When The Male Supporting Actor Bend The Male Lead

Chapter 129: When the male protagonist of the sick count was turned upside down (13)


Qi Yan has not eaten or drank for three days and has not spoken.

A mermaid's body doesn't need food as frequently as a human's, so even if he persists for another week, he won't have a problem.

But Kerry didn't think so.

Qi Yan's hunger strike and refusal to talk made him panic. He was like a helpless child. He had no way to deal with Qi Yan.

"Ayan, eat something..." Kerry advised softly.

Qi Yan ignored it, as if he didn't hear anything.

"Ayan..." Kerry looked as if he was about to cry. Putting down the fresh fruit in his hand, Kerry sat on the ground without any trace of a count, leaning against the crystal coffin behind his back.

"You blame me, I'm not angry... but please don't hurt yourself." Kerry's voice was full of pleading: "This is my way of expressing love to you, why don't you understand?"

The long silence made the atmosphere between the two awkward.

Kerry stood up, placed the fruit in the transistor, and smiled bitterly: "Eat some, I will feel bad."

After saying that, the unusually lonely figure slowly walked out of the room.

Since being imprisoned here, Qi Yan has never seen anyone else come to this room. The only one he sees every time is Kerry.

—Probably no one knows they are being held here.

When the favorability level was not full, Kerry's mood changed drastically, which prompted Qi Yan to be imprisoned here. Who would have thought that Kerry would do such a thing in just one night

The fish tail is swinging slowly in this small crystal coffin. This place is different from the sea. The taste is also extremely light, without the smell of fresh tide in the depths of the sea.

We must find a way to get out and reduce the degree of darkness, otherwise this mission is likely to fail.


Kerry came out of the secret room and sat on a chair with a bad look, facing a pile of letters and documents. He had no desire to correct them, even though as a count, these things were what he should do.

Just ten minutes after sitting down, there was a knock on the study door. Kerry looked up and saw Nasha in a pink skirt walking in. Her expression was cold and serious, completely different from her usual fawning appearance.

"Kerry, I think we need to talk."

Kerry pinched the center of his eyebrows with one hand, tapped the fingers of his other hand on the table gently, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "What are you talking about?"

"About that cooperation." Nasha chuckled: "Let's terminate it."

Kerry was stunned when he heard this, and then smiled for the first time: "It's great that you are so knowledgeable."

"Kerry, do you think I will simply let you go like this?" Nasha sneered, obviously coming to declare war: "I won't make it easy for you. Offending the Temple of Light and ruining your reputation is already considered a light thing. "

"I'll wait and see." Kerry waved his hand, giving an eviction order.

Nasha's face turned pale. She thought that when it came to interests, Kerry would make a last resort.

Nasha knew all the shameful things that Kerry had done when he first came to power, whether it was bringing in illegal goods from the port, killing the old earl, or exiling his brothers, if these things were made public, Kerry would be really finished.

But at this moment, he was obviously not bothered by these things, nor was he worried that he would say these things.

"Kerry, don't think I dare not."

"What you want to do is up to you, it doesn't matter."

Nasha frowned and asked in confusion: "What made you so decisive? That man?"

"It has nothing to do with you." When Qi Yan was mentioned, Kerry's voice was a little cold: "You can do whatever you want, and don't try to get any information about A Yan from me."

Nasha's always gloomy expression finally turned to resentment at the cold rejection of the man she liked.

"Then please be prepared, Count Kerry!"

Probably emphasizing the word 'Count Kerry', Nasha left the study without looking back.

The cancellation of the engagement between Count Hilal and the Saint of Light caused an uproar in Erli City. They all believed that they had been deceived by Count Hilal, and that the poor saint was just a stepping stone for him to rise to power.

For a time, insults and cynicism came like a huge wave, sweeping through the entire city of Erli.

In such a situation, Saint Nasha stood up and pitifully announced to the world how Kerry deceived her sincerely. However, after she discovered some of Kerry's improper behaviors, she decisively left him!

These remarks had a great impact on the hearts of the city people. At least now everyone thinks that Kerry is a scumbag who cheats on his feelings.

The male protagonist of the whole incident, Kerry Hilal, did not respond publicly to the matter, but chose to ignore it.

Time can calm everything, just like public opinion, it will slowly dissipate as time goes by.

Nasha gritted her silver teeth, as if everything she did was a clown for others to laugh at.

After punching the cotton, Nasha knew that no matter what she did next, there would be no response from Kerry.

At this time, Kerry seems to care more about his children's personal relationship than external public opinion.

"Ayan, this fruit is delicious. I sent someone to buy it from the elves' territory."

Kerry put a bright yellow fruit into the trough. Qi Yan glanced at it lightly and ignored it.

"Ayan, even if you are angry, you have to eat well." Kerry's heart is now very calm.

Qi Yan, who knew from the system that the outside world had bombarded Kerry with public opinion, didn't understand why Kerry could still be so calm. The position of earl was what he had always wanted, and he had worked hard to win it.

"Speaking of which, Ayan." Kerry suddenly smiled as if he was taking credit: "Nasha and I are separated. Now I only belong to you."

Qi Yan was stunned for a moment, and then understood.

- Nasha must be using external forces to prepare for revenge on Kerry.

At this point, Qi Yan could no longer remain silent.

The crystal blue eyes with crystal luster slowly opened and looked directly at Kerry's eyes that gradually showed joy.

"Kerry." The mermaid's voice was full of temptation: "I said from the beginning, you have to be happy."

"Happy! If Ayan talks to me, I will be happy!"

"You did all this for the sake of power. And now, for the sake of personal love, are you prepared to lose it all?"

- A huge castle, the title of earl, endless money, and endless power.

As long as you are not careful, overnight, these will turn into foam rising from the sea in the morning.

Narrowing his eyes with a smile, Kerry didn't care: "As long as it's for Ayan, what will happen if I lose these things."

"Do you really love me?"


"Isn't it because you are dependent that you want to look at me?"


"Kerry, where is your own heart?"

"Ayan, don't you..."

"Kerry, if you really loved me, I wouldn't be trapped in this crystal coffin."

Qi Yan stated a fact in an understatement.

-Your dependence has blinded all your sincerity.