When The Male Supporting Actor Bend The Male Lead

Chapter 110: When the doomsday zombie male protagonist is bent (20)


When he was kidnapped and taken to a laboratory full of white coats, Kang Yi knew that his fate might have been like this.

—He, an alien like him, should be used as a guinea pig for experiments.

"Send him to Laboratory No. 1." An impersonal voice sounded, coming from a white-haired old man wearing a white mask. The white hair standing on end and the anger between his brows were replaced by wrinkles, but he still couldn't hide his shrewdness.

"Professor Liu, if you can get any information that is beneficial to mankind from him, please tell the truth when the time comes."

Chen Jiasheng did not look at Kang Yi who was brought to the laboratory, but started bargaining with Professor Liu.

Professor Liu glared at him displeasedly and snorted heavily: "When did the young master of the Chen family take charge of the laboratory affairs?"

Such disrespectful words made Chen Jiasheng's face turn blue. He held back his anger and pointed in the direction of Laboratory No. 1: "I sent this person here. If Professor Liu doesn't cooperate, I can take him away at any time!"

After washing his hands and drying them, Professor Liu turned around and went to Laboratory No. 1 without even looking at Chen Jiasheng.

Chen Jiasheng was so angry that he couldn't do anything. At this time, the housekeeper next to him stepped forward and said a few words in his ear, and his originally angry face became darker.

"This woman is really annoying!"

"Master, what should we do next?"

"Lock her to the basement!" Chen Jiasheng ordered irritably.

The butler's face was a little confused, and he carefully persuaded: "Master, this basement is a bit too..."

"Don't worry about it! Just give her food on time." With a cold smile, Chen Jiasheng's narrowed eyes flashed with a hint of sinisterness.

"Didn't she say she wanted to stay in that villa for the rest of her life? That would be her wish!"


After explaining everything, Qi Yan turned around and left, ignoring the thoughts and expressions of the rest of the team.

Everything is urgent, just like those people are anxious to experiment with Kang Yi.

Following the route given by the system, Qi Yan prepared to enter through the logistics door of the underground laboratory instead of the main entrance. First, the main entrance was too risky, and he might not be able to escape alone; second, he didn't want the rest of the team to follow.

What Qi Yan said was true. It was precisely because of the relationship with Yang Zi and others that they did not want them to be involved in this matter. They had no obligation and no need.

In fact, Qi Yan knew very well that even if they knew the truth, they might still choose to rescue Kang Yi. They are no longer children, they know what is important and what is important, who is right and who is wrong.

Qi Yan left while they were still thinking and deliberation, just to prevent them from following him.

Both sides are full of painstaking efforts, but for a moment, the sincerity that beats with true love behind the fog was confused.

There are three entrances to the underground laboratory that can lead to the outside world: the main entrance, the logistics entrance, and the water pipe entrance.

The logistics port is where all daily necessities, food, and equipment needed for experiments are transported in by a large logistics belt.

Qi Yan knew exactly where it was. If he got mixed up behind some large items, the possibility of being brought in along with the transportation was very high.

The conveyor belt has a total of three checkpoints and two intelligent machine inspections, making a total of five checkpoints. Qi Yan cannot guarantee at which checkpoint he will be discovered.

"System, is there any way to hide me?" After much deliberation, Qi Yan decided to turn to the system for help.

[Attention, host, there is an invisibility potion in the mall, which lasts for ten minutes and needs to be redeemed with points. ]

"Mall?" Qi Yan repeated, his tone full of doubts and confusion.

[Yes, mall. ]

"How come I didn't know there was such a thing as a mall before?"

[Because everything in the mall requires points to consume. ]

"...So you didn't tell me there was a mall in order to prevent me from using my points?!"

[System failure, please host re-enter the command. ]

Qi Yan took a deep breath and didn't care about the system: "Buy me a bottle of invisibility potion." Ten minutes should be enough.

[Is the host sure? ]

"Stop talking nonsense! I can earn more points!" Qi Yan's voice was a little impatient.

The system was silent for two seconds, and then the sound of a successful purchase was heard.

Qi Yan may have forgotten a long time ago what the purpose of conquering each world was and what the benefits were.

Although it sounds hard to say it, it is undeniable that all the selected raiders are already dead. When I became a Raider, I agreed that I would give points to the system, and I would have extra money for my family who survived.

For the old man who has a white-haired person and a black-haired person, this is another way to compensate for not being able to fulfill his filial piety.

The journey is long and has no end.

[Host, the system wants to remind you that it is impossible for attackers to stay in one world. ]

The system's emotionless mechanical sound sounded, bringing Qi Yan back to reality.

Indeed, the Raiders are like dust floating in the air. They can never fall to the ground. When the wind blows, the dust will fly away.

It was like a bucket of ice water falling from the sky, dousing Qi Yan's passion.

After a long silence, Qi Yan whispered: "Use the potion."

No one saw that in the corner of Hope City, a person gradually became transparent and finally disappeared.

In Laboratory No. 1, Kang Yi was tied to the operating table. The dazzling white light dazzled his eyes, and he squinted in discomfort, causing an assistant next to him to chuckle sarcastically.

"It's just a zombie, but it's also dazzling?"

In the past, Kang Yi would not have refuted, but would have been silently sad in her heart. But now, after being with Qi Yan, he will refute.

"It dazzles the eyes, just like humans."

"You!" The assistant put down the equipment in his hand and came over to hit Kang Yi. He also cursed: "How can zombies be compared with humans! You are all heartless monsters!"

The fist that was about to fall was suddenly held by two hands. The assistant turned around and exclaimed: "Professor!"

"What are you doing?" Professor Liu's face turned cold: "Don't touch my experiment!"

"Yes, yes...Professor." The man retracted his fist tremblingly.

Professor Liu came to the operating table, looked at Kang Yi carefully up and down, and touched his heart with a sterile-gloved hand.

"Well, there is indeed no heartbeat." After saying that, Professor Liu checked Kang Yi's pulse again. After a few seconds, he shook his head and said, "No."

"I am a zombie." Kang Yi admitted on his own initiative: "I can stay here for you to do experiments. But my companions don't know anything. Please let them go."

A trace of surprise flashed in Professor Liu's eyes. He looked at Kang Yi for a long time and then said slowly: "Your companion is not under my control."

"But it was you who asked someone to bring me here."

"I'm not the one who brought you here." Professor Liu turned around and prepared the necessary equipment: "You were sent to me."

Kang Yi was stunned and asked, "Who is it?"

Professor Liu squinted at him: "I don't need to tell you. But you can rest assured that as long as your companion doesn't do anything else, he won't be embarrassed."