When The Male Supporting Actor Bend The Male Lead

Chapter 25: When the upright and loyal male protagonist is turned aside (9)


The royal personal official's sedan was walking on the road to the general's palace. In the sedan, Eunuch Wu was holding the imperial edict in his hand, and his white face, which did not look like a normal man's, revealed a sinister intention from the bottom of his bones.

Oh, is it too late for Puyang Zheng to redeem himself as a young boy at this moment? I really think the emperor is a fool.

Eunuch Wu is the person who knows the emperor best. As the emperor's personal servant and the chief steward of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he doesn't know what to say and has died in the palace countless times.

Eunuch Wu didn't think there was anything wrong with the matter of Puyang Zheng. This should be the emperor's style, to take precautions before they happen. No emperor is unsuspicious, and the fact that the emperor called him to announce the decree today is the best proof.

—The emperor does not believe Puyang Zheng.

Except for the ignorant people and the angry prime minister, everyone could probably see that redeeming the servant was just a delaying tactic by Puyang Zheng.

"Father-in-law, the general's residence has arrived."

A cautious smile suddenly appeared on the crimson lips, and the thin voice seemed to be strangled, which was sharper than a woman's, and said: "Go and report."

The boy who received the order quickly went to report it. After a while, the steward of the General's Mansion led people over and stood in a row respectfully to greet Eunuch Wu.

Eunuch Wu walked down with a fake smile on his face, and his high-pitched voice was full of familiarity: "Old slave, I came unexpectedly, so I didn't disturb the general..." He looked around and asked in pretense of surprise. : "Ouch? Isn't the general here?"

"The general is still in the wing, I will send someone to report..."

"No need!"

Before he finished speaking, Eunuch Wu's voice sounded again.

"It's the old slave who is wrong. How can we ask the general to come out to see the slave? It's better for the housekeeper to take the old slave and inform him at the door of the wing."

"this… "

"What? Are you still embarrassing the housekeeper?"

"...Ah, no no no, father-in-law, please come with this slave."

Even as a slave, the housekeeper still had to give up three points more to Eunuch Wu.

He led Eunuch Wu all the way to the courtyard of Puyang Zheng's study. His wing and Qi Yan's wing were both in this courtyard... Although I don't know if it was good or bad for Eunuch Wu to see Qi Yan, but there was nothing we could do about it.

As soon as they entered the courtyard, the housekeeper felt something was wrong.

—The servants serving here are all gone.

Going deeper, waves of moaning and gasping came from the left wing, making some servants' cheeks red.

It was a man's voice, seductive and sweet, accompanied by another man's hoarse growl.

Others may not know, but Eunuch Wu knows best what the sound is.

The emotional voices were still two men.

The study is such an important place. Besides the general, who else would dare to do such a thing in the general's mansion

His already small eyes narrowed in an instant, hiding the suspicion in his eyes.

The housekeeper seemed a little embarrassed. He turned around awkwardly and glanced at Eunuch Wu. He nodded slightly and pointed at the imperial edict held in the hands of the other father-in-law behind him, which meant that there should be no delay.

The butler gritted his teeth, walked to the left wing, knocked on the door, "General, Eunuch Wu from the palace is here."

"Make him wait!"

The heavy breathing was followed by Puyang Zheng's suppressed roar.

Then, the sound of slapping came from the side room, one after another, sometimes accompanied by whispers of 'softer', 'slower', and suppressed moans.

Until now, Eunuch Wu began to doubt his previous thoughts.

Is this really the young man that Pu Yangzheng randomly redeemed to relieve his urgent need

Say no to pampering? But the place to live is an important place in the mansion, in the courtyard of the study. During the day, I left behind the father-in-law who was sent by the emperor to satisfy my own desires, and still followed the young man on the cusp of the storm...

Eunuch Wu felt that he couldn't see through the usually unpopular General's Mansion.