While the System Crashed

Chapter 8: Mary Su God 3


Tang You was more concerned about the definition of "like", and immediately asked him what kind of like he was after taking a sip of wine.

Yin Zhan didn't drag him this time, and replied with a smile that it was the kind of love, and by the way, he also told him that all the boys who often hang around him in school had a crush on him. Tang You grabbed the wine glass and was stunned. Yin Zhan didn't know how many times he felt that this kid was so stupid that people wanted to bully him, so he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Can't you see?"

Tang You nodded obediently.

Yin Zhan suddenly became a little curious, and purposely drank him a few sips of wine, until his eyes became blurred before asking: "When you grow up so old, no one has confessed to you?"

Tang You was a little drunk, so ignoring the original owner's situation, he talked about his own experience: "Yes, there was a girl who often bullied me when I was in junior high school, and then one day after school, she approached me and said she liked me, I... I was scared away. "

"You ran away?" Yin Zhan laughed, "What happened next?"

Tang You said: "After that, she didn't talk to me anymore."

Immediately, Yin Zhan felt that this kid was too cute, and asked if any boys had chased him. Tang You responded, saying that there was a boy who liked him in high school and confessed his love. Yin Zhan couldn't help asking: "Are you scared away again?"

"...No," Tang You recalled, "he asked me to think about it for one night. The next day I heard that he had injured his leg in a car accident and needed to be raised for a while. It happened that his parents were going to move out of town for business, so I didn't See you again."

Such a coincidence, could it be because he is a destined person? Thinking of the word "Tiandao", Yin Zhan smiled slightly, and asked him if he had any feelings for others. Seeing that he shook his head in embarrassment, he asked again: "Then what type do you like? Male and female?"

Tang You thought for a while: "I... I don't know either."

Yin Zhan thought to himself that maybe he hadn't gotten the hang of it yet, so he didn't continue this topic, poured him wine with a smile, and prepared to talk. Tang You held up the glass in a daze, staring blankly at the more and more wine in it, and only moved back after a few seconds. Yin Zhan stopped in time and clinked glasses with him.

Tang You drank a few sips obediently, but his thoughts were still on the previous matter: "But the fortune teller said that my marriage is very good."

Yin Zhan immediately laughed: "Stupid boy, how many fortune tellers on the street are spiritual? It's better to find them than me."

Tang You defended: "But he said that my parents are not related, I think it is quite accurate."

Yin Zhan paused slightly as he turned the wine glass: "Your parents are not related?"

Tang You nodded: "Yes."

Yin Zhan asked: "Then what else did he say?"

"He said that my parents are shallow and my brothers are mediocre, but my marriage is very good. If I get married, my parents' relationship may become better..." Tang You tried to explain that he was an orphan, had never met his parents, and had always been with an orphanage. The brothers supported each other, so it was quite accurate, but he was so drunk that he thought he had finished speaking a lot of words, seeing that Yin Zhan was silent, he asked, "Why...how?"

"It's nothing," Yin Zhan said lightly, "A person I once knew... had a similar fate."

"Oh..." Tang You's head sank, he put down his wine glass and nestled on the bed, and quickly fell asleep.

Yin Zhan: "..."

"You wait for me!" Yin Zhan rushed over to push him, seeing that his eyes were still closed, he was speechless for a while.

He originally planned to get Tang You drunk, and if he couldn't get it out, he would pretend to be drunk and say that he was a time traveler, and wait for the boy to confess himself, and then he would not admit it the next day, and this person would not chase after him He asked all kinds of questions, but who knew that Tang You could get drunk so easily, and the behavior after drunk was to sleep obediently and not make a fuss at all.

He poked someone: "Wake up."

Tang You had just transmigrated into this world, subconsciously hadn't adjusted yet, shrank into the pillow, and chirped.

"Chirp what chirp, do you think you're still a hairball?" Yin Zhan poked a few more times, sat on the edge of the bed and stared at him, recalling the conversation just now, an outrageous guess flashed in his mind, and he immediately suppressed him go down.

No... He lowered his eyes. At the beginning, his lover was a ghost, and he didn't even have a reincarnation. Otherwise, he wouldn't want to go with him, not to mention that there are too many people with shallow parents and ordinary brothers. Their personalities are completely different. No, it's just a coincidence.

He calmed down the emotions in his heart, and continued to try to call Tang You a few times. Tang You dodged his hand, moaning and whimpering into the bed. Yin Zhan saw that his eyes had finally opened a small gap, and brought him over: "Don't sleep, I have a question."

Tang You's eyes couldn't focus, and he didn't look at him at all: "Well..."

Yin Zhan said, "You came from time travel, right?"

Tang You was silent for five to six seconds, hummed honestly, listened to his inquiry in a daze, and fell silent again. Yin Zhan knew that his mind was numb and easily stuck, so he got closer and patiently consumed his temper with him, and it took him a long time to get the information he wanted from his intermittent voice.

He repeated incredulously: "The system crashed?"

Tang You didn't answer, this time he fell into a complete coma.

Yin Zhan pulled the quilt to cover him, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the iris blooming in the garden, deep in thought.

The traversing machine was transformed by the Bodhi Mirror. The so-called system crash must be due to the Bodhi Mirror being attacked and cannot be repaired, but that mirror is a magical weapon. What attack can cause damage to it

He thought about it for a while, and when he heard a few "beeps", he put down his glass and opened the door, told the butler that someone was drunk, and lazily went home with his schoolbag.

After Tang You woke up the next day, his head was swollen, and he sat on the bed for a while before floating into the bathroom to wash. Remembering that someone chased him last night, he was startled into a cold sweat, and then realized that his deskmate was a transfer student. Feeling that there was no problem, he patted his little heart, packed up and went downstairs to eat.

The housekeeper stood by him as usual, and persuaded him after seeing him finish eating: "Master, you are still too young, try not to drink."

"Well, I won't drink anymore," Tang You said as he put on his coat and took his schoolbag. "By the way, there is one thing."

The butler smiled: "Young master, tell me."

Tang You said, "I want to change my name."

Butler: "..."

Five minutes later, Tang You was invited into the study, watched the housekeeper turn on the screen, waited a while, and soon saw a familiar person appear there. This person has short light linen hair, handsome appearance, and calm demeanor. He is the eldest brother of the original body, and his name is also very long. If you ignore the messy things in the middle, he can be called Tang Sizhe.

Tang Sizhe looked at his younger brother: "Did you dye your hair?"

Tang You nodded: "I think black looks better."

"Well, that's good," Tang Sizhe asked, "I heard you want to change your name?"

Tang You asked, "Is that okay?"

"Do you know the meaning of those representatives?" Tang Sizhe continued without waiting for his answer, "At present, there are four most prominent families in Huaguo, namely Su, Mo, Long and our Tang family, but eighty years ago, The Tang family is just a middle-class family, and the major families at that time were... "

Tang You listened to the old grievances, the more he listened, the more he felt that the topic was off topic, and he said, "Brother..."

Tang Sizhe hummed lightly, and said: "In that chaotic situation, it was grandpa who developed the family by himself. He loved grandma deeply, so he made a family rule that future generations must bear grandma's surname, that is, Ache S."

Tang You said, "Oh."

Tang Sizhe said: "Elvis is the surname of the royal family of country e. The history of this family can be traced back to the 1920s..."

Tang You: "..."

It was two hours later when Tang You stepped into the classroom. The boys in the class surrounded him again, but before he could ask any questions, he heard the class bell ringing, so he could only sit back reluctantly.

Seeing his dazed expression, Yin Zhan asked, "Why, haven't you sobered up yet? Can't you?"

Tang You said, "Wake up."

Yin Zhan secretly wondered if the child remembered yesterday's drunken talk, but he felt that it didn't seem like it, so he asked in a low voice, "Why did you come here?"

Tang You glanced at him and told him that he wanted to change his name, but his eldest brother gave him a history lesson, and finally asked him if he wanted to change it when his eyes were fluttering, and he said no, and was let out. Yin Zhan couldn't help laughing. Looking at his expression, he comforted him: "It's okay, this name has a personality."

Tang You was more open-minded, and adjusted his state after one class. The boy who borrowed the notes yesterday also dyed his hair black. He returned the notes with a smile, and at the same time, he did not forget to give Yin Zhan a look. The latter calmly got up and went to physical education class. Tang You hurried to catch up: "Wait for me."

Yin Zhantiao asked with a smile, "Won't you say a few words to your crush?"

Tang You shook his head violently. It was only when he saw that boy that he suddenly remembered that many people had a crush on him. Of course he had to run away. Now in this school, all the girls and some boys hate him, and the rest have a crush on him. After all, they can only be friends at the same table.

Yin Zhan smiled, stopped teasing him, and walked into the gymnasium with him leisurely.

Tang You looked left and right, and found that the group of boys did not circle around him, but chatted together, and asked optimistically, "You didn't lie to me yesterday, did you? You see, they have a good relationship, not like rivals in love."

"I don't understand, they see you have been close to me, they must be discussing how to cooperate with me to kill me..." Yin Zhan said for a while, and suddenly realized that the first person who passed through a tree in the first life and was the first to be rolled off the cliff He, in the second life, was dressed as a fur ball. Although he was not the first to fall, he was the first to face the hunter. If Tang You hadn't rushed out suddenly, he would have died first, and now he has become the target of public criticism. ... Could all this be a coincidence

If it wasn't a coincidence, what the world really wanted to kill... Could it be him

Tang You looked at his expression, thought he was thinking about the boys, and asked worriedly, "What should I do then? Shall I go and talk to them?"

"No need," Yin Zhan came back to his senses. He didn't want to pay attention to them at first, but with the guess just now, he couldn't sit still and patted Tang You on the shoulder affectionately, "Look at it, I can make you happy with a few words." They bowed down to me."

Tang You said, "Huh?"

Yin Zhan didn't answer, just walked over with a smile.