When The Male Supporting Actor Bend The Male Lead

Chapter 11: When the domineering male protagonist of Iceberg is bent (11)


"Are you...how are you doing these days?"

Luo Han didn't know why, he just wanted to ask him if he was doing well... But his face was so pale that it was almost transparent.

Qi Yan stared at him blankly, and it took him a while to recover. He forced a smile on Luo Han and said, "You can be discharged from the hospital... Doesn't it matter if you come to school now?"

Luo Han had no expression and looked at his blue-stained eyes lightly.

He... doesn't seem to be having a good life. Is it because he is separated from himself

Luo Han, who came to this conclusion, felt at a loss and confused.

He doesn't know the feelings between himself and the other person, because he can't remember, everything is like an old yellowed photo, which is eventually sealed in dust at the bottom of the box and forgotten.

Luo Han didn't reply for a long time. Qi Yan looked away awkwardly and looked for a topic: "Are you still familiar with the school?"

"No, but it's easy to spot."

"That's it...it doesn't matter. You'll get familiar with it quickly if you walk around a lot." Qi Yan walked stiffly to his desk, sorted out the scattered documents on it, and kept saying, "These are school management and student activities." All kinds of information. It used to be managed by the two of us, but later... "

Later, after we got together, you took care of everything. I once acted like a rogue, but you just shook your head fondly and took all the documents...

Qi Yan didn't say these words.

The pain in his throat and the soreness at the tip of his nose made Qi Yan take a deep breath, but tears filled his eyes.

Taking a heavy breath, Qi Yan raised his head, not letting tears flow out, and just wanted to escape from this place quickly.

Behind him, Luo Han's clear eyes were always on Qi Yan. His forbearance, pain, and longing were all seen by him. Inexplicably, he felt uncomfortable in his heart, but he didn't know why he felt uncomfortable.

After a long time, Qi Yan gathered his emotions, turned around, and smiled at Luo Han: "I'm going to class, goodbye." After that, he walked towards the door.

After taking a few steps, Luo Han's voice suddenly came, stopping him from leaving.

"We were good before?"

The cold voice is like a companion following the breeze of summer night. No matter how warm the day is, it will make people shiver at night.

Qi Yan paused and lowered his eyes: "Is it useful to ask these...?"

"just want to know."

"Then how do you want me to answer?" Qi Yan laughed self-deprecatingly: "If I say it's not good, you will doubt the inquiry; if I say it's good, you won't remember anything."

"Luo Han, I'm sorry."

"This apology is because I was not by your side when you were hurt."

"If I can, I'm willing to help you bear this pain."

"But you have to remember, I don't owe you anything."

"You have no impression of me, it's like you ripped out my heart and cut it into pieces, yet you still ask me how I feel with an indifferent expression."

"From the beginning, I was out. It wasn't you, it was someone else."

"Forgetting you is just a matter of time."

"It will also... hurt so much that it kills me."

Qi Yan left without looking back, leaving Luo Han with a thin and lonely figure.

Luo Han's eyes widened in shock, and Luo Han's soul was screaming. The feeling of wanting to cry but for no reason lingered in my heart. It seemed like something exploded in the void, but when I tried to look for it, I couldn't find it.

One sentence filled my mind - you are going to lose him.

Luo Han suddenly covered his head. Once again, the pain was unbearable.

A vague figure appeared in the chaos. Everything about him, his gentle appearance, his coquettish and aggrieved appearance emerged one by one.

However, that person's face just wasn't there.


Qi Yan + Luo Han Small Theater:

Luo Han: You look so bad, you must be thinking about me, right

Qi Yan: Haha, if you think about it too much, that’s because you masturbate too much.

Luo Han: [squinting] What did you say

Qi Yan: In order to create the effect, I played on the computer for two days and two nights! Let’s wait until you recover your memory to settle this account!

Luo Han: [Smiling evilly, he moves closer and hugs his waist] How about I give you two days and two nights as compensation

Qi Yan: Mu Xiu Kai! Mud!