While the System Crashed

Chapter 56: Orc Empire 1


After Tang You regained consciousness, he found himself soaking in warm water.

To be more precise, he is suspended in a cylindrical transparent instrument that is one person tall, his body is filled with water, his mouth is connected to a respirator, and his arms are wrapped with various tubes.

His first reaction was whether the original owner might be someone else's test product, but then he saw the words "hospital" printed on the instrument, and he felt relieved. He guessed that it might be a repair fluid. It seems that the technology in this world is very advanced.

He had just finished thinking when he saw the door of the room was pushed open suddenly, and several doctors and nurses hurried in, followed by several people dressed as students, both men and women, and some of them gave him a hard look. But that's not the point, the point is that they all have furry ears on their heads and a tail behind them.

Tang You: "..."

Tang You subconsciously wanted to see if he had it too, but he couldn't exert any strength, so he could only continue to look at them. As the sense organs gradually returned to their positions, he quickly felt the pain, and his whole body was in pain.

At the same time, he heard the doctor's indistinct voice, to the effect that the patient was out of danger, and he could be taken out and sent back to the ward after soaking for another half an hour. Now, a small amount of anesthetic can be added to let him sleep for a while. Sleep.

The little nurse responded, walked to the console and pressed a few buttons.

The doctor started chatting with the students who came, probably discussing his condition. Two students nodded from time to time, and the rest walked to the treatment cabin to look at him. They didn't look very good, but maybe they felt that He was injured and did not speak.

Tang You turned his gaze, and quickly noticed a stern-looking young man in the crowd. He stood five steps away from them, with a strong sense of presence, and was quietly looking at the two people chatting with the doctor.

Perhaps sensing his gaze, the stern young man raised his head and looked at him.

The doctor went out after speaking, and the two students also looked at the treatment cabin in unison. Seeing the people inside looking at the stern young man, one of them touched the young man with his arm and said something in a low voice . The young man stood there for another two or three seconds, then stepped forward, looked at him and said lightly, "Recover well."

Tang You always felt that he looked down on him a bit, and when he realized that the anesthesia was starting to take effect, he closed his eyes.

This one fell asleep.

The dream is full of memories of the original owner.

He guessed right, the technology in this world is indeed highly developed, and has developed to the galaxy.

Today there are three major empires, two of humans and one of orcs. The place where the original owner is is the orc empire.

It is said to be an empire, but in fact it does not have the existence of an emperor like humans, but an alliance of orcs from various races. When something happens, they will discuss it together, but it is called the orc empire by the outside world.

The original owner is Bai Rui Beast, and this planet is called Bai Ruixing.

Bai Rui Beast is the overlord among the orcs. It has always been called the White Dragon, because they have a third form of white dragon besides the ordinary orc and pure beast form. It will turn into silver-white scales, and its attack power will also double, but no one has reached this level for a long time, and it has almost become a legend.

The current situation is stable.

Although there have been many wars between humans and orcs before, they have entered a stable period with the joint efforts of both sides. Since ten years ago, they have gradually increased exchanges, especially their people from Bai Ruixing. The relationship between the high level of the human empire is very close.

Maybe it's because the idea of communication is still short, and some deep-rooted thoughts have not changed, such as discrimination against the hybrids of humans and Bai Rui beasts. Although the current king of Bai Rui beasts is very opposed to discrimination and has made many speeches in public, I am afraid that in a short time Still can't get rid of this phenomenon.

Unfortunately, the original owner was that kind of mixed blood.

His father is Bai Rui Beast and his mother is human.

The result of interracial fusion is: low genes, short lifespan, and even deformities in severe cases.

However, current studies have shown that the blood of the Bai Rui beast is very helpful in treating the general weakness of mixed blood. Perhaps because there is half of the blood of Bai Rui beast in the body, the original owner is not as weak as other mixed blood, and has survived until now and was admitted to the It's just that... the tail is a little shorter than the pureblood's.

Because of this tail, the original owner has been discriminated against, often bullied at school, and no one can say anything at home. At that time, my mother was seriously ill, and my father devoted most of his energy to her, but unfortunately, my mother died only after the original owner entered junior high school. My father was too sad, and got drunk and got into a car accident. He also passed away. In an instant, only The original owner was alone, and was finally picked up by the uncle.

The uncle lives in another city and has only one son, who is one year older than the original owner. He is a genius in school and is very popular. Thanks to his cousin, after the original owner transferred to another school, the situation of discrimination has improved significantly.

Life has been on track ever since.

With the help of his cousin, the original owner slowly got over the pain of losing his loved ones, his grades gradually improved, and he was admitted to an upper-middle high school, just next door to the key high school where his cousin was. The cousin is the proud son of heaven, and he met all excellent people. The original owner mixed with them, and gradually developed a good impression of a friend of the cousin. Although he was not looked down upon by others, he still liked him very much. After chasing, I went to the university.

Of course, the original owner couldn't get into a first-rate university, so he ignored his cousin's objection and applied to a third-rate university, just because this school was next door to his sweetheart.

Although the cousin was a little disappointed with him, he would still try to call him when he went out to play. Afterwards, his sweetheart probably talked about it with the cousin, and the cousin respected the other party's wishes and did not call him. The original owner simply took the opportunity to join in In the past, it was just that the person he liked was too good, and he was the male god of many people. When people saw that he was a half-breed and always went to the male god, they were naturally unhappy, and secretly caused him a lot of stumbling blocks.

At this time, the original owner was already independent, and he didn't want to complain to his cousin because of a trivial matter, so he kept fighting with them, and his temper became worse and worse. .

The original owner didn't want to swallow this breath, and started to set them up, but they were all caught by the male god. He could see that the male god hated him more and more, and he was panicked and anxious all day long.

Day after day, he finally couldn't stand this painful torture. Yesterday, after drinking some wine, he ran to the male god's school to block him, asking him if he could like him.

The male god's voice was very cold, and he said bluntly: "No, it's not possible now, and it won't be possible in the future."

The original owner wanted to ask the reason, and wanted to say that he could change what he didn't like, but the male god didn't want to chat with him anymore, turned around and left. The suitors nearby took a good look at their situation and said mockingly, "How can a male god like short tails?"

"That's right, the male god is so good, of course he has to be matched with a pure blood, a mixed blood don't have to daydream."

"Hey, why don't you try to grow the tail again?"

"Ha ha ha ha… "

"Nonsense, how can you lie to a child? He's still a mixed race after he grows up. It's useless. Why don't you reincarnate."

A group of people burst into laughter.

The original owner was not in the mood to quarrel with them at that time, and his mind was full of wanting to end this pain, so he went to the window in a numb manner, saw the male god had gone downstairs, yelled at him, and immediately jumped from upstairs go down.

Tang You opened his eyes after waking up, feeling pain all over his body as if falling apart. He thought to himself that it was fortunate that the floor was not too high, otherwise he would not be able to save it even after soaking in repair fluid ten times.

He looked around and found that he had been transferred to the ward.

The family background of the uncle's family is very good. He lived in a single room. At that time, the window was opened a little, and the breeze blew in the unique fragrance of plants and trees of this planet, adding a sense of tranquility to the ward. At this moment, there was a soft "click" sound from the door, and my cousin Gu Qi opened the door, looking at him with a cold expression on his usual gentle expression: "What do you want to say?"

Tang You explained: "I drank too much."

Gu Qi said: "If you drink too much, can you jump off the building?"

Tang You said, "You can't argue with a drunk."

Gu Qi patiently said "hmm", and really didn't bother with him anymore, but dragged a chair and sat by the bed, and asked, "After this incident, what do you think?"

Tang You looked serious: "I think wishful love is not worth mentioning in front of life, so I decided to plan my life well in the future and stop being obsessed."

Gu Qi was obviously taken aback, and looked at him suspiciously: "The truth?"

Tang You nodded weakly.

Gu Qi stared at him for a while, got up and said, "Okay, I'll go find A Yu right now, and tell him that you won't pester him anymore."

Tang You said, "Go."

Gu Qi sat down again, and began to believe that he really wanted to give up, his face improved a bit, and asked him how he felt. Tang You wanted to say that his whole body was in pain, but he knew that what he got in return would be a sentence he deserved, so he swallowed it back and told him that he felt fine.

He asked, "Have you talked to Uncle about this?"

Gu Qi said, "Not yet."

Tang You said: "Stop talking, lest they worry, anyway, I will be discharged from the hospital in a few days."

Gu Qi asked: "Is it to prevent them from scolding you?"

Tang You defaulted.

Gu Qi didn't intend to say anything, after all, they were all grown up, and some things could be handled by themselves, but fortunately they didn't get to the point of no return. He chatted with him for a while, seeing that his cousin's expression was still not very good, he signaled him to sleep again, and by the way, he hired a special nurse for him, told him to come see him at night, and then went back to school.

Tang You felt drowsy, and after a little thought about where his brother would be now and how he would contact him, he quickly fell asleep.

It was probably because he had already slept. He didn't sleep for a long time this time. After waking up again, he felt better. Then he went to soak the repair fluid once, and finally the pain didn't feel so bad.

He leaned against the head of the bed, took a look in the mirror he asked for from the special nurse, moved his furry ears, and then stroked his tail. He felt that it was not so difficult to accept. After all, he was a beast, and he had been Xiaobaize for several years. , now at least he can maintain his human form, but if he is seen by a hooligan, he may be in a bit of bad luck.

Wait, will his brother also dress up as an orc

He imagined Yin Zhan becoming an orc, and couldn't help curling his lips.

Seeing him smiling in the mirror, the special guard thought to himself that his employer might be narcissistic, so he lowered his head to peel fruit for him. At this moment, he heard a few knocks of "Tuk Tuk", and looked towards the door. People come in.

Tang You took a look and raised his eyebrows when he realized that it was the group of brainless fans who attacked him.

Those people put the fruit basket on the bedside: "Let's come and see you."

Tang You hummed: "Speak directly if you have something to say."

Those few people said: "I just want to see you."

Tang You said: "Then you are finished watching now."

Those people were silent for two seconds, took a step towards the bed, and said: "Although our relationship is not very good, there is something we still want to persuade you. Don't be so impulsive in the future, and drink less alcohol. Yesterday you Do you remember what you did when you were drunk?"

Tang You asked clearly: "It means you persuaded me to reincarnate?"

Those people: "..."

Tang You thought for a while: "Or you guys persuaded me to get a tail off?"

Those people: "..."

Tang You glanced at them, and added considerately: "Or maybe it means that mixed races should not daydream? I'm really sorry, although I was drunk, I still remember what I said yesterday, oh, and it's my first time I also know about you guys staring at me outside the treatment cabin after waking up."

The faces of those people were a little stiff.

This time it was really a big mess, they were afraid that this person would not hold back like before, but would tell Gu Qi what happened at that time, so they couldn't help but wanted to ask a question, and it turned out that this person not only remembered, He also said everything in front of the special guard, if Gu Qi found out, they would be miserable.

Among those few people, someone came back to his senses first: "We didn't say, did you have auditory hallucinations after you got drunk?"

The others reacted immediately: "That's right, we didn't talk about this."

"If you think about it again, we really didn't say that you suddenly jumped off the building yesterday, we were all terrified, and you were the first to call the ambulance!"

Tang You heheed in his heart, looking at them in disbelief, his voice was extremely weak: "I still wonder why... how come you came to see me with such kindness, it turned out that it was because of this, I have seen people spitting blood, but I have never seen anything like... like you In this way..." Before he finished speaking, he rolled his eyes and became dizzy.

Those people: "=口="

The special nurse's face changed, and he hurriedly rang the bell beside the bed, and the doctor rushed in after a while. Tang You closed his eyes and lifted the corpse, and heard the special guard call his cousin, and those people left in fear, and lay down for a while, before waking up faintly.

Gu Qi came very quickly, after getting the general situation from the special guard, his expression turned cold, and he asked his cousin if they said those words.

Tang You nodded aggrievedly and looked at him silently.

He has been in anxiety for a long time, and his body is covered with thorns. Gu Qi has not seen his cousin's soft side for a long time, so he couldn't help but patted his head soothingly. Tang You moved his ears and moved away a little.

Gu Qi didn't mind, so he had dinner with him and told him to leave the matter to him.

Tang You naturally believed in his ability, and since then he has recuperated obediently. A few days later, when he saw those people coming to apologize to him, he said coldly, "I don't accept the apology. I will never forgive you in this life." The trap, just killed a life, why should he forgive them

Gu Qi glanced at him.

Tang You said softly: "Cousin, there are some things I didn't say before because I didn't think it was necessary. Now I can tell you that my temper and personality have changed so much a while ago, and it has a direct relationship with them. This time I was the one who rescued him, what if he didn’t?”

Gu Qi responded and looked at those people: "Go out."

Seeing them leaving in disgrace, Tang You felt relieved and asked, "Can I go online?"

Gu Qi said: "Your communicator is broken, I will buy you a new one tomorrow."

Tang You was very satisfied, and took his hand: "Cousin, I will be successful in the future, and I will definitely repay you well."

Gu Qi slapped him away amusedly, and couldn't help saying that since he woke up, his temperament has changed a lot. Tang You was very calm, and told him that after a life and death, he saw many things away. Gu Qi didn't doubt it. After all, my cousin had always had a good temper before his personality became gloomy, but now he has just changed back, and is a little more cheerful and cunning, which is a good thing.

Modern medicine is very advanced. Tang You only stayed for a week before being discharged from the hospital and returned to the college.

The story of jumping off the building had spread, and the original owner was of mixed race, so Tang You noticed a lot of scrutinizing eyes along the way. He ignored it and went straight into the dormitory.

Similar to the Central Military Academy in the previous life, this is an apartment-style dormitory for two. The roommate had just finished class at this time and was sitting in the living room. Seeing this, he stepped forward and looked at him: "Are you all right?"

Tang You saw that he had visited the patient while he was in the hospital, and knew from his memory that his relationship with the original owner was not bad, so he said kindly, "It's already healed."

The roommate nodded: "What do you want for lunch? Congratulations on your discharge from the hospital."

Tang You could do whatever he said, and put the clothes he brought back from the hospital back into the bedroom. The roommate followed in and said, "By the way, do you know that a big event happened in the game recently?"

Tang You's hand paused slightly.

The game my roommate said was called "The Fifth World".

Created by one of the Imperiums of Man, the game was released simultaneously across all three empires, and the response was overwhelming.

In addition to the exquisite and meticulous design of the game itself, there are many hidden plots. The most important thing is that each server hides a crown. Those who own the crown can open the "Fifth World" copy, own a city, and become a talisman The real king.

It has been more than three years since the game was released, and no one has found the crown so far. This has led to more and more people entering the game driven by curiosity, and then unable to stop.

Tang You will pay attention to it after waking up, because the game company will give a specially customized limited edition gift to anyone who finds the crown, and each server is different.

He wanted that very much.

He casually asked, "Oh, what's the matter?"

The roommate said: "The leader of our No. 1 guild has publicly shown his love to the leader of the Chongyun guild!"

Tang You was not very interested in this kind of gossip, and asked, "Then?"

The roommate said: "In the end, I was rejected on the spot. The gang leader was sad and directly gave up the position of gang leader to the deputy gang leader. So far, there is no news. I probably won't come up again. If I want to come up, I will practice trumpet. After all, it is too embarrassing."

Tang You said, "Oh."

The roommate said: "...give me some other reaction, don't you just pay attention to the White Dragon Gang?"

The so-called who, of course, refers to the male god whom the original owner had a crush on.

Because of his cousin's relationship, he knew that the male god was also playing this game, so he registered an account and planned to get close to him in the game. Of course, only his cousin and roommates knew about this, and no one else knew about it.

Tang You said: "No, I have decided to let go completely, and his matter has nothing to do with me in the future."

The roommate was surprised: "Really?"

"Really." Tang You didn't want to explain his psychological process repeatedly, so he told him that he was hungry, followed him downstairs to have a meal, picked other topics to dismiss him, and then got away with it.

They didn't have classes in the afternoon, so Tang You joined Xingwang.

Today's web is a holographic environment, made very real. He entered the news section as usual, and carefully looked through entertainment gossip, missing person notices, public love letters and other things like a few days ago, and found that the result was the same as before, and he still couldn't find the news left by his brother.

He thought about it, and sent a touching love letter on the largest forum in the country. After exiting, he scanned the commonly used icon "The Fifth World", clicked on the game, and then matched his id: Qingshilianyu.

He frowned immediately, and after he entered, he went to discuss and bought a elixir to change its name. He originally wanted to change it to Tangtang, but found that it had already been registered, so he entered the three words "Lezhenghong", and the modification was successful immediately.

He looked at the scrolling channel information in the lower left corner, pondered for a moment, and honked a horn.

[Speaker] Le Zhenghong: Call Yin Zhan, call Yin Zhan, call Yin Zhan.

The horn hadn't stayed in the world for three seconds, and was quickly brushed off by others.

[Trumpet] Wolf King: Where's the little fox? Brother brushed a good thing, do you want it

Tang You waited for a while, but didn't see an answer, so he swiped another message that was exactly the same as before. Unexpectedly, two seconds later, another speaker came up.

[Horn] Qingshi Xiaohu: What is it [Star Eyes]

[Speaker] Wolf King: Husband will tell you if you call out [bad laugh]

[Horn] Qingshi Xiaohu: Oh, I hate it~

[Trumpet] Wolf King: Hurry up.

Tang You waited for a few minutes this time, and found that the other party hadn't heard from him. He guessed it was either a private chat or the other party ignored him, so he sent another message.

[Speaker] Le Zhenghong: Yin Zhan Yin Zhan Yin Zhan, see the answer.

This time the horn was jacked up as soon as it went up.

[Speaker] Qingshi Xiaohu: I just went to the bathroom, I don’t call you husband, how about it, I’ll sing a song for you~

Tang You: "..."

[Trumpet] Wolf King: Come on.

[Horn] Qingshi Xiaohu: Little Brother~Jun Quietly~

[Speaker] Le Zhenghong: Why don't I sing you a few songs, the songs are called "Don't Cry Brainless", "Happy Breakup", "Goodbye, Love", "Kill the Two Dogs Opposite" and "Dog Dog" ,I do not love you anymore".

[World] Wolf King: ...

[World] Qingshi little fox: ...