When the Fair Rich Beauty Becomes the Poor Girl

Chapter 4


Jiang Bao was so crowded on the bus during the morning rush hour that she doubted her life. Now she didn't even have money to take a taxi.

She seemed to have opened Pandora's box, having different new experiences all the time, and was on the verge of collapse every minute.

Jiang Bao has a car driver's license, and she also has a pilot's license. It's just that she doesn't usually drive. She usually has a driver to pick her up and drop her off, and the other person also acts as a bodyguard. He is a reliable veteran who handles things properly.

Jiang Bao got out of the car, frowned and smoothed his clothes, and walked into the building in front of him with a complicated mood.

Lin Can is a member of the third phase of this girl group. The group advocates crowd tactics and has signed many girls, but most of them have no future.

This time the company selected seven people to release a single and shoot a MV as key development targets.

Jiang Baocai joined not long ago. Her face is attractive and her personality is easy to control, so she is also included.

Zhang Chuan thought that it was almost time for the person to arrive, so he waited in the corridor on the third floor. He felt that something was wrong with Lin Can in the past two days and needed attention.

Could it be that his brain is so wet that his personality has changed

As the manager of this unpopular girl group, Zhang Chuan's main task is to brainwash and feed chicken soup to a group of little girls with dreams, and at the same time restrain them.

When Jiang Bao approached, he was stuck in his words when he was ready to teach.

She still has the same face, but her temperament has changed, as if she is a different person. The girl who once agreed to everything she said seems to have become a arrogant queen.

Although Jiang Bao didn't grow up to be surrounded by stars, she had a proud personality. After graduating from college, she took over the management of her family's hotel business. However, within two or three years, she had developed the style of a superior.

She was used to giving orders, even in a different body.

Jiang Bao asked straight to the point: "Did you recharge my phone bill?"


Jiang Bao said in a calm voice: "Thank you, but I also want to ask you to borrow some money and write a check to you later."

Zhang Chuan: "Then, how much do you want?"

"Lend me as much as you have."

Zhang Chuan: "..."

It took him more than ten seconds to realize that he was sent by the company to exploit these girls, not as a charity. He was so obsessed just now that he thought the other girl was a leader.

He said with some annoyance: "I don't have any money to borrow! Why don't you go in and rehearse if you're late!"

Jiang Bao gave the person a faint look: "Forget it if you don't want to borrow it. Please keep your demeanor."

After saying that, she walked into the rehearsal room without looking at the shocked person.

The other six people have already arrived. Lin Can was already a well-known graphic model before joining the girl group, so she was highly regarded by the company.

She usually lives alone and doesn't talk to anyone, so she doesn't get along well with this group of girls.

Jiang Bao was not in the mood to rehearse, so he grabbed a girl and asked, "Do you know the password for the wifi here?"

The girl was stunned for a moment, and then reported a series of numbers.

Jiang Baoma took out his mobile phone and connected to the wifi. As long as he contacted his second brother, he could leave this place!

The background showed that the installation was completed. Jiang Bao entered his account and password with great expectation, and then clicked to log in.

A sentence appeared on the mobile phone page: IP remote login is frozen.

Jiang Bao was about to curse! She recalled that a classmate studying abroad once said that Skype is not widely used in mainland China because there are too many restrictions and it is often frozen for no apparent reason.

So everyone uses WeChat.

Jiang Bao did not give up and called her second brother's assistant Alva again. This time she must clearly explain the seriousness of the matter to the other party.

There was a warm busy tone in her ears, and she soon realized that Alva regarded her as a strange person and blacklisted her.

Jiang Bao's brain suddenly felt dizzy.

Seeing that Lin Can was still frozen there, the dance teacher was stunned and reminded: "Don't you want to dance well? Don't think you are stable. You only have one week to practice this dance. If you can't do it, someone else will do it." .”

Everyone is learning this dance because it has to be performed by a ticket-selling troupe, but only seven people can shoot the MV.

"This is a rare opportunity to shoot overseas, I hope you can cherish it."

Jiang Bao was still thinking about what to do next, but suddenly he came to his senses and went abroad to shoot overseas

right! This is a great opportunity.

Lin Can doesn't even have her ID card, let alone her passport or her own bank card, and with her current background, she can't get a US visa.

But if the company takes you on a business trip, that's totally fine.

Jiang Baoqiang cheered up and started learning dance seriously. She had several years of dance experience and a good memory. She was the fastest among the seven people to learn this dance, and even the teacher praised her.

During the afternoon break, Jiang Bao asked the dance teacher excitedly: "We are going to shoot overseas. I think the United States and the United Kingdom are both good. The waterfalls and canyons in Oregon in the United States are very beautiful, or you can go to Los Angeles. The Sky Island in the United Kingdom is very good. It must be very textured when viewed in the mirror.”

Her second brother is in the United States and her fifth brother is in the UK.

Although she is more inclined to find her second brother, although her fifth brother is not familiar with her, he gives her gifts every birthday and should be able to help. Her fifth brother is a pianist and graduated from the Curtis Institute of Music. The most Buddhist among the brothers.

She is more inclined to trust her blood-related brothers than her classmates who are casual acquaintances.

When they first fought for power, her eldest brother and her third brother were on the same team, and they were also the rivals of Jiang Bao's second brother who had the best relationship... None of these people could be found.

The dance teacher looked at the person in disbelief: "Are you crazy? How can the company have so much money to go to the UK and the United States, and it is still so far away? It should be one of Vietnam's Pearl Island or Thailand's Koh Lipe."

Jiang Bao: "What did you say?"

Zhao Yuanqing originally had a bad impression of Lin Can because he had heard something before. She was a member of the first phase and Lin Can was a member of the third phase.

When the other party met, I found that she was different from the rumors. He asked her the wifi password with a serious face, and then she danced very well and was pretty.

Zhao Yuanqing walked over and patted Jiang Bao on the shoulder: "I find you are really humorous."

Jiang Bao: "..."

She thought about being penniless, and although it was hard for her to say it, she still grabbed the person and asked seriously: "Can you lend me some money?"

Zhao Yuanqing was stunned for a moment: "Don't you have any money?"

Jiang Bao nodded. She never asks for help. She solves all difficulties by herself, so she hates others asking her for help. Why can't she solve it herself

Jiang Bao has always maintained his indifference and arrogance, and this is the first time he has asked someone for help.

Asking that man to help recharge the phone bill in the morning didn't count. After all, the benefits Lin Can brought to the company were mutually beneficial.

Zhao Yuanqing smiled: "Okay, I just want to go to dinner, let's go together."

"Okay." Jiang Bao, who had eaten pancakes in the morning, was very hungry and couldn't care less about being reserved.

Zhao Yuanqing led people downstairs to the alley on the right and entered a steamed vegetable restaurant. The two of them ordered four dishes.

Watching Jiang Bao add a second dinner, Zhao Yuanqing asked: "What do you think it tastes like?"

Although the other party ate very quickly, he was not embarrassed and his demeanor was very elegant.

Jiang Bao: "Very good."

It's about the same level as the Chinese chef at home, maybe it's because I'm too hungry.

Jiang Bao had always thought that she was self-sufficient, but only today did she realize that it would be difficult to do anything without those haloes.

She looked at her past self and began to understand Lin Can somewhat.

Zhao Yuan paid the bill, opened his wallet and said, "I only brought two hundred and fifty yuan. I'll give you one hundred and fifty yuan."

Jiang Bao took it and said, "Thank you. I will also pay you back the money you paid for the meal."

Zhao Yuanqing smiled: "Why are you so outspoken? Let me treat you."

This girl is easier to get along with than those girls from rich families, and easier to get along with than herself. Jiang Bao thought for a moment and then said: "I'll treat you to a big dinner next time."

Zhao Yuan nodded and said yes.

Jiang Bao and others left. After some hesitation, they chose to take the bus instead of taking a taxi. They still had to pay for food.

She would not ask anyone from the Lin family for money, and she would probably be humiliated if she didn't get it.

Jiang Bao is an art student majoring in performance at school. When the Lin family asked for leave for her, they said she was going to 'train for a major.' However, she missed too many classes, and her head teacher also had opinions.

Jiang Bao received a call from her head teacher as soon as she entered the school and asked her to come to the office. Jiang Bao hung up the phone and went over.

There were many teachers in the office before evening self-study, but the head teacher didn't want to save face for Lin Can.

She has given ultimatums several times. Every time the other parent calls to ask for leave, she hangs up the phone without agreeing.

Isn't this asking for leave from the Overlord

Jiang Bao's grades in school were good, but he failed in the final exam last semester and was obviously not focused on studying.

"If you want to be a star, why are you still studying? Why don't you discuss dropping out of school with your parents and look at your attendance rate." The head teacher is determined to persuade people to drop out.

Jiang Bao took a look and realized that it had been a month and a half since the beginning of September, and he had taken eighteen days off, excluding weekends, which was a bit excessive.

Jiang Bao didn't defend himself. He thought for a moment and said, "I want to finish the midterm exam. I will try my best to come to school in the future."

The head teacher thought that if Lin Can kept his head down and didn't speak as before, it would definitely not work. Unexpectedly, the other party's attitude was surprisingly good, and he only asked to finish the midterm exam.

In this way, she couldn't say anything. She just criticized a few words and made people leave the office.

Jiang Bao was thinking about what to do next, but he couldn't let Lin Can drop out of school no matter what. No matter how difficult the domestic teaching materials were, it wouldn't be a big problem for him.

Instead of going back to the dormitory, she went to the classroom for evening self-study.

As Jiang Baocai entered the classroom, everyone looked over. She was calm, walked to the desk of the first girl in the first group, and asked, "Where is my seat?"

Seeing that the other party didn't answer, Jiang Bao repeated it again, and then the girl pointed to a table in the back row.

After Jiang Bao sat down, he flipped through the textbook.

Fortunately, Lin Can also chose science, otherwise she would have had a lot of trouble switching to another major.

She grew up abroad and has difficulty understanding Chinese, but she has no problem with math, physics, chemistry and English.

In China, college entrance examination papers are used to select college students. Unlike applying to Teng University, in addition to high scores, extracurricular practice and sports activities are also required.

Jiang Bao has played in countless competitions and won first place in the international physics competition in high school. Her original intention of studying this was to apply for Teng University and increase her own chips.

She remembered that there were similar competitions in China. When she met the Chinese team, the opponent was also very strong.

Jiang Bao later analyzed that the reason why she could win was that she hired a very good coach at a high price, which was like a perpetual motion machine.

After all, as the game develops, the crowd tactics no longer have any advantages, and a more scientific method of learning is required.

Moreover, China has begun to suppress the Olympiad in recent years, and many experts have little interest in participating in overly commercialized competitions.

In short, she is willing to spend money in exchange for the best educational resources.

Playing games now is nothing more than going through the old path again. If you can basically be selected for the national team, you can basically go to a good university.

Jiang Bao made a decision in her heart. Although she didn't know when she would be able to contact her second brother and get her own body back, she had to make arrangements here.

Jiang Bao never understood why Lin Can chose to drop out of high school. This seemed to her unwise and stupid.

Now that she is standing in this position, she understands that Lin Can's work is too intensive and she has little time to study. She is trapped in a vortex day after day and is unable to change.

It turns out that many times there is no choice at all.

Jiang Bao once thought that everything she had was achieved through hard work, but now she realized that compared to Lin Can, she was much luckier.


Twenty random red envelopes

Goodnight everybody

The heroine is relatively cool and will gradually become more humane