While the System Crashed

Chapter 4: System crash 4


The fur ball is very cute, the whole body is snow-white, even the small paws are white, only the soles of the feet are light yellow. Tang You didn't figure out what species it was after studying for a long time. The previous three furballs were frightened by them, Jiujiu huddled in the corner, frightened and uneasy.

He quickly comforted: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we won't fight anymore."

Naturally, the furballs didn't understand, they were trembling together, and one of them simply turned around and pointed its butt at them.

"..." Tang You then gave up communicating, caught a glimpse of a few hairs that had been beaten off on the ground, and pawed them distressedly, looked at the hair ball that was looking up at the sky at the entrance of the cave, and slowly moved forward.

Yin Zhan glanced at him.

Tang You took two steps back: "Um... did we have a misunderstanding?"

"No misunderstanding," Yin Zhan used his nonsense skills, "I suddenly had a sense just now, and knew that a talking cub was about to appear. I was the only one nearby who could do it, but now it's not, so I'm not happy."

Tang You flashed the word "Secondary Two" in an instant, and suddenly recalled it after a second: "What is induction?"

Yin Zhan nonsense: "This is a kind of ability, a necessary condition for the king of the clan, don't you know?"

Tang You blinked and had an idea: "Actually, I just bumped my head and lost my memory."

Yin Zhan is happy, secretly thinking that he has made progress.

Tang You felt that he didn't seem to be angry anymore, and approached tentatively: "I forgot a lot of things, can you tell me? I won't compete with you for the throne, don't worry."

"You don't seem to be able to sit on the throne," Yin Zhan patted the seat beside him, "I'm feeling better now, no one talks to me these days, you can talk to me."

Tang You's heart suddenly softened, and he felt that he couldn't argue with a second-year bird, so he walked over to the nest like a big brother: "Okay, what do you want to say?"

Yin Zhan said, "Let's talk about you, how much have you forgotten?"

Tang You said: "I forgot all about it. I don't even know my own species. Also, what is this place?"

Yin Zhan looked at him: "Did you really forget?"

Tang You nodded honestly, his pupils were dark, pure and sincere.

Yin Zhan looked at him for a few seconds, and said solemnly, "We are birds, and here is a big tree."

Tang You said: "...I know that, how about more specific?"

Yin Zhan then made up a term to deal with him. Remembering that this kid was ignorant when he was transformed into a tree, he couldn't help being surprised. It stands to reason that there should be a detailed introduction on the time-traveling machine transformed from the Bodhi Mirror. Why doesn't Tang You know anything

He suppressed a sense of strangeness, and heard someone ask if there was a big bird here, where was the king, and said lazily: "Don't think about it, is the king visible to ordinary people?"

"... That's true." Tang You said, and asked again where Big Bird was and if he was looking for something to eat. Yin Zhan began to think about this matter after mentioning it. Of course he knew that Tang You was afraid of eating bugs, but he had seen everything in the underworld before and expressed his calmness.

"You can eat whatever you give, and you still want to be picky?"

Tang You imagined the scene of eating bugs, and couldn't accept it, so he shrank silently.

Seeing that he was about to form a ball, Yin Zhan simply took him for a walk in the open space ahead.

This group of unknown birds lives on top of a big tree, the air is mixed with the fragrance of grass and dew, taking a deep breath, it feels refreshing.

Tang You's heart has always been relatively wide, and he walked a few steps in the lush green environment with his short legs, and soon forgot about the entanglement. Looking at the giant leaves in front of him, he suddenly wanted to take a look at the end, to see See what it's like from the outside.

At this moment, several loud and clear cries pierced the sky, easily hit the eardrums, and reached the bottom of my heart. The two raised their heads at the same time, and a big bird slowly landed through the leaves. A few beams of light hit the body, and the already gorgeous feathers were immediately dyed with a holy color.

The crowing became louder and louder, and one big bird after another landed on the natural apron, and the wind blew up their wings so that they couldn't even open their eyes. The fur balls ran to the entrance of the cave one after another, chirping and screaming, excited. The original taste of nature is displayed in front of you, so beautiful that it can shake your soul.

Tang You opened his mouth, feeling that he couldn't describe it with all his knowledge of Chinese.

The big birds walked towards the fur ball, and one of them found Tang You and lowered its head to rub him affectionately.

At such a close distance, Tang You could clearly feel a warm breath, his heart trembled, and he turned his head to look, and found a few bunches of small crystal-like red fruits dangling from the corner of its mouth, presumably it was their food.

The big bird nudged him a few more times, and passed him into the grass nest behind them.

Tang You was stunned.

Ever since he could remember, he had been in an orphanage, and he never knew what it was like to have parents, but at that moment just now, he suddenly felt that this was the love from his parents. He stood there in a daze, feeling that there was still warmth in the place where he was rubbed, which was very precious.

Yin Zhan glanced at him, guessing if he was frightened, and kicked him: "Hey."

Tang You snapped back to his senses, flapped his small wings and ran towards the big bird: "I'm going to eat, goodbye!"

Yin Zhan: "..."

Yin Zhan's eyes twitched, ignored the idiot, turned around and walked back, then stopped, looked at the row of holes over there, and found a problem - he forgot which den he came out of.

After waking up, all he could think about was beating someone up, he didn't even count how many dens he visited, and now he didn't know where to return. He remained silent for two seconds, and patiently searched for them one by one with a faint impression.

The grass nest was full of excitement, some big birds were still outside, and some showed half of their body, his sight was blocked, he observed for a while before trying to choose one to take a look at.

The big bird inside found him almost instantly, stretched out a foot lightly, and kicked him out.

Yin Zhan: "..."

Oh, fuck it, even if I was a prisoner, no one would dare to be so presumptuous. What kind of treatment is this

Yin Zhan threw himself on the ground in a "big" shape, and before he could get up, a big bird rushed to him, rubbed against him, and returned to the nest with its mouth. He was hanging in mid-air, looking at the moving ground, his first reaction was that he had beaten someone lightly just now, he really deserved a severe beating, you damn boy!

Tang You was completely unaware that he had been misunderstood again. He grabbed a small red fruit and ate it bit by bit. He thought the taste was pretty good, and gave a happy chirp.

There is a lot of space in the nest, and the big bird is curled up on the side, with its neck bent in a graceful arc, watching the cubs quietly. The three fur balls had forgotten what happened just now, and they huddled together with Tang You again, soft and warm. Tang You looked at Big Bird, then at "Brothers and Sisters", and suddenly felt a faint sense of fulfillment in life.

"Jiujiu," the furball next to him seemed to have taken a fancy to his fruit, stretched his neck to peck it, and tilted his head to look at him, like a white ball, "Jiuuuuuuuuu!"

Tang You became cute in an instant, and hurriedly handed over the fruit to feed, watched the fur ball eat up little by little, and stretched out his paw to touch it.

As the sky darkened, a wind blew up in the forest, and the giant leaves were blown loudly. Another big bird had already flown back and curled up near the entrance of the cave, as if protecting them. When the rays of the sun dissipated, the birds raised their heads and sang, and the clear voice echoed on the trees for a long time, like the sound of heaven.

Nature is so wonderful, Tang You didn't know how many times he was so shocked that he couldn't speak, so he could only listen blankly.

Yin Zhan looked out of the cave, and the figure of the Hehe Bird flashed in his mind. There is no sunlight in the underworld, but there is still a difference between day and night. When night falls, there are birds singing in all directions. Many people in the underworld like to listen to this sound.

He suddenly remembered an old incident, and his eyes suddenly darkened.

As night fell, the surroundings became quiet.

Tang You leaned against the big bird, squeezed among a pile of fur balls, and closed his eyes steadily. In his dream, it was a piece of vibrant green, full of the smell of the whole spring. He huddled in his nest, only listening to unknown birds chirping from the sky, one after another, like a melodious requiem.

Yin Zhan still couldn't sleep, and walked around the big bird by the faint moonlight, intending to see where it was.

The big bird behind him suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed him back.

Yin Zhan: "..."

Yin Zhan tried again, but the result was still the same, so he gave up and began to think about whether to beat someone up tomorrow in the quiet night. However, he was too old and Tang You, so he just thought about it, and quickly settled the matter. uncovered.

The big birds flew away at dawn. Tang You woke up and saw that they just came back with fruits in their mouths. He ate one and stretched out his paws to feed the fur balls, feeling extremely happy.

When Yin Zhan found him, he saw someone foolishly nesting with the three fur balls. He seemed to be very rare about them. He rubbed it.

Yin Zhan glanced blankly, turned and left.

Tang You quickly found him, and chased after him flapping his little wings: "Are you looking for me?"

Yin Zhan said, "No, I'm just passing by."

Tang You labeled him as "Secondary Two" yesterday, so he naturally didn't believe it, so he followed him for a walk.

Both of them wanted to understand the surrounding environment, and walked forward at the same time. The big birds were all standing nearby. Seeing them getting farther and farther away from the nest, they chased them and sent them back to the nest with their mouths in their mouths.

Tang You: "..."

Yin Zhan: "..."

Tang You got up and stood up with his chubby body: "Have you been outside to see it? What does it look like?"

"I won't tell you," Yin Zhan's patience is limited. Anyway, he is just passing by, so he stopped struggling and patted Tang You affectionately, "You will know when you grow up a bit. Let's go, brother will take you go play."

Tang You snorted and followed him: "Your tone just now was a bit like a friend of mine."

"Which friend?" Yin Zhan felt that the child was too dumb, so he couldn't help knocking, and asked knowingly, "Who else can talk here besides you and me?"

Tang You realized that he had slipped his tongue, and was so frightened that he almost balled up.

Yin Zhan stared at him closely: "Huh?"

Tang You stammered: "... I, I'm just joking."

Only then did Yin Zhan let him go, walked slowly to the three fur balls, and smiled instantly: "I know what to play."

Tang You said, "What?"

Yin Zhan said: "Let's gamble, bet on whoever bids first among these three, the winner can pluck out a hair of the loser."

"..." Tang You said, "They are calling now, don't bet?"

"It's not easy, it's up to me." After Yin Zhan finished speaking, he looked at the fur ball, spread his wings slightly, and let out a domineering roar. Tang You and Mao Qiu were caught off guard, startled almost at the same time, and a needle could be heard in the grass nest.

Yin Zhan was very satisfied and looked at Tang You.

Tang You hesitated, and pointed to the fur ball on the far right, and the latter just came back to his senses when he pointed to it, and gave a weak chirp.

Tang You: "..."

Yin Zhan: "..."

Tang You looked at Yin Zhan, carefully stretched out his claws, and plucked out one of his hairs.

Yin Zhan: "..."

Tang You observed him and asked tentatively, "Are you still playing?"

Yin Zhan said: "Play!"