soled shoes are useless after walking all the way!

Jiang Bao, this little bitch! Even more shameless than before!

Fu Jianyi was stunned for a moment and asked, "What are you looking at?"

The two women ended their flaming gaze and each looked away.

Liu Xiyu smiled: "I think Miss Jiang's coat is very beautiful."

Lin Can continued to eat the cherry: "Miss Liu's shoes are very exquisite."

Fu Jianyi looked at the little girl eating happily and said with a smile: "It's a pity that we didn't bring a container, otherwise we could pick some back and give them to others to try."

Lin Can sighed: "It's a pity."

After saying this, she suddenly thought of something and asked cautiously: "If I use my coat to hold cherries, will it make people laugh?"

Fu Jianyi: "What did you say?"

Lin Can wore a skirt and a knitted sweater today. The temperature during the day has been almost 20 degrees recently.

It's also very hot at noon.

She had long wanted to take off her coat, so she did so.

Lin Can shook his clothes: "Do you think it's okay to wear this outfit?"

She had lived in the countryside for a while. At that time, she and her friends would go to the mountains to play, and they would often use their clothes to carry wild fruits.

Fu Jianyi finally understood the other party's intention and said with a smile: "Of course it is possible."

Liu Xiyu was stunned. What kind of operation was this

And not only was Jiang Bao wearing his coat with cherries, but Fu Jianyi was also infected and took off his coat and spread it on the ground!

Are these two crazy? She wouldn't do that anyway!

Jiang Bao is even more powerful than before! It's because she looked down on others, yet she actually risked her life and could do anything!

Fu Jianyi was such a lonely person, but he was led astray by Jiang Bao!

She hates Jiang Bao! She hates Jiang Bao so much! ! ah! ! !

Liu Xiyu felt like she was being driven crazy.

Fu Jianyi is an expert and is responsible for picking the taller cherries.

Lin Can saw the man's big movements and naturally reminded him: "Uncle, be careful, don't let your waist slip!"

Fu Jianyi: "..."

His body really shook. Isn't thirty the best age for a man? Could it be that he is getting old? !

It’s impossible, his hairline is perfect, he exercises regularly, and he doesn’t indulge in food!

Fu Jianyi turned his head and saw that the other party showed genuine concern, so he had to suppress the discomfort in his heart.

Still a little girl.

But it was strange that although Jiang Bao and Liu Xiyu were only a few years apart in age, he did not regard the latter as a little girl.

Because of the abundant harvest and holding cherries in his arms, Lin Can walked briskly on the way back.

The two people holding cherries were in a row, and Liu Xiyu followed with difficulty on high heels.

If the sight could be realised, a big hole would be burned into the backs of the two people in front.

Lin Can really had no other ideas and regarded Fu Jianyi as a gentle elder.

She was very uncomfortable in front of extroverted boys of the same age. For example, when she saw Xie Liaoyuan... it was like a mouse meeting a cat.

But Fu Jianyi was an elder, talked less, and didn't feel pressured, so she relaxed a lot.

The two began to discuss what to do with the many cherries they had picked.

Fu Jianyi asked what he should do if he couldn't finish the food. It might not be fresh tomorrow. Lin Can said it didn't matter. He could make it into cherry jam, which would keep it for a long time.

You can do it yourself.

Fu Jianyi had a good impression of this little girl. Even if she was deliberately trying to please her, she was clean and comfortable.

He smiled and asked: "Do you like eating mulberries?"

Lin Can: "How do you know I like mulberries? But it's hard to buy them now, and they're not fresh when they're transported, even though they're not that precious."

Fu Jianyi: "I have a mulberry tree at home. It will take a month to mature. I will ask someone to pick it and bring it to you right away. I see that you like to eat small cherries. I guess you like sweet and sour taste."

The two chatted all the way, and Liu Xiyu was depressed the whole time.

Fu Jianyi took the cherries to the second floor and gave everyone a share to try.

Such small local cherries are not unusual, but what is strange is that Mr. Fu picked them himself!

You must know that Mr. Fu's time is valuable, and these cherries are worth thousands of dollars.

Lin Can didn't see Jiang Bao anywhere. There was a usable kitchen here, and she planned to go there first to see if there was a jar that could hold cherry jam.

After Fu Jianyi left, there were only two people left. Liu Xiyu looked at them with an unpredictable expression and said in a cold voice: "You are willing to spend a lot of money."

Lin Can doesn't quite understand, what is blood capital? These little cherries cost nothing, either.

She didn't understand, so she smiled at the person and said, "Actually, it's nothing."


Is this a show of wealth? Liu Xiyu was so angry that she turned away without wanting to talk to anyone.

Jiang Bao threw such expensive clothes on the ground at will.


Jiang Bao rode for forty minutes and was sweating all over.

She was mysophobic and had already brought the clothes she wanted to change into. After a simple wash, she changed out of her riding clothes.

Jiang Bao walked in from outside, greeted everyone, and went straight to Lin Can.

Lin Can is sorting the cherries she picked in the open kitchen.

Jiang Bao just glanced at it, her whole face changed, and she resisted the urge to scream. She walked up quickly and asked: "You crazy woman, you actually used this dress to wear this thing?"

Lin Can noticed that the person's expression was wrong and asked cautiously: "Isn't it possible? But there is nothing else to put in at that time. I will clean it."

Jiang Bao took a few deep breaths, then gritted his teeth and said, "I made this in a haute couture studio in Paris at the beginning of the year. This dress costs six to seven million. Did you see the beads nailed on it? These are all It’s two hundred years old.”

It can't be washed!

Not to mention this little cherry, the price of her dress... can buy imported cherries to fill this building! !

Jiang Bao thought that when he walked in, he saw that Liu Xiyu's face was not very good, and he was still wondering if Lin Can had any tricks up his sleeve. He felt very happy, but now he didn't know whether to change his happiness to sadness.

This coat is Jiang Bao's most expensive coat. If it costs tens of thousands, it doesn't matter if you wear it once and throw it away. I don't feel bad about it.

When she first placed the order, she struggled for a long time. Because it is the most expensive, this must also be her favorite coat! If it weren't for the inappropriate size of her body, she wouldn't wear it for Lin Can!

And she had no trouble buying the dress!

That haute couture studio never sells to the outside world and is very selective in its customers. It only serves royal descendants and celebrities from various countries. New customers are introduced through regular customers, and they must be inspected before selling!

Jiang Bao's high school classmate is a descendant of the Spanish royal family. She did a favor to him, and he reciprocated and introduced a designer to her.

You know, not even Liu Xiyu is qualified to customize it!

Lin Can was a little panicked. She looked at it carefully, raised her head and said, "It doesn't seem to be dirty. I'm really sorry, and I'm very sorry."

No wonder Miss Liu praised the clothes for looking good and said she was willing to spend a lot of money. That’s what she meant!

Jiang Bao held on to the table next to him: "Please let me calm down."

She didn't know if Lin Can was going crazy. She felt like she was going crazy! Millions of clothes are used as a packing bag.

"Is this dress expensive? Then I'll compensate you." A man's voice came from behind.

Jiang Bao turned around and looked over, why is Fu Jianyi here? What's going on between these two people, the other party actually wants to pay for it

Jiang Bao took a deep breath. Of course she wouldn't ask anyone to compensate her, and she scolded you in her heart for being a straight man. You know nothing!

Do you understand what haute couture is? What is the craftsmanship of every stitch? The people who make clothes are all old artists.

This is a work of art! ! !

Well... Actually, she doesn't know. Anyway, it's worth six million, so it must be precious!

Thinking of this, Jiang Baoren's head hurt, and she forced out a smile: "We sisters are joking, how can we have the nerve to ask Mr. Fu to pay for it?"

Fu Jianyi: "Then I'll give you another one, Jiang Bao."

Lin Can: "... It's really not necessary."

Fu Jianyi walked up to the person and said in a calm voice: "Didn't you say you were going to make cherry jam? Let me see how it goes."

Lin Can: "I just finished washing."

She now felt that these cherries... were almost made of gold.

Xie Liaoyuan walked in and saw three people in the kitchen.

Not only him, there were five or six other people who came in together, all coming to see how to make cherry jam.

Xie Liaoyuan glanced at 'Jiang Bao' who was sorting the cherries, and said with a smile: "I heard there was a lot of excitement here, so we came here. Bao'er, I have never seen you in the kitchen, can you still make cherry jam? "

Lin Can: "...I learned it later."

Xie Liaoyuan looked into the person's eyes and asked, "Did you learn that from your sister?"

Lin Can: "...Yes."

Xie Liaoyuan walked over, took the knife from 'Jiang Bao', and said in a calm voice: "Since you learned from Miss Lin, her cooking skills must be more sophisticated, so why not let her do it."

After a pause, when someone was about to refute, Xie Liaoyuan jumped in and said, "Mr. Fu and Bao'er worked hard to pick the cherries back. We can't trouble them anymore. Since Miss Lin, you are very good at cooking and you are tired, so be it, I How about giving you a hand?"

A few people nearby were making noises, saying that they didn't expect that the young lady from the Jiang family who had just recognized her was an all-rounder.

They all said they would take a small can back with them.

The open kitchen has a very large space. It's no problem to make cherry jam. There won't be any problem.

Others watched the fun and sat down nearby.

Jiang Bao was already pushed out, and it would be too blunt to refuse now.

But she has never been in the kitchen and doesn’t know how to cook anything! Don't even know how to fire.

Jiang Bao looked at the cooking table. There seemed to be very few buttons.

She quickly calmed down. If she just made some cherry jam, she would be able to do it herself!


Jiang Xiao heard that Lin Can was in the kitchen at the back and took Du Jinghong with him.

So many people watched their sister-in-law cook... cherry jam

These people are in good spirits.

Jiang Xiao said to Du Jinghong who was next to him: "My aunt is really good. I heard that masters have to brew it before cooking. The food made this way has soul! It's the first time I've seen it!"

Du Jinghong: "She is quite stylish... But I think she may have been brewing for a long time."

Logically speaking, this is not a Man-Han banquet.

Jiang Xiao: "What the hell do you know? You can't even boil water!"

Du Jinghong: "Okay then."

He watched the other person's brows wrinkle slightly, then relax... then frown slightly, and then relax again.

Maybe the master and the novice just have a thought and can only understand it but not express it in words


Others: How awesome! Even thinking while cooking! It must be super delicious!

Jiang Bao: "What should I do if I start the fire? Throw the cherries in? Should I use a shovel to do it? What are those buttons? What should I do first? Will it explode if the program is wrong? Then I will Where to hide?”

Fifty random red envelopes

You all don’t like to leave messages to spread your love. You just leave after reading (reading) without a gentle word of encouragement.

TT, can you scatter some flowers? I will update more this time. I have started to grow in these few days.

This is my first book to have a daily update chapter in V. I used to update 9,000 chapters a day.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who threw [Land Mines]: 2 Yeyue Jiaojiao; 1 Candy Fruit;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

32 bottles of Blind in the Pool; 20 bottles of Ye Yue Jiao Jiao; 10 bottles of Byakuya Wenmi and Bakugo Katsuki; 5 bottles of Su Xi and Natsume; 2 bottles of Endless Shrimp Dumplings, Phoenix Flower Blooms Again, My Nickname I Won’t Tell You ; 1 bottle of Yisu Chacha, Shenlu, 30834800, Changan, coffee without sugar, Jinyan Silent;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!