When Two Alphas Meet, One’s an Omega

Chapter 92


In mid-July, it was the birthday of Lin Hui's mother Wang Qiuying. The Lin family did not have a big banquet, but only prepared two tables of dishes for her daughter to bring her children back to eat together.

Lin Hui asked Qiao Zhenjun to carry the cloth prepared in the morning, and twenty or so eggs, and then took Da Qiao and Xiao Donglin to their parents' house.

Da Qiao supported her mother, her eyes fell on her round and big belly, and she couldn't help asking curiously, "Mom, how long will it take for the brothers to come out?"

Xiao Donglin kicked his short legs and followed closely, and asked follower: "Yeah, when will it come out? The toffee I've saved is going to melt!"

Because Da Qiao said that he was going to prepare a gift for his unborn brother, the other children in the family responded immediately and got ready, and a few small dumplings also joined in the fun.

Xiao Yiming likes to draw very much, so he still chooses to draw this time. Xiao Donglin originally wanted to show his brother a set of "kung fu", but was told that his brother could not understand, so he had to save the sugar and give it to his brother.

It was difficult for everyone to let him down again, so he couldn't eat his candy without telling him his younger brothers.

Lin Hui looked at the two lively and lovely children, and the corners of her mouth curled up: "Come on, it's been more than seven months now, and the younger brother and sister will come out in more than a month."

Da Qiao raised his head and smiled sweetly: "That's great! Mom, I have prepared gifts for my brothers, just waiting for them to come out!"

"Sister Da Qiao, what gift did you prepare, can you tell me?" Xiao Donglin asked curiously.

Da Qiao shook his head: "No, this is a secret, you will know when the brothers come out."

Xiao Donglin: He fell out of favor before his younger brothers were born. What will he do in the future QAQ

Halfway through, she and Fang Xiaojuan suddenly met.

Fang Xiaojuan has been waiting for Meng Hongguang's letter. It should have arrived last week, but the letter has not come. She is very uneasy, for fear that Meng Hongguang will break up with her.

Until yesterday, the letter still hadn't arrived. She couldn't wait, so she went to the post office in person. Unexpectedly, she really waited. Meng Hongguang's letter had just arrived, and the postman was too late to deliver it, so she took the letter directly.

Just because she didn't know much words, she was in a hurry to go back and let Xiao Qiao read the letter to her, but she didn't want to meet Qiao Zhenjun's family.

Seeing how happy their family was, this scene stabbed her in the eye, but when she thought that she would soon be able to become an official wife in the city, she snorted coldly and walked away from them with her chin up.

Lin Hui and Qiao Zhenjun looked at each other

At a glance, the latter said: "Let's go, my parents should be waiting for us."

Lin Hui nodded, but did not take this matter to heart.

As soon as they entered the Lin's house, Sister-in-law Lin Hui and Sister-in-law Three immediately welcomed them in. The children of the Lin family also gathered around when they saw Da Qiao.

"Sister Qiao, you are finally here, we are all waiting for you!"

"Yes, we have prepared a lot of delicious food for you, come in and eat!"

"Sister Da Qiao is so beautiful, her skin is as white as tofu."

"I don't think tofu is as good as Da Qiao's sister Bai Nen!"

Everyone in the production team said that the feng shui of the Lin family was good. Wang Qiuying gave birth to five sons in a row. Three of the five sons were married.

But since the Lin family was old, they wanted a soft and soft girl even more. No, as soon as Da Qiao came over, he immediately entered the monk temple with the little fairy, which made the Lin family's group of boys extremely rare.

Xiao Donglin's red mouth was flattened, and he shouted in a milky voice, "Big cousin, second cousin, third cousin, don't you all like me?"

The eldest cousin of the Lin family turned around and pinched his little face: "Of course I like it."

Look how perfunctory this attitude is!

Xiao Donglin pouted even higher: "You guys go away, this is my sister, mine!"

The little boys of the Lin family poked him in the face: "You are right, Da Qiao is your elder sister, but she is also our younger sister!"

Xiao Donglin suddenly became a little puffer fish.

Lin Hui felt relieved when she saw that the children of the Lin family liked Da Qiao very much.

Sister-in-law supported her and said enviously, "Everyone says it's hard to be a stepmother. If there is a stepdaughter as delicate and soft as Da Qiao, I would also like to be a stepmother!"

When the second sister-in-law of the Lin family heard it, she laughed and said, "Then sister-in-law, hurry up and get a divorce from brother!"

Everyone: "… "

Some people may not have any malicious intentions themselves, but whenever she opens her mouth, she either offends people or immediately kills the sky.

The second sister-in-law of the Lin family is such a person.

Fortunately, the sister-in-law of the Lin family has long been used to her character and doesn't care about her.

Lin Huiyue was getting older, and her married daughter was a guest when she returned to her family's house, so this time, several sisters-in-law didn't ask her to help, but Qiao Zhenjun was dragged by several brothers-in-law to chop wood.

Wang Qiuying saw that several daughters-in-law were busy in the kitchen, so she hurriedly pulled her daughter into her house. In order not to make people suspect, she did not close the doors and windows, but acted very sneakily.

She made sure no one was outside, so she crawled under the bed and pulled the ground away.

of a brick, and then took out a wooden box from it.

Wang Qiuying's mouth was so tight that even Lin Hui didn't know that her mother hid such a wooden box under the bed: "Mom, what are you hiding like this, shouldn't it be gold?"

She was just joking, but when her mother opened the wooden box and took out the contents, she was stunned, it was really gold!

It's not a gold bar or a gold ring. It's a round gold ball the size of the little tail finger. It should have been hidden for many years.

There are not many golden balls, there are only eight in all, but if it is converted into money, it is also a lot of money.

Lin Hui was shocked: "Mom, where did you get these things?"

Wang Qiuying said: "These are what your grandma left to me. Your grandma used to be the personal maid next to Miss Guan's family. The two grew up together and had a good relationship. Later, when the world was bad, Miss Guan's family wanted to escape. Your grandma didn't want to follow, so the lady of the official family gave some gold to your grandma, and when I got married, your grandma gave me some gold."

Grandma used to be a maid, Lin Hui knew about it, but it was the first time she heard about the gold: "Mom, why haven't you replaced the gold after so many years?"

Wang Qiuying rolled her eyes at her daughter: "Why not? Otherwise, where do you think the things in this family come from? It's just that my mother told you that no matter how much a woman loves her husband and children, she should leave a way out for herself. With all this private money, even if your dad wants to divorce me, I have nothing to be afraid of!"

Lin Hui was amused by her mother's appearance: "If my dad knew that you hid so much gold just to guard against him, he would probably be pissed off!"

Wang Qiuying slapped her daughter: "Don't take it seriously, you were married twice before, I was afraid that you would jump on it, so I didn't give you the gold, now it seems that the Qiao family treats you very well, so You can rest assured to give the gold to you."

Of course, it is impossible to give everything to Lin Hui. She has five sons and four or five grandchildren. Of course, she can't leave nothing, so she took two small golden balls for her daughter.

Lin Hui didn't want it, so she pushed the little golden ball back and said, "Mom, keep these things for yourself, I don't need them."

She has been married twice, and her family has prepared a lot of dowry for her. As a person, she must know how to be grateful and contented. She can no longer take the things from the family, otherwise several sisters-in-law will know about it, and they will definitely feel uncomfortable.

Wang Qiuying would not allow her to refuse to stuff the little golden ball: "Take

! Zhenjun's job was taken away, you can take the gold and exchange it for money, or give it away directly, go for a walk and see if you can get the job back. "

Her son-in-law was able to work as a worker in the town, and she was naturally happy and proud as a mother-in-law, but she didn't expect to be driven back after only a few months. Recently, many people have been watching jokes in the production team.

There were also some people who came to her deliberately to say sarcastic words, but she scolded them back one by one, but she couldn't swallow it.

Of course, it's not all about fighting for breath, but if the son-in-law can become a worker, his daughter and unborn grandson will be more secure in the future. She is just such a daughter, so she naturally hopes that her life will get better and better.

Lin Hui held the small golden ball in her hand, her eyes were a little sour, she hugged her mother and said, "Mom, thank you, it's great to be your daughter!"

Wang Qiuying patted her daughter twice, gently pushed her away and said, "Okay, don't be numb, just put things away, don't let your sister-in-law see it."

Lin Hui didn't hesitate. In the future, when the family situation improved, she would always find opportunities to be filial to her mother.

The daughters-in-law of the Lin family are diligent people, and they quickly prepared two tables of good dishes, one for adults and one for children.

The Lin family's daughter-in-law's cooking skills can't compare with Xue Chuan's, and even Da Qiao's cooking is not as delicious, but the Lin family is full of sincerity. There are actually three meat dishes on one table, and everyone eats it with a mouthful of fragrance.

Fang Xiaojuan took the letter back to the thatched hut, saw Xiao Qiao feeding the chickens, and quickly called her in: "Come here and read this letter for me."

As soon as Xiao Qiao heard her mother got the letter, she threw her things in, and she wiped her hands clean before unfolding the letter.

Fang Xiaojuan's heart was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Xiao Qiao opened the letter and she couldn't wait to say, "What did it say? I cut ties with that scourge, did your Uncle Meng say anything?"

Xiao Qiao frowned and said, "Uncle Meng said that since he has cut off the relationship, that's fine, but... he made another request."

"any request?"

"He asked me to cut ties with the Qiao family." After Xiao Qiao said this, there was an indescribable discomfort in her heart.

When Fang Xiaojuan heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief, raised her eyes to see Xiao Qiao's appearance, raised her eyebrows and said, "Why, you don't want to?"

Xiao Qiao pursed her lips and said, "It's not a question of willingness or not, but I don't think it's necessary."

She didn't like the Qiao family very much, and the Qiao family also said in front of her that they wanted her to sever the relationship, but as long as they did not write a severance letter for a day, the Qiao family would not

She still has a duty of support.

What happened to Wang Xinsheng last time told her not to just look at the beauty in front of her, but to leave a way back for herself, so she didn't want to cut off the escape route of the Qiao family.

If something unexpected happens in the Shanghai stock market, or if Meng Hongguang is proved to be unreliable afterwards, she can still go back to Qiao's house and let them support herself, but if she writes a severance letter, this way back will be gone.

Therefore, she was reluctant in her heart, but it was not easy to say it in front of her mother.

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking! Don't you just want to cut off the Qiao family's back road? But if you take the Qiao family as a back road, the Qiao family will take you as their child? Do you think if it is true? If something goes wrong, they will go all the way to the Shanghai stock market for you? Don't daydream!"

Fang Xiaojuan pierced Xiao Qiao's daydreams with a sharp shot.

She was worried that Meng Hongguang would ask her to kidnap Da Qiao and so on, but now she heard that it was just to cut off the relationship between Xiao Qiao and the Qiao family, which in her opinion was not a problem at all.

But seeing that Xiao Qiao was unwilling at this time, she felt uncomfortable in her heart.

This child is really a chicken thief. While wanting to follow her to the city to enjoy happiness, and at the same time wanting to stay with the Qiao family as a backup, she will take all the benefits!

Xiao Qiao still pursed her lips and said nothing.

Fang Xiaojuan had to take a strong medicine and said, "If you don't want to cut ties with the Qiao family, then you can stay in the production team, and I will go to the Shanghai market alone!"

When Xiao Qiao heard this, she also knew that she had no other choice: "I know, since this is the case, then I will cut off the relationship with the Qiao family."

It's better to hit the sun instead of picking a day. Fang Xiaojuan was worried that Xiao Qiao would do something wrong, so she took her to Qiao's house on the spot.

Halfway through, they happened to bump into Lin Hui's group who had returned from their parents' house.

Lin Hui sighed in her heart the words "the road to the enemy is narrow".

Da Qiao glanced at her mother without saying a word, and the group prepared to walk over as if they didn't see it.

Unexpectedly, Fang Xiaojuan stopped him: "Qiao Zhenjun, stop for me!"

Qiao Zhenjun did not turn around, but still supported Lin Hui to walk forward.

Fang Xiaojuan gritted her teeth angrily, and said loudly, "Are you deaf? I told you to stop, didn't you hear? I want Xiao Qiao to cut ties with you and the Qiao family!"

Qiao Zhenjun finally stopped this time.

Da Qiao was also shocked by her mother's words.

She didn't understand what severing the relationship was before, but brother Huochi explained it to her in detail and gave her many examples, so she understood.

After she understood, she felt so sad in her heart,

But her family treats her so well, and this sadness is left behind by her.

But she didn't expect her sister to cut ties with her family!

Nearby villagers heard the commotion outside and immediately ran over to watch.

Qiao Zhenjun didn't look at Fang Xiaojuan, his eyes were on Xiao Qiao, and he said solemnly: "Xiao Qiao, you have been smart since you were a child. I think you should understand what it means to cut off the relationship. Do you really want to cut off the relationship with the Qiao family?"

The last time his parents warned Xiao Qiao privately, he only found out afterwards, and he felt very helpless after knowing it, but as long as he didn't really cut off the relationship one day, in his heart, Xiao Qiao was still his child.

Everyone was shocked and excited when they heard Qiao Zhenjun's words.

"What? Are you going to cut off the relationship again? Last time it was Da Qiao, this time it was Xiao Qiao, tsk tsk tsk, your Qiao family is really interesting!"

"It doesn't mean that in these ten miles and eight townships, there is still no one who cuts off ties so frequently!"

"I can't find a family with so many children divorced!"

In everyone's eyes, even if the Qiao family climbs to the top of the high branch, and the family is rich, it is still a wonderful thing!

A family of five children and three divorced, Qiao's second child is even more bizarre, a pair of twin daughters, each cut off ties with their parents, tsk tsk tsk, this gossip is enough for them to chew for a long time!

Xiao Qiao lowered his head and said, "Uncle Meng from Shanghai said that if I want to be his daughter, I must cut ties with the Qiao family."

At this point, Xiao Qiao still wants to leave a way out for herself as much as possible. She wants everyone to know that she was forced to cut off the relationship.

Sure enough, everyone heard her words and talked a lot, but most of them said they could understand why Meng Hongguang made such a request.

"Meng Zhiqing is actually understandable to do this, no one wants to raise children for others!"

"That's right, it's been a lot of hard work to raise up, if you are asked to go back by the Qiao family when you grow up, wouldn't it be a waste of hard work?"

Some people curled their lips and said, "Then you can go to the Shanghai market without following it. Wouldn't it be better to stay at Qiao's house?"

Xiao Qiao looked up at her father with teary eyes, then lowered her head again, looking aggrieved and pitiful.

Fang Xiaojuan snorted: "You think she doesn't want to, but the Qiao family doesn't welcome Xiao Qiao. Last time, in front of Xiao Qiao, I told her not to step into Qiao's house in the future. Do you think that grandma did this?"

"Ah, did Xiuzhi really say that?" Everyone was shocked.

Fang Xiaojuan hummed again: "Can I still lie to you? They clearly agreed before..."

Fang Xiaojuan wanted to give the Qiao family meat and eggs three times a month, but she went back on her word.

I told everyone about the love, but was stopped by Xiao Qiao.

"Mom, don't say it anymore!" Xiao Qiao said with tears in her eyes, "It's because I don't like my sister. It's my fault that grandma doesn't like me. Don't blame grandma."

"Oh, this child is so sensible and obedient, seeing her like this makes my heart sour."

"Qiao Xiuzhi used to blame Fang Xiaojuan for being biased, but she is not biased, she will give everything to Da Qiao. She is so strict with Xiao Qiao, she will regret it in the future!"

Qiao Zhenmin didn't want to listen to other people discussing his parents, so he asked Xiao Qiao again, "I'll ask you again, do you really want to cut ties with the Qiao family?"

"Dad, you have Aunt Hui, sister, and others by your side, but mom is the only one by my side, so I want to accompany mom, sorry dad..."

As he said that, the tears that were in his eyes just now rolled down at the same time when the last word came down.

If this acting skill is put into place now, a proper Golden Horse actress will be the default contestant!

"In that case, let's go to the production team to write a severance letter now." Qiao Zhenjun sighed, then turned back to Da Qiao and said, "You accompany your mother home first."

Da Qiao glanced at her mother and sister, nodded and said softly, "I see."

Lin Hui glanced at Qiao Zhenjun and whispered, "My child and I are at home waiting for you to come back."

When Qiao Zhenjun heard this, the depression in his heart could not dissipate a lot: "I see, you can go back with the child."

Fang Xiaojuan looked at the picture of the two of them loving each other, her body was full of discomfort, and she said sharply: "I want to go home and make out. In front of so many people, you are shameless, and I am ashamed of you!"

The crowd laughed.

Lin Hui's face flushed red.

Qiao Zhenjun raised his head and glared at her fiercely. Just now, he still felt a little pity for Xiao Qiao, but now it has completely dissipated.

He strode toward the production team, and then, witnessed by several cadres in the production team, wrote four severance letters to sever the father-daughter relationship as he did last time.

Fang Xiaojuan took the severance book and left without looking back.

This matter has once again become the topic of the production team's meal, and the Qiao family's limelight is unparalleled for a while.

Since Mrs. Fang's young grandson died, her mental state has deteriorated a lot. She wanted her daughter to take a grandson to the Shanghai stock market before, but now she doesn't want to.

A few days later, Fang Xiaojuan took the letter of introduction issued by the commune and led Xiao Qiao, and under the envious eyes of everyone, officially set foot on the road to the Shanghai market.

The people in the village are very envious, especially those who died

The widow who has married a man dreams that one day she will find a powerful and powerful man like Fang Xiaojuan to marry for the second time.

For the Qiao family, as soon as Fang Xiaojuan's mother and daughter left, their ears became a lot cleaner and their minds and bodies felt comfortable.


Less than five days after Fang Xiaojuan left, the Tian family and the Qiu family had an accident.

On the day of the accident, Tian Jianming and Tian's mother were discussing Tian Jianming's marriage at Qiu's house. These days, it is not easy to buy Qi Sanzhuan, and most people can't even buy one of them.

But for Qiu Xinyong, this matter is not a matter at all. He waved his hand and quickly bought it for his nephew.

Mother Tian laughed so hard: "Jianming, it's thanks to your uncle for your incident this time. In the future, you have to honor your uncle, do you hear me?"

Tian Jianming said with a smile: "Mom, I still need you to say something. If you say something that makes you unhappy, in my heart, my uncle is more kissable than you and dad!"

When Qiu Xinyong heard what his nephew said, he also laughed with satisfaction.

At this moment, there was a loud noise from outside, the door was knocked open, and there was a sound of panicked footsteps running in from outside.

"This... what happened?" Tian Jianming's grandmother was so frightened that she almost had a heart attack.

Mother Tian hurried back and hugged her mother, comforting: "Mom, don't worry, with the second brother here, he will take care of it!"

Qiu Xinyong stood up with a dark face, and was about to go to see which bastard dared to come to his house, when he saw a group of people running in, and without saying a word, stepped forward and grabbed him.

The man who arrested him was wearing a uniform green suit with a gun on his body. He was from the armed forces!

Qiu Xinyong's heart was beating wildly: "You... what are you doing?"

Seeing these people, he knew something was wrong.

A man who looked like an officer walked in, looked down at him and said: "Qiu Xinyong, the municipal committee has received the report material about you, and we will send someone to investigate and prove that all the report material is true! Come on, give it to the inside and outside of the house. Search clean!"

The female relatives in the house screamed in fright, and Tian Jianming's grandmother fainted.

When the pedestrian grabbed his uncle, Tian Jianming quickly shrank to a corner, his heart beating like thunder.

The author has something to say: see you tomorrow

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 succulent pistachio, 1 spring flower;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Tian Xiaomei; 20 bottles of Lehe; 5 bottles of sleep at 10:30; 40096859, Ye Yinsuifeng, Zuiye Creek 3 bottles; Lan Nini, I like freedom 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! :,,.