When the Fair Rich Beauty Becomes the Poor Girl

Chapter 38


Lin Can started to get anxious. She just said the wrong thing again!

When Xie Liaoyuan asked that, he should have denied it!

As soon as she sat down, she stood up again the next second and said, "It's better for me to help."

Fu Jianyi: "Since I am your teacher, there must be no problem. You were tired after walking for so long just now. Besides, if there is no help from Xie Liaoyuan, we can just wait and taste it."

Lin Can: "..."

Fu Jianyi: "Sit down quickly, your legs will be sore from walking."

Jiang Bao glanced at Lin Can, the two exchanged glances, and then she sat down awkwardly.


It's just a cherry jam. How difficult can this be? You can handle it yourself. Jiang Bao encouraged himself in his heart.

She compared the differences between cherries and cherry jam, and thought about the physical and chemical reactions that might occur during the material transformation process.

Cherry jam can be eaten directly without pits. Jiang Bao frowned.

The first step is not to open fire but to remove the core, Jiang Bao raised his eyebrows.

The sweetness of the small cherries is not very high. The sugar will be emulsified when heated and the taste will be sour. Jiang Bao frowned.

From the chemical structure of sweeteners, there are sugar alcohols, glycosides, and amino acids, so there is a jar of rock sugar on the table, and Jiang Baozhan frowns.

What should Lin Can do with the lemons he found? Jiang Bao frowned.

Acidity can accelerate the reaction of pectin, so squeeze out the juice.

Ok, the steps and uses of ingredients are outlined. Sure enough, everything can be made chemically.

Jiang Bao thinks he is a genius.

The above is a group of people who have seen the master's most simple thinking about the "soul of food".

The theory is all right, so the question arises: How to use this knife to pit the cherries

Such a large number of cherries, not just one or two.

If she accidentally cuts her hand, wouldn't it be too embarrassing

After all, everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and this is better than performing rough knife skills... Then you can use the excuse that the wound cannot get wet and let Lin Can take over.

No one should doubt it.

Although he is a genius and may not be able to do well, Jiang Bao still decided to use the "Golden Cicada Escapes" trick. After all, there is no need to show off in everything.

She held the knife big enough to kill, ready to work when the time came.

Now she really has become the woman who "bleeds without shedding tears" in her eldest brother's mouth.

Others were also surprised. They took a bone-cutting knife to... cut cherries. Wouldn't it be too exaggerated, and the picture would be very disharmonious.

Jiang Xiao coughed and forcibly saved his respect: "You don't understand this. A chef only has a knife to cut anything. This is the difference between him and ordinary people."

Everyone: "..."

Is it really

Jiang Bao was worried. He was about to bleed himself when someone suddenly grabbed his wrist.

She turned around and saw Xie Liaoyuan. Jiang Bao blinked, wondering what this guy was going to do.

"I'll do the cutting. You go wash the bottles you need to use."

Xie Liaoyuan calmly took a ceramic fruit knife from the cupboard and started working neatly.

He had lived abroad alone for several years, and his knife skills were passable.

Jiang Bao: "..."

Wait, can I use other knives? No wonder the one just now was so heavy!

"Mr. Xie is still rushing to do the work, which is good." Someone joked.

Xie Liaoyuan glanced at Jiang Bao and said in a calm voice: "I suddenly became interested and want to try making it myself and let Miss Lin guide me. I hope you don't dislike my craftsmanship."

A group of people laughed and said that if they had this intention, they would naturally not do it.

Ridiculing Mr. Xie, he is really a good man who is good in the hall and in the kitchen. Even if the food is not good, he will still support it.

Jiang Bao had washed beakers in the laboratory, so washing things would not be a problem.

She slowly washed several small bottles back and forth three times. The other party had not finished handling the fruit cores, so she had to walk over and watch.

She didn't know that Xie Liaoyuan was good at cutting things.

After Xie Liaoyuan finished handling the cherries, he put down the knife and asked, "Are you going to put them in the pot next?"

Jiang Bao nodded and glanced at Lin Can opposite him.

The other party is comparing himself to the mouth shape: water.

She quickly added: "Then release the water."

Xie Liaoyuan expressionlessly put the cut cherries into a white ceramic pot, and then added water.

After adding about half of the pot, he turned around and asked, "Is this enough?"

Jiang Bao glanced at it and said pretentiously: "It's almost the same. It's your first time, so you can't ask for too much. Just go with your feelings."

"You're right." Xie Liaoyuan retracted his gaze and said while stirring.

After a while, the sweet smell of jam began to fill the air.

Others were chatting and waiting, and only looked at it occasionally, but they didn't feel bored.

Xie Liaoyuan: "You can add sugar."

Jiang Bao clasped his hands behind his back: "You can see for yourself. If you want it to be healthier, add less sugar. If you like it sweeter, add more sugar."

This answer is perfect! He is indeed a genius!

Xie Liaoyuan: "I understand."

Half an hour later, the cherry jam in the pot became thicker. Xie Liaoyuan turned off the heat and looked at a few lemons on the table.

The dosage of chemical experiments is very important. This cannot be fooled casually. Jiang Bao had an idea. She said in a high-sounding voice: "Sister, do you remember everything I taught you before? Then I will test you now. How much does this pot of cherry jam cost?" How much lemon do you want to add?”


Lin Can was stunned for two seconds, came to his senses, and quickly answered: "Put the juice of one lemon per pound of fruit, but the cherries are a bit sour, so you need to reduce the amount appropriately! You need to put four lemons in this pot! Wait until the jam is cold. , skim off the foam before putting it into a dry bottle! Then seal it and refrigerate it for a month! Am I right!?"

"Very good. It seems that you remember it very clearly. I will teach you other dishes next time." Jiang Bao nodded in approval, then turned to the person next to him and told the person next to him, "Then I will stir it, and you can cut the lemon."

Xie Liaoyuan: "..."

He handed the spoon to the person and resigned himself to cutting the lemon.

Others... didn't see anything wrong.

Fu Jianyi looked at Lin Can sitting next to him, thought for a moment and said, "You are so proactive in answering questions, like a serious primary school student."

Lin Can: "Ah? Is there any?"

"Yes, I was afraid that the teacher would misunderstand that I was a poor student, so I rushed to tell everything I knew."

Lin Can was a little annoyed. Did he say the wrong thing again? Being with so many smart people, she always seemed stupid.

Fu Jianyi could see what the other party was thinking and said softly: "You're not stupid, it's good."

Kinda cute.

Lin Can: "Huh?"

What's so good about this? Uncle, after saying so much, your evaluation of me has no credibility at all!

Forget it, that's it anyway. Fortunately, Jiang Bao's side went smoothly without any accidents, so he can breathe a sigh of relief.

Two minutes after squeezing in the lemon juice, Xie Liaoyuan turned off the heat.

The jam doesn't take long to cook, and you can see the large fruit pieces, and the color looks very beautiful.

Everyone came to visit, it seemed like that.

Jiang Bao felt relieved.

Xie Liaoyuan: "Thank you, Miss Lin, for your guidance. It turns out it's not that difficult."

Jiang Bao maintained a fake smile on his face: "You're welcome, you are also very talented."

She had just been pushed out to make jam, and she made three or four notes in her mind for Xie Liaoyuan, but since this guy was doing well, she would just make two notes for the time being.

Now that we have come to the racecourse, of course we have to stretch our muscles. The men have all gone out, saying that they just saw the girls racing horses and they also want to compete.

Jiang Bao and Lin Can stayed behind, waiting for the jam to cool down and be canned.

Everyone said that it was so rare that Xie Liaoyuan made it himself, and they wanted to take a can back home.

Lin Can canned it, and Jiang Bao tried the taste, and it turned out to be... pretty good.

It's better to guide yourself.


Fu Jianyi got on the horse, thought for a moment and said, "I only met Jiang Bao once from a distance, but now I find that she is different from the impression she had. You have known her for a long time and are high school alumni. What do you think?" ?”

Xie Liaoyuan: "Women are changeable, let alone girls in their 10s and 20s. This is normal."

"You're right." Fu Jianyi quickly put the question behind him and said with a smile: "I won't lose to you in the horse racing later. By the way, do you think I'm too old?"

"Having a mid-life crisis at thirty? It's not like your style. Don't worry, Mr. Fu, you are in your golden years."

Of course Fu Jianyi wasn't worried, but he was a little worried after being called "uncle" so many times. Hearing that, he felt completely happy.

Xie Liaoyuan calmly changed the subject: "Xie Lufan would still want to marry Jiang Bao as his daughter-in-law, if it weren't for that."

Fu Jianyi looked surprised: "No way? She is still so young?"

Xie Liaoyuan: "Now that the year has turned, she is eighteen. Isn't it right to wait until next year to go to college to get engaged, and then two years later to get married."

Fu Jianyi was shocked and thought in his mind. Although it was a little early, it was normal.

He frowned and said, "Who the hell is Xie Lufan? He's not worthy of it, but he's a beautiful person."

Although the incident between Xie Lufan and Jiang Bao was kept secret, Fu Jianyi had a close relationship with the Xie family, so he naturally knew about it.

It's normal for men to like women, but it's too despicable to use coercion, and if they've already done it and they're still discovered, that's even more insane.

Fu Jianyi just looked down on Xie Lufan at first, but now that he was related to the little girl he liked very much, it turned into hatred.

Who the hell is Xie Lufan! Rotten to the core! At least you need to find a decent man for the little girl! At least!

Xie Liaoyuan: "I am opposed to this marriage."

Fu Jianyi: "I absolutely disagree! They are wishful thinking."

Xie Liaoyuan sneered in her heart, it turned out to be her that day.

Xie Lufan deserved to die, he couldn't tolerate that idiot to keep fooling around for a while.

Xie Liaoyuan looked at the 'Jiang Bao' who was surrounded by people just now from a distance, and his guess became clear.

Because the other party was at a loss, he grabbed his skirt with one hand.

At the banquet a year ago, Jiang Bao also wore a silk skirt like this. At that time, in order to keep the skirt neat and wrinkle-free, she stood in high heels for two hours without sitting down for a moment.

Even if it's the same face, it's not her.

This wasn't the first time that Xie Lufan was suspicious. It was just that the two of them met less often, and sometimes Jiang Bao seemed normal over the phone.

This confused him.

It turned out that she was the one who called her over at the hotel restaurant that day.

At that time, she was with several men who were full of compliments and had a relationship with Xie Lufan. Although she didn't want to take care of it, she heard the other person mentioning 'Jiang Bao' and still forcibly sent him away.

That day in the concert hall... the empty seat she sat next to was right, it was her seat.

Two years ago, he and Jiang Bao went to listen to her fifth brother's concert. She said at that time that they would attend together again if they had the opportunity.

Jiang Weiyan came to China to hold a recital, so he came alone and booked two tickets.

Xie Liaoyuan was very careful in the past. His eldest brother and his father's ex-wife set him up several times, but they failed.

When a completely strange woman suddenly approached her, he naturally had a bad attitude.

The other party not only knew about his affairs abroad, but also knew Jiang Bao very well.

Jiang Bao has only returned to China twice, each time for only a few days. He has no close friends at home or abroad, so it is very strange for him to know this information.

It was most likely that his eldest brother's mother was thinking of something else. After all, Xie Lufan's private life had been criticized. If his reputation was gone and the two brothers were the same, then what the other did would not matter.

He was worried that Xie Lufan's biological mother knew that he had a good relationship with Jiang Bao, and was not only scheming against him, but also against her.

As for the woman I met several times by chance, her behavior was too strange and her purpose was too strong, but she was also secretive and did not tell the truth.

Xie Liaoyuan is very upset now. With such a father and brother, how can he be considered a gentleman? Only in front of her did he act like a gentle and harmless gentleman.

After working hard for so many years, I thought that maybe Jiang Bao needed a boyfriend or fiancé, and he could rely on his good impression to rush forward.

Then suddenly it was revealed...

When he thought about what happened in the past few months, he almost regretted it.

The two sisters are actually very cautious, but Lin Can is an ordinary little girl, and it is inevitable that there will be flaws.

These are nothing and others will ignore them. After all, Jiang Bao came back from a foreign country and is not familiar with anyone.

But since I have been watching people, I will naturally notice something is wrong.


Xie Liaoyuan finished the race absentmindedly, not caring about his ranking.

When he got off his horse, he saw Jiang Bao surrounded by a group of people, talking about something, and laughing from time to time.

Jiang Bao prefers his parents' money to this group of rich second generations of the same age.

Not everyone can ride a horse. Seeing her proficiency in horseback riding, these people started to ask one question, and the others joined in.

Jiang Bao explained with a smile: "Actually, according to the temperament of horses, there are hot-blooded horses, cold-blooded horses and warm-blooded horses. The oldest and purest of these three types are Arabian horses, Mongolian horses and sweat-blooded horses. My sister is just another bloody horse. She lives in a manor in England. You can have a look if you go to London."

"Wow, the sweat horse racing must be really good. Isn't it very handsome?!" A girl asked with admiration.

Jiang Bao: "No, in many cases, purebred horses are prohibited from participating in horse racing, but they are indeed very beautiful. Now most of the ranches are British warmblood horses, which are cross-bred. They are not only gentle in temperament, but also very explosive. , you can try to play."

A group of children were confused, and they all had a good impression of Jiang Bao.

The atmosphere at the scene was good. Xie Liaoyuan felt more relaxed and didn't seem very angry. This was a perfect opportunity!

He walked over and asked seemingly casually: "What, are you talking about horses?"

Jiang Bao glanced at the person and said angrily: "What are you doing here! I'm still angry with you, go away!"

After saying that, she turned her back and moved to another place with a few young people.

Xie Liaoyuan was left alone: "...?"


Jiang Bao: Today is also a day to hold grudges. Come on, open my little notebook...

Thirty random red envelopes, touch them~~ Everyone wants to spread flowers