While the System Crashed

Chapter 14: Mary Sue God 10


Tang You's first reaction was to rush back.

He hardly hesitated, Mo Lan and Nangong Ran froze for a second before catching up and holding him down. The deputy squad leader and Long Yanxi came back to their senses at the same time, and ran over in a hurry. The deputy squad leader grabbed him and persuaded him tremblingly: "Tang Tang, don't go."

Tang You looked at them: "It was gunfire just now."

Several people were silent at the same time, feeling a bad premonition in their hearts. Mo Lan recalled Yin Zhan's confession before leaving that she wanted to take good care of them, and tried not to think about the worst outcome, so she said calmly, "But he is very powerful. If he is fine and you rush over like this, he will still save you."

Nangong Ran added: "That group needs a hostage, even if they really catch him, they won't kill him."

"Yeah Tangtang," Long Yanxi said, "let's go to the police and let them save people."

Several people persuaded him one after another, and while calling the police, they dragged him to the villa.

The previous two strong men also turned onto this road at some point, and ran over when they saw this. Mo Lan and Nan Gongran's heart suddenly raised, if Yin Zhan's guess is correct, these two people should also be outlaws, that group needs hostages, these two people... don't they need it

Nangong Ran took a half step forward: "Why haven't you left yet?"

The big guy didn't make any detours, and went straight to the point: "I ask you guys, where is the end of this place?"

Didn't you know the way? Mo Lan and Nangong Ran thought to themselves, and said, "It's a small town."

The two big men didn't have anything on them, so after a little calculation, they decided to go with them. By the way, they asked why the boy wasn't there, but when they learned that they were going alone to lure the group away, they immediately gave a thumbs up and praised it. A pure man.

Mo Lan and Nangong Ran were still worried about these two, but the others didn't think about making so many detours, and quickly regarded them as their own, walking side by side with each other. It was difficult for Mo Lan to remind them aloud, so they had to Always watch.

Passing a steep slope, the path began to narrow, and it was pitch black in the darkness. Everyone didn’t dare to turn on the flashlights for fear of being discovered. At this time, in order to prevent accidents, they had to turn on the smallest one. Unexpectedly, just as they passed by, they saw the flashlights on the side of the road. A spider web hung between the two branches, and a huge spider lay in the center, looking eerie under the dark light.

The girls nearby saw it at first sight, screamed in fright, and hurriedly hid aside.

The big man was pushed aside and yelled in a low voice: "Don't make noise, be careful when they come over."

The girl closed her mouth, still in shock, and then suddenly caught a glimpse of a spider on the branch next to this branch, and it was only bigger than this, she screamed again in an instant, hugging the person next to her tightly, shrinking to the side, choking cry.

The big man wanted to reprimand, but the corners of his eyes swept away unexpectedly, and his face changed slightly: "Don't make noise, I can see the light, maybe it's them."

"Ah? Where is it?" Everyone panicked and wanted to run subconsciously, and the team became more and more chaotic.

Everything was blurred in the dark night, Yue Jian turned her head to look at Tang You who was bumped into her side at some point, saw him being squeezed by the crowd and was about to slide down the hillside, a cold light flashed in her eyes, she took half a step towards him, borrowing He slammed into him with the force of turning around, and at the same time shouted at the person in front of him: "Don't squeeze me, what if you squeeze me down?!"

His angry shout instantly covered Tang You's exclamation of falling down, Mo Lan and Nan Gong Ran were all paying attention to the movement not far away, and the deputy squad leader was busy comforting the girls, no one noticed the scene just now. He was about to be happy, but he saw that the man standing in front of him happened to be a big man. The latter's forehead jumped, and he couldn't control his temper anymore, and turned around and slapped him.

There was a crisp sound of "pop".

Yue Jian's body almost jerked away, only to feel her ears buzzing.

The big man said angrily: "It's you, you little bastard again! Do you think you didn't die fast enough by screaming so loudly? What else can you do besides screaming? If it wasn't for you before, they wouldn't have chased you so quickly!"

Yue Jian has not received as many beatings since she was a child as she is today, and she immediately couldn't control her temper and cursed: "Fuck you, the young thief shouted to catch the thief, if it wasn't for chasing you, would they come?!"


The big man gave him another slap without saying a word: "I tell you, if we didn't have you tonight, we might have run away early!"

Yue Jian was extremely angry, and originally wanted to yell, but at this time Nangong Ran and Mo Lan noticed the light passing through the forest, and the other party obviously heard the voice and was approaching here quickly.

Mo Lan's pupils shrank slightly: "They are here, hurry up!"

The big man left them and ran away, feeling that he would die if he got together with this group of students again. The others became more and more frightened by this, and a few of them couldn't take it anymore and ran away. Mo Lan led others to flee for their lives as well, and was just about to call people to their side, when they heard a gunshot approaching them in an instant.


People in the distance yelled: "If you want to live, you have to hug your head and squat down."

"Ah!" The crowd screamed and fled frantically.

The gunfire rang out again, Mo Lan and Nan Gongran yelled at them not to run around while avoiding them, but these young masters and young ladies were born in wealthy families and were well-clothed and well-fed since they were young. , have no time to listen to their orders.

The team was in complete disarray this time. Mo Lan completely lost the gentleness of the past, and couldn't help cursing, missing Yin Zhan so much... He suddenly realized something, and suddenly shouted: "Tang Tang? Tang Tang!"

Nangong Ran and Long Yanxi happened to run to join him. The former was accompanied by Yue Jian, while the latter was pulling the deputy squad leader and two girls. Mo Lan hurriedly asked, "Who saw Tang Tang?"

Everyone shook their heads, Long Yanxi's face was pale: "Do you think he will take advantage of the chaos to go back?"

Mo Lan said: "Tang Tang was quite persuasive just now, he probably wouldn't take risks, and he certainly wouldn't run around."

Mo Lan and Nangong Ran looked at each other, and immediately decided to go find him.

Yue Jian grabbed Nangong Ran: "Turn back in this situation, you are crazy!"

"I'm not crazy." Nan Gongran broke away from him, turned around and walked a few steps, remembering what Yin Zhan had asked himself, and thinking about it, he didn't notice whether Yue Jian and Tang You had been in contact before, so he turned his head and looked at him, with a voice almost like that in the dark night Cold: "Yue Jian, if something happens to him today, you and I won't have to meet again in the future."

Yue Jian trembled all over: "What does this have to do with me!"

"Maybe it's okay," Nangong Ran said lightly, "but I can't get over that hurdle in my heart."

That is to say... This person no longer believed him, and Yue Jian's face turned pale instantly.

The deputy monitors were already scared to death. Although Long Yanxi was also scared, she knew that she could not leave them behind no matter what. Mo Lan patted him on the shoulder, told him to take him out, and left quickly. Long Yanxi forced himself to be calm and grabbed the vice monitor's wrist, but when he was about to leave, Yue Jian stood still and called him.

"Let's go," Yue Jian said, "Ranning is my life, if he doesn't leave, I won't either."

After he finished speaking, he turned and ran away without waiting for them to speak. Long Yanxi and the others thought this kid was too troublesome before, and they left him without hesitation.

Yin Zhan was tied up at this time.

He was hit on the left shoulder, although it wasn't fatal, but the opponent had already surrounded him at that time, as long as he made any movement, he would definitely have to take another bullet, so he just threw it himself. After cross-examination, the leader found out that he was the only one, so he secretly had the guts to ask, "Did you see the two of them? Both are about 1.8 meters tall, very burly."

Yin Zhan nodded cooperatively: "Yes, but they ran away again."

The leader asked: "Not with your people?"

Yin Zhan said: "They and my classmates are not going in the same direction."

The leader asked the direction where the big man was escaping, took out a map to check, and found that it was not easy to go there, so he ordered his men to go directly to the road down the mountain, maybe they could block them.

Yin Zhan's eyebrows twitched when he heard it, but his expression remained calm.

The boss glanced at him, and he couldn't tell from his face whether the students were going the same way. He deeply felt that this kid was too calm and difficult to control at first glance. He looked at the time and said to his subordinates in a low voice: "Ten minutes, if we don't find those two bastards, we will withdraw. If we catch one of the students on the way, we will kill this kid."

The subordinate said yes, rush over quickly. At that time, Mo Lan and the others were already running for their lives, but because it was difficult to walk in the dark, and they were a group of spoiled children, they didn't go far, so they were caught up.

At this moment Yin Zhan heard the gunshots, knowing that he might have met Mo Lan and the others, his heart sank a little.

The leader got angry, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to make a call: "Who the hell told you to shoot indiscriminately? Do you want to lure the police? Hurry up, if you can't find anyone, come back quickly, let's withdraw!"

He hung up the phone, and there was a dead silence in the distance.

Yin Zhan glanced at the pitch-black woods, and slowly turned his attention to the injury.

What happened just now was so coincidental that he had to suspect that the world really wanted to kill him. After all, the bodhi mirror shared a ray of consciousness here. Although he couldn't do anything against the sky, it was still possible to harass the little animals.

The question is why did Bodhi Mirror kill him

He squinted his eyes and pondered, and suddenly guessed a possibility, his face suddenly sank.

The leader paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, and finally waited for his subordinates after a while. Seeing that they were tied to one person, he immediately praised him.

The subordinates pushed him away, and said, "Look, Boss, she's still a beauty!"

He turned on the flashlight and took a photo, and Tang You's face instantly appeared in sight.

Boss: "..."

Yin Zhan: "..."

The boss stayed for two seconds before returning to his senses. Seeing that Tang You was blinded by the light, he ordered his subordinates to turn off the lights, and comforted him, saying, "Don't be afraid, as long as you are obedient, we won't do anything to you."

Tang You looked around: "Where's my brother?"

"Your brother?" The leader came to his senses and patted Yin Zhan who was tied to the tree, "Your brother is doing well!"

Tang You looked at Yin Zhan: "Brother?"

Yin Zhan hummed, not knowing what to say.

Tang You was a little relieved, and looked at the leader vigilantly: "What do you want to do? The police are here, you should surrender yourself."

"It's all a misunderstanding. We didn't break the law. This gun is a fake gun, just to scare people." The leader opened his eyes and said nonsense, intending to appease the little beauty before taking him away. "Really, we are serious businessmen. decent company."

Naturally, Tang You didn't believe it. Following the information he gave, he thought about it, and asked tentatively, "Are you...are you trying to spread the word?"

The leader asked: "What is a pyramid scheme?"

Tang You was stunned, and realized that this world was different from his, so he said: "It's the multiplication study, one becomes two, two becomes four, the upper family develops the lower family..." He explained briefly.

The leader was stunned when he heard this: "It means that the more people in my company, the more money I can make, and I don't have to do anything, just wait to collect the money?"

Tang You said, "Yes."

The boss stroked his bald head and murmured: "Damn, this idea is really good, and the risk is much lower than doing smuggling." He hurriedly looked at Tang You, very kindly, "Come on, tell me in detail This pass-sell."

Yin Zhan: "..."