When the Golden Finger Lands in the Hands of the Villain

Chapter 55: I'm talking about IQ


The grand maid looked at his master with some astonishment.

In memory, this is the first time the master has lost his composure like this.

That person... who the hell is it

She recalled the two people in the record spar, she unconsciously lit a candle for them, no matter who it was, being hated by His Highness would be more pitiful than dying.

Kong Wuying was walking with Kong Baobao on the road in Wangcheng at this time, and both of them changed their outfits because of the city-wide raid.

Kong Baobao suggested: "Master, don't you want to see Ye Ying? Let me go shopping with you."

No matter what you do, it's really good to be with the master.

Kong Wuying looked listless.

"I'm not in the mood."

This trip to Night Shadow was really uncomfortable.

Knowing a lot of truths that he didn't want to know.


He looked around, and the city was full of people who were cursing him.

"Those two quack doctors who killed thousands of knives are really harmful!"

"The third concubine is so gentle and noble, he can do it."

"Those two should be spies from other countries!"

"Absolutely! Otherwise, how could you do such insane things?"

"Not only the third princess? Now even the third highness... The Ruthless Domain is going to be over, it's over."

"Third Highness also... what happened?"

Kong Wuying's footsteps also stopped.

The man lamented: "The latest news, those two villains went to the Shuangfeng Desert in order to escape His Highness's pursuit, His Highness also chased them, but now they are caught in the whirlpool storm in the desert, and their life and death are unknown... That hateful Villain! He deserves to be hacked to death!"

At the end, his voice revealed a harshness!

Kong Wuying said suspiciously: "This... is just a rumor. As the master of a domain, how could His Highness risk himself for the sake of a few villains." News from the Wind Desert

"Is it a rumor that you can ask around, and now this is the news that the whole city knows. Your Highness's deep affection for the princess is really beyond the limits of the poor mountains and the sea."

After the man finished speaking, he shook his head and left without worry.

Kong Wuying sent Baby Kong to inquire about it. Not long after, Baby Kong came back with a blank expression on his face: "I asked several people, and they all said that they had never heard of this matter. Master, it must be just a rumor."

Kong Wuying: "..."

Kong Baobao: "...Master, why are you looking at me like this? Is there something on my face?"

Kong Wuying said: "You have to be honest, you know?"

Kong Baobao: "...Of course, I will never lie to Master!"

Kong Wuying finally got angry: "You are so honest! I asked a few people just now, and the answers I got were different from yours!"

Kong Baobao: "..."

Kong Wuying said: "... let's go."

He also didn't expect that the third child would be so affectionate. just just

Kong Baobao said: "Master, in fact... Kong San has been excellent, capable and assertive since he was a child, and he will definitely consider everything he does. He will not easily get involved in danger, so let's wait for a while!"

No! He doesn't want to go!

Save that disgusting Kong San!

Kong Wuying's palm touched Baby Kong's cheek gently, and he smiled softly: "Baby, don't make me angry."

The baby was shocked, and immediately pulled Kong Wuying up and said: "Master, let's set off quickly, I'm worried that Kong San will be in danger if it's later!"

Twin Winds Desert.

Here, it can indeed be said that it is a dangerous place for night shadows.

The anniversary is surrounded by two kinds of wind and sand.

As long as you don't pay attention, you may be taken to the bottom of the desert by the wind and sand, there... unless you have the supernatural ability like Lord Ye, you will definitely not be able to get out.

The vortex is another trap of the Shuangfeng Desert. Those who fall into the vortex don't know where they will be drawn. It may be a desert not far from here, but it is more likely to be a desert where one enters this place and is close to death. mountains.

When Kong Wuying and the others arrived, soldiers all over the desert were searching everywhere.

From the fatigue on their faces, it can be seen that their search has been going on for a long time, but there is still no result.

From this point of view, the possibility of Kongsan falling into the desert mountains is extremely high.

Kong Wuying asked Kong Baobao: "Can you sense where Kong San is?"

Kong Baobao was speechless: "Master, I'm not a dog's nose, how can I just sense it?"

All his senses are only aimed at the master, okay

"However, based on the wind direction and terrain here, I can roughly guess Kong San's position, unless he is running around."

Since they are all here, let's rescue them quickly and leave.

Kong Baobao closed his eyes and calculated for a while, then said solemnly: "It really is in the desert mountains."

"When the next vortex comes, I will enter and use the power of the vortex to find Kong San. Master, you don't need to go there. It's too dangerous. You wait for me here." Kong Baobao said, He took out another piece of ice-blue jade and handed it to Kong Wuying: "The old rule is to crush it when it is in danger."

Kong Wuying took the jade, and the jade from last time was lost without knowing when. He hesitated to speak on his face.

Kong Baobao smiled: "Don't worry, master, it's just a whirlpool. If I can't even conquer this, how can I be your soul puppet?"

"I'm not worried about you." Kong Wuying said: "I just want to say, don't hit him."

The child was miserable enough.

The empty baby gritted his teeth.

beat! Of course I want to fight! Hit it to death!

They waited another full three hours before the vortex gradually formed. At the moment when the surrounding soldiers ran away with their heads in their arms, Kong Baobao smiled at Kong Wuying, then jumped into the vortex.

Kong Wuying held the jade, waiting here bored.

He waited and waited and waited until he fainted.

Kong San looked at Kong Wuying who was erected by two soldiers, and took the ice-blue jade from his hand, and then buried the jade to the bottom with a wave of his hand.

Then he ordered the soldiers: "Take it away."

When Kong Wuying woke up again, he was slightly dazed.

He was in a dark place right now, and the tallow candle the thickness of his arm flickered with faint light. He tried to move his hands and feet, but was surprised to find that his hands and feet were all locked by chains.

And behind him was a thick pillar.

He seemed to be chained to the pillar.

What happened

Kong Wuying frowned, didn't he just wait for Kong Baobao

Thinking of Baby Kong, he subconsciously squeezed the jade in his hand, but found that his hand was empty.

"What are you looking for?" At this moment, someone asked coldly.

Familiar voice, this is...

Kong Wuying watched in disbelief as a figure came out of the shadows, his eyes full of hatred.

It turned out to be the third child who was rumored to have been involved in the whirlpool!

Why did the third child appear here

Why are you looking at yourself that way

Oh, that's right, his current shell is still the murderer of his beloved wife, even if he hates himself, it's not surprising.

However, Kong San's next sentence interrupted his thoughts: "What are you thinking? Father?"

He said sarcastically.

Kong Wuying's whole body froze.

He... actually knew.

Looking at the mocking Kong San, he calmed down: "What... do you want?"

Why, do this to my father and me

"How?" Kong San sullenly stretched out his hand to pinch Kong Wuying's chin.

"What does father think? What do I think about the person I hate and hate the most in my life?"

Feeling the strength coming from his chin, Kong Wuying frowned: "I hate and hate... is it because of you... my daughter-in-law?"

Because she has always regarded him as her substitute

Hearing this, Kong San actually burst out laughing: "You said Xiaoxi, it's none of her business, she's just an episode. Before I met him, you were already the person I hate the most in my life!"

He stared at Kong Wuying intently: "Because you killed my parents!"

Kong Wuying was really stunned: "Parents?"

Kong San showed a complex smile that seemed bitter and gentle: "I just want to ask you, why didn't you give birth to your own son! Why did you take godsons indiscriminately! Back then, you took Kong, Kong, Er, and two godsons one after another. We Everyone in the family panicked. You must know that Kong Yi’s family and ours are irreconcilable. If he ascends to the throne in the future, our family will be over. However, you only accept the death of both parents as a godson, cute and beautiful. So...they Just killed my parents!" He sneered softly: "They thought I was young and didn't know anything, but in fact I just didn't say anything. Later, when I grew up and got the power, I killed them all. gone."

"However, I hate you the most. You are the origin of all tragedies! It is you who made me lose my parents! But the ridiculous thing is that I have to please you, because only you can give me the power to take revenge!" Kong San laughed wildly.

"I'm so ridiculous! Do you know how disgusting I feel every time I see you caring about me hypocritically? You just... make me sick!"

The more Kong Mitsukoshi said, the more he hated, the fingers pinching Kong Wuying's chin became tighter and tighter, then he lowered his head and kissed him fiercely.

Kong Wuying, who was kissed madly, was dumbfounded.

Does it make you sick? What about loathing and hating

That's how you treat... you hate hated people

He struggled to get up: "Kong San, Dad, I am not someone you can treat like this!"

Kong San sneered: "You don't want to tell me about the laws of heaven and morality, do you?" Ridiculous!

"No, what I'm talking about... IQ."

Kong San: "... !!"