When Two Alphas Meet, One’s an Omega

Chapter 94


The Qiao family bought a Phoenix brand weighted bicycle. The bicycle is big and heavy, and it is indeed not something that children such as Da Qiao can control.

The management of bicycles is very strict these days. After buying a bicycle, you must register with the vehicle management office of the traffic department. The vehicle management office will issue a "Bicycle License" certificate to the owner.

Always bring your ID with you when you go in and out, otherwise you will not be able to take it out when you are inspected, and you are likely to be treated as a car thief.

When Qiao Zhenmin rode his bicycle back to the production team, the entire production team was boiling!

Although the Shen family had come by in a car before, the Shen family was too far away for them.

But Qiao's bicycle is the first bicycle of the production team, and the production captain has not yet!

The Qiao family is really good. This is also a good thing for everyone. The production team will have a bicycle in the future. If there is an emergency, they can borrow it from the Qiao family.

Therefore, at this time, everyone made up their minds that they must make good friends with the Qiao family in the future. Even if they can't make good friends, they can't offend them for borrowing bicycles!

"Qiao Laowu, you really bought this bike? This bike must have cost a lot of money, right?"

Everyone looked at the bicycle with envy, and wanted to reach out to touch it, but they were afraid that the bicycle would be damaged.

Qiao Zhenmin said calmly, "It's just over one hundred yuan."

That is! !

Seeing this makes one's teeth tickle, the Qiao family is really different!

"Oh, not to mention how expensive this bicycle is, it's not easy to save so many industrial tickets. Qiao Laowu, do you have any extra industrial tickets in your family? If there are, I will use other tickets to tell you. Change!"

"I'll change it too, I'll exchange it with you with cloth tickets, and food stamps, too, it's up to you to choose!"

These days, the most rare thing is the industrial ticket, and you may not be able to get one if you ask your grandfather to tell your grandmother.

A few years ago, the country wanted to make steel, and the pots of every household were requisitioned. Some people have not been able to buy a pot at home. To buy a large iron pot, they need industrial tickets. Without industrial tickets, it is useless to have money. .

Qiao Laowu shook his head and said, "There is no more for now. If there are any in the future, I will inform you again."

The villagers' words made him realize that this might be a good way to make money.

He can collect the food stamps in the hands of the villagers, go out and exchange industrial stamps with others, and he draws some benefits in the middle.

Of course, he certainly can't tell them this now, and he can't give them

Affirmative answer, things come too easy, the other party will not cherish.

When everyone heard what he said, they made up their minds more and more to make up with the Qiao family. They were incapable of getting industrial tickets these days.

Qiao Zhenmin rode a bicycle home, and the children of Qiao's family were very excited when they saw the bicycle!

"Uncle Fifth, is this our family's bicycle?" Anping was the first to run up, his eyes sparkling, looking at the bicycle as if he saw a gem.

Qiao Zhenmin nodded: "Yes, this bicycle will be ours from now on."

Anping jumped three feet high: "Great, we have a bicycle! Uncle Fifth, can you teach me how to ride a bicycle?"

"No way!" Qiao Dongying came over and said, "The elders are in an orderly manner, line up according to their age, and when my eldest sister and I finish learning, it will be your turn!"

Anping immediately slumped. There are so many elders in front of the eldest sister. When will it be his turn

Why doesn't he grow older

Da Qiao was also very curious about bicycles, so he looked around and touched: "Uncle Fifth, does this bicycle have to be tied with plastic straps?"

She had seen a lot of cyclists in town before, and almost all the handlebars and cross tubes of the bicycles were tied with plastic straps. Her mother told her that it was to prevent the paint from wearing off the bicycles.

Qiao Zhenmin touched her head and smiled, "I want to tie it up, do you want to help Fifth Uncle tie it up?"

"Yes!" Da Qiao responded eagerly.

Qiao Zhenmin pushed the bicycle in. Surrounded by a group of children, everyone wrapped the bicycle around with plastic straps.

After winding up, a brand-new bicycle suddenly became colorful and a little horrible.

But no one dislikes it. Bicycles are so precious. Naturally, they must be well protected!

Seeing the bicycle, Wanchun Ju was so excited that her face twitched. Seeing that Da Qiao wanted to touch the bicycle, she couldn't help but reprimanded her twice. In that way, she completely regarded the bicycle as the property of the big house.

If it wasn't for fear of her mother-in-law scolding her, she would have moved the bicycle to her room to hide it!

When she slept that night, she kept urging her man to rush to learn to ride a bike, so that he could drive himself on the production team and pretend to show off his wealth.

This time, Qiao Zhenguo did not refuse. Mainly, he also wanted to ride a bicycle, and he planned to learn from tomorrow.

It's a pity that the two's wishes soon came to nothing, because the next day, Xue Chuan requisitioned the bicycle.

Xue Chuan deliberately took leave with the production team and was going to take his wife to town.

Fun day, today is their 35th wedding anniversary.

After Qiao Zhenguo and several other children found out, they all wanted to celebrate with their parents, but they were all rejected.

Qiao Xiuzhi and Xue Chuan expressed that they didn't want to bring a group of light bulbs there, only Da Qiao was taken alone, but when they got to town, Da Qiao was also to be placed in the Shen family, and then the two of them went to the two-person world.

Xue Chuan stepped on the bicycle with his long legs, picked up Da Qiao and placed it on the horizontal tube in front, then turned his head and smiled at his wife and said, "Come on, I'll take you two."

Since this time, Xue Chuan's body has been getting better and better, and he has not been sick once in the past six months, so Qiao Xiuzhi was not worried that he would not be able to carry it, she jumped back to the frame and sat on it.

Xue Chuan kicked his feet and carried the two away quickly.

The people who were left behind: "..."

When they came to the town, they first brought Da Qiao to the Shen family. The Shen family welcomed Da Qiao's arrival, especially Shen Tianyou, who happily circled the house.

After greeting, they rode their bicycles away.

Xue Chuan rode his bicycle and did not go to the state-run restaurant or department store, but turned into an alley, and finally stopped in front of a small yard.

The small yard is not only remote, but also separated from the surrounding houses by a certain distance, which looks very suitable for bad things.

But there was no surprise on Qiao Xiuzhi's face, and she was obviously no stranger to this place.

Xue Chuan stepped forward and knocked on the door, and a rough man's voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

"It's me, Lao Xue." Xue Chuan replied.

The footsteps inside were a little hurried, and with a "squeak", the wooden door was opened, and a man in his fifties or sixties appeared behind the door, with a simple smile on his face: "You guys are a little early today!"

The man's name is Lao Xu. His grandfather used to be the housekeeper of the Xue family. Later, the Xue family took the initiative to redeem them and gave them an extra wealth to make a living.

The Xu family went out to open a restaurant. The business was quite prosperous, and they saved a small fortune. Later, the Xue family fell, and the Xu family helped a lot behind the scenes. Over the years, the two families have kept in touch.

Private business is not allowed now, and the Xu family has long ceased to open a restaurant, but those things in the kitchen are still well kept.

Xue Chuan walked into the kitchen very familiarly. Various ingredients were already prepared in the kitchen. He rolled up his sleeves and cooked a good table for his wife.

Braised pork, Mapo tofu, old hen stew, steamed fish, and two bowls of handmade noodles, full of color and fragrance, the fragrance fills the whole courtyard


Fortunately, no one lives nearby, otherwise, if you smell the meat, it will attract the attention of the neighbors.

Lao Xu went out after they came in, and wisely left the space for their husband and wife.

After being seated, Xue Chuan scooped a bowl of soup for Qiao Xiuzhi and said with a smile, "This soup has been simmered for several hours. It's very tasty. You can try it."

Qiao Xiuzhi picked up the bowl and took a sip. It was salty and bland. The dishes on the table were all her favorites.

Xue Chuan saw that she had finished drinking, and gave her another chopstick and said, "You have worked hard all these years."

Qiao Xiuzhi looked at her husband's still handsome face, and smiled: "With you, it won't be hard work."

No matter how vulgar they are, they won't say it. The two look at each other, and only the other person exists in their eyes.

Over the years, they have gone through ups and downs together. In the days to come, they will continue to move forward hand in hand. If there is an afterlife, they will be husband and wife.

When the food was almost finished, Xue Chuan put down his chopsticks and said, "I have something to tell you."

Qiao Xiuzhi also put down his chopsticks: "What's the matter? Is it serious?"

Xue Chuan said: "We always felt that Hongmei was not like our child. After that, I asked Lao Xu to help me to investigate, because after many years, many people could not find it. Until recently, there was an old man who used to be a nurse in the hospital. She took the initiative to find him. According to the old nurse, she was called out before she helped the baby bathe. When she came back, she found that the child had suddenly changed. Others, she was worried that she would be dismissed from the hospital after she said it out, so she pretended that nothing happened, and recently she found that she was dying, so she asked her nephew to come to Lao Xu."

Qiao Xiuzhi grabbed the edge of the table and said solemnly, "So, Hongmei is not our child anymore?"

Xue Chuan nodded: "The child should have been dumped at that time, but I don't know who did it, let alone why the other party did it!"

Back then, Qiao Xiuzhi had a dystocia and was rushed to the town hospital. The situation was very critical at the time. After giving birth, she was bleeding profusely.

Because both parents had passed away long ago, and there were no other elders in the family to help, he entrusted the child to the nurse who delivered the child and asked her to help take care of his daughter.

It's just that he didn't expect such a thing to happen in the middle. He felt very guilty when he thought that his daughter was lost, and now he didn't know her life or death!

Qiao Xiuzhi thought of the daughter she had never met

, was also very distressed.

Xue Chuan reached out and held her hand, his voice choked up a bit: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault!"

Qiao Xiuzhi shook her head: "What's your fault? In my situation at the time, it's understandable that you didn't care about the child, but did the old nurse provide any other clues? As for the hospital, do you have any records of the birth? "

Xue Chuan shook his head and nodded again: "All the records in the hospital were burned by the Red Guards a few years ago, so the information is gone, but the old nurse said that our daughter has a peach-shaped birthmark on the back, It's about the size of half a palm, if you can meet it, you should recognize it very well."

When Qiao Xiuzhi heard this, she couldn't help but sneer.

The sea of people is vast, where can I find someone

What's more, the birthmark is long on the back, and everyone is wearing clothes, how can you see it

In other words, even if their daughter walked past them, they might not recognize it!

"Where's the old nurse?" Qiao Xiuzhi asked silently.

If the other party had informed them of the matter at the time, they would have gone to the police on the spot, they might not have been able to find their daughter, but it was because of the other party's concealment and selfishness that they had been separated for so many years!

She really has the heart to kill her!

Xue Chuan said solemnly: "She is terminally ill, and she should not have much time. I want to let her tell the truth while she is still alive, and then we will cut off our relationship with Hongmei."

The old nurse did bad things and was condemned by her conscience all her life. Both of her sons died of illness one after another without leaving any descendants. She felt that this was God's punishment for her, so when she found out that she couldn't do it, she wanted to tell the truth of the matter. .

Xue Chuan hated the other party's selfishness, but as she is now, they can't do anything.

Qiao Xiuzhi thought of all the embarrassing things that Hongmei had done in the past, and nodded without hesitation: "Okay, this should be done sooner rather than later, so that the old nurse can't breathe and cause trouble again."

Ever since Hongmei and the Chen family found out that they had a relationship with the Shen family, the two husbands and wives often came to the production team, and they broke up almost every time.

According to the Shen family, the husband and wife went to the Shen family several times to find them, only to be kicked out by them.

Hongmei decided that their husband and wife could not see them well. Before leaving the last time, they yelled and scolded at the door of Qiao's house, and almost the entire production team came to watch.

I used to think that Hongmei was their biological child, so no matter how disgusting it is, I can only swallow it in my stomach. Now that I know

She is not their daughter, and she doesn't want to bear it for a moment!

Xue Chuan grabbed her hand and said, "Let's go to the police station to find Shikai now!"

It's best for the police to come forward in this matter. In this way, Hongmei and the Chen family can't even take the opportunity to be a demon!


The two said goodbye to Lao Xu and went to the police station.

Shen Shikai was stunned when he saw the couple coming over.

When he knew what happened, he slammed his fist on the table with hatred: "The mistake that the old nurse made is that it is not an exaggeration to lock her up for ten or eight years. If you want to, wait for it to be done. After that, she can be imprisoned on the spot!"

Qiao Xiuzhi thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "Forget it, let's take it as a blessing for our daughter. Besides, she probably won't be locked up for a few days like that."

Hearing from Xue Chuan, the other party was too sick to get out of bed. Even if she was put in prison, it would be useless. Their daughter still couldn't be found, and the other party might no longer blame herself for being in prison.

It's too cheap for her.

Selfish people like this should live in guilt and self-blame all their lives!

Shen Shikai expressed his understanding, picked up the key, and drove them to the old nurse.

Under his witness, he recorded everything the old nurse said, asked her to sign and put her fingerprints, and then took the old nurse to Chen's house.

As soon as she walked into the family compound, she heard Hongmei scolding her daughter: "You bastard, if I ask you to do some work, you can't do well, I'll beat you to death!"

"Mom, I was wrong, don't hit me... ah..." Chen Zhaodi's cry came from the room, and there was the sound of rattan being pulled on her body.

Qiao Xiuzhi frowned, disgusting this fake more and more in her heart.

"Qiao Hongmei!" Shen Shikai shouted at the door of Chen's house.

When Qiao Hongmei heard someone call her, she was startled, and the rattan almost drew her eyes.

She came out angrily, scolding as she walked, "Who yelled at my door, trying to scare people to death?"

When she came out, when she saw Shen Shikai's face, her anger suddenly turned into a smile: "Oh, deputy director, why are you free to come here?"

She threw the cane aside and ran out quickly, completely ignoring her parents who were standing beside her.

Mother Chen heard a man calling her daughter-in-law's name. She thought her daughter-in-law was cuckolding her son, and was about to come out and beat and scold her. Then she heard her daughter-in-law call the deputy director of the other party. A chrysanthemum.

"Hongmei, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and ask the deputy director to come in and sit down.

! "

Mother Chen shouted loudly, wishing everyone in the yard would know that the deputy director came to their Chen house.

Sure enough, after hearing Mother Chen's words, many people ran out of the house.

"Mother Chen Xing, is this your relative?"

Mother Chen raised her chin, as proud as an old hen with her head held high: "This is the deputy director of the police station, and is a relative of our Hongmei family, that is, a relative of our Chen family!"

Qiao Xiuzhi and Xue Chuan looked at the virtues of these two mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, they were like flies that had been fed a mouthful, and they were disgusting!

Fortunately, after today, they are no longer related!

Shen Shikai avoided Qiao Hongmei's outstretched hand and said with a straight face, "I'm not a relative of your Chen family, stop talking nonsense here!"

Mother Chen and Qiao Hongmei blushed with embarrassment, and the people around laughed laughed.

Shen Shikai didn't give them a chance to speak, pointed at Qiao Hongmei and continued, "I'm here today because of your identity!"

Then, he told in front of everyone that the old nurse discovered that the child had been dropped, but concealed the matter.

After listening to Qiao Hongmei, her face was as white as a ghost: "No, it's impossible, Deputy Director, you... must be joking with me?"

Shen Shikai said coldly, "Who has time to joke with you, it's all true!"

Saying that, he asked the old nurse who was being carried by his nephew to testify, and showed the recorded information to everyone.

Finally, he pointed to Qiao Hongmei and Xue Chuan and asked everyone, "The eyes of the masses are the sharpest. Do you think this Comrade Qiao Hongmei and the two elders of the Qiao family look alike?"

Everyone shook their heads: "It's not like!"

Only then did someone know that Xue Chuan and Qiao Xiuzhi were Qiao Hongmei's "parents": "Oh, it turns out that these two are Hongmei's parents, but Hongmei didn't say hello to them from beginning to end just now, I thought there was a relationship between them. I don't know!"

"Yeah, I thought Hongmei didn't know them just now, but I didn't expect that they were Hongmei's parents! But Hongmei really doesn't look like the two of them, and I couldn't find any resemblance in the whole body!"

When Qiao Hongmei heard everyone's words, she panicked.

She had deliberately ignored her parents just now. She remembered that they had saved her face a few times before, so she deliberately embarrassed them.

It's just that she never imagined that things would turn out like this!

She hates the Qiao family, and even more hates her parents' partiality, but she can't cut off the relationship with the Qiao family. Her man still wants to climb to the Shen family through the Qiao family. If she is not the daughter of the Qiao family, this road will be completely cut off!

She had already found out that her man was with that bitch fox Wang Nier before. She beat the bitch woman hard, and she was beaten hard by Chen Xing.

Afterwards, Chen Xing reluctantly agreed to break up the relationship with that slut Wang Nier because she was still useful, but once she was not the daughter of the Qiao family, I was afraid that Chen Xing would immediately divorce her!

She cried and rushed up: "Mom, Dad, I know I'm too stubborn, and I make you angry every time, but I'm like that because I care about you too much, don't say that I'm not your daughter, I listen It's so uncomfortable!"

Qiao Xiuzhi flickered, avoiding her rushing body.

Qiao Hongmei threw herself in the air and fell to the ground with her nose bumped on the ground, and the pain made her tears fall.

But now she couldn't care about the pain, she got up and continued to cry: "Mom, I really know I'm wrong, how could I not be your daughter? I was printed with the same mold as you!"

Everyone: "… "

With her three-inch figure and big pie face, where did she have the courage to say that she was made from the same mold as them

Qiao Xiuzhi looked at her coldly and said, "You have a cold nature and are selfish. Not only do you look different from everyone in our Qiao family, but you also have different personalities! Over the years, we have been wondering why you would Develop this kind of character, and now we finally understand that you are not our daughter at all!"

Qiao Hongmei was so flustered that she trembled: "Dad, I'm your daughter. You raised me from childhood. How could I not be your daughter? Please tell me, Mom, and tell her not to treat me like this!"

Qiao Xiuzhi was too lazy to waste time with her, and asked Shen Shikai, "What should I do now?"

Shen Shikai said: "Let her sign this population register, and it will record all the circumstances. From now on, there will be no parent-child relationship between you."

"I don't sign!" Qiao Hongmei cried, refusing to sign on it.

Qiao Xiuzhi frowned and said, "Is it okay to just print the index finger print without signing?"

Shen Shikai thought for a while, then nodded: "Also, but it would be better if the people present were willing to sign their names to testify."

Neighbors expressed their willingness to sign.

They can't be as high as the deputy director, but they can sell it to the other party. If something happens in the future, the other party may be willing to sell some face to them because of this favor.

Qiao Hongmei didn't expect everyone to treat her like this, and asked them not to sign, but who cares about her!


After seeing everyone's signatures, Xiuzhi grabbed Qiao Hongmei's hand, put her index finger print on it, and then walked away.

Mother Chen was completely stunned during this process, and she only reacted after Qiao Xiuzhi and others left.

She jumped up and slapped Qiao Hongmei on the face: "You hen who can't lay eggs, I want my son to divorce you!"

The author has something to say: Hongmei: How can I get a box lunch so soon, I don't believe it! ! I think I can do it again

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: I want to have 4 bottles of money; Ye Yinsuifeng, Zuiye Creek 2 bottles; Aneng, Manzhu Shahua, Quietly eat sugar, I like freedom 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! :,,.