When The Male Supporting Actor Bend The Male Lead

Chapter 79: When the evil male protagonist is turned upside down (7)


Dressed in a black robe and with a handsome face, who is sitting on the main seat if it's not Lou Guxiu

Qi Yan stretched out his hand blankly and pointed at him, "How did you get in?"

"I came in when you opened the door." Lou Gu Xiu supported his chin with his hand and looked at him with interest, "It's midnight, aren't you afraid of a thief?"

"Thieves don't make loud noises!" After saying that, Qi Yan threw himself next to Ao Lun and hugged his furry head.

Lou Guxiu glanced at him with disgust, and when he saw that Ao Lun was not dissatisfied, but instead hummed in comfort, Lou Guxiu became even more contemptuous.

After finishing arguing with Ao Lun, Qi Yan remembered that there was another person sitting on the main seat. He raised his head and looked at Lou Guxiu, his eyes shining, "Did you receive the letter I sent you? Then why didn't you reply to me? Where’s one?”

"The homing pigeon happened to be hungry when it came, so he roasted it and ate it."

"..." Qi Yan blinked and decided to change the topic, "Does your leader allow you to bring Ao Lun out?"

Lou Guxiu looked at him coldly, "I am the boy who raises Ao Lun. I take Ao Lun out for a walk. The leader won't say anything."

Qi Yan gave a thumbs up, "Your leader is a very good person!"

Lou Guxiu turned away and said: "..." It's useless to compliment me like this.

"Speaking of which, tomorrow is the Apricot Blossom Festival." Qi Yan touched Ao Lun's head, "I don't want to go on a cruise, but even if I don't go, my mother will force me to go. I really hate Zhan Roudai. This woman is a wealthy woman, and she is not sincere to anyone... But why can’t my mother clearly see her sincerity?"

Hearing Qi Yan's complaint, Lou Guxiu chuckled lightly, with a trace of teasing in his eyes, "Why, you idiot can still read people's hearts?"

"Why are you just a fool?" Qi Yan retorted unhappily, "I am upright, but I am not stupid. I know all about the purpose of this woman approaching me!"

This time, Lou Gu Xiu did not hit him, but gave him a rare compliment, "You are smart."

"So come and accompany me tomorrow." Qi Yan suddenly changed the subject.

Lou Guxiu wanted to refuse without even thinking about it, but when he looked over, he was blocked by Qi Yan's shining white eyes.

That look full of hope and desire... really looks like a puppy!

The corners of Lou Guxiu's mouth twitched a few times, and his eyes flickered, "What should I do with you?"

"I won't be bored when you're here!"

"The Apricot Blossom Festival is never boring." The snacks and novel toys on the streets will dazzle you.

"But I will be disappointed if you are not here... And what if I am kidnapped by that bad woman Zhan Roudai? Kidnap me and force me to submit. In that case, I will have to marry her in a few days!"

Lou Guxiu really wanted to open his brain to see if it was all paste!

"Zhan Roudai wouldn't do that kind of thing." He raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows. Lou Guxiu denied all his words, "I won't force you to submit. You are not that valuable to let her do such a thing." .”

"But I will be disappointed if you don't come. We are friends, aren't we?"


The surroundings suddenly fell into silence. Qi Yan innocently looked at Lou Guxiu's face that was gradually cooling down, and wanted to reach out to grab his sleeve, but was suddenly thrown away as soon as he touched it.

Lou Guxiu stood up and walked away without leaving a word.

Ao Lun glanced at Qi Yan, followed Lou Guxiu, and slowly disappeared from Qi Yan's sight.

Feeling slightly aggrieved, Qi Yan looked at the direction in which the man and the beast were leaving for a long time. Finally, he sighed, walked over, closed the door, locked it, climbed back on the couch, and stared at the bed board carved with wooden flowers.

This night is destined to be sleepless.


The next day, with a haggard face from lack of sleep, Qi Yan got on the carriage to Wangyue Lake under Mrs. Qi's meaningful smile.

These gentlemen and ladies made an appointment to meet in the central pavilion of Wangyue Lake, which saved Qi Yan a lot of trouble.

It was still early when we arrived at the pavilion, and only the married twin brothers and sisters were playing in the pavilion.

Seeing Qi Yan coming, the two of them greeted each other and chatted wordlessly.

"Brother Qi, where have you been these past few days?" Cheng Ke's tone was a hint of ridicule, "Your old man Qi came to see my father. He thought I took you to sleep in some gentle country."

Qi Yan laughed twice and said perfunctorily: "I went up the mountain to practice my Qi hard."

Cheng Ke was a well-known playboy. He was familiar with every brothel in the city. He tried to drag Qi Yan there several times, but Qi Yan refused.

Chengzhu saw Qi Yan's bad expression and chuckled, "Brother Qi Yan, do you have a girl you like?"

After the words fell, Qi Yan's face turned red and he hesitated, "What nonsense are you talking about! Xiaozhu, you are a girl, don't talk nonsense!"

Seeing his nervous look, Chengzhu and Chengke smiled at each other, and the evil-minded brother and sister gathered around him laughing.

"Our dull brother Qi has a girl he likes~"

"Yes, yes, brother Qi Yan, tell me which family the girl is from in the next life, and I will help you find out~"

Qi Yan, who was surrounded by people, sat up straight and looked straight, "There is no girl."

"It's obvious, but brother Qi Yan, you're still hiding it from Xiao Zhu." Cheng Zhu began to act coquettishly.

On the other side, Cheng Ke actually started acting coquettishly, "Brother Qi, do you also force me to call you 'Qi~Yan~Brother~Brother~'?"

Qi Yan's small body trembled, and he looked over with tears in his eyes, "Cheng Ke, you are almost done!"

Cheng Ke and Cheng Zhu have a little Qi Yan who is two years old. Cheng Zhu is a cute girl and can be called brother. Cheng Ke, a playboy with a richer night life than Qi Yan, is called Qi Yan's brother? Oh no, it's just terrible.

Just when Qi Yan was being attacked from both sides and unable to escape, a young man from a family arrived.

His face was as cold as ice, and he felt like he was covered in ice when he walked. He was like a walking iceberg - the young master of the Rong family, Rong Ansheng.

"Brother Rong is here." Chengzhu sat up quickly.

Cheng Ke also coughed slightly and opened his fan to fan the wind gently.

Turning grateful eyes to Rong Ansheng, Qi Yan received a faint nod in response.

After sitting down, Rong Ansheng also asked Qi Yan, "What have you been doing these three days?"

"I went up to the mountain to practice."

"Why don't you tell your family?" Rong Ansheng frowned in disapproval, "Uncle Qi is having a hard time finding you."

"Well, I went in a hurry and didn't have time to tell my family."

"Brother Rong, can't you see? Brother Qi Yan has a girl he likes." Cheng Zhu's bright voice sounded.

Receiving Rong Ansheng's questioning look, Qi Yan said he couldn't bear Bingshan's gaze and said tremblingly, "No, not a girl."

"Pfft, isn't it a girl? Could it be that she is a young man?" Cheng Ke didn't believe it.

But after he finished speaking, the other three people looked straight at him, seeing Cheng Ke's smile tremble a little.

"Look what I'm doing... I, I'm talking about Qi Yan!" Cheng Ke just finished his retort, and suddenly seemed to think of something. He quickly raised his head and looked at Qi Yan, his eyes full of shock, "You, you can't be Really?"


"Just tell me, is it a girl or a young man who has been with you these days?"

"He is a young master..."

After the words fell, Cheng Ke, Cheng Zhu, and the cold-faced Rong Ansheng all showed expressions of world destruction.