White Moonlight Survival Record (Quick Transmigration)

Chapter 100: A 23 transformed into O


Omegas are actually a very sensitive group. They are proud and picky. They have many demands on alphas. They do nothing every day and it seems that all their energy is spent on competing with their peers, but that is actually because these are the only things they can do.

The omegas of the Empire are born with high welfare and various protective measures, but what is buried under this excessive protection? It is their weakness. No matter whether it is an alpha or a beta, as long as they want, they can easily hurt an omega.

Once upon a time, the number of omegas was not so rare, and was even the same as that of alphas. However, because omegas had no ability to protect themselves, they were wantonly harmed by alphas, and their numbers dropped sharply. Eventually, the empire discovered this grim fact and had to introduce strict protection measures to provide various protections for omegas.

The current status of omega is actually based on its scarcity.

However, although omegas are now sought after and fought over by alphas due to their scarcity, can the inherently weak omegas really be treated equally by alphas

In fact, many omegas know the answer to this question. Those alphas who seem to be trying to please the omega in every way actually make many decisions on behalf of the omega. Once they think something is not good for the omega or is not suitable for the omega, they will reject it without thinking. At that time, they will not even think about whether to seek the omega's opinion. At the same time, the omega's opinion is not important at all. This situation is most common among married alphas.

This feeling is hard to describe. In fact, almost all omegas in the empire have it. It's just that all alphas in the empire are like this, and they have to get married. It's the same no matter how they get married, so they don't bother to care about it. And even if they care about it, it doesn't matter. After all, if they really talk about it, they are still not right, because those things rejected by alphas are really not good for them or not suitable. And the omegas in the empire have indeed enjoyed too many preferential treatments. If they continue to argue about this kind of thing, they will inevitably be labeled as unreasonable. At that time, no one in the entire empire will stand on their side.

Just when they had almost accepted this status quo and even brainwashed themselves into thinking it was nothing, they actually saw an alpha showing respect for an omega in a video.

Yes, they were sure that it was respect. Although the alpha named White Angus looked rather cold and rarely took the initiative to please the omega, every one of his unintentional actions revealed respect for the omega. From the first video, White Angus had never made any decision for Colin without consulting him. There were even two times when they saw Colin choose something that would normally be stopped by the alpha, but White Angus did not do so. Instead, he let Colin do what he liked, but only reminded him lightly to be moderate. That was a true mentality that put the omega on an equal footing with oneself from the bottom of his heart.

Under the impact of this discovery, it was really hard for the omega not to have a good impression of the alpha. Then they discovered that underneath the cold face of White Angus, he might actually be a very gentle person. He would not take the initiative to do things to please the omega, but in fact, in daily interactions, he was very considerate of Colin. That kind of silent care, to some extent, made the omegas feel more comfortable than the exaggerated flattery of those alphas.

Colin uploaded videos day by day, and the group of omegas watched them every day, watching the interactions between Colin and Bai Angus, watching Bai Angus's unintentional tenderness, and the feeling of being moved quietly sprouted in their hearts. Moreover, they found that Bai Angus was really a very attractive alpha, with an unusually clean temperament, especially when he was wearing a white shirt, just as Colin said, there was a very tempting feeling. Suddenly, they seemed to understand why Colin could not help but touch his alpha. Looking at the alpha with a cold face and abstinence, frowning slightly and restraining himself from pushing away the omega in his arms, it really made people want to pounce on him.

It even... made people want to do something even more extreme to him. For a moment, this group of omegas instantly understood why Colin had posted a help post on Starnet before, appearing so impatient and hungry.

They said that Colin was still too restrained and his progress efficiency was too low. If they were to take over, hehehehe...

Of course, the psychological changes and activities of this group of omegas are unknown to the outside world, and the group of alphas who are still criticizing under the video every day and think they are one step closer to victory are completely unaware of it.

That day, after Colin uploaded another video, the alphas seemed to have found another point of attack. They immediately became enraged and left comments under the video:

—Is this White Angus an idiot? He actually let the omega use the mind simulator!

—Yes, omegas’ mental strength is very weak. If they use the mental simulator too much, they will suffer from mental exhaustion!

-Last time I saw Bai Angus letting Colin eat sahe fruit. Doesn’t he know that the fruit is not suitable for the omega’s physique? If omegas eat too much, it will affect the pregnancy rate.

—Yes, yes, this alpha is not responsible at all. He won’t stop the omega when he sees it doing something that hurts its own body. I think he has failed in his responsibility to protect his omega. I will report him to the Omega Protection Association.

—Yes, and this White Angus always lets the omega take care of himself. He never takes the initiative to take care of the omega or do things to make the omega happy. How can such a person have an omega? Report him, let’s report him together!

However, the fierce attacks and ridiculous accusations from these alphas, coupled with their threats to report Bai Angus to the Omega Protection Association, completely infuriated the omegas who watched the videos silently every day.

I don't know which omega started it. After the omega identity was verified in the comment area, he replied: I think you alphas are idiots. Didn't you see that Colin only used the mind simulator for half an hour each time? Omegas will only suffer adverse consequences if they use the mind simulator for more than three hours continuously. The manufacturers of these instruments do not restrict the use of omegas. They indicate that there is no danger for omegas to use them within a reasonable period of time. What are you jumping for!

This sudden comment with a pink background made the entire comment section silent for a moment, but before they could figure out what this sudden omega comment was about.

It was as if the appearance of this first comment had turned on some kind of switch in the comment section, and comments with pink backgrounds and different IDs popped up one after another.

—Yeah! And the sahe fruit, it's ridiculous, who said that omegas can't eat sahe fruit at all? Studies have shown that only if omegas continue to eat a lot of sahe fruit every day will there be a certain chance of affecting conception. Eating a small amount is no different from eating ordinary fruits. Of course, you alphas who only think about affecting conception will never understand this.

-Haha, what can we expect from these alphas? Even if we omegas like the taste of the sahedral fruit, they will only remember the four words "it affects conception". Oh, and of course there are also the 108 kinds of fruits that affect conception, all of which are forbidden for omegas to touch.

—These alphas actually have the nerve to say that Bai won't take the initiative to do things that make omegas happy. Are you kidding me? Don't you know what your ulterior motives are for? Do you really think Bai is the same as you

—Yes, we Bai are ten thousand times purer than those dirty-minded alphas. They are very happy to see us Bai.

The alphas in the comment section were stunned for a moment when they saw the pink comments that appeared one after another and almost flooded the comment section. They had never seen such a scene before and their eyes were confused. Since when did there become so many omegas on Starnet

Also, that White Angus, when did he become white to you

The author has something to say: Updated~ Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: gexin 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

allthat 10 bottles; Xiaosuo x 8 bottles; Shiye 5 bottles; Lingling Bayi and Moer 2 bottles; Xiaoye 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!