When Two Alphas Meet, One’s an Omega

Chapter 66


The Laogai farm is not a good place, it is used to accommodate bad elements.

On the farm, people work more and eat less. Generally, people who go in will burn out within a few years.

Like these bad elements, it is generally difficult to have the opportunity to come out after entering the Laogai farm. However, the lower Laogai farm has recently received a lot of bad elements. The farm is small and cannot accommodate so many people.

Therefore, after the commune director held a meeting to discuss, he decided to select some more obedient people from the bad elements and put them in the production team.

Qili Village was divided into three.

The three were a family, an old man who looked to be in his fifties or sixties, a woman in his thirties, and a boy of sex.

Their clothes were covered with patches, their faces were sallow and haggard, and they were all dry and thin, with no flesh to be seen on their faces and bodies.

Especially the old man, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and the wrinkles on his face were like marks carved by a knife, all of which were carved on his face.

When several people arrived, Wang Shuisheng, the production leader, sounded the gong and called everyone from the village to the threshing floor to gather.

Qiao Xiuzhi and Qiao Zhenmin, who had just returned home, also passed by.

Standing on the high platform, Wang Shuisheng pointed at the family and said, "These three people are bad elements from the Laogai farm, and they will live in our production team in the future!"

When the villagers below heard this, they immediately boiled.

"Captain, what's going on? How did you get so many bad guys here? What if the children were taken away?"

"Yes, yes, if the children are corrupted by them, will it affect us in the future?"

"That's right, why let bad elements come to our production team, shouldn't they go to the farm and make a good renovation?"

Wang Shuisheng stretched out his hand and pressed it down, and said in a thick voice, "Be quiet, let me be quiet for everything! What's the noise? I haven't finished speaking yet!"

"There is not enough space on the farm. These people are bad elements who have been educated and have improved their ideological awareness, so they are allowed to leave the farm. You only need to tell the children in your family not to contact the bad elements, and naturally they will not be affected by them. Influence! You all put the words in your stomach, don't take it seriously, if you are reported back, it will be useless to come to me!"

When everyone heard this, although they were still muttering, they still remembered that when they go back, they must tell the children at home well, so that they must not come into contact with bad elements.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome to be eroded!

Bad elements are different from educated youths, and naturally they cannot live in places as good as educated youths.

Wang Shuisheng thought about it, and finally decided to arrange them to the pigsty.

There are a few empty houses next to the pigsty, because the smell of being next to the pigsty is too strong, and no one wants to live there. It is just right for these bad guys to arrange there.

Moreover, no one in the production team likes to do the dung picking work. Every year, we have to draw lots to arrange this work. Now that's fine, let this family do the dung picking work!

Before the bad elements are taken to the pigsty, according to the procedure, a round of batches has to be carried out.

It's a good time to urge them to remember who they are and always remember to make progress!

Although most of the villagers are simple, when faced with bad elements, they are the most simple people, and they suddenly change!

Everyone gathered around the family of three and pointed their noses at them. If it weren't for the old, young, and a woman among them, everyone would definitely go up and beat them.

But even so, this family of three has suffered a lot!

After one round, the hair of the old man and the woman was all messed up, and the old man spit several saliva on his face.

The woman bent over and hugged the boy tightly in her arms, her eyes red.

It was the first time that Da Qiao saw such a scene, and she was so frightened that she tightly held her milk's hand.

Qiao Xiuzhi rubbed her hair and said, "If you are afraid, close your eyes and don't look at it."

Da Qiao looked at the people on the stage and asked in a low voice, "Milk, are they really bad people?"

Qiao Xiuzhi frowned, looked up and looked around, seeing that no one was paying attention to them, she lowered her head and said in a low voice, "No, they are not bad people!"

Da Qiao's clear and beautiful apricot eyes showed a confused look: "Then why do you scold them?"

She also saw someone smashing those people with stones. The old man's forehead was hit. Although there was no blood, it was red and swollen, and it looked painful.

Qiao Xiuzhi said: "This problem is very complicated, you just need to remember that they are not bad people, you can't bully them like other people, remember?"

This is not the place to discuss this, and Da Qiao is too young to explain it to her.

It's just that she never approves of this simple and rude way of division.

If Xue Chuan hadn't handed over the house to the state early, or if she hadn't tried her best to protect him, he would have been classified as a bad guy and pushed to the farm for transformation!

Da Qiao's long and dense eyelashes are like fans

After blinking, he nodded his head and said, "Honey, I remember, I will definitely not bully them!"

After speaking, she turned her gaze back to the stage, and then suddenly met a pair of dark slender eyes.

The boy was held in his mother's arms by his mother, and his eyes were looking at her through the crowd.

His eyes were silent and cold, and seemed a little curious and surprised.

Da Qiao's beautiful apricot eyes flashed, she was surprised for a moment, and then she pursed the corner of her mouth and showed a soothing smile to the boy.

The boy didn't seem to expect that she would suddenly smile at him, he was startled, and turned his head a little embarrassedly, but soon turned back to peek at her.

Da Qiao thought he was very interesting, and he was so pitiful, but she didn't dare to go up to stop everyone, so she kept showing him a sweet smile, hoping that he would feel better when he saw his smile.

Qiao Xiuzhi saw that the villagers were endlessly approving, so she stepped forward and said: "Okay, you are almost done, and if you continue to fight, there will be an accident!"

Madam Fang was criticized because she and her son were criticized last time. This time, even if her waist was not healed, she still rushed to the front. It was her who stoned the old man just now!

Hearing Qiao Xiuzhi's words now, she raised her almost invisible eyebrows and said, "Oh, director of the Women's Federation, what are you talking about? These people are bad elements. Are you defending them now?"

Qiao Xiuzhi looked at her coldly and said, "Although they are bad elements, compared to the Fang family who forced their daughter-in-law to death, I don't think they have done anything wicked!"

After she finished speaking, she turned to Wang Shuisheng: "Captain Wang, I don't want to protect these people, but you look at their old and sick diseases. If something goes wrong, then we will not ask our production team to pay for them to see a doctor. Want to provide food to feed them?"

Wang Shuisheng nodded: "You are right, since it has been arranged to our production team, if something goes wrong, we will have to pay for the food!"

When everyone heard that they had broken people and asked them to pay for food, they immediately stopped.

They can't get enough to eat themselves, and if they are asked to pay for food to the bad elements, no one will definitely be willing!

Seeing that Qiao Xiuzhi had convinced everyone in just a few words, Mrs. Fang was so angry that she wanted to scold again, but she was afraid of causing public anger, so she scolded in a low voice and walked away.

Who would have thought that in less than two steps, he stepped on a piece of chicken shit and almost fell.

Although she didn't fall, her waist seemed to be twisted again, so she screamed back for the second half of the way.

old man on stage

The woman glanced at Qiao Xiuzhi gratefully, but did not speak.

People like them, even if they are grateful, can only keep it in their hearts, otherwise they will only bring trouble to the other party.

The boy's eyes kept staring at Da Qiao, only to see that Da Qiao kept smiling at him. He turned his head away when he was embarrassed by the smile, but turned back quickly.

His actions quickly caught the woman's attention.

After the three came to the pigsty, Dai Shufang touched the child's head and said, "Why did you stare at the little girl just now?"

Huo Chi pouted, "I've seen her!"

Dai Shufang couldn't help laughing when she heard this, but she didn't take it to heart.

This is the first time they have come to the Qili production team, how could he have seen that little girl

She remembered the appearance of the little girl, who was white and ruddy, with a sweet smile, and most importantly, her eyes were clean and clear. At first glance, she was a very bright and kind child.

It's a pity that their identities are bad elements, and Huo Chi just wants to be friends with others and can't play together.

Huo Chi ignored the fucking ridicule.

He wasn't lying, he had actually seen the girl!


The Qiao family returned to the old home.

Da Qiao plunged into the kitchen and quickly made three bowls of steamed eggs: "Niya, Uncle Wu, Sister Xiaowaner, I made these steamed eggs for you, you can taste them and see if they are delicious. ?"

She has been learning cooking with her grandfather for several months, but since her third aunt came over, she has no chance to cook in the kitchen. Later, after Aunt Hui married her father, she didn't have to do any work. .

Now that her grandmother has come back all the way, there is still some time before dinner, so she steamed three bowls of steamed eggs to cushion their stomachs.

The golden-yellow steamed eggs are covered with soy sauce and sesame oil. They are bright in color and fragrant. Before they are eaten, they are already hooked.

Qiao Xiuzhi had always been partial to Da Qiao in her heart, but seeing her so sensible and caring, her heart became even softer: "Try it now, it smells delicious, it must be delicious!"

Da Qiao smiled with frowning eyes, and said softly, "I put a few drops of sesame oil in it, and the smell of sesame oil is old!"

The sesame oil was brought to them by the Shen family, and there were only two small bottles in total.

Therefore, when Wanchun Ju heard her words, she immediately croaked like a hen: "Da Qiao, you prodigal girl, eat a steamed egg and drip sesame oil, the landlord can't enjoy it like you!"

Qiao Xiuzhi's face turned cold and said, "According to what you said, I still can't afford this.

Drops of sesame oil? "

Wanchun Ju shook her body, shrank her neck and said, "Mom, I didn't mean you, I mean Da Qiao, this kid doesn't know that Chaimi is expensive!"

Qiao Xiuzhi snorted coldly: "You have been married to the Qiao family for so many years, and this is the first time I know that you are so considerate of the Qiao family. Then everyone will eat meat later, so don't eat it!"

Marigold QAQ: "… "

Being choked to death, Wanchunju was angry and scared.

When I went out, I saw my man chopping firewood, and immediately ran over to complain, "Mom is true, she is bent on favoring that girl, Da Qiao!"

Da Qiao's flatterer is also very cunning. At a young age, his flattery skills are top-notch!

She made steamed eggs for her mother-in-law with eggs from Qiao's old home, firewood and sesame oil from Qiao's old home. She didn't have to pay a penny, but she made her mother-in-law smile!

Really chicken thief!

If I knew she would do it first!

Qiao Zhenguo said: "Big Qiao's niece is beautiful and has a sweet mouth. Isn't it normal for Mom to like her? If you don't like her, do you like you?"

Wanchun Ju was so angry that she almost vomited blood: "What's wrong with liking me? What am I not likable at all?"

Qiao Zha Dao Zheng Guodao: "Mom said that you must be self-aware. Daughter-in-law, you look like a black mountain pig, black and fat, and your mouth likes to talk about right and wrong. What do you think you are likable?"

Marigold: "..."

With a mouthful of old blood in her chest, she almost died on the spot!

She took a deep breath and said: "Okay, I won't compare me as an adult with a child, but with our Anping headquarters? No matter how good-looking Da Qiao is, it's just a girl's movie, how can you love a girl's movie more than your grandson? ?"

There is no such truth in the world!

Qiao Zhenguo sighed and said, "Hey, it's all your fault..."

"shut up!"

Marigold's face flushed with anger, she stood up with her already pregnant belly, turned around and left.

Every time her man starts with the words "it's all your fault" and "it's your fault", she can guess with her toes what he's going to say next!

Qiao Zhenguo saw his daughter-in-law rushing away in a rage, but was not affected at all, and continued to chop wood humming a little song.

In the evening, in order to celebrate his wife's return and to celebrate finding a small bowl, Xue Chuan cooked again himself.

Everyone was looking forward to it, and when they smelled the fragrance from the kitchen, their saliva was about to flow down.

Big Qiao and her cousin Qiao Donghe are helpers in the kitchen.

Qiao Donghe sighed while burning firewood: "Sister Qiao, we both meet at the same time.

I started school, why do the things you make always taste better than mine? "

Da Qiao tilted his head and blinked: "I don't know, but what my cousin makes is delicious. Don't be sad, cousin."

"Don't worry, my cousin is not such a person who can't think about it, and I don't need your comfort."

Qiao Donghe glanced at her tender and tender little face, and couldn't help but stretch out her hand and squeeze her.

Da Qiao didn't get angry when he was pinched, but smiled so softly that his brows and eyes were so soft that his whole heart softened.

There are a total of sixteen people in the Qiao family, large and small, and one table will definitely not be able to sit, so as before, it is divided into two tables, one for adults and one for children.

There were five dishes on both tables at this time. In the center was a large plate of pork with plum and vegetables, followed by braised pork with potatoes, stir-fried mushrooms, fried tomatoes with eggs, and a large pot of Chinese cabbage soup.

There is meat, vegetables and soup, even for Chinese New Year!

Especially the smell is so fragrant, whether it is a child or an adult, almost drooling!

"Thank you for your hard work." Qiao Xiuzhi glanced at her husband, her eyes full of longing and warmth.

Xue Chuan looked at his wife with a smile: "What is this hard work compared to you?"

The two have been separated for almost ten days. This is the first time they have been separated for such a long time in decades of marriage. Both of them miss each other very much.

The Qiao family who were fed a mouthful of dog food before eating: "..."

Don't feed it, you won't be able to eat any more if you feed it!

Qiao Xiuzhi felt everyone's gaze, and coughed: "What are you looking at, you haven't started yet?"

With this order, everyone's chopsticks immediately flew towards the meat on the plate.

Marigold picked up a piece of meat and put it in her mouth, but before swallowing it, the chopsticks in her hand reached out to the plate again.

But in the next moment, a nausea filled her throat, and she couldn't help turning around and retching.

Seeing his daughter-in-law retching, Qiao Zhenguo continued to eat the meat quickly and accurately, and said while eating: "Daughter-in-law, don't you feel like the last time, when you smell the meat, you want to vomit?"

Marigold is struck by lightning: "..."

Qiao Zhenguo not only didn't feel sorry for his wife, but continued to make up the knife: "Hey, why are you so unhappy? Then I have to eat more for you!"

Marigold was so angry that she almost spurted blood: "..."

pissed her off!

What kind of man did she marry

Marigold was not reconciled and ate another piece, but before the meat tightened her mouth, she retched again.

Unexpectedly, just after she finished retching, Lin Hui across the table suddenly "vomited"


Qiao Zhenjun immediately put down his chopsticks and asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

Lin Hui patted her heart and whispered, "I don't know, but I feel a little stuffy in my chest, and I suddenly feel sick to my stomach when I smell the meat."

Qiao Zhenjun said, "Why don't I accompany you to the clinic now."

The marigold on the opposite side was biting his chopsticks, and his teeth were almost sour!

Qiao Xiuzhi raised her head and said, "The second child, you must be pregnant, right?"

Lin Hui and Qiao Zhenjun were both stunned.

The two haven't been married for two months, so they didn't think about it, but after talking about it, it's really possible!

Lin Hui's cheeks were pink, as if she had smeared rouge, she leaned over and whispered in Qiao Zhenjun's ear, "I haven't been here for more than a month."

Her menstrual period has always been unstable before, so she didn't take it to heart when her period didn't come last month.

It's just that after marrying into Qiao's family, she felt that her body was much better because she was in a good mood.

Even in summer, I often feel cold hands and feet, and there is no trace of temperature in my whole body, but now my body suddenly feels warm, and my appetite for sleep has also improved.

Qiao Zhenjun was stunned, and then his whole body glowed: "Then let's go to the clinic now and let the doctor see it!"

Da Qiao saw Aunt Hui vomiting and worried: "Mom, what's wrong with you? Shall I accompany you to the clinic with Dad?"

Lin Hui comforted her and said, "Don't worry, mom is fine."

Wanchunju's eyes were red with jealousy, and she said in a sour tone: "Da Qiao, your stepmother is probably pregnant. You will soon have a younger brother or sister, and they will not hurt you any more! "

Lin Hui blushed even more with anger: "Sister-in-law, don't say such things to the child, if the child takes it seriously, it will be bad!"

Wan Chunju snorted: "The stepmother in the world is generally black, where did I go wrong? You dare to say that in the future, if you have a child of your own, will you still be really good to Da Qiao? Don't say anything, your words are the best Lie more to the children, if you want to lie to me, save it!"

Lin Hui was so angry that she looked at Da Qiao nervously and said, "Da Qiao, no matter if your parents have other children in the future, your mother likes you the most. Don't listen to your auntie!"

Da Qiao blinked her bright eyes and said softly, "Mom, don't worry, I won't listen to the aunt's words, and I like my brother and sister. Would you give me a brother and sister?"

Xiao Qiao is also her sister, she used to like her very much, but Qing

After Chu she had bad intentions towards herself, she gradually withdrew her feelings.

Lin Hui saw that the child was tender, soft and sensible, and her heart was too soft.

When Wan Chunju heard Da Qiao's words, she gritted her teeth angrily: "You stupid child, Auntie really thinks about you..."


Qiao Xiuzhi placed the chopsticks heavily on the table, and looked at the eldest daughter-in-law coolly: "Go! You are not allowed to come to the table to eat until you know where you are wrong!"

Wanchun Ju was struck by lightning again, her face pale and said: "...Mom, I know now that I was wrong!"

"Go!" Qiao Xiuzhi never looked at her again, "Don't make me say the same thing a third time!"

Marigold's face turned red and white.

She touched the man beside her, hoping that he could help her to plead.

Qiao·fan is more important than his daughter-in-law·Zhenguo Road: "Daughter-in-law, hurry up, you must listen to what Mom says, or you will die even worse!"

He was eating meat while talking, never looking up at his daughter-in-law from beginning to end.

Marigold held her breath in her heart and almost fell to her knees!

Qiao Zhenjun was so excited that he stopped eating and helped Lin Hui to the clinic.

After more than half an hour, the two returned to the Qiao's old home, all excited and excited.

When everyone saw their faces, they guessed the truth.

Qiao Zhenguo said: "Second brother, the child may eat it, you have to be mentally prepared!"

Qiao Zhenjun blushed with excitement: "Brother, don't worry, my legs are now able to work in the fields, so I will definitely be able to support my wife and children!"

Qiao Zhenmin said with a smile: "Second brother, congratulations, you are really amazing, how long have you been married, and you have a child so soon?"

Qiao Zhenjun scratched his head and said, "I didn't expect your second sister-in-law to be pregnant so soon! Fifth brother, don't tell the second brother about you, now that the child has been found, the two of you should be reconciled, husband and wife. If there is no overnight feud, you should give birth to a younger brother and sister for Xiao Wan'er earlier, after all, Xiao Wan'er has only one child, and it is still too lonely!"

Qiao Zhenmin smiled and did not respond.

There was a bitter taste in my heart.

After the fucking persuasion, in fact, he no longer blames Qiaoqiao, but what Qiaoqiao has done these days has really chilled his heart!

Xiao Wan'er has been missing for more than two months, and she has never said a word about the child!

She was worried and afraid, not because the child was gone, but because she was afraid that she would divorce her!

Therefore, he really does not know how to continue this marriage.

Da Qiao knew that Aunt Hui was pregnant with a baby

After that, very happy!

She "dengdengdeng" kicked her short legs and ran over, touched Aunt Hui's belly and said, "Mom, is there really a younger brother here?"

Lin Hui smiled softly: "It could also be a younger sister. Do you like your brother or your sister?"

"Sister!" Xiao Donglin also came over and stretched out his little paw to touch his fucking stomach.

There is already a little Yiming in the family who is competing with him, so there must be no more brothers!

Xiao Yiming also had the same idea, came over and touched his belly together and said, "I want my sister!"

When everyone saw the appearance of the two little dumplings, they couldn't help but laugh.

Especially Xiao Yiming, it's not that his mother is pregnant, why is he joining in the fun

Da Qiao tilted his head, blinked and said, "Mom, it seems like a younger brother in my belly."

The author has something to say: two in one, see you tomorrow

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: I can't wake up from a single dream, I want to have 1 money;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 123 trapped 50 bottles; she and him 41 bottles; the foodies in the fat world??(ˊωˋ*, 20 bottles of hyacinth; BEYOU, Fengfeng Tingyuguanluoxue, Jiuyue 10 bottles; Flip Book, Ting Ting, Mu Bu Mu, YING Ying 5 bottles; LEE 3 bottles; Dandan, VeryBlue 2 bottles; Love Noodles, A Neng, Xiao Mango 1 bottle; :,,.