While the System Crashed

Chapter 5: System crash 5


The sun and the moon change, and the white horse passes through the gap.

Since then, Tang You has been able to make fur balls with peace of mind. Since he doesn't need to eat bugs, he lives very contentedly every day.

He became friends with the second hairball, and he always felt that it was inconvenient for them to get along without a name. He wanted to name him Xiaobai, but he was pinned down and trampled, and a few hairs were pulled, scaring him. He had to change his name to brother, because he found that this person was very similar to the character of the previous tree, which gave him a sense of intimacy.

After a month, he grew up a bit and became a circle.

The fur balls in the nest have been fed by him all the time, and he is very close to him, and goes outside with him every day, so Yin Zhan can see Tang You walking in front every time, followed by three chubby fur balls, and some They lined up regularly, and the corners of their eyes twitched.

Tang You didn't know what he was thinking, and still led them to play happily every day. Now that the furballs had reached a lively age, they started to wander around after a while, and he was responsible for finding them before the big birds came back, and bringing Go back to the nest.

This day, he went to look for fur balls as usual, and was startled when he saw one was about to burrow into the leaves. A few days ago, taking advantage of the big bird's absence, he went to the end to look, and found that the road was difficult to walk, and it was very dangerous to step on the ground if one was not careful. While looking at his furball in fear, he ran over there.

Yin Zhan just noticed him and followed him.

Tang You quickly ran to the fur ball, stretched out his claws to grab it, and slowly pulled it back.

Maoqiu looked back and saw that it was him, immediately chirped excitedly, flapped its little wings habitually, but suddenly stepped on the air with one foot, and fell backward instantly.

Tang You's pupils shrank, and he followed them down almost without thinking. Yin Zhan pulled subconsciously, and was also taken down. The three fell onto the layers of leaves and fell again. Yin Zhan was speechless for a while, and was about to guess whether he had to be so unlucky every time, when he fell on the branch with a bang, feeling dizzy for a while.

It's okay, he didn't fall directly to death.

A thought flashed through his mind, and then he looked up to the front.

Tang You lay beside him and asked weakly, "What's wrong?"

Yin Zhan whispered, "There is movement."

Tang You fell a little hard, and it took more than ten seconds to feel better. He looked up, and his vision was full of green leaves and branches like castles in the air. They didn't know how many floors they fell down, and the upper floor was probably not a nest. Fortunately, although they couldn't fly, they could at least flop twice, otherwise they would fall to their deaths.

Yin Zhan saw him move to Maoqiu in a strange posture, and asked, "Can't stand up?"

Tang You said: "My leg hurts a bit, I'll be fine after a short rest."

Yin Zhan responded, continued to listen to the movement not far away, and looked around. The branches of the lower layer were wider than the upper layer, and even the branches were like a wall. He looked at it and found a small hole in the branch fifty meters away, which should be able to accommodate them.

Mao Qiu happened to come back to his senses at this time, looking at the unfamiliar environment, he was terrified: "Jiujiujiu!"

"Let's go over there." Yin Zhan made a decisive decision, dragged it and ran towards the tree hole together with Tang You.

Tang You had an injury on his foot, and he had to keep comforting Fuqiu, and he was overwhelmed for a while, and Fuqiu fell in pain, and when he saw Tang You, he was full of grievances and yelled all the way, as if crying. Tang You was so distressed that he dragged it into the hole with great effort to block it with his body, and stretched out his paws to touch his head.

Fuqiu: "Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!"

"Shut up," Yin Zhan said, "the movement is getting closer, and I don't know what it is."

"But what can I do if it's scared... I have it!" Tang You rubbed it, and found that it was still barking, and hurriedly looked at Yin Zhan, "Brother, come and rub it too."

Yin Zhan was staring at the outside with all his body guarded, and the speculations in his head surged up one after another. Hearing that the string snapped, he turned to look at him: "... what?"

Tang You said: "It's scared. Let's make it feel that someone is with it, and it will stop barking. We like to squeeze like this every time we are in the nest. Come quickly."

"Your method is the best way to work." Yin Zhan has always been clear about major issues, and ran over after only a moment of silence.

The two began to rub fur balls desperately.

Fuqiu: "Jiujiu."

The two continued to rub, while controlling their strength not to hurt it.

"Chirp..." The fur ball felt very at ease being squeezed in the middle by them, and the cry really dropped, and it quickly quieted down. The two were not yet relieved, only heard a little conversation from outside.

"How can there be, third child, did you hear wrong?"

"But I really think there is a cry, why is it gone?"

Yin Zhan and Tang You were stunned together, and Tang You instantly remembered what his brother said, and asked in a low voice, "Is it the royal family?"

Yin Zhan shook his head: "It's a human being."

He made up nonsense about the royal family, the sound must have been made by a human, and the other party came here... If it wasn't for fun, then it was probably for the birds.

"Is it a human?" Tang You was stunned, and his first reaction was kindness, because he had never seen a living person since he got into the shuttle, but then images of hunting wild birds and so on flashed through his mind, thinking If there is no business, there will be no killing. When will human beings grow up a bit. His liver trembled: "What are they doing here? Can they understand what we are saying?"

Yin Zhan said, "Xuan, the races are different after all."

Tang You asked nervously, "Then what should we do now? Are they here to find us?"

Yin Xian motioned him not to speak, and listened intently, noticing that the footsteps had stopped.

The people over there chatted: "Let's go, people say that Baile Bird lives in a high place, and the cry probably came from above."

"If you want me to say that we might as well go back, there are so many people looking for Bai Leniao, how many of them succeeded? This is too dangerous."

"Go back, I'm still waiting to make money..."

The conversation gradually became low, and the footsteps sounded again. Tang You held his breath, and after a few seconds of silence, he quickly realized something: "They said they were looking for Bai Leniao, not us."

Naturally, Yin Zhan couldn't say that the species names he was told earlier were made up. He could only say that human beings were named differently from them, so he should be looking for them. Tang You was worried immediately: "No, we have to find a way to report."

Fuqiu felt his emotion, and tilted his head to look at him: "Chirp!"

Their hearts jumped, they hurriedly rubbed against it, and moved into the hole by the way.

Yin Zhan glanced at Tang You, and suddenly asked, "Do you like taking risks?"

"You have a solution?" Tang You said without hesitation, "Tell me, as long as I can report the letter, I will do it no matter how dangerous it is!"

Yin Zhan said: "No, I mean the usual hobbies, comfort and excitement, which one do you like?"

Tang You didn't know why, but still answered obediently: "An Yi."

Yin Zhan was silent, and after getting along with him for this period of time, he could actually see that Tang You is a person who is easy to satisfy, and he probably wouldn't kill himself on purpose. Tang You looked at him, and was about to ask if he had any ideas, when he heard footsteps approaching, he shut up immediately and waited anxiously, only to find that those people stopped again, and after a few seconds, they started to walk away.

The two looked relaxed, and then someone said: "I still think I heard it right, why don't you go first, and I'll talk about it after I finish shopping in this area."

"I'm convinced, go ahead, we'll wait for you at the front."


Tang You: "..."

Yin Zhan: "..."

Yin Zhan recognized the voice and realized that the direction was on their side, so he probably couldn't be good.

He took a deep breath, contacting Tang You's answer and all the abnormalities so far, only to feel the strange feeling that had surged up before suddenly become clear.

The bodhi mirror is one of the artifacts guarding the underworld.

Even when he was the most painful and irrational, he never thought of destroying it, so there was no enmity between them, and the Bodhi Mirror would not deliberately embarrass him because he didn't like its arrangement. What's more, the Yin family disrespected it, and it would have been angry if it wanted to.

What's more, Tang You is a destined person, Bodhi Mirror will never harm this child, but the fact is that Tang You is ignorant of the world he traveled through, and the end seems to be not good... All these impossibilities have been met by a seemingly celestial night... Tan, actually the possible answer.

There is a problem with the bodhi mirror.

So what exactly did Tang You experience when he traveled through time? Don't you see the options? Yin Zhan's thoughts changed, knowing that now was not the time to ask questions, so he took one last look at Tang You, got up and walked out: "You just stay here."

Tang You was startled: "Where are you going?"

Yin Zhan said, "Turn him away, otherwise we won't be able to escape."

Tang You hurriedly grabbed him: "No, I will go if I want to go. You fell because you saved us."

"Your leg is injured and you can't run far," Yin Zhan broke away, "I might be able to run away when I go out, but if it doesn't work, I will fall to the lower floor, don't worry."

"Can… "

"Nothing but, this is an order," Yin Zhan realized that he was using the tone of giving orders in the underworld after speaking, and added, "Watch your furball, it will definitely bark again if it can't see you."

Tang You was at a loss for words, looked at Maoqiu and then at him, a deep sadness suddenly welled up in his eyes. Yin Zhan stretched out his paw and kicked him to tell him to be calm, then turned his head and left. Tang You watched his figure disappear, but felt his heart pounding and uneasy. At this moment, an excited cry sounded outside.

"Come here quickly, this is really Baile Bird, it's still a cub!"

As soon as the voice fell, the people in the distance shouted: "Come here, don't let it get away!"

"Quickly surround it! Fuck you, get rich!"

Tang You's heart tightened suddenly, and he wanted to run out subconsciously. After two steps, he glanced at the fur ball and saw that it had fallen asleep with its head tilted, so he moved a young leaf next to it to barely cover the hole, and then Covered by the leaves, he passed cautiously.

The voice over there became clearer, excitedly said: "It's hurt!"

Tang You's expression changed, and he hurriedly quickened his pace. He saw the situation ahead through the gap of the giant leaves. He saw his brother curled up on the ground, tried to get up several times but fell back, and there was a person running towards him not far away—— The proportions of people and trees are almost the same as theirs, and their height reaches human knees.

This discovery only flashed in Tang You's mind, but Tang You ignored it, because the man had already run up to Yin Zhan and bent down to hold him down.

Yin Zhan was just pretending, sneered in his heart, and gave a weak chirp on his face. Seeing the other party getting closer, he jumped up vigorously, and quickly stabbed out with a claw, stabbing hard into his eye socket!


The screams spread from the branches in an instant, the man covered his injured eyes, vaguely saw the figure of the fur ball, and punched out furiously: "Damn it, I'm going to kill you!"

Yin Zhan expected that he would make a move, and tried his best to dodge it, but the fur ball was not flexible. He was still hit by a wing, and he fell suddenly. There was a crisp click in his ear, and he knew it was The bone was broken, and a violent anger suddenly surged in his heart. He was about to get up and fight again, but he saw a familiar figure rushing to block him.

In the next second, there was a "bang" sound, and the blood immediately stained the sight red.

His pupils shrank suddenly.

Tang You was hit in the abdomen and fell backward on Yin Zhan's body, his voice trembling with pain, "Hurry... run..."

"—Who told you to come out?!" Yin Zhan suddenly got up and stared at him, recalled some bad memories by this scene, and said angrily, "Didn't I tell you to be honest, you are stupid!"

"I..." Tang You wanted to say that I was worried about you, but he caught a glimpse of the man raising his gun again and struggling, "Get out of here..."


The bullet penetrated Yin Zhan and hit the branch, splashing blood all over the ground. Yin Zhan staggered and fell beside Tang You, his left wing was in sharp pain. Seeing that he was not dead, the man wanted to shoot again, but was held down by the rushing people, who advised him not to be impulsive.

Tang You struggled to turn his head in this gap: "You... How are you?"

At this point in the matter, Yin Zhan calmed down instead, so calm that even those angry emotions dissipated, he subconsciously wanted to say, "Leave me alone at this time, good man", but swallowed the words back, saying: " I'm fine."

As soon as the words fell, a crisp cry sounded from the sky, hitting the soul directly, and the big bird followed the sound and landed with a bang. Seeing the tragic situation of Tang You and Yin Zhan, it suddenly burst into a mournful cry.

The ratio of adult Baile Bird to humans was too large, and those people backed away again and again, looking terrified.

The male bird followed closely behind, circled half a circle above the head, grabbed the bloody man with its giant claws, and threw it down the tree!

The rest of the people drew their guns in horror, but before they pulled the trigger, another group of people rushed forward. Tang You faintly heard the words "Animal Protection Association", and his heart relaxed, and then he felt chills all over his body.

The female bird didn't leave him after she landed, and kept rubbing her head against him.

"Actually, I'm not your son, I'm sorry... I made you sad..." Tang You suddenly wanted to cry, and then thought that the fur ball was still in the hole, so he began to think about how to tell it, but at this moment he heard a familiar chirping sound, Can't help but look over, see Maoqiu running towards this side with short legs, probably woke up by hearing the sound of a big bird.

He was completely relieved, looked away, and opened his mouth: "Brother."

Yin Zhan said, "Huh?"

Tang You said: "I'm very glad to meet you, actually I..."

Yin Zhan interrupted: "I know, you have traveled through time."

"How do you..."

"I've known it since the first day I saw you, you forgot, I have a feeling," Yin Zhan looked at him, "Go to sleep."

Tang You felt the severe pain getting further and further away from him, so he closed his eyes.

The people from the Animal Protection Association rushed forward, and Big Bird seemed to know them and did not stop them. Yin Zhan was still at peace, and felt the familiar feeling of being separated from the soul coming from his body. He glanced to the side for the last time, and when he heard those people say that he was still alive, he knew that the soul of the original body was still there, and he should be able to live.

He secretly hoped that he would have the opportunity to tell that kid in the future, and gradually fell into the abyss of consciousness.

At this time, Tang You's soul returned to the place where it was last time, but the previous shadows had long since disappeared. He walked in a daze for a while, and found a person lying in front of him, so he ran to help him up, and saw that he just opened his eyes.

This is a young man, wearing a white robe, it is impossible to tell what dynasty it is.

Tang You was puzzled: "Who are you?"

The young man raised his face, his exquisite facial features seemed to have been chiseled by ghosts and gods, without any blemishes, he stared at him for a while, and then spoke slowly.

"...Sinan," he said, "My name is Sinan, what about you?"