White Lotus Overturned Daily

Chapter 12: Protect short


Su Moli is one of the hundred people who are unwilling to attend any flower viewing banquet.

However, everyone has already picked it up in person.

She knew what Madam Hou meant and supported her.

But she didn't think it was necessary. After all, she didn't think she had such a good relationship with Madam Hou, she was just bored back then, so she detoxified Madam Hou easily.

When Su Moli walked in, Su Xinzhen could clearly hear the sound of everyone taking a breath, and a small sigh.

"Miss Su Family actually looks so stunning? This is too surprising!"

"No, such a look is unique in our capital!"

"Yes, but I can understand that the eldest princess Huimin back then was so stunning, but the Su family eldest lady lacked the princess Huimin's a bit fierce, a bit weaker."

"That's not the case. After all, it's under the stepmother to beg for a living. What's more, Miss Su's body is not good."

Today's Su Moli is wearing a white coat, and only a jade hairpin is used to fasten her hair bun.

There is no pink on the face, although it is a little pale, but today's spirit is good.

A pair of nice eyes with a few smiles make people feel good.

A slight smile made her alive.

After being blessed, Su Moli was about to greet me, when Madam Hou walked down quickly, and took Su Moli's hand: "Although it is summer, it is windy today, a bit cold, Yuer, I Bring that silver cloak."

"As soon as I see Miss Su, I like it tightly. Is it okay to call you away?"

Su Moli raised his head slightly, facing Madam Shanghou's gentle eyes, a little helpless: "Thank you Madam for your love."

After the cloak was brought, Mrs. Hou put it on Su Moli herself, and said with a smile: "Li'er has not been back to the capital for many years. It is time to have fun in the capital. I am very familiar with this capital. I will take you tomorrow. How about going out and shopping?"

Not so!

She doesn't want to move!

Don't pull her out of the house!

Su Moli's heart was roaring, but he didn't show it on his face. He whispered: "Don't bother Madam, my second and third sisters will take me out."

"The two sisters are very kind to me. A few days ago, they said they would give me gadgets from the capital."

With that, Su Moli raised his head and smiled at Su Xinzhen and Su Jiaxuan.

Su Jiaxuan naturally returned a bright smile, but Su Xinzhen's facial features were a little distorted.

Li Wensi was even more shocked. Madam Hou’s style was so different from before. Could it be that the eldest princess Huimin and Madam Hou had a good relationship with him, but she didn’t know

This is impossible!

At this time, Li Wensi was puzzled, but she would never believe that Su Moli and Madam Hou had a friendship.

After all, Su Moli was just a child in her eyes and could not be regarded as an opponent at all.

"Li'er is really kind, just returned to the prime minister's house, but is it comfortable?" Madam Hou looked at Su Moli with some worry in her eyes.

Everyone was horrified, and Mrs. Hou's words made it seem like she was afraid that her children would be harmed.

Ordinarily, the first time the two met, they would not have such a deep relationship.

Su Moli knew that Madam Hou really cared about herself, and said softly, "Madam, don’t worry, everything is fine at home. Grandma has prepared everything for me. The third sister often accompanies me. I am amused."

As he said, Su Moli coughed twice: "It's just that I am weak and I always can't play with my second sister." With a sigh, Su Moli glanced at Su Xinzhen apologetically.


Su Xinzhen was stunned. When did she make Su Moli amused

Su Moli curled his lips secretly, didn't he just teasing Su Xinzhen like a cat or puppy

If she really makes a move, will Su Xinzhen have a life

"You are a good boy." Madam Hou said in a bend in the back house where she didn't understand

The people sitting here are also human beings, thinking of what Li Wensi and Su Xinzhen said just now, Su Moli feels a little bit pitiful.

Is it the child born before, even if it is the eldest daughter

To have a stepmother is to have a stepfather!

Seeing that Madam Hou liked Su Moli so much, everyone naturally started to praise Su Moli.

With a gentle smile on Su Moli's face, he was neither humble nor arrogant, nor arrogant or impetuous, but it aroused the admiration of many ladies.

Mrs. Su was very pleased, and then took another look at Li Wensi, her eyes dropped, and a deep thought passed through her eyes.

"That's good." Madam Hou nodded and praised, "Although we are women, we are no worse than men. It is always good to read more and study more."

"The one-third acre of land in this back house can't trap our vision."

Everyone responded: "Madam is right, a woman not only needs to be beautiful, but also talented."

Su Xinzhen's eyebrows flashed with pride, when someone asked Su Moli what book she had read.

Su Xinzhen couldn't help but speak first: "My sister has just been in class for three days and has just learned the Three Character Classic."

Everyone's faces were full of shock.

Su Moli said softly: "My sister said, I just came back from the country after all, and the teacher in the country doesn't teach women, so I can only observe for a while."

Everyone smiled awkwardly. For a while, they didn't know what to say, but they looked at Su Moli's eyes with a little more contempt.

Seeing this, Su Xinzhen's triumph between her eyebrows and eyes was about to overflow, and her heart was full of joy.

"Bang" Madam Hou put the teacup on the table, adjusted her clothes, and said with a smile: "It is said that a woman without talent is virtue, and what the ancestors said is reasonable."

"Sometimes a woman reads too much, and she has more thoughts, which is not conducive to the peace of the house."

Everyone:? ? ? You have said that the study is good or bad, what shall we say

Su Moli suppressed his smile and lowered his head.

Su Xinzhen's face is pale, Madam Hou's words are saying she has a lot of thoughts

The author has something to say: Wait for the collection~ Wait for the collection!

When can I get a hundred collections