When The Male Supporting Actor Bend The Male Lead

Chapter 138: When the elegant and elegant hero is turned aside (6)


[Xiao Yi's favorability towards Qi Yan +10, current favorability: 15]

After breakfast, in Qi Yan's silence, Xiao Yi thanked him again and left.

He contacted the apartment manager by phone. The manager took a spare magnetic card, opened Xiao Yi's door, and gave him a magnetic card.

Instead of changing the door lock, Xiao Yi returned home and took a comfortable bath to wash away any remaining alcohol odor. Leaning on the sofa and looking at the two bags of food on the coffee table, Xiao Yi didn't know what to think.

That Aunt Li is the third party. Before his parents divorced, he was already a third party...

But to a certain extent, she is not a third party. Because it was her father who fell in love with her, and when she knew that he had a family, she chose to refuse and escape, and even went abroad, hoping that her father could not find her.

She retained a woman's pride and self-esteem.

The problem still lies with the father. But Xiao Yi didn't want to admit it.

When facing herself, that woman is always very fearful, and everything is aimed at herself. Although the fault is not hers, she still makes up for herself with a guilty mentality...

Xiao Yi couldn't hate her, nor could he love her.

She likes to eat fruits. This woman is very smart. She never uses her father's money to buy things for herself, but her own savings.

What is the purpose of such a good woman

Staring at the bag of fruit, Xiao Yi thought for a while, stood up suddenly, picked up the fruit and walked outside.

There was a sudden knock on the door. Qi Yan put down the vacuum cleaner in his hand and walked over to open the door. As soon as I opened the door, I found that Xiao Yi, who had been gone for less than three hours, had returned with a smile on his face.

Rolling his eyes, Qi Yan said in a deep voice: "What do you want to do?"

"Fruit." Xiao Yi picked up the fruit and shook it: "Let's eat it together. This is my thank you for your willingness to help my aunt last night."

Qi Yan's face could look better. After all, after buying snacks, he didn't have any extra living expenses to spend on fruits!

"Oh, of course. As for you taking me in last night, I'll treat you to dinner another day." Xiao Yi added.

—It would be even better if there is a free meal!

Qi Yan's eyes flashed with surprise, but his expression remained as usual: "Ahem, then come in."

The room is still clean. Although it is not big and full of decorations, it is well organized and has a different kind of cozy nest feeling. Xiao Yi placed the fruits on the bar, and Qi Yan walked around the bar and went inside to start cleaning the fruits.

The small apartment is too small, with one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. The kitchen is open-plan. There is no dining table, only a bar. There are four high chairs on both sides of the bar, which is considered a dining table.

Xiao Yi sat in the same seat where he had been sitting this morning, watching Qi Yan washing the fruits very happily, with a smile flashing in his eyes.

"do you need my help?"

"don't want."

He replied without turning his head. The kitchen is already small. If a big man like him, who is about 1.8 meters tall, comes in, there won't be much space, okay

Xiao Yi shrugged and didn't care, but looked at the small apartment carefully.

When he first came to rent an apartment, the manager showed him this apartment. Because it was too small, he decided to get another apartment. In fact, it seems that such a small apartment is not bad now.

"Qi Yan, how much is the monthly rent for this apartment?"

"It's like two or three thousand." Qi Yan replied, "My mother will pay the rent, so I don't have to worry about it."

"Oh..." Xiao Yi thought thoughtfully, two or three thousand seems to be a lot.

After washing the fruit, the two looked at each other, and each took an apple and chewed it.

Qi Yan is a homebody, and silence is commonplace for him. But Xiao Yi didn't think so.

Trying to find some topic, but not knowing what to say, Xiao Yi glanced around awkwardly and found a picture album on the corner of the bar. The three words "Oriental Chronicles" with flying phoenixes on the cover made him raise his eyebrows.

"Eastern Ji?"

Qi Yan followed his gaze and said, "Yes, a picture album that was snapped up."

"That game is very famous." Xiao Yi nodded: "Do you mind if I take a look?"

Qi Yan nodded: "Whatever."

Xiao Yi took the album and flipped through the pages. He found that many of them were official fan paintings, as well as some short jokes and the like. Putting the picture album aside, Xiao Yi looked at Qi Yan and smiled slightly: "I have a friend who participated in the production of this game. He always told me that I haven't paid attention yet."

Qi Yan paused while eating the apple and his eyes widened: "Can your friend get the code for the open beta gift pack?!"

Xiao Yi was frightened by his suddenly excited sight. He nodded and shook his head: "I don't know..."

"Then ask!" Qi Yan was really excited: "You don't have to treat me to dinner! Just ask for the gift code!"

Not everyone has the public beta gift pack code, only those who have played the closed beta will have it. I heard that the gift pack was good, but Qi Yan didn't play the closed beta. He was planning to save up money to buy the gift pack code at a high price.

Xiao Yi suddenly became interested in a game that could make his cute neighbor so excited.

He nodded, took out his cell phone, and called Liang Ci under Qi Yan's expectant eyes.

"Liang Ci?" After being connected, Xiao Yi didn't waste any words: "Last time you said that for the game you participated in the production, could you get... um... a public beta gift pack code?"

"Hey, do we, Mr. Xiao, want to play?" Liang Ci's careless words came from the other side: "No problem, how many do you want?"

Qi Yan's grin reached to his ears, and he looked at Xiao Yi expectantly.

Xiao Yi looked at his excited appearance and felt better: "Two."

"Only two?" Liang Ci shouted: "At least you have my 'back door', it's okay if you want a few more!"

"You can only redeem one number per number. I want two because there are exactly two people here who want to play."

After Xiao Yi finished speaking, he saw Qi Yan looking around blankly, as if looking for the 'second person'.

With a burst of laughter, Xiao Yi quickly said to Liang Ci: "Okay, okay, let's not talk anymore. Just send the gift package code to my mobile phone later."

Liang Ci was still yelling something, so Xiao Yi hung up the phone.

Qi Yan looked at him blankly: "Who else wants to play?"

Xiao Yi pointed at himself: "Me."

"Oh..." Qi Yan responded, and then became excited: "Do you have a gift code?!"

"Yeah, he can get it."

"Great!" Qi Yan took a bite of the apple excitedly and said vaguely, "We can be in the same area. I'm very good at games, so I can lead you."

Xiao Yi's eyes were crooked and he smiled happily: "Yeah, okay."

[Xiao Yi's favorability towards Qi Yan +10, current favorability: 25]

It's like a promise, buried deep in my heart like a seed, and gradually grows into a towering tree.

After that time, Qi Yan and Xiao Yi never met again. Qi Yan still stayed at home, and Xiao Yi continued to go out early and come back late.

On the night of the public beta, the official download homepage would have been paralyzed if it weren't for the technical guys who were always on hand to rescue it. But for otakus like Qi Yan, who had been waiting for a long time, entering was very smooth.

I chose server A, the character's name was [Dian Sankou], I pinched the face of a weak scholar, and then I chose the profession... wet nurse.

Qi Yan didn't know at this moment that he would become a famous disabled nanny in the server - one point three code.