When The Male Supporting Actor Bend The Male Lead

Chapter 135: When the elegant and elegant hero is turned aside (3)


Put the books in the bookshelf, make the bed, wipe the dust and mop the floor, then unpack the big boxes and flatten them, put them aside, and let the doorman take them away tomorrow.

After sorting out a bag of garbage, Xiao Yi carried the garbage and prepared to put it at the door for Aunt Jieqing to take away. As soon as he opened the door, something stood directly in front of the door, which made him freeze in place.

It was a box of chocolates. On top of the chocolates was a sticky note with a big hyphen written on it in black marker, which was delicate yet elegant.


Feeling extremely surprised, Xiao Yi put down the garbage bag, picked up the box of chocolates, and suddenly smiled.

—This neighbor is really stupid and cute.

After returning home, Qi Yan began to struggle with what to give Xiao Yi so that he would not feel distressed and not delay eating. After choosing and choosing, he chose the chocolate that he bought the most.

Anyway, his tooth hurts after eating too much, so it’s okay to give him a box.

With this in mind, he chose a box of chocolates, which was relatively the least favorite, picked up the sticky note on one side, wrote the word "thank you" on it, pasted it on the chocolate box, and placed it on Xiao Yi's desk. door.

Alas, if you see it, give it to him. If you don’t see it being taken away, don’t blame yourself.

Feeling that he had done this perfectly, Qi Yan returned to his small apartment happily and placed the snacks where they should be. Compared to the chaos in other homebodies' homes, Qi Yan still prefers to tidy up his own nest. I bought a lot of storage boxes, which are very organized, and every item is neatly classified.

So once you enter Qi Yan's small room, you will find that it is not that bad, but a little cozy.

Sitting on his small sofa, Qi Yan turned on his computer and silently browsed the "Oriental Chronicles" forum.

-Title: What are your biggest expectations for Dongfangji! Don't tell the landlord carelessly! -

[First Floor]: Anyway, the poster cannot meet your expectations.

[Second Floor]: The poster is talking nonsense! Beat him to death with a stick!

[Third Floor]:+1

[Fourth Floor]: +2

[43rd Floor]: Isn’t the theme about expectations? I'm looking forward to having a loli! !

[Forty-Fourth Floor]: Is there a pervert upstairs

[Forty-fifth Floor]: Oh no, the scariest thing is that I looked at the ID on the Forty-third Floor and found out that she is a woman!

[46th Floor]: Are women so arrogant these days? !

Qi Yan watched them refresh the screen and laughed. Raise your hand and quickly touch type on the keyboard.

[Fifty-third floor]: So, now all men are gay. Women are better at flirting with girls than some straight men, okay

As soon as these words came out, there was a lot of praise downstairs.

Qi Yan stopped talking and watched them quietly browsing the forum. Most of them are looking forward to better game production, and some closed beta players point out the shortcomings during the closed beta, hoping that such bugs will not appear during the public beta.

Soon, this post was posted to the front page of the forum, and everyone was commenting on it, all of which demonstrated how successful the promotion of "Eastern Chronicles" was. The game "Eastern Chronicles" is really popular.

Just as I was working hard, there was a knock on the door. Qi Yan paused while sliding the mouse hand, quickly stood up, and quietly moved towards the door.

Looking through the peephole like a thief, I saw it was the courier boy from a certain company.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Qi Yan opened the door.

"Hey, you have a courier." The courier boy smiled: "Do you think there is any problem? No problem, please give it a good review!"

Qi Yan would never refuse such a request for praise. After all, no one's job is easy. He nodded, took the package, and closed the door with the courier boy's smile.

—There is never any problem with his express delivery!

He walked towards the house while unpacking the package. When I opened the package, there was an electric shaver inside... and looking at the warranty, it was still the same brand.

…Did he buy this when he was splurging? !

Qi Yan was embarrassed when he accidentally exposed something. He coughed, picked up the packaging box, and carefully checked the information on it.

"XX brand electric shaver, recipient..." Qi Yan raised his eyebrows: "Xiao Yi?"

The 210 number behind the apartment above the address seemed to have been accidentally torn off. The courier guy probably knew that he always had express delivery, so he naturally sent it to him - 2101.

In fact, it should be the express delivery service of 2102 across the street.

What should I do if I accidentally collect the express delivery for someone else? Qi Yan thought about it for a while and made a post.

This kind of little thing in life got an immediate reply, and they all liked to see bad ideas coming out of their brains.

[Er Dog in Life]: Don’t panic, pick up your phone and give that person a call.

[Lang in the Cabbage Field]: Then buy a voice changer and tell that person in a low voice...

[Cute Baby]: "Your express delivery is in my hands now!"

[Hey hey hey]: "Hurry up and prepare two hundred thousand! Come and redeem your express delivery!"

[Cute Baby]: That person might panic and cry softly...

[23333]: "I, I don't have money. I have fair skin and a beautiful D-cup cup. Can I redeem my body for express delivery..."

[Wandering in the Little Cabbage Field]: ...Then the poster might be guilty of being an obscene young girl and go to jail! Holy Lord Jehovah! Amen!

Qi Yan doesn't know how he feels now. These are the so-called netizens, um...

[Dian Sankou (Owner)]: Haha, you think too much. It would be a pity not to be a screenwriter. It's my neighbor's express delivery. I can deliver it right now... Oh, by the way, the naughty little girl you call is actually a tough guy with muscles as hard as a rock.

[Cute Baby]: Ouch! ! There is a situation! !

[Langliang in the cabbage field]: I'm telling you, host, that you will be beaten if you act like this. Why do you show off your affection when you have nothing to do

[FFF Burn You to Death]: Anyone caught showing affection will be burned to death!

[23333]:Everyone who holds grass knows the hardness of muscles...

Qi Yan decisively closed the post, picked up the express delivery, walked to the next door without saying a word, took a few deep breaths, and knocked on the door.

Soon, the door was opened. Xiao Yi was holding a book in his hand, wearing a pair of eyes on the bridge of his nose, and his fine hair was scattered on his forehead without deliberately arranging it, exuding the aura of a gentle family man.

When he saw Qi Yan, Xiao Yi's eyes widened slightly: "Neighbor?"

Qi Yan presented the razor and the packaging box with both hands: "The courier delivered the wrong package to you."

Xiao Yi looked at it and quickly took it: "Well, it's my razor... have you opened it?" It was obviously opened. The cute neighbor held the razor in one hand and the packaging box in the other. Can't you pack it up more carefully before sending it over

"Well, I thought it was my thing." After saying that, Qi Yan was about to turn around and leave, but after a pause, he opened his mouth and said, "Also, give the courier a good review."

Xiao Yi: "..." Meow, meow, meow