When The Male Supporting Actor Bend The Male Lead

Chapter 131: When the male protagonist of the morbid earl was turned upside down (end)


Faced with Qi Yan's particularly worried words and eyes, Kerry smiled, his sweet eyes fixed on Qi Yan's delicate face with nostalgia.

"Don't worry, I won't sit still and wait for death."

Qi Yan stared at him for a long time and then suddenly said: "Kerry, you said you would never lie to me."

A moment of guilt flashed in Kerry's eyes, but it was only for a moment, and even he was not aware of it.

"Of course, I would never lie to you."

After receiving the answer, Qi Yan jumped into the sea and swam deeper. Kerry stood on the reef until the sun fell from the sea, the dusk turned dark, and the sea was still silent without any sound, then he slowly moved his stiff legs.

—I'm sorry, I'm going to break my promise.

The queen's decree came quickly. Count Kerry Hilal obtained the position of earl through unfair means, killed the old earl, exiled his brothers, and deceived the Saint of Light's feelings and sincerity. The crime was serious and he was sentenced to death by hanging.

Hanging, a rope ends life.

Using the ground as a prison, Kerry was locked in the round tower at the side entrance.

Life is here, death is here too.

"Do you have anything to say?"

At some point, Nasha appeared, wearing a noble teaching uniform that highlighted her beautiful figure.

Kerry didn't even want to look up at her, silently stroking the light blue fish scales. It fell off naturally when Qi Yan slept on his bed that night and was taken away by him later.

Light blue...his favorite color.

Nasha was not angry at being ignored. She stepped into the small room and chuckled: "Kerry, do you regret it? You gave up so much for a man."

As long as you can pretend, you won't end up like this.

"I heard that you let the mermaid go?" Nasha stroked the silver utensils on the counter: "Tom searched the entire castle and couldn't find the mermaid... Oh, by the way, you don't know yet, I want to Married to Tom, I’m still a countess.”

"From beginning to end, you were the only one who failed miserably."

"Kerry, there is no regret medicine in the world."

Nasha's declaration only emphasized how good her life was. As Kerry's mortal enemy, Tom naturally took the position of earl and married the Saint of Light. Everything was just like Kerry's previous experience, except...

Kerry was replaced by Tom.

This is the most annoying thing.

Maybe Kerry really doesn't care and everything he does is a failure in the eyes of others. But only he knew that in this boring life, that light blue was the light of his life.

The day of execution came soon. The gallows was set up above the sea, because once the partition door was opened, the prisoner's feet would be hanging in the air. It was inevitable that some of his accomplices would do tricks at the partition door, making it impossible for the prisoner to hang. A smooth death. Therefore, the city of Erli, which is surrounded by the sea, set up the hanging on the sea. Even if the partition was tampered with and there was a sea behind it, it still could not alleviate the execution.

Maybe Kerry was lucky, because he saw the sea and blue he loved most when he was dying.

Although, I really want to see Qi Yan. But now that he is in full public view, it is better not to see him.

Kerry thought regretfully as he was pushed into the boat and rowed all the way to the gallows.

Looking at the gallows getting closer and closer, Kerry's heart felt extremely peaceful. He had never been so calm before. It's like a dying person, wandering at the door of hell, simply thinking that as long as the door is opened, everything will be over.

At that moment, Kerry was expecting death.

-Ayan, if there is an afterlife... I will listen to you, leave this circle, and be an ordinary person.

[Kerry's favorability towards Qi Yan +10, current favorability: 90]

If it's a little short of something, it should still be a little short of something.

A hemp rope as thick as a baby's wrist was tied around his neck. Kerry seemed to be able to hear the insults of the people on the shore, but it was all vague because the sound of the rolling tide confused everything.

The fresh smell of the ocean hit him, and Kerry took a deep breath, as if he could smell Ayan's scent.

Ayan... I miss you so much.

"Hmph, it's quite peaceful!" The person next to him snorted, with a look of disdain on his face: "When your eyeballs are pulled out, I won't let you be so calm!"

The hemp rope around his neck is tightened, and as long as the partition under his feet is lowered, death is only a matter of time.

"You look quite fair, how could you have such a vicious heart!" The man sighed with regret, stretched out his hand to hold the rope of the partition, and pulled hard while sighing.

With a 'crack' sound, the partition fell from both sides. Kerry's feet were dangling in the air, but the hemp rope around his neck was pulling him, making his face turn red in an instant.

The face of the man who was hanged was not pretty, he rolled his eyes and kicked his legs unconsciously.

At first, I could still hear the mocking sounds of people in my ears, but then they unified into a harsh sound, and I couldn't hear it clearly anymore.

Kerry lost consciousness and his life was slowly passing away.

A person's life seems to be so short.

The three executioners laughed wantonly on the side. They liked to see people dying.

Suddenly, one of the bald men looked gloomily into the depths of the sea. There seemed to be something strange behind the rolling waves.

"Hey! Look over there!"

The other two people looked in the direction he pointed, but saw nothing: "What are you looking at?"

"There's something there!"

"There's something in the blue!"

As soon as he finished speaking, many mermaids suddenly jumped up from behind the rolling waves!

The low roar of the mermaid was also harsh. They rushed over with a roar, which scared the three people back. In panic, they climbed into the boat and rowed to the shore with the greatest strength in their lives.

Naturally, the people on the shore also saw this kind of scenery. One mermaid can appreciate it, but two mermaids are not too many... What about hundreds or even thousands

The wave set off by the mermaid was already higher than the gallows and was still rising, with no intention of being beaten down. If it continues to rise like this, when it reaches the shore, the waves will wash away part of the city of Erli!

People screamed and ran away. Nasha and Tom were also stunned. With the support of the housekeeper, they withdrew into the city.

The high city wall blocked the scene outside, and they trembled fearfully, waiting for the flood to come. Some old people knelt on the ground, praying to Neptune not to blame him, and to use their faith to influence God.

More than ten minutes passed, but the flood did not come. The citizens walked out of the city gate one by one in confusion and found that the sea was as calm as ever, with no trace of strong winds or waves at all.

Others were puzzled. They had clearly seen such a big wave just now, even higher than the city wall.

"Hey! Look!"

Just when everyone was confused, a child suddenly pointed in the direction of the gallows, and his childish voice was full of curiosity: "Neptune rescued that man!"

Others looked over and saw that the gallows was still there and the noose was there, but Kerry, who was supposed to be hanged, was nowhere to be found.

Everyone exclaimed in exclamation. They never expected that such a man would be blessed by the King of the Sea.

Nasha and Tom chewed their silver teeth into pieces. They knew who the Neptune was who rescued Kerry. It was clearly the mermaid named Qi Yan!

It's a pity that if they are rescued, they are rescued. Who will look for their traces


Dopa Town, a small seaside town.

The people here are self-sufficient. They eat fish they catch and drink green water from the mountains. They are surrounded by the sea on one side and mountains on two sides.

Although this small place is a border town that Erli City doesn't take seriously, it lives an extremely peaceful and happy life.

In the early morning, Qi Yan bought some fruits from the vendor, carried two big and thick fish, and walked all the way back to the small two-story building with a smile on his face.

Mrs. Rent is a fat woman in her fifties who runs a bakery. The house was originally rented to Qi Yan, and the bakery is next to it.

Qi Yan went to the bakery first and ordered two fruit tarts.

"Oh, Xiaoyan is still so virtuous." Mrs. Rent smiled and narrowed her eyes, causing her five-year-old son to agree: "You are virtuous and virtuous!"

Qi Yan bent down, touched the child's head, took out an apple from the bag and handed it to him: "Go and eat it."

The child narrowed his eyes and smiled, picked up the fruit and ran away.

Standing up, Qi Yan looked at Mrs. Rent, with sincerity in his tone: "Madam, I think we will live here for the rest of our lives."

Mrs. Rent gave him an approving look and raised her eyebrows slightly: "It's time to settle down long ago."

"You know, Kerry and I are both special..."

"It doesn't matter, people in small towns never care about this." Mrs. Rent smiled lovingly: "Maybe they all know it, maybe they don't know it. But now, they only care about whether you can continue to tell the fishermen the direction of the sea. And will Kerry continue to teach children to read?"

Qi Yan smiled happily.

"Of course we will continue to do this."

Back in the small building, Qi Yan returned to the bedroom and found that Kerry was still asleep, so he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, gently stroking his cheek.

Before he could take his hand back, Qi Yan's hand was grabbed.

"Ayan, you're back..." Kerry rubbed the jade-smooth hand, and then kissed it gently.

Qi Yan patted his cheek gently: "It's time to get up. After dinner, the children are coming over."

Kerry nodded and sat up from the bed, feeling the dazzling sunlight shining through the window and falling on his face.

-It's amazing. A month ago, he was a death row prisoner about to be hanged.

"The sunshine is so beautiful." Kerry got out of bed, came behind Qi Yan, and hugged him tightly: "Ayan, thank you."

Thank you for saving me, thank you for not giving up on me.

Qi Yan stroked his hand around her waist, with a faint smile on her lips.

"Then pay me back for the rest of your life."

[Kerry's favorability towards Qi Yan +10, current favorability: 100]

[The blackening degree of the strategy target has not reached 50, so no punishment will be given. ]

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