While the System Crashed

Chapter 26: Kingdom of Law 5


In fact, Yin Zhan said that rejection is light.

To his poor memory, it seemed to happen in high school.

At that time, the second generation ancestor had a bunch of younger brothers, surrounded by beauties, and the girl was a bit fat, so the second generation ancestor naturally looked down on him, and was annoyed by the entanglement, so he humiliated her. But the girl didn't give up and wrote a love letter to him, but other people who liked him accidentally discovered it, took it away and went to the school broadcast to read it again, causing the whole school to hear it. The girl thought it was his instruction, and came to ask him why he treated her like this. The second generation ancestor happened to be angry because he was involved, so he scolded him without explaining, and the girl ran away without saying anything harsh.

"I didn't see her again after that," Yin Zhan recalled, "but it seemed that after hearing about her, the group of people who liked me laughed at her a few times. Alas, it's a pity that she is a little girl."

Ling Mao always felt that there was no way to connect him with the hero in the story, so he was silent for a while and asked, "What did she like about you?"

Yin Zhan raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I'm a school girl, handsome and rich, what do you think?"

Ling Mao lowered his head to eat and ignored him. Tang You knew that his brother did not do those things, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Cold salad," Yin Zhan said calmly, "It doesn't look like she still likes me just now, as long as you don't hate me because of love, everything is easy to talk about."

Tang You couldn't help asking: "What if love leads to hatred?"

Yin Zhan said, "That's easy to handle."

Thinking of his brother's ability to handle affairs, Tang You calmed down, ate obediently, and fed the rabbit by the way.

They still chose the busiest restaurant this time. He knew that his brother wanted to collect information, so he paid attention to it, and learned that the Blue Fishtail family is the largest here, with strong strength, and the second one is called Five Colors. Wind, only a little weaker than the blue fishtail.

Yin Zhan has good ears and hears a lot of things. Apart from the family ranking, another piece of useful information he got is that Zishi loves to eat green-clawed mice, and hunting a Zishi can get 300 points. The usefulness of the green-clawed mouse. In addition, there is a more important piece of news. This city has a teleportation array that can lead to border towns and dimensional forests.

He listened to a lot of other things, wrote them down one by one, found a hotel after dinner, signaled them to rest, then went outside for a walk alone, bought maps and atlases, and spread them on the table to start researching.

Ling Mao glanced at it and was immediately surprised, but his expression remained unchanged: "It turns out that Xinshou Village is not at the very edge."

Yin Zhan smiled and said, "Isn't it quite knowledgeable?"

Tang You also came over at this time, and saw that the four Xinshou villages on the map were all backed by mountains. These mountains were very deep. The ten days when Ling Mao followed Uncle Liu went to the mountains, The old man said that the end of the mountain is a towering smooth stone wall. Some people have tried to climb it, but points were deducted by the rules, so people always thought that was the end of the country, but it was not.

It is clearly marked on the map that there is an invisible barrier behind the stone wall, and behind the barrier is a huge dimensional forest, which occupies about a quarter of the entire country. If you want to describe it, the kingdom of law is composed of two nested squares. The inner square is bounded by the four novice villages, and the outer circle is the dimension forest.

There are six teleportation arrays in the whole country, one in each of the most affluent cities in the southeast, northwest, and two in the central city. All the teleportation arrays lead to border towns. The town is a dangerous forest.

Ling Mao couldn't help but glanced at Yin Zhan, and suddenly remembered what he said: the more you stand tall, the more resources you will get.

Although they don't stand tall now, if they don't come out, they will never know the world is like this, but one thing is very strange, the kingdom of law has existed for hundreds of years, and many people were born in it, why is still unclear What is your country like? Could it be that no one in the village has ever been to the city, and no one who went to Xinshou Village from the city has ever mentioned it

Thinking of this, he asked.

Yin Zhan guessed: "Maybe it's because the rules don't let you speak? Or points are deducted for mentioning a word?"

Ling Mao asked: "Why?"

"It probably depends on whether people have the courage to take that step." Yin Zhan replied simply.

There are too few resources in Xinshou Village, people are generally not rich, and the high consumption outside can easily scare people away. The more hesitant, the easier it is for Xinshou Village to stay forever. This may also be part of the trial.

Ling Mao thought of his former self and nodded, thinking that if there was no Yin Zhan, they might still be in Xinshou Village.

Yin Zhan looked at him with a smile: "How about it, is it more fun to come out than to play house there?"

Ling Mao ignored him, and seeing Tang You opened the atlas, he leaned over to take a look.

The atlas records the monsters in the Dimensional Forest, including names, habits, attack power, scores, etc. The whole book is arranged according to the scores. The highest is the crown snake with 900 points, followed by the adult magic flame wolf with 700 points. Ling Mao stretched out his fingers to calculate, suppressed his excitement, and clenched his fists cruelly: "Kill a few more, and we can go out."

Yin Zhan lazily poured cold water on it: "It's so easy, there won't be just a few people passing the level."

Tang You turned the pages from beginning to end seriously, and finally looked at them: "Brother, monsters with scores over 300 have one thing in common."

The two looked over: "What?"

Tang You said: "My favorite food is human beings."

Ling Mao said: "... Could it be that many people have been eaten?"

"Not necessarily," Yin Zhan said, "You can hunt and kill those with low scores. Take the purple stone with 300 points as an example. Even if you kill one a month, including the expenses of food and accommodation, you can go out in four to five years. How easy it is, there should be information we don’t know about.”

Tang You asked: "Do you want to visit the border town first?"

Yin Zhan nodded: "Tomorrow, go outside and talk to someone, ask if there is anything you need to pay attention to, and then go."

The remaining two had no objection, each washed and rested, and went to the central square the next day.

There are many people in the morning, Yin Zhan has always been good at talking, and he can easily ask what he wants to know, such as deducting 10 points for passing a teleportation array; the pharmacy and weapon shop in the border town have a good reputation; , the further you go, the more dangerous it is; hunting monsters is generally done in family units, few people act alone, and dealing with those monsters with high scores can only be done by teamwork, one or a few people can't do it at all.

Ling Mao asked: "Do we want to join the family too?"

Knowing that his brother would never listen to other people's orders, Tang You asked, "Maybe we should start a family?"

Yin Zhan smiled appreciatively: "Okay, anyway, it's just a title. We will recruit people or cooperate with other families in the future. You can think of a name. If you can't think of it, call it the Mao Mao Rabbit Family."

Ling Mao said, "Well, that's it."

Yin Zhan: "..."

Tang You: "..."

Yin Zhan took the opportunity to ask Tang You in a low voice, "Has he always had this kind of personality?"

Tang You nodded silently.

Yin Zhan remembered the sexy underwear he had seen a few days ago, and praised with a smile: "Yes, this kid has a future."

Tang You looked at him: "...the name of that family?"

Yin Zhan stroked his chin: "Let's call it Mao Mao Rabbit. Mao Mao has been the mascot of the family from today on."

Tang You secretly said that it was indeed so, so he stopped struggling.

A few people went back to the hotel to prepare, and teleported to the border town.

It is composed of several criss-crossing streets, and there are shops on both sides. Although the town occupies a small area as a whole, there are many people coming and going, and it is very lively. Yin Zhan first took them to find a hotel, and then decided to go for a walk around the forest alone.

Tang You immediately said, "I'll go with you."

"Wait here for me," Yin Zhan said, seeing that he was about to refute, rubbing his hands, "Be obedient, take you with me, and I will take care of you."

Tang You said seriously: "I have practiced before, and I can take care of myself."

Yin Zhandiao-smiled "Yo", and hooked his fingers: "Come on, if you can do three tricks in my brother's hands, I will take you with me."

Without saying a word, Tang You stuffed the rabbit into Ling Mao's arms, and rushed over with great fighting spirit. Yin Zhan dodged easily, ready to trip him. Tang You, however, seemed to have realized this earlier, quickly dodged it, turned around and hit with a horizontal elbow, hitting his ribs. Yin Zhan raised his hand to support him, and when he saw his legs arrived, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he took half a step back to see what he was doing.

Ling Mao looked at Tang You blankly, a little in disbelief.

He did take this man to practice for a while before he came here, but Tang You couldn't keep up at all at that time, and he didn't have much strength to punch, but now he seems to have absorbed it all... No, it's not accurate to say that, it should be It seems to have mastered it and added some of my own things into it.

Could it be that the motor nerves developed because of a bump on the head

It's amazing!

The long-eared gray rabbit was dragged by him, and stared blankly ahead, then turned to look at his sleeves, and chewed slowly.

After all, Yin Zhan has rich experience, so he quickly grabbed Tang You's hands and pressed them against the wall, and sincerely praised: "Not bad, you have made great progress."

Tang You took a breath and looked at him expectantly: "Then can I go?"

"Go." Yin Zhan let go with a smile, and tried Ling Mao again. The latter had been practiced since he was a child, and naturally there was no problem. He decided to go into the forest with the three of them, and the goal was changed from the initial investigation to the attempt. Hunt down a monster with a low score.

Now that they decided to do something, they first went to the weapon shop and pharmacy to buy the weapons and medicines they had at hand. Seeing that it was time for dinner, they went back to the hotel for a meal. Tang You went upstairs to pick up the rabbit and feed it. As soon as he entered the hall, he saw a few people coming in from the door. He was slightly startled, and ran to find his brother, beckoning him to turn around.

Yin Zhan glanced and found that it was the man with the blue fishtail, and the woman who had chased him before was right there. He pretended not to see, and continued to eat calmly. The people over there also noticed them, and the woman stepped forward: "Master Gu, we meet again."

Yin Zhan hummed with a smile: "Sorry, I still don't remember who you are."

"It doesn't matter." The woman said coldly, looked at Ling Mao and Tang You opposite him, turned around and was about to go back, at this moment, she saw two men coming over from the other side, one of them had met in the square before, and the other was an unfamiliar face , the latter asked: "Xiaoxue, do you know each other?"

The woman nodded: "I've seen it outside."

"It's rare to meet an acquaintance, and it's also fate." The man smiled and looked at Yin Zhan, "Hello, I'm Lang Qing, the deputy team member of Blue Fishtail. I don't know what your name is, sir?"

Yin Zhan said, "My surname is Gu."

"The surname is Gu..." Lang Qing pretended to be very serious and looked up and thought for a while, "I do know that there is a guy named Gu Yan outside. Playing without learning or skill, just that face is okay, this kind of scum is a waste of air to live."

Yin Zhan's smile remained unchanged: "I am Gu Yan."

Lang Qing was surprised, and said without sincerity: "So you are Gu Yan? I shouldn't say this in person, I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Yin Zhan said generously, "Who doesn't have a few stupid moments in life, I understand you."

Lang Qing: "..."

Ling Mao: "..."

woman:"… "

Tang You lowered his head to pick up the rice, without squinting.

"Boy, who are you calling an idiot?" The person with the blue fishtail happened to come over, and someone immediately couldn't help but choked. Seeing that they were going to fight, the woman persuaded them: "Forget it, let's go."

Lang Qing didn't want to let it go, he pretended to have a good temper and waved to his people, and changed the subject: "Mr. Gu is here to go to the Dimension Forest?"

Yin Zhan said, "Well, let's go for a walk."

Lang Qing looked at them: "Just the three of you?"

Yin Zhan was very bored, and dealt with it lazily: "Yes."

Lang Qing asked: "Could it be that you are also a family?"

Yin Zhan said calmly, "The furry rabbit family."

Lang Qing couldn't hold back a "poof" for a moment, and then closed his mouth. The people behind him were laughing to and fro, and began to taunt unceremoniously. Some said they were playing house, some said it was for fun, and some even said that Yin Zhan tricked two children to play with him, and he would be beaten out by monsters when he entered. , I'm afraid I can't even catch Zishi.

"Okay, don't talk about it." Lang Qing waited for them to say enough before stopping them. His mood suddenly improved, and he pretended to say something to Yin Zhan to be careful, and led them away.

Yin Zhan didn't mind being surrounded by crowds at a Divine Comedy concert in the square, and he wouldn't worry about such trivial matters, at most, he would find an opportunity to punish them in the future. Ling Mao was seriously thinking about what kind of joke the Maotutu family had, and only Tang You watched them go away. Yin Zhan glanced at him, only to see the boy staring at the corner with a cold light, not moving.

"...Hello." He stretched out his hand and shook it.

Tang You looked at him with a vicious look on his face: "Brother."

Yin Zhan said: "...what?"

Tang You made a decision and said, "Let's catch Zishi today!"

Yin Zhan said: "...OK."

This kid's temper is on the rise.