White Moonlight Survival Record (Quick Transmigration)

Chapter 110: A 33 transformed into O


On this day, Bai Yichen confessed to Kelin the secrets he had been hiding for a long time, and finally let go of all his burdens and worries. It can be said that this was the day when he truly opened his heart. The atmosphere between the two of them was also unprecedentedly good, and the two hearts were closer than ever before.

But after Bai Yichen confessed everything to Colin, he also found that Colin's attitude towards him had changed significantly. If he had been treated like an emperor among alphas by Colin before, now, he felt that Colin was simply treating him like a fragile object. In general, even if he squeezed a glass of juice for him, he would not let him drink it cold.

Although Colin was still obedient to him and even more concerned about him than before, this overprotection still made Bai Yichen feel weird. Finally, Bai Yichen couldn't help but said to Colin: "Actually, there's nothing wrong with my body. You don't need to be so careful."

However, when Colin heard Bai Yichen's words, he immediately said, "How can you not be careful? Omegas are always very weak when they are just over their estrus period. It's all my fault. I didn't know before, never paid attention, and even asked you to move things."

At this point, Colin looked remorseful, and Bai Yichen thought for a long time before remembering that he had helped Colin carry a small express box upstairs that day. He was speechless for a moment.

However, seeing Colin busying around and resolutely not letting him touch anything heavier than a glass of water, why did he feel that after Colin knew his secret, he put himself in the position of alpha between the two

However, before Bai Yichen could figure out the problem, at night, Colin, who had taken care of everything during the day and regarded himself as a protector, came to Bai Yichen with a pure face, still holding the quilt, blinking his seemingly pure and flawless eyes and looked at Bai Yichen and said, "Bai, since we are both omegas, it should be okay to sleep in the same bed."

Bai Yichen... I'd never trust you.

However, although Bai Yichen did not believe Colin's naive appearance at all, after a moment of silence, he still moved aside and let Colin come up.

The reason is simple, it's just that he accepted Colin, the kind of complete acceptance, so even if Colin wanted to do something else, have a deeper contact, there was actually nothing wrong with it.

When Colin was allowed to go to bed, his eyes lit up immediately and he climbed onto the bed quickly.

Of course, at the beginning, Colin was still very well-behaved. He spread a quilt next to himself and lay on the bed obediently. However, the person he loved most was next to him, and they were lying in the same bed. How could Colin fall asleep peacefully? So as time went by, he unconsciously moved a little closer to Bai Yichen, and then a little more, until he completely moved out of his quilt and got into another quilt.

Bai Yichen, who had his eyes closed, opened them helplessly and sighed. How could he fall asleep when Colin kept moving beside him? Just then, Colin finally got into his bed. Bai Yichen reached out and pushed him into his arms, then whispered, "Be good, go to sleep."

Finally, Colin was sleeping in the same bed with his beloved Bai. At this historic moment, he thought he would be too excited to sleep. However, when the long arms held him in his arms and let him lean on his chest and fall asleep listening to his heartbeat, he couldn't help but calm down. Colin even felt an inexplicable urge to cry in his heart, as if there was something he had always longed for in the depths of his soul and he finally got it.

But why did he have this feeling? It was so strange. Before Colin could figure it out, he fell asleep inexplicably while listening to the heartbeat. When Bai Yichen saw that Colin was motionless, his breathing quickly and slowly stabilized.

The next day, when Colin woke up, he was still a little confused. He couldn't believe that he had fallen asleep like that last night? Lying in the white quilt, he fell asleep so quickly? The key point was that he slept very well. He could even feel that he was unusually energetic today and could directly complete a whole set of design projects.

But, could it be that he had misunderstood himself before, and that he was actually a very innocent person? Facing Bai, whom he had fantasized about countless times in his mind, lying together like that, he could fall asleep in a second without thinking about anything

But this question is destined to remain unanswered today, because he has more important things to do today.

It's time to put Aaron's affairs to rest.

Colin asked Bai Yichen for Aaron's phone number, then took the initiative to contact him and expressed his desire to invite him out for a chat.

Aaron didn't expect that the strange call he received was actually from Colin, and he didn't expect that Colin would actually ask him to meet. However, it was self-evident where Colin got his phone number and who Colin meant by "let's chat". Aaron was silent for a while, but finally agreed.

Because what they talked about might involve sensitive matters, and Colin didn't want Aaron to enter his house again, so Aaron finally chose the rooftop of the abandoned building where he had a showdown with Bai Yichen last time.

When Colin went there, it was Bai Yichen who drove the aircraft to take him there. After all, omegas are not allowed to go out alone. However, after the aircraft landed on the roof, Bai Yichen stayed in the aircraft and did not go out, and Colin closed the door tightly as soon as he came out, blocking all Aaron's attention.

After Colin got off the aircraft, he walked straight to the other corner of the roof, forcing Aaron to follow him and away from the aircraft.

When they were far enough away, Colin stopped and looked at Aaron and said, "I'll tell you straight away. I know everything. Bai told me all the secrets, including Ambora Cole's, and your threats to harass him."

Even after receiving Colin's communication, Aaron already had some guesses, but when he actually heard Colin say that he already knew everything, especially when Bai told him in person, Aaron's expression still twisted for a moment.

Bai, do you trust him so much

Colin looked at Aaron with his dark eyes and continued, "I heard that you are still threatening Bai with divorce because of this matter, right? I tell you, don't even think about it, because it is impossible for me to divorce you, and I will never do so."

Aaron finally lost his temper after hearing this. He looked at Colin and said, "Since you already know Bai's secret, you should also know that it is unreasonable for you to be with Bai. You can't give him happiness!"

Colin looked at Aaron, smiled mockingly, and said sharply: "If I can't give him happiness, who can, like you?"

Aaron was suddenly pointed out at his deepest secrets and looked a little embarrassed.

The author has something to say: I originally wanted to finish writing this plot, but I am already mentally confused and it would be confusing to continue.

In the next chapter, Colin will eat Bai. However, in Jinjiang nowadays, as you know, it is impossible to have a car. It is good enough to smell the exhaust gas of a car. Thank you to the little angels who cast the tyrant votes or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the [grenade]: there was one person 1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: allthat, 1 wooden board;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Clouds open 12 bottles; allthat, vine 10 bottles; words 5 bottles; a red apple 4 bottles; Xiaoye 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!