While the System Crashed

Chapter 40: Supernatural Continent 1


Tang You quickly figured out where he was.

This is a clubhouse, decorated very resplendently.

He had been a rich young master all his life in his previous life, so he could see that this house seemed to belong to the middle-to-high class, so he walked along the corridor, looking for a waiter to ask the way, when the door beside him suddenly opened , the person who came out saw him at a glance, and asked dissatisfiedly: "Isn't it just a change of clothes, why is it so slow?"

He was slightly taken aback, and the next moment, the man grabbed his wrist and pulled him in, and asked by the way, "Why is it just you? Where are the others?"

Tang You was a little out of shape, glanced out of the corner of the eye, and noticed three teenagers in uniform clothes sitting in the box, all of them were white shirts and dark tight slacks. He looked at his clothes, realized that there was a misunderstanding, and broke away and said, "You have identified the wrong person, I am not a staff member here."

After he finished speaking, he ignored them and returned to the corridor. He was about to turn a corner when he heard hurried footsteps behind him, and a familiar voice called, "Hey, wait!"

He stood still and turned around, seeing that the previous person had put on a smiling face: "I'm sorry to admit my mistake, why don't you come in and have a chat, I will apologize to you, or you tell me which room you are in, I will go over there in person ,How about it?"

Tang You said, "No need."

"Farewell, meeting is fate, why don't you come in and say a few words?" The visitor said with a smile, "We are students of Santo Military Academy, and we are not bad people. Judging by your age, you should be a student too, right?"

Shengto... Tang You keenly grasped the key words, thinking that the time inside and outside the law is the same, and asked: "Isn't the exam coming soon? Is it okay for you to come out to play like this?"

The person who came said: "It's okay, there are still more than half a month. Today is my classmate's birthday. Let's go out to get together and go back later."

When Tang You heard the words, he knew that they should not have left the city, so no surprises, this is Santo City.

Santo City is on the west side of the mainland, covering a large area. There is a relatively famous academy, which is the Santo Military Academy.

This college ranks ninth among all military colleges, with low tuition fees and excellent teachers, and is favored by ordinary families. When Ling Mao was determined to become a supernatural person, it was Santo who wanted to join.

But these are not important. The important thing is that his home is on the east side of the mainland, separated by thousands of miles, and he is now penniless and has no communicator at hand. Does he want to beg for food to go home? It's not like in the kingdom of law that you will get extra points for doing good deeds. Will anyone pay attention to him

Seeing his silence, the people in front of him thought he was a little moved, so they wanted to pull his wrist: "Let's go, let's go over and have a chat."

"No, I have something else to do." Tang You got out of the way in time, turned around and left, he was not a fool if he had nothing to do to be courteous or rape.

"Wait," the person still wanted to arrest him, but seeing him dodging again, he couldn't help but trot a few steps to block his way, "Then why don't you tell me your name or leave a contact information?" He squinted his eyes and coughed dryly, "Okay, let me tell you the truth, just after you went in, a classmate of mine fell in love with you, he is today's birthday star, and he is very handsome, so... you see?"

Tang You said, "Tell him that I'm married."

Someone said: "... how is it possible?!"

Tang You raised his hand and showed him the ring on his ring finger.

Comer: "..."

"Brother Yan, what's the matter?"

Just as the person in front of him was staring at Tang You incredulously, thinking about whether he was an adult or not, and whether he was just teasing him, another boy came over there. The young man looked a year or two younger than them, and was sizing up Tang You as he walked. Then Tang You turned his head when he heard the voice, and opened his eyes suddenly: "Brother, is it really you?"

Tang You took a closer look and found that this was actually his half-brother An Xiao. He was a little surprised: "Why are you here?"

"I should ask you this. Didn't you go to the ancient dimension test field? Why are you here?" An Xiao wondered, "Could it be that you sneaked away after Dad took you there? You have been here for more than two years. What are you doing? If Dad knew, he would definitely not let you go!"

"Wait, do you know each other?" The person who was called "Brother Yan" by An Xiao immediately interjected, looking at An Xiao meaningfully, "This is your elder brother? That's just right, please come and sit down with your elder brother , go in and talk if you have anything to say."

An Xiao quickly remembered something, and his attitude became a little better: "Brother, let's go."

Tang You glanced at him: "Not interested."

An Xiao didn't expect that his always docile and weak elder brother would reject him, so he choked suddenly, and secretly looked at him a few times, feeling that his elder brother seemed to have changed a lot, and he didn't know what he went through. Seeing Brother Yan gesturing to him and leaving, he looked at his eldest brother as if he was leaving the matter to him: "Go in first, let's talk slowly if you have anything to say..."

"I said I'm not interested," Tang You interrupted, "I just came out of the ancient dimension, and I don't have any money at hand. You can lend me some, and I'll pay you back later."

An Xiao looked at him with an expression of "Are you dreaming?".

Tang You: "..."

"Brother, are you afraid that your father will blame you? You probably don't know it yet. I tested my supernatural ability when I was 15 years old. Now I am a student of Santo College. If I intercede, my father will not punish you, and you will not be punished." You can go home," An Xiao simply adopted another strategy, "Let's go, let's talk about the details after entering the house. My senior is the mayor of Santo City. His birthday is today, and I really want to meet you. Just say a few days. It's just words, nothing else, don't make it difficult for me to do well?"

Tang You stared at him for a few seconds, then suddenly raised his lips and smiled.

An Xiao only felt that his delicate facial features seemed to be on fire in an instant, not only bright and compelling, but also a bit evil. Seeing him approaching him, he subconsciously stepped back and pressed his back against the wall.

Tang You supported the wall with one hand, and patted his face: "I'm in a bad temper now, you ask me to play with your seniors, if I'm not happy, I might dispose of you, you can think about it, sure Want me to go with you?"

Seeing that his state was too wrong, An Xiao opened his mouth to refuse, but the door of the private room opened in the distance, and the people inside poked their heads out, looked at them and shouted: "Hurry up, Young Master Jiang is waiting!"

He came back to his senses in a jerk, thinking that his elder brother has no supernatural powers, so why would all the supernatural beings in their room be afraid of him? He nodded: "If you help me today, I will give you a sum of money, and you don't have to pay it back. How about it?"

When I am so cheap? Tang You couldn't help laughing, thinking that he was the younger brother with this body after all, so he didn't have a seizure, put down his hands and stood still: "I won't argue with you this time, there will be no next time."

He left after saying that, An Xiao was furious when he saw this: "Stop!"

As soon as the words fell, Tang You felt a blur in front of his eyes, and An Xiao flashed over to stop him. He hardly needed to think. Seeing that this man was going to grab his wrist, he quickly turned sideways, stepped forward, and punched his stomach hard with his right hand. An Xiao's cheeks twitched suddenly, and he bent down holding his stomach.

Tang You wanted to kick again, but someone behind him smiled and asked, "What's the matter?"

He turned around slowly, and saw a handsome boy approaching surrounded by him. This man's eyes were full of affection, with a bit of scorn and coquettishness. He was probably the Jiang Shao they were talking about. Tang You said casually: "It's nothing, as an older brother, educate your ineffective younger brother."

An Xiao: "..."

Damn it, you are the one who is useless!

Jiang Shao looked at him steadily.

He just glanced at it briefly, and he felt that this young man's temperament was very unique. Looking at it now, he felt a little dangerous. It could arouse people's desire to challenge and it was worth having a good time. He asked: "Really? Don't Is it because of me?"

Tang You asked lazily, "Who are you?"

Jiang Shao was not annoyed at all: "My surname is Jiang, and I am your brother's senior. I just saw that you looked like a friend of mine, and I wanted to meet. They may have misunderstood me, so I will come out and explain."

Tang You said, "Is there anything else?"

Jiang Shao said with a good temper: "It's gone."

Tang You turned around and left, turned a corner and found the bathroom at the end, and turned back again. Jiang Shao was talking to An Xiao, and they all looked at him when they saw this. Tang You didn't look sideways, passed them and continued to walk, looked around at the end, and finally found a sign.

An Xiao quickly chased after him: "Brother, wait for me!"

Tang You asked: "Want to fight again?"

That was my carelessness! A flash of anger flashed in An Xiao's eyes, he quickly suppressed it, and forced himself to smile: "No, it's the senior who heard that we haven't seen each other for a long time, and they quarreled as soon as we met, so let me come here to apologize," he paused, " By the way, you said you just came out of the ancient dimension, so you probably have no place to live?"

Tang You said, "Well, no."

An Xiao asked: "Why don't you live with me first, and let's go home together after I finish the exam, how about it?"

Tang You was finally willing to look at him: "Does the next sentence let me go back to the private room with you to play, and then go with you?"

"No, you really misunderstood," An Xiao said, "If you don't want to play with us, I can send you back to school first."

Tang You was a little moved this time, after all, he really had nowhere to go now, so he nodded after thinking for a moment. An Xiao was secretly relieved, and took him away.

Jiang Shao had already returned to the private room at this time, looking at the teenagers who followed his order and changed their clothes, he felt that it was not pleasing to the eye, and it was not to his liking at all, so he ordered them to change. The teenagers naturally did not dare to offend him and asked, "What type do you want?"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if it's not a white shirt and slacks." Jiang Shao took a sip of wine and stared at the glass. He felt that the young man was like red wine, and he couldn't help but taste it. He squinted his eyes happily, " Tell An Xiao to ask about his brother's situation in detail, including what happened to the so-called marriage."

The human voice next to him said that he sent a message to An Xiao.

Tang You and An Xiao had already left the clubhouse at this time. The technology in the superpower continent is very advanced. Although the distance between the clubhouse and the school is far, it can be reached in less than ten minutes by car. The college's dormitory is apartment-style, and there are two people in one room. Tang You can temporarily share a room with An Xiao, but because he doesn't have anything to prove his identity, An Xiao had to call his father and ask him to communicate with the dormitory teacher. This is the only way to let it go.

Seeing that his parents had a lot of questions to ask, An Xiao hurriedly told them to contact them later. After hanging up, he settled down with his elder brother first. Then he heard that he hadn't had dinner yet, so he ran to the cafeteria to buy a lot of good food, and carried them fawningly. come back to him.

Tang You's appetite was spoiled by Yin Zhan, and he commented after two bites: "The food in your cafeteria is really unpalatable."

An Xiao said: "...I'll bring you something else tonight."

Tang You was slightly satisfied, and hummed: "Remember to get some money, I'll go home first."

An Xiao's eyelids twitched, and he almost wanted to beat him up. He forced a smile and said, "Didn't you agree to go together?"

Tang You didn't want to expose their small thoughts, and said, "I have something urgent."

An Xiao said: "But a few days ago, I heard our dad said that he would go on a trip with his mother. I don't know if he will go for a few days. You might as well wait for me, otherwise there may not be someone at home when you go back."

Tang You said, "It's okay, I can kick open the door."

"..." An Xiao said, "It's almost the end of the term, and I don't have much money with me. I'll ask my father for it later."

Tang You put a vegetable into his mouth, and said "hmm" again.

Holding back his anger, An Xiao turned around and went out to find a place where no one was around, and then dialed the number at home.

An's father and mother have been waiting for a long time, and after listening to his explanation slowly, the first reaction is absurd, because someone has always been weak, no matter what, it is impossible to complete a trial that countless people can't complete in just over two years. refining.

Mother An looked at her husband: "Did you see him go in with your own eyes?"

"No, at that time the crowd was crowded in, it was a mess, I was afraid of being squeezed in, so I walked outside, and I couldn't see him when I turned around," Father An said with a glimmer of hope, "You said he Will it really pass?"

"Impossible!" An Xiao and An's mother spoke almost at the same time, and An's mother immediately added: "I've never heard of anyone who can come out so early. Think about the kid from the Ling family, is he better than him? It's okay to come out." Xiao Ling comes out first."

Father An thought the same thing, the three of them together thought that someone must have sneaked away, and then went somewhere to exercise, and was going to deal with them with this. Father An was immediately angry and wanted to settle the score with his eldest son, but was soon persuaded by An Xiao.

An Xiao briefly talked about what happened today, and told his father that he needed his help.

An's mother was a little disappointed that Young Master Jiang didn't like his own son, but then she thought about that kind of son and brother who didn't grow up, so it would be better if she didn't like him. Seeing that Father An did not approve of this matter, she persuaded her patiently: "Think about it, that Young Master Jiang has a very complicated background. His father is the mayor and his uncle is from the military department. If he can speak well in front of his uncle In other words, do you still need to worry about Xiao Xiao's future?"

Father An frowned slightly, always feeling that it was not good to sell his son.

An's mother said: "He is a boy, so he won't suffer too much. What's there to be afraid of? Besides, what if it can lead to a good marriage? Even if it doesn't work, Xiaoxiao will have a bright future and our family's status will become higher. The girl wants to marry our family, are you still worried that he won't be able to marry a wife?"

An Xiao also looked at him: "Yes, Dad, Young Master Jiang has sent a message. If I don't help him, he will definitely not forgive me."

Ever since An Xiao had supernatural powers, An's father valued him more than his eyeballs. At this moment, they persuaded him a few words, and he agreed without hesitation for a few seconds.

"There is one other thing," An Xiao said, "Since he said he just came out of the ancient dimension, let's take him for it, and don't expose him for the time being, so as not to cause trouble."

An's father and An's mother nodded, no objection. Seeing this, An Xiao went back to the house with peace of mind, and handed the communicator to his elder brother. Father An first took a look at the eldest son, asked about some trivial matters in life, and then told him to live there first, and the two of them would come back together, so that they could save some money if they needed to take a taxi.

Tang Youqi asked, "Is the family so poor?"

"..." Father An said, "No, but it can't be wasted."

Tang You said: "I spent a lot of money to eat here these days, isn't it a waste?"

"If you are told to live, you will stay, don't talk nonsense," Father An's face was serious, and then he realized that it was too blunt, and slowed down his tone, "Since you can pass the test, you must have supernatural powers, just take a look at his School, get in next year's exam."

Tang You stared at him with narrowed eyes, unable to distinguish between emotions and anger.

Father An suddenly felt that the elder son's aura was a bit strong, even through the screen, he didn't dare to look at him, so he asked sternly, "Why, do you have any opinions?"

Tang You was always aware that things were tricky, and he was too lazy to intrigue with them. After a while, he said, "Okay, but I have one condition. If anyone comes to me these days, you tell him that I am at Santo Academy."

Father An breathed a sigh of relief, said yes, and hung up.

An Xiao stood by the side from the beginning to the end. At this time, he put away the communicator and asked curiously, "Who will find you?"

"You don't even know me after I've said that," Tang You raised his eyelids, "Don't stick around in front of me, just do whatever you want."

An Xiao thought to himself that when Young Master Jiang gets tired of playing with you, I will beat you up. He turned his head and left with a smile on his face. Tang You heard a click from the door, walked to the balcony and looked at the scenery of the college, a little lost in thought.

After the memory came back, his feelings for An Xiao and the others were very weak. In fact, he didn't want to go back to that home, but when he was in the country of law, his brother asked his home address. Now that he comes out, his brother will probably follow him. If it is not good, he will go to him, so he wants to go home and wait.

Now that things have progressed to this point, even if he goes to the police, the latter will only contact his family members. The result is the same. He can only stay here and wait for his brother to come over.

Thinking of his brother, Tang You couldn't help flashing a certain haughty figure in his mind, feeling that his brother's personality seems to have changed a little bit, at least the people before would never be able to sing the Divine Comedy.

Also, his name was Le Zhenghong, and his brother's deceased lover happened to be named Xiaohong, could it be him

If it is really him, is he dead

How did he die

Tang You lowered his eyes and remained silent for a long time, then turned around and went into the room and climbed onto the bed, heaving together silently.

At the same time, the Central Military Headquarters was holding an emergency meeting, because just this afternoon, two rays of light flashed one after the other over the ancient dimension proving ground, which caused the entire military headquarters to boil.

The marshal hurried back from the outside: "Is there a mistake?"

"It can't be wrong," one of the major generals pointed to the transparent screen in mid-air, and pressed the playback button, "Look, this is the picture captured by the instrument, very clear light, one facing east, one facing west, Among them, the light in the east is very short, and it should fall near the capital, and the other one is longer, so there is no way to determine the exact location."

Everyone looked at it together, their eyes were hot.

Gu Dimension has not come out for nearly twenty years, and there are still two in one breath. Even if the opponent was just an ordinary human before, now he has the qualifications to become a god-level supernatural being, and his future is immeasurable.

The marshal said seriously: "Find them immediately!"

Everyone stood up in unison: "Yes!"

Fa Shi probably liked Yin Zhan very much, and the place where he threw it was not far away, so he directly took a taxi and went home, beckoning his servant to pay the bill. When Father Gu received the news, he threw away the work at hand and ran back without saying a word. Seeing his son surfing the Internet, he rushed over: "You you..."

Yin Zhan said, "I was thrown in. If you don't believe me, ask your bodyguards."

Father Gu's eyes were red. In fact, since his son went in, he regretted it. He was often awakened by nightmares in the middle of the night, thinking that as long as his son was safe and sound, it would be all right. Now that his son is fine, he is not to mention how happy he is. He subconsciously looked at him suspiciously after having cheated too many experiences: "How much benefit did you give them to let them help you cheat?"

Yin Zhan didn't answer, but stretched out his hand, and the palm of his hand "sizzled" with electric current, showing him the gift given by the law.

Gu's father's expression suddenly changed. His son's abilities used to be very ordinary, which belonged to the auxiliary type, but now he is a rare thunder attribute, with extremely strong attack power, and changing attributes... only the ancient dimension trial field can do it .

The son has always been spoiled and spoiled, how much pain did he come out of? His eyes were red again, he hugged him without thinking, let go of his hand and said with emotion: "You...how are you doing?"

Yin Zhan said, "It's okay."

Father Gu asked, "Is there anything you want to eat? I'll tell the kitchen to make it."

Yin Zhan said, "Whatever you want."

Father Gu responded, and took two steps in front of the bed. He has always been bad at expressing his feelings, and just hugging him was already his limit. He looked at his son who seemed to have become stable, and said without words: "What are you doing?"

"Looking at the news online," Yin Zhan said, "I'll find someone."

Gu's father said, "Who are you looking for, I'll help you find it."

Yin Zhan said: "Your daughter-in-law, he came out a few minutes earlier than me, and I don't know where he was thrown."

Gu's father digested silently for half a minute, opened his mouth, and forced his expression to be tense, thinking that it must be unusual for his daughter-in-law to come out successfully, so he tried his best to calm down and asked, "Who is it?"

Yin Zhan said a name and continued to flip through the news.

Father Gu leaned over: "Are you looking for someone who fell from the sky?"

"No," Yin Zhan said, "I'm looking at the latest wanted list across the country."

Father Gu: "..."

Is the daughter-in-law a terrorist!

Yin Zhan searched for a long time but couldn't find it. After pondering for a while, he went to the study and quickly drew a sketch: "Here, take a picture, let people keep an eye on the news, as soon as you see him, tell me immediately."

Father Gu took it over in silence and took a look. He thought he was quite handsome, not like a villain. He asked, "What about you?"

Yin Zhan narrowed his eyes: "I'm going to contact some media and post a news on the Internet."

Father Gu asked, "Send what?"

Yin Zhan said: "The rich second generation fell in love with passers-by at first sight, and they want to spend tens of millions to find their sweetheart. What do you think of this theme?"

Father Gu: "..."