When Two Alphas Meet, One’s an Omega

Chapter 19


Wang Qiuying raised her head sharply, looked at her suspiciously and said, "Why are you asking this? What do you want to do?"

Lin Hui's face became hot, and she said angrily: "Mom, what can I do? I'm just curious to ask one more thing."

Wang Qiuying looked at her with piercing eyes: "I don't care what you're thinking about or what you have in mind, just dismiss it for me, or you won't recognize me as a mother!"

Knowing daughter Mo Ruomu, she knows better than anyone what her daughter is thinking!

If it was before, she would never stop her, but now Qiao Lao is paralyzed and needs to be taken care of in every way. Marrying such a person, wouldn't that mean seeking death

So no matter what, she can't let her daughter do stupid things!

Lin Hui's face turned pale, she lowered her head and said, "Mom! I really didn't want to do anything!"

Even if she wanted to do something, would that person accept her

What will other people say about them

Wang Qiuying saw that she didn't seem to be lying, so she eased her expression: "You, you have been a stubborn temper since you were a child, and Mom is afraid that you will think wrong! You are still young, wait a year or two, and Mom will let you find it for you. Touch a good man, and then you will have another one, and the day will go on."

Lin Hui's face turned even paler: "Mom, I never thought about getting married again!"

"How can a woman not marry? Are you planning to live alone for the rest of your life?"


"Okay, don't tell me, don't tell me."

Wang Qiuying saw that her daughter's face was getting worse and worse, so she had to shut up.

Anyway, Donglin is still young now, and it is not too late to find him again after a year or two.

For the villagers of Qili Village this winter, it was really a good show one after another.

A few days after Fang Xiaojuan and Qiao Zhenjun divorced, the Song family was thrown feces on a dark and windy night!

The Song family slept very hard, and they woke up the next day to see the golden-yellow cakes in the courtyard, and they almost vomited out the overnight meals!

Madam Song was so angry that she almost died on the spot!

Who is so immoral, and who can't get along with the Song family

After looking through the inquiry and investigation, the target finally pointed to Song Jinlai's eldest daughter-in-law, Song Jinlai's daughter-in-law.

Before Song Jinlai's daughter-in-law blamed Lin Hui for running to complain to Qiao Xiuzhi, which resulted in her being beaten by her mother-in-law and her husband, she was so angry that she ran back to her parents' home to promote Lin Hui's concern about Qiao's second child.

It's just that she didn't expect things to get out of hand.

In fact, the person who complained to Qiao Xiuzhi was not Lin Hui at all, but Zhang Rulan, the second sister-in-law of Song Jinlai's daughter-in-law.

The two of them never dealt with each other, often

Fighting at home, Zhang Rulan heard what she said to Da Qiao in the house that day, and turned around and ran to complain to Qiao Xiuzhi.

After the old lady Song knew the truth, her lips trembled with anger: "You mother-in-law, boss, send this mother-in-law back to her parents' house, our Song family can't afford such a daughter-in-law!"

Qiao Xiuzhi's act of "taking off" her daughter-in-law opened a new door for the mothers-in-law of Qili Village. In recent days, several mothers-in-law have sent their daughters-in-law back to their parents' homes.

When Song Jinlai's daughter-in-law heard this, her whole body trembled: "Mom, hit me with a rolling pin. If one meal doesn't work, give me two meals. Don't send me back to my parents' house!"

Madam Song snorted coldly and said, "I think it's too hard for me to beat you! Boss, why are you standing still, why don't you send this troubled mother-in-law away?"

Song Jinlai didn't dare to disobey the fucking words, and went out when he mentioned his daughter-in-law.

So on this day, all the villagers in Qili Village saw Song Jinlai's daughter-in-law screaming like a pig and being sent back to her parents' home.

Witnessing this scene with her own eyes, Wanchun Ju became more and more troubled with sleeping and eating, and even ate one less bowl of rice!

Seeing her like this, Qiao Zhenguo couldn't help but wonder: "Daughter-in-law, you usually have a big appetite like a pig, and you have to eat three bowls of rice in one meal, why have you eaten so little these two days? Only eat so little."

"… "

Can you speak well

Marigold held a mouthful of old blood in her chest and almost fainted!

But his words reminded her that she could pretend to be pregnant. As long as she was pregnant, she would not be beaten, and she would not be sent back to her parents' home!

She is so smart!

So marigold is "pregnant".

During the next day's meal, she retched "vomited" so loudly that no one could hear it.

Qiao Xiuzhi asked her, "eldest daughter-in-law, are you not feeling well?"

Wanchun Ju made a shy look: "Mom, I should be pregnant. My appetite has not been good for the past two days, and the various reactions are the same as those of Huai'an."

Qiao Xiuzhi did not suspect that she was lying, and said lightly, "Oh, then take good care of her."

Wanchun Ju was a little dissatisfied with her mother-in-law's reaction, but she didn't dare to say it. She turned her head and saw her man burying his head in hard work, and was even more dissatisfied: "Zhenguo, I'm pregnant, won't you say something?"

"What?" Qiao Zhenguo raised his head from the bowl in confusion. >

r /> After a pause, he suddenly remembered that his daughter-in-law wanted to take care of her, scratched his chin and said, "Speaking of your age, you are considered an old clam with pearls, so don't provoke the old hen of the second family in the future. ,careful

Go back and run the child away! "

Marigold: "… "

Old clams with pearls, you pig head! ! !

She's only thirty years old! ! !

Also, is that her provoking the old hen? Obviously the old hen is against her, okay? !

Marigold's stomach hurts from anger. She was pretending to have a bad appetite, but now she doesn't need to pretend.

Qiao Xiuzhi was not surprised by her son's stupid behavior, and calmly gave Xue Chuan a chopstick dish: "Eat more."

Xue Chuan smiled and served her vegetables: "You also eat more."

Qiao Zhenguo picked up his daughter-in-law's bowl and poured all the food into his own bowl and said, "You can't eat it anyway, so it's just right for me."

Marigold: "..."

No comparison no harm!

No day! Law! pass! !

Fang Xiaojuan had been hiding before and did not dare to go out, until the wound on her face healed, and she went out to act as a demon.

She said that Da Qiao was a calamity when she met everyone: "Look at it, that is a disaster star who can defeat six relatives, whoever gets the bad luck! When the Qiao family is unlucky one by one, I think the Qiao family will not say anything. It can be concluded that the scourge is Fuxing's words!"

Someone who didn't think it was a big deal went to tell Qiao Xiuzhi.

After listening to Qiao Xiuzhi, she calmly pointed to the pear tree in the corner of the yard and said, "After the woman got married, the pear tree has never bloomed. As soon as the second child divorced her, the pear tree bloomed. Who is the scourge? God knows it best!"

Everyone ran to the corner of the courtyard to see, oh, it's incredible, the pear tree that has been dead for seven or eight years has bloomed!

And now is the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, and it actually blooms at this time!

Did Fang Xiaojuan really restrain her before

Soon the news spread, and many people came to Qiao's courtyard every day to see pear blossoms.

People were talking about it.

After much discussion, some people believe that Fang Xiaojuan is actually the scourge. You see, when she married into the Qiao family, the Qiao family was restless. As soon as she returned to her parents' family, Fang Fugui was beaten!

This is not a scourge, what is a scourge

Fang Xiaojuan almost gritted her teeth when she heard these words!

That old witch of Qiao Xiuzhi, in order to wash away the scourge of Da Qiao, actually poured dirty water on her!

So sinister and vicious, not afraid of retribution!

On this day, she deliberately got up early, took two unwashed clothes and went to the river.

"Don't say that I didn't warn you in advance, you'd better not go to Qiao's small courtyard again. If there is such a scourge, be careful and you will get bad luck!"

"Why did I bleed so much and lose my body? It's not that the scourge came out first! This is ten miles away.

Township, is there anyone like her who almost killed two relatives at birth! "

"Forget it, anyway, we are still alive and well, Qiao's second child is miserable, he can only lie on the bed for the rest of his life, he is completely a waste! To put it horribly, if no one helps him, he just wants to pull A shit can only be pulled on the bed, hahaha…”

People thought her words were ugly, but they were not easy to refute.

After all, these events have nothing to do with Da Qiao's child. Come on, I'd better tell the children at home to keep them away from Da Qiao's child, so as not to be weakened by her bad luck!

Fang Xiaojuan saw that everyone believed her words, and she spoke more and more vigorously. After everyone had washed the bucket of clothes, she hadn't taken out the clothes.

But she didn't plan to wash anymore, she stood up and was ready to go back with everyone, the way back was so long, she could sing badly again.

"Ah..." She suddenly slipped and fell forward.


Her forehead slammed on the bluestone slab of the laundry, and the voice was so loud that everyone felt pain for her.

Fang Xiaojuan felt a sharp pain in her forehead, she raised her head, Venus shot straight in front of her eyes, and a warm liquid flowed down from her forehead.

Someone shouted: "Xiaojuan, you are bleeding!"

Fang Xiaojuan was in a hurry. She had already lost two teeth, and she could no longer be disfigured. She had to go to the hospital immediately!

She stood up holding the steps, and suddenly her eyes turned black, her whole body was weak, and then she fell backwards.


She fell heavily into the river, splashing water on everyone.

Everyone: "..."

What kind of shit is this

The river water was freezing cold, and Fang Xiaojuan's teeth were shaking.

She panicked and fluttered like a drowning hen: "Help... I can't... swim...":,,.