While the System Crashed

Chapter 15: Mary Sue God 11


Tang You explained a little bit because the leader had never heard of MLM. Seeing that he wanted to ask more questions, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and shook his head violently: "I can't tell you, this is a lie."

"How can it be a lie?" The leader is simply a criminal genius, and he quickly saw the huge prospects of this industry, and drew inferences from one instance, even the tune was surprisingly similar to some organizations in the world Tang You knew well.

"I don't lie to you about money or stuff, I just give you a few days to introduce you to a wonderful industry, it's up to you to do it, it depends on whether you want to make money or not," he said, stroking his bald head, Feeling very reasonable, she looked at him with a smile on her face, "Isn't it beautiful?"

Tang You: "..."

Yin Zhan: "..."

"As for the company's products... It doesn't matter if they are available or not. If you can't, just get some herbal medicine and drink it as magic water." The more the leader thought about it, the more excited he became, and his smile became prettier. "How about it, brother, are you right?"

Tang You said, "...I won't tell you."

All the boss could think about was that he was about to become the big boss, and he was in a particularly good mood: "You see, you are wrong, be good, tell me how they manage personnel."

Tang You kept his mouth shut and said nothing.

The leader was very patient, laughed twice, took out a dagger to cut the rope that bound Yin Zhan, and led them away from here before talking, but just as he took a step, he saw a subordinate coming over with a tablet, with a panicked look on his face .

"Boss, this was captured by one of the small monitors we installed, and it was discovered that it was destroyed after only one shot was taken," the subordinate tremblingly whispered, "They are now less than a kilometer away from us, look at this It's the last picture, it seems to be a special police officer!"

The leader's eyes changed slightly, and he immediately said, "Hurry up!"

The subordinate asked: "Then what about them?"

The leader subconsciously wanted to kill Yin Zhan and bring the beauty with him, but then he realized that the two were brothers, and he had something to ask the beauty, so he held back his killing intent and grabbed Tang You's wrist to run away. Seeing him stagger suddenly, and fell to the ground with a cry of pain, he squinted his eyes unhappily: "Beauty, brother has a bad temper, you'd better not do this."

Without waiting for Tang You to speak, his subordinates took the lead in explaining: "It's not the boss, he already has injuries on his feet, it's not a fake."

The boss frowned, knowing that carrying him must be a burden, so he looked at Yin Zhan again, his sense of danger still made him feel that this kid is not easy, and taking him away might be troublesome, so he couldn't help cursing in his heart, secretly thinking that the bamboo basket fetched water in vain, Better to kill them all.

Although Yin Zhan couldn't see his expression clearly, he could more or less guess what he was thinking, and said, "There are many friends and many ways these days. We can't visit your house today, but there will always be opportunities in the future."

The boss glanced at him, looked at the beauty again, and felt that he might meet him again in the future, not to mention that it is not appropriate to kill two more people when it is not necessary... After thinking about it, it is rare for him to suppress his murderous aura and lead his men Ran.

Yin Zhan felt relieved, heard their footsteps going away, and looked at Tang You not far away: "Didn't I let you go, why were you arrested?"

Tang You still nestled on the ground and didn't get up.

He fell once before, and he was already dizzy. This time, he fell even more dizzy. After a while, he found his voice in a daze: "I slid down the hill, and when I climbed up, I was discovered."

Yin Zhan asked: "Mo Lan and the others didn't care about you?"

With his hands tied, Tang You sat up with difficulty: "They probably don't know that I fell."

Yin Zhan was speechless for two seconds: "You didn't scream when you fell?"

"... I yelled," Tang You felt that his eyes went black for a while, and he couldn't even see the nearby branches. "At that time, other people were also yelling, but they didn't hear it."

Yin Zhan asked sharply, "Who?"

Tang You said uncertainly, "It seems...it's Yue Jian."

Yin Zhan guessed that Tang You's matter had something to do with Yue Jian, suppressed some dark thoughts, and asked him if he could still stand up. Tang You tried, but they all fell back miserably, becoming more and more dizzy. When Yin Zhan inquired and found out that his foot had twisted again, he asked him to sit still and began to grind the rope a little bit, while waiting for the special police to come to rescue him.

Tang You responded obediently, and was in a daze for a while when he suddenly heard Yin Zhan calling him, so he pulled himself together and raised his head: "What's the matter?"

Yin Zhan said in a deep voice, "It's on fire, try to come over and untie the rope for me."

Tang You looked around, and sure enough, he found some fire in front of him, and he was stunned: "How could it be on fire?"

"It may be caused by the cigarette butts they threw." Yin Zhan explained briefly, his eyes were cold, and he felt the malice of this world again.

Tang You just rested for a while, but the situation didn't get better but worse.

Yin Zhan said: "...you need to roll."

Tang You thought it made sense, glanced at his direction, rolled towards him twice, suddenly became dizzy, stared at him, and lay still.

Yin Zhan: "..."

Yin Zhan saw that his condition was not good, and sighed, "Forget it, you should lie down."

Tang You subconsciously knew that if he didn't get up, they would all die, but his eyelids seemed to be weighed and heavy, and he couldn't open them, and the sounds from the outside world seemed to be separated by thick sea water, and he couldn't hear anything clearly. His consciousness seemed to disappear for a moment, and when he opened his eyes again, the fire had gradually spread over, and the surrounding smoke was so thick that it was choking, he coughed a few times: "...Brother?"

Yin Zhan is still grinding the rope. The material is so good that he hasn't unwrapped it yet. Hearing the words, he responded, "Are you awake? Are you strong?"

Tang You tried to move, feeling extremely cold, said in a hoarse voice, "I seem to have a fever."

Yin Zhan didn't hear what he said, and seeing him slowly moving towards him, he waited patiently. It took Tang You a long time to rub over. At this moment, the two of them were two meters apart, and the fire burned to a place more than ten meters away from them. In the firelight, Tang You could see Yin Zhan's left shoulder was covered with blood, and he struggled to get up, but it was still in vain.

He choked up: "Brother, I'm sorry."

His voice was still very low, but Yin Zhan heard it this time, and said, "It has nothing to do with you, it's my brother who hurt you."

Tang You didn't know the meaning of this sentence, so he took a breath and tried again, but just as he propped up a little, his arms softened and immediately fell over again. The thick smoke just came, and he coughed several times due to choking, and the corners of his eyes twitched. Tears: "Brother, I feel like I might die this time..."

Yin Zhan interrupted: "Shut up."

Tang You shook his head weakly: "Actually, there is something..."

Yin Zhan shouted angrily: "I told you to shut up!"

Tang You has never seen him lose his temper since he met him, and subconsciously silenced his voice obediently. At this time, he was at the end of his strength, and he was choked by the smoke again, and soon passed out. Yin Zhan looked down at his face, and stretched out his hands, trying to break free from the rope.

Now that there is a problem with Bodhi Mirror, there is no way to take care of both, unless they happen to be together, so he guesses that every time he has an accident, Bodhi Mirror has no choice but to find ways to send Tang You to him so that they can be extracted at the same time The soul enters the next world, so Tang You encountered these things, all because of him.

Now a certain person hiding in the mirror wants him to die, and he will definitely spare no effort to find an opportunity to kill him. Then in every life and every life from now on, Tang You will die because of his injuries.

- why

"Sinan..." he almost squeezed the words between his teeth, "wait for me, if I kill you once, I can kill you a second time."

He glanced at Tang You again, quickly increased the strength of his arm, and finally felt that the binding rope loosened and was completely broken by him. He hurried forward to pick up Tang You, identified the direction, and rushed into the forest.

The roar of police cars and fire trucks could not stop echoing in the night, and the place where they stayed before was engulfed in flames. Long Yanxi looked at the burnt tent from a distance, and moved his eyes forward to the forest where Yin Zhan left. engulf.

"Master," the person behind stepped forward, "It's too dangerous here, let's go out first."

Long Yanxi didn't answer, but continued to stare over there.

This city is the home of the Long family. He had notified his family when he fled earlier, and the nearby clansmen rushed over as quickly as possible without any hesitation, and notified the police. The chief of the small town police station came to the scene in person, sweating all over in anxiety, and echoed: "Yes, hurry up, there are said to be a group of desperadoes inside, with guns in their hands."

Long Yanxi still didn't move, the deputy monitor and the two girls were also standing nearby, embracing each other and looking at the sea of flames, weeping silently.

The bureau chief couldn't be violent, and was so anxious that he broke out in sweat again. At this moment, he heard a shout from behind: "Master, I found it!"

Long Yanxi suddenly turned around, and found that his family members were supporting Nangong Ran, and next to him was the injured Mo Lan. Several people quickly ran towards them, and they were relieved when they saw that they were fine. Long Yanxi asked: "See Tang Tang?" Is it gone?"

The two shook their heads silently.

Long Yanxi also fell silent, then remembered something, and looked at Nan Gongran: "After you left, Yue Jian ran to find you, and I haven't seen you yet."

Nangong Ran was slightly taken aback, and began to take out his mobile phone to send text messages.

Mo Lan looked at Long Yanxi and asked about Yin Zhan's whereabouts. Long Yanxi was about to answer, but he heard the deputy squad leader exclaim and hurriedly turned his head, only to see a familiar shadow looming in the woods beside him, he couldn't help holding his breath nervously, Then he saw the general outline, his expression changed, and he rushed over without thinking.

The deputy squad leader also ran forward, seeing that Yin Zhan was covered in blood, they all gasped.

Yin Zhan's face was full of fear, making people afraid to approach them. Seeing their expressions relax at this moment, he sat down on the ground with no strength.

Several people hurriedly helped him catch Tang You, gasped again, and the deputy squad leader even covered his mouth and cried out, because Yin Zhan's arm was covered with scars, his wrists were ripped apart, and in some places, the bones were even visible. He was strangled by a rope, and he was able to hug Tang You in this situation. How strong is his willpower

Tang You woke up slightly after going through a lot of bumps. Looking up, he saw Yin Zhan sitting beside him, and he was stunned: "...Brother?"

Yin Zhan responded and looked down at him: "Are you awake?"

Tang You was at a loss: "Are we out?"

Yin Zhan responded again: "Come out, I'm not dead, next time you encounter an accident, don't say you're going to die, have I ever said... What I hate the most is watching a person die in front of me?"

Tang You wanted to answer, but when he saw his arm, he was stunned.

Yin Zhan raised his eyebrows: "What?"

Tang You opened his mouth, his eyes turned red, and he threw himself into his arms, crying loudly.

Yin Zhan was silent for a second, raised his scarred hand, hugged him and patted him.