When Two Alphas Meet, One’s an Omega

Chapter 11


Da Qiao didn't know that her kindness had brought so much trouble to Aunt Hui, let alone that her mother had knocked on the door.

At this moment, she was looking at the jade pendant in her palm, her heart pounding.

Just now, two small beads suddenly fell off from the eye holes of the koi jade pendant, and the beads were about the size of fish eye beads.

However, compared with the fish eyeballs, the jade beads are white and flawless, crystal clear, and look extremely beautiful.

It's amazing.

The good end will actually fall off the eyeballs!

After being stunned for a long time, Da Qiao gently picked up the jade beads and pinched them.

The jade beads are very soft, Q-bomb Q-bomb, and the touch is very good.

Then she put it under her nose and sniffed again.

The fragrance is not very strong, but has a natural floral fragrance, which is light and very pleasant.

Da Qiao moved his delicate nose like a small animal, pursed his small mouth, and swallowed.

She ate two bowls of porridge and half a fish tonight, why does she seem to be hungry again now

She can really eat.

Big Qiao's face was red, and she was ashamed of her greed.

After struggling for a while, she still did not dare to eat jade beads into her stomach, because her father had told her not to eat indiscriminately.

But what to do with this jade bead

Such a beautiful Pearl, it would be a pity to throw it away, but how do you explain it if you don't throw it away and be seen by others

Big Joe was in trouble.

In the end, she was still ruthless and planned to dispose of the jade beads.

She threw the jade beads into the wooden basin, and the wooden basin contained the water that she had soaked her little feet in. As soon as the jade beads melted into the water, they quickly melted away without a trace.

Big Joe's big eyes like a deer blinked a few times, and he reached into the water and stirred it, but he didn't catch anything.

With a small sigh, she took the tub out and dumped it in the corner of the yard.

The old people in the village still have lingering fears when they think about the famine in the past few years, so the production team leader Wang Shuisheng took the men from the village to build a cistern.

When it snows back, the cistern can store the snow, and when the snow begins to melt next year, there is no fear of running out of water.

Qiao Zhenguo also went, and when he came back, he was dressed in the dust. In order to wait for him, the Qiao's old home didn't have dinner until late tonight.

Marigold was so hungry that her stomach was grumbling, and she drooled over the fish on the plate all night. When it was finally time for dinner, she didn't care, she picked up chopsticks and started to grab it.

"It's delicious! This fish is so fat! I don't know about Da Jonah.

Where did the child come from? "

Da Qiao's child usually looks silent and well-behaved, but she didn't expect to be so attentive. Even when her mother-in-law asked her, she was reluctant to tell where the fish came from!

Really big man!

"This fish soup is so delicious, my mother, I don't even remember how long I haven't eaten such delicious fish!"

"It's so delicious, it's so delicious! Mom, you shouldn't let Da Qiao give the fish to Lin Hui's sluts!"

Seeing that the marigold chrysanthemum was drenched in the wind and drooling while eating, Qiao Xiuzhi's brows could catch the flies: "None of your business! The fish was brought by Da Qiao, she can give it to anyone she wants, If you don't want to eat it, go down!"

Qiao Zhenguo glanced at his daughter-in-law and echoed his fucking words: "If you have something to eat, you can't stop your mouth, Mom is right, if you don't want to eat it, go down and see if you spray your saliva everywhere, do others want it? eat?"

Marigold gushed out with a mouthful of old blood, almost suffocating to death on the spot!

What kind of man is she marrying? It's fine if she doesn't protect her, and she still speaks of her in front of so many people. She's really suffering!

Still, the mother-in-law's life is good. Although the mother-in-law looks big and three thick, the father-in-law holds her in the palm of his hand to pet her.

No, even to eat a fish father-in-law, you have to pick the thorns first and then put them in the mother-in-law's bowl. I really envy the dead!

Wanchun Ju glanced at the man sitting next to her who was eating loudly, and said with a whimper, "Zhenguo, I want to eat fish."

Qiao Zhenguo shivered all over, looked at her with a bloody look and said, "You straighten your tongue when you speak, it's really shabby and dead, you see my goosebumps are getting up!"

As he said that, he rolled up his sleeves and really showed her goosebumps.

"… "

Marigold almost vomited blood for the second time.

She wasn't blind at first, so why did she fall in love with a man like Qiao Zhenguo who didn't understand the style

Qiao Xiuzhi raised her eyes and glanced at her eldest daughter-in-law, then chuckled lightly at the corner of her mouth, and then gave her husband Xue Chuan a chopstick and said, "Don't worry about picking fishbone for me, eat more yourself."

Xue Chuan is the kind of man who has been handsome all his life. When he was young, he was handsome all over the country and had no rivals. Now that he is old, he is still a handsome old man. This lousy old man from the ten miles and eight villages stood in front of him, and he should not be too hot.

He looked at his wife and smiled gently: "Don't you like eating fish very much? It's rare that this fish is so delicious. I'll get you some more."

Under the orange candlelight, he concentrated on picking fishbone for his wife.

Qiao Xiuzhi did not refuse this time. In fact, as long as Xue Chuan insisted, she would never refuse.

It won't stop you.

Marigold's eyes turned red with envy.

She gritted her teeth and said again: "Zhenguo, you help me pick the fishbone."

This time, she didn't speak in a whimpering voice, but it was a pity that the man in front of her was a straight man of steel, who never understood what amorous feelings were.

Qiao Zhenguo stabbed the knife again carelessly: "You don't have any hands yourself? You're not a three-year-old child, you even need help to pick fishbone, you're so funny!"

Marigold: "… "

Marigolds are really full of gas!

I originally wanted to learn from my parents-in-law to show off my love, but I never thought that a bad man like Qiao Zhenguo had no idea of his style at all. She was really mad at her!

Marigold turned anger into appetite, and pulled more than half of the fish into her bowl.

Still the food is good and never disappoints myself.

Who knew that the next moment she made an "ah" sound, and her face turned hideous.

Qiao Zhenguo was very impatient: "What's the matter with you?" Why is there so much shit about having dinner

Marigold stroked her throat with her hand and swallowed hard: "I'm stuck with a fishbone!"

What followed was a flurry of chickens and dogs. In order to swallow the fishbone, she drank half a jar of vinegar, which made her teeth sour, but the fishbone did not go down.

In the end, she swallowed two big steamed buns, almost choked to death, and was able to swallow the fishbone, but her throat was still injured, and she could only drink porridge for the next few days.

She was stabbed to death, but Qiao Zhenguo didn't care about her at all, the chopsticks never left the table, and she ate happier than anyone else!

What kind of unfortunate life is this, Marigold feels that the whole world is against her.

Today, the villagers of Qili Village watched a big show, and the matter between Lin Hui and Qiao Zhenguo became the most gossip.

"I really didn't expect that Lin Hui had taken a fancy to Qiao's second child early in the morning."

"What's unexpected about this, Qiao's family is rich, Qiao's second child is honest and diligent, and he is good-looking. When he was not married, which girl didn't stare at him?"

"Unfortunately, Mr. Qiao chose a woman like Fang Xiaojuan out of thousands of choices."

Fang Xiaojuan is good-looking, but her temperament and the Fang family's family really make people retreat three feet away.

At this moment, Lin Hui came out of the house with a pale face and walked towards the well at the entrance of the village.

When she walked to the ancient well, she jumped down towards the well without saying a word.

Just listen to the "dong" sound, and the person is gone. :,,.