When the Golden Finger Lands in the Hands of the Villain

Chapter 48: Dad is gone


Future wife, take the wrong medicine for ambition!

Believe it or not, every minute makes him have no future!

Kong Wuying's expression twisted, he abruptly interrupted Kong Er's self-satisfied imagination, and coldly dropped two words, "Very good."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and left. If he stayed any longer, he was afraid that he would dismantle the second child and the ship.

Kong Er was splashed with cold water by his almost distorted attitude, and woke up from his imagination.

Looking at the back of Kong Wuying leaving angrily, he touched his chin, and the light in his eyes flickered.

This person has a problem.

Although his thoughts are indeed outrageous.

But shouldn't ordinary people find it romantic when they hear about his deeds of fighting for love

Even if you don't feel it, you will give a few words of perfunctory praise, and even if you don't praise it, at most, you will treat it as if you have never heard of it.

No matter what, there will never be... the emotion of anger.

What's the matter with his good-natured anger

Did he...

Kong Er sticks out his pink tongue and licks his upper lip. Those who know him well know that this is a sign that he is about to get excited.

Before Kong Wuying returned to the room angrily, he was blocked by people in the narrow channel.

The tall young man leaned against the ship's plank with his strong arms, his dark eyes were deep, and his blond hair was all the more bright and dazzling due to the sunlight coming in from the window.

Well, it's a solid wall-dong!

He grinned, and the smile deepened, but it didn't reach his eyes.

He asked, "Do you know who my fiancée is?"

As soon as he mentioned the word fiancee, a stern look flashed in Kong Wuying's eyes!

But because the situation was stronger than others, he didn't make a move, and he couldn't make a move.

He just lowered his head slightly, and said in a cold voice, "Pervert, please stay away from me."

Kong Er smiled evilly: "You really know! How did you know?"

Kong Wuying said, "Your words are recorded in the Prince's Quotations."

"You actually refer to the emperor as... It's a big treason."

Kong Er was always rebellious, so he was not afraid of people talking about it. Instead, he wondered, "What is the Prince's Quotations? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"If you are not educated, you need to read more books. This is similar to the Complete Collection of Quotations from the King."

Kong Er frowned: "I compiled the complete collection of quotations from the emperor, so where did the collection of quotations from the prince come from?"

"You made it up?" Kong Wuying frowned: "What are you doing making up this kind of thing?"

"Of course I sold it to make money." Kong Er said confidently: "Yeying has five billion people, and I will charge one gold coin for each book. Five billion books are five billion. Not only that, I also edited Jun Go to the daily life record, Junshang food appreciation, Junshang clothing catalog, Junshang underwear pattern, and Junshang's 100 songs!"

So, is that how Fat Head was born

As for Kong Er, Kong Wuying was already so angry that he was out of breath.

He sighed and asked, "Why on earth did you... have that kind of thought?"

Although they are not his own, but he asks himself to teach in the same way as thousands of fathers in the world.

They are all filial sons born under the stick.

Why are they all crooked

One or two is fine, this is the third one, and he can't wait to see the rest!

Blame Kong Baobao's crow mouth.

Hearing this question, Kong Er showed a trance smile on his face: "It's all my father's fault."

"Who made him so charming?" After speaking, he laughed "kinky".

Kong Wuying: "..."

Blame me slightly.

Kong Wuying staggered back to his own room.

The little emptiness is sitting there playing by itself.

As soon as he saw Kong Wuying approaching, he giggled at him.

Kong Wuying felt panicked in his heart, and hugged Kong Kongang: "Do you also think I'm... charming?"

With a cocky head, the little one didn't understand why the master said that, but he still replied seriously: "Yes, yay."

The empty heart is more stuffed!

After Kong Er finished unloading the goods, he came to look for Kong Wuying.

"Where is the treasure? Hurry up, I don't want to meet the fourth child!"

Kong Wuying hugged Kong Konglang: "You bring someone, come with me."

He took Kong Er and his men all the way westward until they reached a valley.

Fang said: "This is where the treasure is hidden, but there is a protective formation that I have been unable to decipher. It is all up to you, Second Highness!"

Kong Er felt the remaining energy fluctuations here, and a confident smile appeared on his face.

"It's a small matter, let me break it down for you every minute!"

As soon as the words fell, he was covered by a cage composed of thorns growing from the ground.

Regarding this, Kong Er calmed down, a bright mark flickered between his brows, and he was about to unleash his sharp blade to quickly cut through the thorns!

Then he melted and melted, but he couldn't melt.

Eh? Why can't he use the power in his body

Eh? Why can't he move

Eh? Is this thorn poisonous

Eh? Come someone, help!

So someone came decisively, and Kong Wuying who came out of nowhere pretended to be surprised and said, "Oh... Second Highness, are you practicing kung fu in this posture?"

Kong Er looked at his subordinates who were tied up like him, and his face was very ugly: "Can you afford the consequences of doing this?"

Kong Wuying looked terrified, and the villain said, "Oh, I can't bear it, I'm so scared."

Kong Er: "..."

If he can move at this moment, he must kill this kid!

It seems that Kong Wuying has the same idea as him.

"100 million? You might as well grab it!"

"Do you know what happened to the last person who blackmailed me? Now his grave is three feet high!"

"Dare to bully my father, I am simply impatient."

Kong Wuying kicked the immobile Kong Er while saying viciously as if to vent.

Maybe he was really too angry, and his words faintly suspected of revealing his identity.

But hearing Kong Er's ears, even his soul trembled.

Be angry.

The bitch! Who did he say was the father!

Kong Wuying vented his anger very well, and then proudly said: "Don't worry, the poisonous thorn formation here is powerful, but it will be untied automatically when the time comes. I think it will probably take decades." , Decades will pass in the blink of an eye, don't worry. If it doesn't work, you can scream, scream, scream, even if you break your throat, no one will come to rescue you!"

At the end, he laughed triumphantly, with the face of a villain.

Kong Er hates that.

Kong Wuying sized him up, and took his purse away by the way.

It's inconvenient to go out alone without money.

The stingy Kong Er was so angry that he almost lost his breath.

After taking the money bag, Kong Wuying patted his son's head: "Stay here, your father, I'm leaving hahahahahahaha!"

So he strode away.

After Kong Wuying left, Kong Er was thinking of a way to get out, the formation here is really strange, even he, a person who has reached the ninth level of the Heavenly Demon Body, was tricked.

Now the power in his body can't be used at all, as if blocked by something, it can't be used at all.

If you want to save yourself, I'm afraid it won't work.

And this place is desolate and uninhabited, it is unrealistic to wait for others to save it.

Speaking of it, the fourth child seems to like wandering in those deserted places.

As soon as this terrible idea came to his mind, he heard a terrible voice behind him: "Hey! Who is this?"

Kong Er: "..."

If there's a crack in the ground, he goes in.

Not here.

He can't get in without him.

The man deliberately went around in front of him, sized him up, and said, "Could it be that this is your newest way to make money? Standing here to collect money for exhibitions? Oh, it's a pity that there is no one here, why not?" I'm going to call you some!"

Kong Er sullenly said, "Go away if you have nothing to do!"

Although Kong Si showed up, he didn't expect him to save him, just kidding! It would be good if Kong Si didn't make trouble, so save him!

It's just... He hated Kong Wuying again in his heart.

It actually caused him to be ridiculed by Kong Si like this.

Kong Si couldn't hide his laughter anymore: "Hahahahahahaha Kong Er, you also have today hahahahaha, how about it, do you want me to save you, then... beg me."

Kong Er sneered at his request: "Even if I die, I won't beg you, let alone you won't save me at all."

"Why not? Nothing in this world is free. As long as you can afford the price." Kong Si smiled meaningfully.

The long eyelashes are slightly raised, showing an indescribable charm.

"what would you like?"

Kong Si's red lips parted slightly: "Kong Xuan City."

"You're dreaming!" Kong Er refused without thinking.

Just kidding, Kongxuan City is the most prosperous trading city under his command, worth more than 100 billion.

"Go away! I don't need your help!" Anyway, Hun Dan also said that this formation will be automatically unlocked when the time comes, no matter what, it is more reliable than doing business with Kong Si, a poisonous snake!

"You don't agree?" Kong Si's voice was full of pity, and then he took out a sharp knife: "Then there is no way, I can only kill my relatives righteously."

Kong Er: "... !!"

Wait, that's not how righteousness kills relatives, bastard!

After taking care of the second son, Kong Wuying strolled around Qiuyuyuan in a very chic way.

Who knew that he was caught by someone as soon as he entered Qiu Yuyuan.

The soldier leader looked at him and said coldly: "It's him, arrest him!"

Kong Wuying: "...!"