While the System Crashed

Chapter 6: Mary Su God 1



Tang You felt a pain in his chest, his consciousness quickly blurred, and then he woke up drenched in cold sweat.

The last time he crossed into a tree, he didn't feel anything when he died, but this time he felt the death and pain intuitively. He gasped with lingering fear, and before leaving the machine, he fainted again.

Opening his eyes again, there was a whitish ceiling above his head, and a voice rang in his ears: "Master, you are awake."

Tang You was stunned, sat up abruptly, looked at his hands, and only had one thought in his mind: he finally became a human!

This is a bedroom.

The room was large, with much better lighting than his tiny apartment. While he was looking at it, a middle-aged man in a black suit pressed the button on the head of the bed, and saw the curtains moving slowly, the morning light pouring in unscrupulously, and the breeze wafting in the fragrance of flowers, with the smell of spring.

Tang You collected himself and looked at him.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Master, good morning."

"Good morning." Tang You suppressed the daze of coming to the new world, and replied as calmly as possible. Hearing that he said that he wanted to eat breakfast, he went to wash up obediently. As a result, when he looked up and saw himself in the mirror, he was instantly shocked. Shock.

This is a boy of seventeen to eighteen years old, with fair skin and perfect facial features, which makes people involuntarily come up with countless compliments in an instant, but this is not the point. The point is that the color of his pupils is blue and purple. Jump. He has long hair, the overall color is beige, and it gradually changes from the ears, the change is very shallow, and it will not give people a sense of abruptness, but there are too many colors, there are seven of them.

The word "colorful long hair" jumped into his mind unexpectedly, Tang You was stunned for a moment, and it took more than ten seconds to come back to his senses. He thought that maybe this hair color was popular recently, and then he went to the mirror to check carefully, and found that he was not wearing a hair color. He knew that the color of his eyes was natural, so he washed silently, changed into the clothes that seemed to be prepared for him, and walked out slowly.

This is actually a villa.

He stood in the corridor, looked at the stairs not far away, and came to a conclusion. He didn't feel the frivolity of getting rich overnight, but he was a little nervous. He walked downstairs with a sullen face, and saw two people dressed as maids serving dishes on the table. Go and sit down.

He waited for a few seconds, and found that only the plate in front of him contained food. He guessed that he was eating alone in the whole room, so he didn't dare to say anything else, and started to eat quietly, um, it was quite delicious.

The middle-aged man stood beside him from the beginning to the end, with a small smile on the corner of his mouth, quietly accompanying him.

Tang You was pretending to be troubled, and at the same time, he was afraid that some of his little actions would reveal his secrets, so he only ate a little, drank the milk, and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

The man asked softly, "Master, are you full?"

Tang You said, "Yes."

The man signaled the maid to clean up the table, and took out a card: "Master, the transportation card has already been recharged to three million."

Tang You suddenly felt that a certain nerve had been severely chopped off, and was caught off guard: "... what?"

The man was silent, thinking that he didn't hear clearly, and patiently repeated: "According to your previous instructions, the traffic card has been charged for 3 million, here it is."

"..." Tang You took it silently, feeling turbulent in his heart.

Three million is used to take the bus or subway, so it won’t be spent in the next life, right? Isn't it good to buy a car with this money? Even if you don't buy a sports car, you can buy an electric tricycle. Why do you have to work so hard to take the bus

He held the card tightly and decided to find a chance to refund the money in a while.

The man took out another card, without changing his tone: "Master, the meal card has already been recharged to five million."

Tang You: "..."

The meal card is five million, can it be refunded? What if I can't refund? Tang You grabbed the card again, hummed with a sullen expression, feeling a little bad all over.

At this time, the man took out the third card: "Master, the fitness card has already been charged to 10 million."

Tang You: "………………"

Is today April Fool's Day? What fitness can cost 10 million? Go inside and smash equipment? Tang You glanced at him in a daze, took it almost numbly, and waited for him to draw out the fourth card.

However, there was no fourth card. After the man handed it all over to him, he took the school uniform jacket and schoolbag from the maid and waited for him to get up. Tang You glanced at him again, put on his coat, found a wallet in his pocket, and took it out to put the three insane cards in, but just as he opened it, he saw the ID card inside.

I only felt that the name column read: Tang Lanpo Aches Zi Elvis Muzhe.

This became the last straw that overwhelmed him. He closed his wallet with trembling hands, deeply feeling that this is not going to work. He doesn't even know where the school is, let alone the class. The most important thing is what kind of world this is.

He looked at the man and said weakly, "I'm not feeling well, please ask me for a leave of absence, I won't go today."

The man responded and looked at him worriedly: "Then I'll call the doctor."

"No, no, I'll just sleep on it." Tang You declined his kindness, walked upstairs lightly, and returned to the bedroom following his memory.

It was said on the shuttle that the bodies they found wanted to die, so what was the reason for the original owner of this body? Is life too hopeless? He thought in his heart, lay down on the bed, and closed his eyes.

Maybe it was because he had just experienced life and death and didn't get a moment's respite, or maybe his body was already very tired, so he quickly fell asleep. In the dream, it was still the wilderness that he had been to before. The difference was that he sat on a boulder with the young man named Si Nan. Looking up, he saw the dark red land with no grass growing all the way to the sky, as if it had no end. of.

He suddenly felt familiar, and asked, "What kind of place is this?"

Sinan's voice was pleasant, and he said with a smile, "This is a realm of freedom, which is not accessible to ordinary people."

"The Realm of Freedom," Tang You murmured, and then asked, "Then why are you here?"

"I..." Si Nan hurriedly looked towards the sky as soon as he said a word. Tang You subconsciously wanted to follow him, but he was surprised to find that an invisible force was pulling him, as if trying to take him out of this space. At the same time, he noticed that The wrist was held hard, and it was cold.

He couldn't help looking at Sinan.

The emotion in Si Nan's eyes was extremely intense for a moment, but soon became calm again, and he said softly, "Don't forget me, I'm here alone... very lonely."

A certain emotion surged up, and Tang You almost blurted out: "But you shouldn't be here, Sinan Shangxian."

Si Nan was taken aback for a moment, smiled, and slowly let go of his hand.

Tang You seemed to remember many things in an instant, but he couldn't grasp anything after careful study.

He struggled for a moment, and quickly left the red land, and then countless pictures came one after another. He knew that this was the memory of the original body that had just crossed over, so he adjusted his state and looked at it carefully.

The original body had the same surname as Tang, and his parents were both of mixed blood from the two countries, and they were different. Therefore, he was of mixed blood from the four countries, one of which was the royal blood of country e. Elvis in his name is the royal surname, and Aches is the surname of his grandmother's maiden family, which is also a very powerful family.

Tang You couldn't help but want to cover his face when he knew this.

Even though he hasn't read many novels, he still knows that there is a word called Mary Sue. He was trying to comfort himself before, but now he is completely sure that he has traveled to the world of Mary Sue and has become the protagonist—the legendary A collection of thousands of pets in one, everyone loves it, and has ambiguous existence with n many supporting roles.

Although Tang You resisted this identity very much, he couldn't stop the memories that kept coming, so he could only watch it resignedly.

The original owner's parents are both on the world's wealth list, and they are not currently in China. In addition, he has three older brothers, all of whom are also abroad. Now he is the only one in China who attends aristocratic schools.

The technology in this world is highly developed and has entered the era of big data.

It was only then that Tang You realized that the traffic card was not only used to take the bus and subway, but also to take the plane. This card can be swiped directly to enter the ticket gate. When swiping, the system will automatically connect to the ticketing system, and at the same time, a transparent interface will pop up for passengers to choose seats. Very convenient.

Humans here are already marching into the universe, and space travel has become a new term. This card can also be used to swipe tickets for spaceships. In this way, it is not so unacceptable to charge 3 million.

The situation of the meal card is similar. Noble Academy cooperates with many world-renowned high-end restaurants. With this card, you can swipe it at will. It's hard to say anything.

A fitness card is a membership card, with which one can enter five high-end fitness and entertainment clubs in the world. It only looks at the card, not the money, and all consumption is swiped from the card. Sometimes a party can cost one or two million.

After Tang You understood the situation, he felt that his little heart that had been stimulated before was relieved a little. Looking at those pictures, he finally saw the reason why the original owner committed suicide.

At the original owner's school, the girls and the thin boys were jealous of him, while the tall and handsome boys liked him—Tang You suddenly felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it, so he looked down again.

Recently, a new boy was transferred to the class. He was very handsome, but he didn't like him. He couldn't accept it at all, and started pestering that boy, blocking him in the art room. As a result, he suddenly stumbled and stretched out his hand in fright. He wanted to grab something, but accidentally tore off the boy's pants, and both of them fell down, with his whole face buried in each other's crotch. At that time, the students in the class came in one after another, all shocked , Those who were jealous of him quickly took photos, posted anonymously on the forum, and began to say that he was selling goods.

The original owner originally hoped that the boy would say something, but he still ignored him, so he came to the door angrily again and asked why he didn't like him.

The boy said: "Because you are too ugly, like a monster, please stay away from me, thank you."

The original owner was deeply shocked, and walked down the street in a trance, and suddenly saw a pharmacy, and used his beauty to trick countless people into buying him a sleeping pill, which he took at night.

- Suicide just because of this

After waking up, Tang You lay on the bed in a daze, not knowing what to say.

Maybe it was because he was dreaming too much, but he was still a little dizzy. He only recovered after lying in the bedroom for a whole day. The next morning, after eating, he walked out slowly with his schoolbag in his hand. I can't even move my legs.

He struggled for a long time, hugged his schoolbag and nestled in front of the door: "I want to go back and make fur balls..."

The housekeeper stood behind him, didn't hear clearly, and quickly squatted down: "What's the matter, young master, are you still not feeling well?"

Tang You held back for a while, and asked, "I don't want to go to school?"