When Two Alphas Meet, One’s an Omega

Chapter 30


Hearing Qiao Zhenguo's words, everyone burst into laughter!

Qiao Zhenmin even laughed like a dog: "Brother, you eat as soon as you eat, why do you count how many dumplings my sister-in-law ate?"

Qiao Zhenguo smiled naively, scratched his forehead and said, "Isn't this your sister-in-law eating too much? She said a while ago that she was pregnant and had a bad appetite. I didn't notice her bad appetite, but I saw her swallow it in one bite. Three dumplings, don't be afraid of choking!"

Marigold: "..."

Can you shut up, can you shut up, can you shut up? ?

Talking about her in front of so many people is shameless! !

Speaking of which, it was a beautiful misunderstanding when Qiao Zhenguo took a fancy to Marigolds.

Qiao Zhenguo always felt that he had no ability, so he thought that he could not generate income for the family, but he could reduce the burden on the family.

Therefore, his only requirement for choosing a daughter-in-law was to have a small appetite. As for the appearance, as long as it is not too ugly and scary.

Of course, he didn't dare to speak out about the request publicly, and only observed it secretly in private.

It just so happened that Marigolds failed several blind dates because of too much food at home. In order to successfully marry, her mother must not let her appetite go when she sees her, otherwise she will go home and kill her!

Wan Chunju was also worried that she would not be able to get married, so when she met Qiao Zhenguo, she only ate a little and said she couldn't eat it anymore. Qiao Zhenguo saw that her appetite was like a cat's and was very satisfied, so the two succeeded in connecting like this. .

After marrying and returning home, Wanchun Ju was very controlled at first, but she soon became pregnant. Using the excuse of pregnancy, her "cat-like appetite" was gone forever!

Although Qiao Zhenguo sighed that he was wrong, he didn't think about getting a divorce or anything, just eat it, you can't sew her mouth to prevent her from eating, right

Hearing the news of Wanchunju's pregnancy, Qiao Zhenmin and Chen Qiaoqiao were both startled.

A look of gloom flashed in Qiao Zhenmin's eyes, and he squeezed out a smile and said, "Congratulations, brother and sister-in-law, the family will definitely be more lively then!"

He only has one daughter under his knees, so he naturally wants to have more children, but unfortunately he...

Two years ago, he encountered a robber halfway when he was out of the car. He was injured by the robber, and the place where he was injured happened to be where the man was.

After that, he went to the city hospital to see it, and he said that it would be difficult to have children in the future. He only told his wife Qiaoqiao about this matter, but the family still doesn't know about it.

Chen Qiaoqiao's slender eyes fell on Marigold, and a suspicious look flashed in her eyes: "It turns out that my sister-in-law is pregnant.

I'm pregnant, why didn't you tell me earlier, will it have a bad effect on my sister-in-law when I moved such a heavy thing? "

The marigolds suddenly became petrified.

She forgot about her "pregnancy" again!

What did she think at the beginning, whether her brain was flooded or she was caught in the door, why did she make up such a lie

But before she could answer, Qiao Zhenguo interjected again: "You don't have to worry about her, brother and sister, she is in good shape, and she often accompanies her sister Gugu to run in circles in the yard of the second child's house!"

Marigold: "..."

Chen Qiaoqiao was startled for a moment: "Gu Gu? Which sister is this sister-in-law?"

Strange, how could the sister-in-law's sister appear at the second uncle's house

Could it be... She wants to introduce her sister to the second uncle

It's just that it's too boring

Although the second uncle is good, he is still paralyzed now, no matter how good he is, he is useless!

Da Qiao's milky voice explained to Aunt Wu's confusion: "Gu Gu is the old hen raised by my family, and the auntie likes to play with her very much. Every time she goes there, she runs around with her, and last time she called her sister. Gugu is so happy!"

Marigold: "..."

Every time the old hen sees her, she is in a desperate posture. Which eye of hers is happy to see it? !

Chen Qiaoqiao recovered from the shock, and looked at the marigolds with the proud expression of Princess Peacock.

Her sixth sense tells her that Marigolds are weird!

Wanchunju was furious at the sight of her, and at the same time was aroused by her arrogant eyes: "fifth brother and sister, why are you looking at me like this? You don't envy me for being pregnant, right? But this is really not who it is. It can be envied, after all, my family's ancestral butt is very good for breeding."

Everyone: "..."

Showing off her big butt in front of so many people, is she serious

Qiao Xiuzhi has no eye for two stupid daughters-in-law!

Chen Qiaoqiao gritted her teeth secretly, and suddenly smiled and said, "Before returning to the village, I heard a very interesting thing."

Wanchun Ju shivered all over, and she intuitively told her that what Chen Qiaoqiao was going to say was not interesting at all!

Chen Qiaoqiao said: "We live in a family surnamed Wang in the yard. His daughter-in-law suddenly became pregnant a while ago, and the Wang family is the only Miaomiao for the third generation. He was very happy when he heard the news, and immediately offered up his daughter-in-law. Who knows how many? Months have passed, but the daughter-in-law's stomach has not moved at all. Later, she was dragged to the hospital for examination and found out that the daughter-in-law was not pregnant at all. She pretended to be pregnant to cheat food and drink, and the aunt of the Wang family was very angry.

No, I beat my daughter-in-law hard with a rolling pin. Do you think it's funny? "

Wanchun Ju was trembling all over.

Marigold wants to say funny shit!

Marigold wanted to gag her mouth with the dumplings on the table!

But she dare not!

God, how could she tell such a lie in the first place!

And why is Chen Qiaoqiao, the little butt, looking at her with such eyes

Did she find something

Qiao Zhenguo was sitting next to Marigold, and when Marigold trembled, he quickly found out.

He looked down at his daughter-in-law and asked strangely, "Daughter-in-law, are you cold?"

Wanchun Ju shook her head: "It's not cold."

"It's not cold, why do you tremble like this? I heard that when you get older, your hands and feet will tremble uncontrollably. This is the case with old man Xing in the west of the village. Daughter-in-law, aren't you aging before you get old?"

As he said that, he deliberately imitated old man Xing's trembling hands and feet to show his daughter-in-law.

The movements are lifelike, just like convulsions.

Marigold: "..."

This day is really really, really can't pass!

Why would she marry such a fool! ! !

Qiao Zhenmin glanced at his sister-in-law with sympathy, and asked Chen Qiaoqiao in a low voice, "Is there anyone named Wang in our yard? Why don't I know."

Chen Qiaoqiao pursed his lips and smiled at him: "There are so many things you don't know!"

If she was just suspicious just now, then she is now 100% sure that Marigold is not pregnant!

But she couldn't understand why Wanchunju lied, after all, being pregnant in Qiao's family was not special.

As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is not your relatives, not your lover, but your enemy!

Wanchunju never expected that Chen Qiaoqiao would see through her false pregnancy on the first day she came back.

Da Qiao Dumpling ate a total of eight dumplings, plus a small bowl of braised wild boar, plus a bowl of pork bone soup, and the stomach was full.

"Master, your stomach is so good." She leaned against her grandfather's arms and acted coquettishly.

Xue Chuan rubbed her round belly and said with a smile, "I'll take you out for a walk to digest and digest food later."

Da Qiao Tuanzi nodded, then shyly pursed his lips and said, "When Xiaoshi comes back, I think I can still eat five more dumplings."

As she spoke, she compared her short radish hands, which looked charming and cute.

Xue Chuan nodded with a smile: "Okay, I'll keep it for you, I'll give it to you when you have a stomach when you come back."

Da Qiao happily rubbed her grandfather's hand, looking as well-behaved as a cute kitten,

Very endearing.

Qiao Zhenjun watched his eldest daughter act coquettishly with his father, feeling a little sour and uncomfortable.

This child was at home before, and has never acted like a spoiled child like now.

He used to think that her character was like himself, dull and dull, but now it seems that he is very wrong!

In fact, it's not that she is dumb, or that she doesn't like to act like a spoiled child, but she knows that no one in the family will spoil her and let her act like a spoiled child, so she always looks sensible and considerate at home.

Seeing that everyone was full, Qiao Zhenmin coughed and announced an important thing: "Dad, Mom, after the new year, Qiao Qiao and Xiao Wan'er will not come back to live with me in town."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words.

Although Qiao Zhenmin is only a temporary transporter of the supply and marketing agency, he will come to work, and he is popular. As soon as he goes to the supply and marketing agency, he gets himself a single-room dormitory.

Qiao Xiuzhi is not the kind of mother-in-law who wants to keep her daughter-in-law by her side. In her opinion, parents cannot accompany their children forever, and only their partners can accompany them to old age.

Besides, she wasn't too old to move, and she didn't need her daughter-in-law to serve her, so she let Chen Qiaoqiao follow Qiao Zhenmin to live in the town from the beginning.

Why can't I live now

Qiao Xiuzhi looked at him and asked, "Did something happen?"

Qiao Zhenmin gritted his teeth, nodded and said, "The supply and marketing agency has a new leader, and the dormitory will be released for his nephew."

One emperor and one courtier.

The new leader definitely doesn't like subordinates who have a good relationship with the previous leader, so Qiao Zhenmin, a temporary transporter, was the first to be used for surgery.

Qiao Xiuzhi didn't feel that the bed was over, and nodded calmly: "If that's the case, then move back."

Seeing her mother so calm, Qiao Zhenmin's uneasy heart suddenly calmed down.

In this family, her mother supports everyone like a pillar. As long as she is there, it seems that nothing in the world can stumped her.


After the pork is divided, the New Year is getting closer.

Although everyone is short of food these days, big festivals like the Chinese New Year still have a different weight in everyone's heart.

The poor and the poor live the way, the rich live the way, anyway, regardless of the rich or the poor, everyone is very busy with tinkering for the New Year.

The day after Qiao Zhenmin's family came back, Qiao Xiuzhi took the family to start a clean-up. Except for Qiao Zhenjun, who couldn't move, and Qiao Dongwan, who was only three years old, everyone else was given the task.

Da Qiao and two cousins are responsible for cleaning the chicken coop.

two cousins

They take good care of her and don't let her touch their hands.

Since Gugu drank the water of the koi jade pendant, now he can lay at least two or three eggs a day, and sometimes he can lay four or five eggs a day.

The Qiao family were amazed when they saw it.

Only Marigold always hides away from the old hen whenever she sees it. First, she has no face, and second, she is afraid that the old hen will go crazy and chase her again.

After Qiao Xiuzhi thought about it again and again, she ordered the Qiao family not to speak out about it.

After all, this is not an ordinary thing. If it is publicized, the old hen will not be able to keep it from talking, and it may involve Da Qiao.

The people of the Qiao family are naturally not without exception.

Muffled sound to make a fortune.

Now I can eat eggs every day, not to mention how cool it is. If the old hen Gugu is caught, this benefit will definitely be gone.

Da Qiao had observed Gugu's state and saw that it lays so many eggs every day, but her spirit didn't seem unusual, so she assuredly gave the water from the koi jade pendant to the old hens in the Qiao's old home.

Therefore, after Gugu, the old hen from the Qiao family kept laying eggs every day, and everyone in the Qiao family was so happy that they couldn't close their mouths.

In addition to drinking it for the old hen, Da Qiao also drank it herself, and also secretly gave it to her father and the Qiao family.

Among them, her father drank the most.

Her grandfather's health is very bad. When the weather is cold, he has to lie in bed for many days, his face is as pale as paper, and every time her mother is so worried that she can't eat.

She doesn't like to see her father and her milk uncomfortable, so she secretly throws jade beads into the water that her father drinks every day, hoping that the water of the jade beads can make her father feel better.

During this time, Da Qiao was very busy, on the contrary, Xiao Qiao had a hard time.

Fang Fugui's fracture was broken, and he couldn't go to the ground. His legs were still throbbing, which made his temper to the extreme. Fang's family, from Mrs. Fang to the youngest daughter who was born less than half a year ago, had all been scolded by him.

In this atmosphere, Mrs. Fang's temper is also rising every day, just like dynamite, it explodes at one point. Fang Xiaojuan has been scolded like a dog every day since then, and her life is very sad.

Seeing that Xiao Qiao was a child prodigy, Mrs. Fang hadn't scolded her for the time being, but she gave her a face and pointed out that it was necessary for Sang to scold Huai.

Xiao Qiao was also so irritable that she wanted to move out of Fang's house immediately: "Mom, didn't you see Uncle Wang last night?"

Fang Xiaojuan's face was as black as a sinkhole: "That bitch man, he wants to turn his face and ignore him after eating and wiping, let's go to his Spring and Autumn Dream!"

Ever since she was pissed on her face by a wild boar, she has

I have never seen Wang Xinsheng again.

She tied the cloth strips on the tree according to the previous contact method, as long as he could see it in the village, but she waited several times in the thatched hut until dawn, and when her whole body was almost frozen, she did not see him. appear!

dog man!

If you want to abandon her, just dream!

Xiao Qiao frowned: "Mom, what can you do?"

She guessed that Wang Xinsheng was disgusted by the fact that her mother was urinated on her face by a wild boar, and she was also very speechless about it!

How could her mother go to provoke Da Qiao's god of plague again

She had clearly warned her before that she should not provoke her again during this period of time. She promised well, and turned her head to kill her again!

Fang Xiaojuan's mouth curled into a smile, she lowered her head and touched her flat stomach and said, "With this, I'm not afraid that he won't recognize him!"

Xiao Qiao's eyes widened: "Mom, what do you mean... Are you pregnant?"

Fang Xiaojuan nodded triumphantly: "It's just one month, wait another half a month, if he doesn't contact me, I'll go to their king's house and cry!"

If their Wang family dared to deny the child in her womb, she would go to the police station to report Wang Xinsheng for being a hooligan!

At that time, not only Wang Xinsheng will be arrested and shot, but also the entire Wang family will be unlucky!

And Wang Shuisheng, the production captain, don't even think about doing it!

When Xiao Qiao heard this, her frowning brows finally relaxed.

Great, this kid is so timely!

As long as she has this child, she and her mother can not only enter the Wang family smoothly, but also gain a firm foothold in the Wang family!

After solving her mother's affairs, she thought of Da Qiao's affairs again.

After thinking about it, she still couldn't be sure whether Da Qiao got the system, so she went to Qiao's small courtyard to find her, trying to make a cliché from her mouth, but she went to nothing!

She didn't dare to go to the Qiao's old home to find her, she was really mad at her!

With the arrival of New Year's Eve, she soon ran out of time to find Da Qiao, because she was kept at home by Mrs. Fang to take care of her little cousin Mao, who was still a baby.

In her last life, before she wore books, she hated children, bear children or something, the most disgusting thing!

Before she was at Qiao's house, she didn't have to do any work at all. It was no exaggeration to say that her ten fingers were not touched by the spring water. I didn't expect to come to Fang's house and she would wipe the baby's feces and urine, so disgusting that she couldn't even eat!

But girl Mao was very difficult to handle, she would have diarrhea at any time, she would cry loudly when she had diarrhea, and she could not stop coaxing her. When she cried, Fang Fugui would scold people, and then Mrs. Fang would come in and scold her.

her nose is pissed


She really doesn't want to stay at Fang's house for a day!


In the expectation of everyone, the Spring Festival of 1973 finally came.

On New Year's Eve, Qiao Zhenjun was once again carried by Qiao Zhenguo to the Qiao's old home.

Qiao Xiuzhi led her two daughters-in-law in the kitchen early in the morning, while Xue Chuan took her two sons to post the Spring Festival couplets, and each was busy.

It was the first time that Da Qiao was so happy for the New Year, and there was a smile on her little face.

She doesn't have to work, and she can follow her cousin into the kitchen to steal food from time to time. Although she thinks it's wrong to do so, it's really exciting!

The most important thing is that she finally put on new clothes this year!

When she woke up this morning, she deliberately put on the little padded jacket her grandfather made for her. Although she couldn't see herself without a mirror, she felt that she was very good-looking!

Qiao Dongying touched her padded jacket and said enviously, "Sister Qiao, your clothes are so beautiful! Your milk is so good to you!"

It's a lie to say that you're not jealous or envious. After all, who doesn't want to wear new clothes

But she didn't envy or hate Sister Da Qiao because of this. Sister Da Qiao used to have such a bad life, and now it's rare to have a new dress, which is what it should be.

Da Qiao Tuanzi blushed, twisted his body and said, "This is what my father made for me, Sister Dongying, am I beautiful today?"

Qiao Dongying raised her head and laughed loudly: "Look at you stinky! Yes, yes, you are the most beautiful!"

Qiao Donghe was also working on the side, pursing his lips and smiling.

Only Wanchun Ju saw that Da Qiao was wearing new clothes, as if she had cut her flesh, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

In her opinion, what new clothes should a girl wear in a movie, especially Da Qiao's disaster star, let alone wear new clothes for her, she should have been driven to Fang's house when she got divorced!

Although Wan Chunju doesn't like Xiao Qiao very much, she still thinks Xiao Qiao is better than Da Qiao.

After all, Xiao Qiao is a well-known child prodigy in Dongfeng Commune. There is a child prodigy at home, and when he speaks out, he consciously has a bright face.

Besides Marigold, there is another person who thinks of Xiao Qiao at this moment, and this person is Chen Qiaoqiao.

Chen Qiaoqiao has liked Xiao Qiao's niece very much since she married into Qiao's family.

She felt that Xiao Qiao was well-behaved and sensible, beautiful and smart, just like the daughter of her dreams!

She wondered many times how someone like Fang Xiaojuan could give birth to such a good child as Xiao Qiao, and Xiao Qiao should be her child!

Only when she came back this time did she know that Xiao Qiao followed Fang Xiaojuan to Fang's house, and she was very heartbroken.


Qiao Xiuzhi watched her eyes fall on her from time to time, and she couldn't even pretend she didn't know: "If you have something to say, say it!"

Chen Qiaoqiao thought for a while and said, "Mom, isn't this the New Year's Eve? Do you want us to take Xiao Qiao over to watch the night together?"

Qiao Xiuzhi raised her eyes and gave her a cool look, but did not answer her stupid question.

Chen Qiaoqiao almost fell to the ground when her mother-in-law looked at her like this.

Wan Chunju sneered: "I said fifth siblings, Xiao Qiao is no longer a child of our Qiao family, why do you still miss her? If you really can't bear her, why don't you go to Fang's house too!"

Chen Qiaoqiao switched to the arrogant mode of Princess Peacock in a second, raised her chin and said, "Sister-in-law, what nonsense are you talking about? I just saw that the child was so young and I feel sorry for her. Besides, even if she goes to Fang's house, her blood is still in her blood. There is still the blood of our Qiao family in it!"

There is a reason why Marigold always targets Chen Qiaoqiao.

Chen Qiaoqiao is a girl in the town, plus she went to high school, she is the most educated person in the entire Qiao family, so she always has a sense of superiority.

And this sense of superiority reached its highest value when confronting Wanchun Ju, a peasant woman.

Wan Chunju didn't like her high-spirited appearance, and the two never fought against each other from the beginning, but the real grudge was four years ago.

That year, Chen Qiaoqiao followed Qiao Zhenmin back to the village for Chinese New Year. At that time, Xiao Anping, who was only four years old, was very curious about the little aunt who came from this town and wanted to climb on top of her.

Chen Qiaoqiao saw that his face was snotted and his hands were dirty, so he pushed him away subconsciously. Xiao Anping couldn't stand still, and fell backwards on all fours, and suddenly burst into tears.

Wanchunju immediately rushed in when she heard the baby son crying. After learning about the situation, she raised her hand and gave Chen Qiaoqiao a slap in the face!

Chen Qiaoqiao grew up so big, how could he ever suffer from this kind of anger

The beams of the two have been forged since then.

Whenever Wanchunju sees Chen Qiaoqiao, she can't help but poke her.

But her IQ and eloquence are not Chen Qiaoqiao's opponents. Chen Qiaoqiao can make her angry with one look.

Qiao Xiuzhi saw the two of you and I quarreled, and slammed the basin in her hand on the stove: "Let me go out, and come back when you have had enough quarrels!"

The two silenced for a second and stared at each other.

Wan Chunju paused, feeling that she could still save herself: "Mom, I really don't blame me for this, it's all this woman who is so good at bringing up Xiao Qiao..."

"Give me all the way out! Same thing don't let me

Say it a third time! "

Marigold no longer dared to make a sound, and slipped out of the kitchen like a quail.

As soon as she walked out of the kitchen, Wanchun Ju immediately scolded: "As soon as you come back, you will make mother angry, fifth brother and sister, you are a natural troublemaker!"

Chen Qiaoqiao raised her chin, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Sister-in-law, are you pretending to be pregnant?"

Wanchun chrysanthemum instantly petrified, and it took a long time to squeeze out a dry sentence: "You, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Did I talk nonsense, sister-in-law, you know it! Sister-in-law, what would your mother do to you if she knew you were pretending to be pregnant?"

Marigold shivered: "..."

Chen Qiaoqiao saw her guilty appearance, and she became more and more convinced that she was a fake pregnancy.

Qiao Zhenguo and Qiao Zhenmin heard her mother's tantrum outside just now, so they came to see what happened.

Qiao Zhenmin said, "What happened? Why do I seem to hear my mother swearing?"

On the other hand, Qiao Zhenguo looked at his daughter-in-law and sighed, "Daughter-in-law, why are you making mother angry again? Can't you stop for a while?"

Marigold: "… "

He is also a husband, so why did he think she was the one to cause trouble

Even if he can't protect himself, at least don't drag her back and step on her face!

But Qiao Zhenguo couldn't understand her face, and continued to sigh: "Speaking of which, you shouldn't have married a daughter-in-law in the first place. If you don't marry a daughter-in-law, you won't make my mother angry."

Qiao Zhenmin: "…"

Big brother, it's easy for you to be an orphan like this!

Wan Chunju was so angry that her face turned red and white: "Qiao Zhenguo, what do you mean by that? Do you want to divorce me?"

Qiao Zhenguo was dumbfounded: "No, why would you think of getting a divorce? You are so funny!"

Qiao Zhenmin: "…"

Chen Qiaoqiao: "… "

Wan Chunju felt that her face was lost in front of Chen Qiaoqiao: "Qiao Zhenguo, you can live by yourself, I'll go back to my parents' house!"

Wanchun Ju originally wanted to threaten her man by going back to her parents' home, but unfortunately Qiao Zhenguo and her were never on the same channel.

Hearing this, Qiao Zhenguo nodded and said, "Alright, your appetite is getting bigger and bigger now. You might as well go back to your mother's house and live for a while, so as to save your mother-in-law's family from being poor."

Marigold: "..."

This time, even Chen Qiaoqiao looked at Marigold with sympathy.

Da Qiao didn't know what happened in Qiao's old home, and she was sneaking up in the East Forest at this moment.

Her tiny body hid behind a big tree and made a cuckoo sound.

Soon, the voice of the cuckoo came from behind the big tree a few meters away.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who threw mines: ff8; Queqiao Da C3; Fang Qi, Qiuqiu, did you update it today? ? , 殃liangmo (chuya blowing), minus 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 2369793627 bottles; lemon sprouts and vinegar., 殃liangmo (chuya blowing), 3397175020 bottles; southeast and northwest, y leaves y, you think about it -_-, Lunaling 10 bottles; Su H 6 bottles of Song, Best Loser Friends; 5 bottles of Zeng, Yingyi, Yahan; 3 bottles of Fanxing Accompanying; 2 bottles of Dream and Dumeng Failing to Wake Up; Karen, Watermelon Jun, Kerener, Plum Candy, Fa Sea, 341388241 bottles:,,.