White Moonlight Survival Record (Quick Transmigration)

Chapter 101: A 24 transformed into O


There were too many omegas on the Starnet who stood on the side of White Angus, so frightened that the alphas dared not say a word for a while. After all, their original intention of attacking White Angus was to sow discord between him and Colin, and it would be best if Colin chose to divorce. In the final analysis, it was just to fight for an omega. But now this omega has no signs of wanting to divorce, but a large number of omegas are standing on the side of White Angus. Think about it, this account is a bit unfavorable, calm down.

Therefore, after being occupied by pink comments, the comment section fell into an eerie peace for a while.

Many alphas just watched silently the omegas' defense of White Angus and the various words praising White Angus. At the same time, they were also carefully observing the omegas' IDs. The more they observed, the more frightened they became, because those IDs were all different, which meant that there was a different omega behind each ID. They only roughly counted a part of them and counted hundreds of different IDs. If you add those that were not counted, the number may exceed a thousand. A thousand omegas, what is the concept! The total number of unmarried omegas participating in marriage matching in the empire is only two or three hundred every year! And this is almost the total number of omegas that the alphas in the entire empire can match in a few years. What's more terrifying is that it has been less than an hour since the video was posted, and the pink comments in the comment area are still increasing...

The unmarried alphas among the alphas were fine, they just looked at the situation in confusion, and fell into deep disbelief, constantly questioning how this was possible and how this was done

The married alphas among the alphas looked at this terrifying number and had an ominous premonition in their hearts. This number obviously included most of the young omegas who liked StarNet and cared about current affairs. Come to think of it, the omegas in his family seemed to be quite in love with StarNet as well.

That night, an alpha with a particularly keen intuition and a doubtful heart carefully tried to test his own omega. The result of the test was that his own omega raised his delicate eyebrows and squinted at him, "Why, are you also one of the alphas who attacked Bai in those videos?"

With a strong sense of crisis, the alpha immediately denied it: "How is it possible? How could I be that kind of person? I would never do such a thing."

The alpha spoke with great confidence and sincerity, and the beautiful omega looked at him doubtfully, but finally reluctantly stopped pursuing the matter.

However, the alpha felt disappointed because he heard clearly that his omega just called Bai Angus "Bai", which was exactly the same as the name used by the omegas in the comment section. What's more important was that his omega didn't avoid him at all.

After that, the alpha paid more attention to his omega, and the more he observed, the more uneasy he became, because he found that his omega not only treasured the videos uploaded by Colin, but also showed more dislike for him than before during their interactions. This was really a very bad sign. Finally, one day, the alpha tentatively asked his omega, "What if Colin and his alpha get divorced one day?"

The result of that test made him feel very disappointed. He still dare not recall the look of his omega's eyes that instantly lit up at that time. Although his omega did not say anything afterwards, the uneasiness in his heart reached its peak, and he had already vaguely foreseen the terrible consequences. That night, the alpha posted a message in the comment section that was already occupied by pink comments - wishing Colin and White Angus a happy marriage.

This comment seemed particularly out of place among the comments area dominated by pink. However, because the content of this comment was not an attack on Bai, the omegas did not attack him. However, the many alphas who stopped here to observe the situation were puzzled, and one even replied directly under this comment - buddy, are you okay

The alpha who had posted the blessing of a happy marriage saw this question and couldn't help but sneer. He had no problem, of course. The problem was with these alphas who hadn't woken up yet. They were looking forward to Colin's divorce, fantasizing that after Colin's divorce, they would also be able to marry a beautiful woman. But in fact, when Colin really divorced that White Angus, that would be the time for them to cry. Thinking of the look in his omega's eyes when he tentatively asked that question today, the alpha couldn't help but shudder again. In short, this was definitely the most sincere blessing he had ever sent out in his life. He really hoped that Colin could have a happy marriage and a stable life. Most importantly, he absolutely, absolutely had to keep that White Angus well and never let him out.

Just like that, this matter passed without causing much waves. Although many alphas saw the blessing of this strange alpha, they only thought that he was a dog who licked the omegas when he saw more of them, and it was not worth mentioning at all.

The short-lived balance was maintained for a while, until something big happened. Well, or in essence, it was not a big thing, but it caused a huge reaction in the minds of those omegas. That is, Colin went to school.

The thing is, Colin actually has a hobby, which is mecha design. For this hobby, Colin even often uses the mental simulator for a short time to experience the feeling of simulating driving a mecha. His biggest hobby on Starnet is to watch online courses about mecha design, or courses circulated by some masters when they open public classes.

It is not difficult to see that Colin is actually very talented. For those very difficult online courses, students from serious professional subjects often cry out that they are too difficult and cannot do them at all. However, Colin always copies the online courses silently after watching them, and the copied products look not much different from those of the teachers.

Because Bai Yichen did not restrict Colin's hobbies at all, Colin became more and more bold. He even watched online courses and made finished products by staying by Bai Yichen's side.

Although Bai Yichen didn't know much about these seemingly advanced technologies, he had seen a lot and knew some basic information. For example, he knew that Colin most admired a mecha design master named Bode. Whenever there was a course video circulated by this master, he was as happy as if he had won a prize, and then for the next few days, he would immerse himself in it and watch it repeatedly to learn.

However, one day, Bai Yichen discovered that Colin suddenly became unusually depressed. When Bai Yichen went to ask him what happened, he learned that the mecha design master named Bode was hired as a professor at the empire's first mecha academy, and all the courses in that mecha academy were highly confidential and would not be circulated as before. In other words, he would never be able to see Master Bode's lectures again.

Knowing that Colin was depressed because of this matter, Bai Yichen said without thinking: "Then find a way to enroll and go in to listen."

When Colin heard Bai Yichen's words, he was stunned. Even though he knew that Bai was very indulgent of his hobbies, he still didn't dare to believe what Bai said. After a long while, he said uncertainly, "You mean... I can apply for admission?"

Bai Yichen, who was confused, hesitated for a moment when he saw the expression of disbelief on Colin's face, "Is it difficult?" As he said that, he opened the terminal to check. To be honest, he did not know about the mecha academy that Colin mentioned, but since they could invite the master that Colin admired so much to be a professor, it must be a famous school. The admission threshold of such a famous school must be very high. If Colin could not get in at all, then what he had just said would only embarrass Colin. At this time, Bai Yichen already regretted that he should not have been so reckless. He should have checked it out before saying these things.

In a short time, Bai Yichen had already found the enrollment page of the mecha academy on the Star Internet. After a quick look, Bai Yichen breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there were no rigid requirements that Colin could not meet. It was just that the admission to this mecha academy required passing their own exams, which were very difficult and had an appallingly low pass rate. However, this was nothing. At most, he would take more exams. If he reached the level, he would naturally be able to enter. Bai Yichen thought so and told Colin so. However, he was still greeted by Colin's expression of disbelief. Finally, under Bai Yichen's puzzled expression, Colin pointed at himself and said, "I'm an omega!"

Bai Yichen nodded in confusion, "I know, this academy doesn't forbid omegas from enrolling."

"Have you seen the special regulations for omega admission below?" Colin said, staring at Bai Yichen's expression.

Bai Yichen glanced at the screen again and confirmed, "I have checked it. There are no problems with these. I can fill out the admission application form for you. Also, if you live off-campus and need an alpha to accompany you to and from school, I can also pick you up."

"So omegas are not allowed to get pregnant during school?"

Bai Yichen was a little embarrassed when he heard this question, but he still said: "If you want to go to school, of course you have to abide by these."

Okay, after asking, Colin suddenly realized that what he once thought were obstacles to realizing his dreams did not exist at all with Bai. Bai even supported him very much in pursuing his ideals. For a moment, Colin's heart was filled with mixed feelings, and he even felt that everything was too perfect and unreal.

After all, he once thought that if he chose to marry Bai, he would have to give up his dream. For the man who made him obsessed at first sight, he was willing to give up the plan that he had in mind for many years. He also thought that he would never set foot in the mecha academy of his dreams again. But who knew that after twists and turns, he would actually go in in another way, a more upright way, and enroll as an omega.

Bai Yichen has always been very efficient. After confirming that Colin really wanted to study in that institution, he downloaded the Omega Alpha Admission Application Informed Informed Form from the Star Network, filled it out quickly, went through identity verification, and then sent it to Colin.

When Colin received the letter of consent, which was the hardest thing for many omegas to get, but was one of the necessary conditions for omegas to apply for admission, he still felt unreal. He even hesitated before filling out the application. He hesitated not because he didn't want this admission opportunity, but because he suddenly thought of the rule that "omegas cannot get pregnant after admission and before graduation". If it was a loss for others, it was a loss for the alpha, but in Colin's eyes, it was also his loss.

As everyone knows, omegas have a very high pregnancy rate. As long as they engage in certain sexual activities, there is a high chance of pregnancy. Moreover, the Empire does not have any contraceptive drugs for omegas. Considering the already scarce number of omegas in the Empire, providing them with contraception is simply a crime. Therefore, the rule that omegas cannot get pregnant after entering school and before graduation implies that during this period, alphas must control their desires and cannot do things that would make an omega pregnant.

Thinking that he couldn't have Bai's child before graduation, and couldn't even really take the last step with Bai, Colin couldn't help but weigh the pros and cons of whether this coveted admission opportunity was more important, or whether it was more important to get Bai as soon as possible.

Just when Colin was seriously struggling, Bai Yichen saw that Colin had not filled out the admission application form for a long time, and couldn't help but ask him curiously, "What's wrong?"

Colin was awakened by Bai Yichen's voice. He couldn't help but look up at Bai Yichen, who was wearing the white shirt he bought for him. He looked extremely attractive all the time. After looking at him for a while, Colin took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said, "Nothing." After that, he lowered his head and filled in the form fiercely. While filling it out, Colin silently swore in his heart that he would not wait for several years to graduate. In one year, no, less than one year, he would complete all the courses, and then graduate early and give Bai many little Bais. As for those sports he loved, he also studied them specially. Even if he used the method of not getting pregnant, he had plenty of ways to eat Bai clean.

Bai Yichen, who was sitting next to Colin, suddenly felt a chill for no reason, as if he was being stared at by something. But when he looked around, he saw only Colin, who was filling out a form with his head down, looking quiet and well-behaved. What just happened must have been his illusion...

Just like that, Colin filled out the form, submitted his application, received a notice to take the test, and passed the abnormally difficult and shockingly low entrance test in one try, becoming a rare omega student in the Empire's No. 1 Mecha Academy.

How could Colin not show off about such a thing? He immediately talked about it in the short video he shot every day, and also generously showed his admission notice. And then, it was now.

In fact, no matter whether it was the alpha or the omega, when they first heard about this, their first reaction was disbelief. However, the admission notice was there, and the admission list could be found on the Star Network, so they had no choice but to believe it.

However, the alpha and omega had different focuses when they were in disbelief. The alpha just felt that this was still a human being. How could he agree to that White Angus? How could he bear it

The feelings of the omegas were much more complicated. They originally thought that the Shiro they saw was good enough, but they didn't expect that Shiro could do things beyond their imagination. It's not that no one among the omegas thought about going to a higher school, but as the alphas looked incredulous, it was too difficult to get the consent of their alpha partners.

Alphas have an innate desire to monopolize omegas and are unwilling to let their omegas go to the academy. After all, how could they allow their omegas, whom they have worked so hard to get, to stay in a place where there are so many alphas and betas every day and where they can't even see them

If allowing omegas to enroll and mingle with the alpha and beta students is an infringement of the alpha's possessiveness, then the academy's rule that prohibits pregnancy before graduation is simply an infringement of the alpha's fundamental interests. No alpha can tolerate having to watch their omega partner for several years without being able to do anything, not to mention that in today's alpha-omega marriages, it is the omega who takes the lead in starting and ending the relationship. Many alphas are worried about gains and losses, and it is even a generally accepted view among alphas that the best way to maintain a long-term marriage is to let their omega get pregnant as soon as possible. Although this method is simple and crude, it is indeed an effective method in statistics. Therefore, most alphas, once lucky enough to be chosen by an omega in a marriage match, will act in accordance with this purpose. It is no wonder that the omegas who see all this clearly mock the alphas' attentiveness as being purposeful.

If the original omegas were just silently watching Colin show his affection every day, and seeing that there was an alpha as good as Bai in the world, with their hearts full of envy, jealousy and faint longing, then Colin's drastic measure today completely broke the original balance.

It turns out that the Bai they like is not just as good as they imagined. It turns out that their Bai can indulge and pamper his omega to this extent. It turns out that there is really an alpha in this world. You can breathe so freely next to him. No matter it is your ideal hobby or the little things in life, he will only silently support you and respect you...

With such an alpha, how can these omegas be satisfied with just watching silently every day? I don’t know who started it, but the first one to post a message in the comment section was: Bai, let’s get a divorce. I’ll wait for you.

The appearance of this comment was like a trigger, which immediately opened up the Ren and Du meridians of many omegas in the comment section, and made them suddenly realize what they really wanted and what should be used to fill the empty feeling in their hearts. So all of a sudden, confession comments in the comment section emerged one after another, and this time the confessions of these pink comments were no longer the same as before, simply saying that they liked Bai and that no other alpha could compare to Bai. This time, the comments of these omegas were all explicit and direct with only one meaning - Bai, get a divorce, I want to take you over!

When the alphas who were originally watching in the comment section saw this unexpected development, they were all stunned.

In a room decorated in an unusually gorgeous and stylish way, an omega with long curly brown hair draped behind him and cold and proud eyes sat in front of the screen blankly. After a long time, he closed the page on the screen that was occupied by pink comments and opened a folder filled with design drafts. He opened a random one and it was an eye-catching interior design. The style was somewhat similar to the room Muir was in.

Muir stood up, took another look at the bedroom he designed himself, pushed the door and walked out of the bedroom. His light silk robe drew graceful arcs as he walked.

As expected, Muir found the person he was looking for in the living room. The handsome alpha was originally studying the manual on conquering omega in the living room. Since the last time Muir asked for juice, he squeezed a glass of it himself. After that, he felt that Muir's attitude towards him had indeed softened a lot, which greatly encouraged him. He felt that as long as he worked harder, he would be able to win over his own cold and thorny beauty.

The alpha who was busy with his research didn't expect Muir to suddenly come downstairs. At this time, didn't Muir usually stay in his room? When he saw his omega's clothes clearly, his eyes changed and even his breathing became a little deeper. Nightgown! Muir actually came downstairs in a nightgown! You know, Muir used to wear formal and gorgeous clothes every time he went downstairs. Although it looked good, he could go out in that outfit at any time. It was not a benefit for him at all. The only time he saw Muir wearing a nightgown was when he broke into Muir's room without permission. However, Muir's cold face for a while and the profound education of the Omega Protection Association made him dare not do that again. But what happened today? Muir actually came downstairs in a nightgown. Could it be... Thinking of that possibility, the alpha was filled with uncontrollable excitement.

Muir walked over with the alpha's gaze almost glued to him, and sat down on the sofa not far from the alpha. When he sat down, Muir's legs naturally folded up, and the corner of the silk robe slid down a bit, revealing a section of delicate and smooth thighs, which made him look even more charming. Feeling the gaze glued to him, Muir felt even more burning, and said with satisfaction, "Ayers."

"Hey, I'm here." The alpha responded quickly, and as he spoke, he leaned towards Muir, looking so fawning and attentive, as if he would agree unconditionally to whatever Muir said.

Muir looked Ayers in the eye and said, "I have something to tell you."

Facing the omega's beautiful eyes staring at him, Ayers was completely mesmerized and responded repeatedly: "Okay, go ahead."

However, although he looked completely mesmerized, Ayers still had a trace of clarity in his heart. He knew that Muir's sudden and abnormal appearance in front of him must be related to what he wanted to say. At this time, Ayers had decided that if what Muir said was unimportant, he would agree to it. After all, anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was only one step away from complete success. As long as he agreed to what Muir was going to say now, he might be able to get Muir to move into his bedroom smoothly. Thinking of this, Ayers became more and more restless. In addition, the tempting omega was so close at hand that Ayers could not help himself and quietly reached out his hand to cover the slender jade hand on the sofa. In fact, what Ayers wanted to touch more was the slender thigh that almost dazzled his eyes, but he did not dare.

Muir allowed his hand to be caressed and played with by another, even hotter hand. He did not struggle, but looked at his legal partner and said, "I want to study at the Imperial Rotty School of Design. Can you fill out the Alpha Informed Consent Form for me?"

If Ayers still had a trace of clarity in his heart before, he was completely awake now. What? Go to school? No! This is absolutely not possible! However, Ayers also knew that his words of refusal should not be too fierce, so he stroked the slender fingers in his hand and said affectionately in a soothing tone: "Muir, why do you want to go to the academy? You should know that you are an omega, and it is not suitable for you. Moreover, if you go to the academy, you will have to rely on inhibitors to suppress your estrus period for a few years, which is not good for the body of an omega. How can you hurt your body like this? Moreover, it is hard, tiring and useless for an omega to go to the academy. You don't need to do this at all. I can buy you anything you like..."

Ayers didn't notice that as Muir kept making up various excuses, but his words expressed his firm refusal, his face became colder and colder. Finally, he shook off Ayers' hand and went upstairs without looking back.

Returning to his bedroom and locking the door, Muir seemed to have lost all his pride in an instant and just stood there with his head down.

After standing there blankly for an unknown amount of time, Muir opened the screen. On the screen was Colin's dazzling smile. But for the first time, Muir did not focus his eyes on the omega he regarded as his lifelong rival, but on the alpha next to Colin. As he looked at it, he couldn't help but reach out and gently touch the alpha's face. Once, this alpha might have been his, and he had already realized it at that time...

Finally, Muir's attention returned to the numerous comments asking for divorce in the comment section. After a long silence, he wrote one and uploaded it.

—Let’s get a divorce. I have everything Colin has.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mines]: The more you study, the more bald you become, Lingling Bayi, 23112198, and 1 Big Devil Circle;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

100 bottles of Yan Yi; 80 bottles of Ping Niao Bu Ke Ai; 60 bottles of Yi Mo?; 50 bottles of Orange Sprouts; 20 bottles of Hot Pot; 18 bottles of Ah Dai Dai Dai; 10 bottles of Rain on Little Daisy, Night Rain and Song, allthat; 9 bottles of Little Boy; 3 bottles of Ye Lan Shan; 2 bottles of Ling Ling Bayi and Mo Er; 1 bottle of 28882359, 20387342, Xiao Ye and Jia Jia;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!