White Moonlight Survival Record (Quick Transmigration)

Chapter 113: A 36 transformed into O


Just like that, more than half a year passed in the blink of an eye. During this period, Colin not only had a happy love life, but also worked hard in his studies. Coupled with his original strong talent, he finally completed all the courses in just one year and graduated from the college ahead of schedule, which shocked everyone.

But this was not the end. When many people thought that Colin, who had graduated from the academy early with excellent grades, would soon disappear from everyone's sight, Colin embarked on his own journey as a mecha designer.

This made even more people dumbfounded. They couldn't understand it. After all, Colin had fulfilled his long-cherished wish because of his alpha partner's indulgence and pampering. Next, he should return to his family and give his alpha partner a few children to repay his alpha partner. But Colin didn't seem to consider his alpha partner at all, and continued to pursue his career. Although many people didn't understand what was the point of Colin pursuing a career, as an omega, would he be short of money? He would never be short of money.

Facing the outside world's doubts, Colin did not waver at all, because as long as his fans supported him, that was enough.

Colin's journey as a mecha designer was hindered at first because of his omega identity, but mecha design is a profession that values personal ability. As long as the design is better than that of other competitors, those mecha manufacturers will still choose to use his design despite all the concerns. In this way, another year has passed. Because of Colin's unique design style and outstanding design, Colin has made a small name for himself in the field of mecha design. Even two well-known mecha manufacturers have signed long-term contracts with him. And it is foreseeable that with Colin's talent and growth rate, as long as he continues in this line, he will become a famous interstellar mecha design master in no time.

As everyone knows, mecha designer is an industry with a very high threshold and even higher income, not to mention a mecha designer who has made a name for himself. So Bai Yichen often stays at home, deep in thought, holding two cards in his hands. One of the cards is Colin's omega subsidy, a generous subsidy will be deposited from the Imperial Finance Department every month, and the other card is Colin's income as a mecha designer. Similarly, a sum of money will come in from time to time, and it is a large sum. It can be said that the numbers in these two cards added up have exceeded all the assets accumulated by Bai Yichen, the alpha, before.

In other words, Colin has now become the one who truly earns money to support the family. Bai Yichen feels that he will no longer have the right to ask Colin to switch their positions in bed.

When Bai Yichen was lost in thought, Colin, who had been drawing designs for a whole day and was earning money to support the family, came down from upstairs. As soon as he came down, he skillfully circled Bai Yichen's neck and kissed him on the forehead and both sides of his face. Then he leaned on Bai Yichen intimately and asked sweetly, "Bai, what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." He couldn't say that he was thinking about their positions in bed, but to be honest, since they had really started living together, Colin was a little obsessed in this aspect, but in other aspects, he could be said to be obedient. Even after Colin graduated and was able to make money, and his income was not bad, he seemed to pay more attention to this. On weekdays, he always behaved like a little bird in front of him, always following his opinions, and never showed any dominance. Bai Yichen, who could vaguely guess Colin's thoughts, was moved and a little amused. Is he that kind of narrow-minded man

But no matter what, he appreciated Colin's kindness. Where else in the world could he find a partner like Colin who always cared about him

Thinking about it this way, the previous entanglement seemed meaningless. Since Colin likes it, let him do it.

Colin naturally didn't know what kind of rights he had gained at that moment.

Colin held his beloved Bai in his arms for a long time before he felt that the fatigue from drawing the design was swept away. However, leaning quietly in Bai's arms, enjoying this rare quiet time, Colin also realized that he had been too busy recently, so busy that he had less time to spend with Bai.

Colin subconsciously frowned, feeling that this was not right. Although being a mecha designer was his life ideal, how could he ignore Bai for these? After all, in his heart, Bai was the most important. If he could only choose between Bai and being a mecha designer, he would definitely choose Bai. So, his recent behavior of ignoring Bai because of the mecha design draft was really putting the cart before the horse.

After realizing this problem, Colin secretly made up his mind that after finishing the design draft at hand, he would take a break for a while, not take any orders, and just concentrate on accompanying Bai.

Just like that, when Colin quietly leaned in Bai Yichen's arms for a long time, so quietly that Bai Yichen thought he had fallen asleep, Colin suddenly said, "Bai, let's go on a trip to Bihaixing in a while."

These sudden words made Bai Yichen look at him in surprise.

Colin climbed up from Bai Yichen's arms, and looked at Bai Yichen with a pair of pure eyes full of affection and apology, "Bai, I'm sorry, I haven't been with you properly during this period because of work. After a while, when I finish the design draft at hand, we will go to Bi Haixing for vacation, just the two of us."

Bai Yichen… God damn, he didn’t accompany him well. Who was the person who climbed into bed on time every night and lingered until midnight, never letting him have a good rest

But having said that…

"Bai, I heard that the Blue Sea Star is a holy place for lovers. If you make a vow of love there, lovers can be together forever. When we get to the Blue Sea Star, we will..."

Bai Yichen sighed in his heart, looking at Colin's longing face, and reluctantly took him into his arms. Perhaps this was the feeling of falling for someone. Although he didn't believe in the beautiful legend that was obviously a marketing strategy, Bai Yichen still said in an indulgent tone: "Okay, we'll go to Bihaixing in a while."

"Bai, I know you're the best to me."

In response to Colin, Bai Yichen raised a smile.

While Colin was excitedly planning a vacation to Bi Hai Xing after a while, and was more motivated at his work, Bai Yichen recently felt something was wrong with his body. In order to avoid Colin worrying, he went to the basement alone to turn on the equipment and secretly checked it while Colin was working on the design draft in the room during the day.

Ever since Bai Yichen confessed everything to Colin, these instruments bought from the black market have also been upgraded. Especially after Colin was able to make money, he spent a huge amount of money on them. It can be said that the inspection equipment here is now no less than that of any regular medical institution.

Because Bai Yichen's condition was special, he was destined to be unable to go to a regular hospital for examination, which made Colin very worried. So after spending a large amount of money, he would watch Bai Yichen do a full body check-up every month.

Fortunately, after being married for so long, the examination results have not shown any problems, and Bai Yichen's physical values are also very stable, which makes Colin and Bai Yichen gradually feel relieved.

But the sudden abnormality in his body undoubtedly made Bai Yichen feel a little uneasy. Compared with Colin, who knew nothing and thought that the transformation was successful, Bai Yichen knew clearly that the experiment of that madman Ambora Cole was not perfect. After all, the original owner died on the test bench.

In addition, Bai Yichen's fate of not living long in every world made him feel even more anxious. Yes, how could he forget that he had never died of old age in any world. Could this world really be an exception? Or was it because he lived too happily in this world that he had numbed himself and was willing to be a turtle and not think about that possibility

Amid Bai Yichen's anxiety, the test results finally came out. However, when Bai Yichen took the printed report and had not had time to read the contents clearly, he froze there, because a familiar electronic voice appeared in his mind, "Unknown changes in the host's body have been detected, and genetic collapse has begun. Correction, your remaining lifespan in this world has been reduced to 30 days, please be mentally prepared."

Bai Yichen's pupils suddenly contracted, and his hand holding the report paper tightened suddenly. After a long time, he looked at the test report in his hand with some unstable breathing. What he saw was a shocking number.

Sure enough, he shouldn't have been so lucky. The life notice that had never appeared since he came to this world finally came.

But he never imagined that when the life notice came, his life in this world would be so short.

Thirty days, only thirty days.

How should he face Colin and tell him the cruel truth

When Bai Yichen raised his head, his eyes were still blank. He didn't know how he threw the report into the shredder, or how he cleared the historical data of the detection machine and walked out.

Bai Yichen stood in the living room for a long time before he calmed down and finally made a decision. He first went to the kitchen to squeeze a glass of fresh juice that Colin liked to drink, and then took the juice upstairs.

Mecha designers are freelancers, so except for going to mecha manufacturers to look at materials and samples, they work at home most of the time. Now, Colin is designing drawings in his own studio upstairs.

When the door was pushed open and knocked gently, Colin, who was originally immersed in his work, was awakened. He looked at Bai Yichen by the door in surprise, "Bai, why are you here?" "I came to see you."

Colin looked at Bai who came in with a glass of juice. Although his work was interrupted, his heart was full of surprise and sweetness. He took the juice and said with a smile, "Thank you."

Colin first drank most of the juice that Bai Yichen brought, and then he couldn't help looking at Bai Yichen and said, "Why did you think of coming to see me today? Didn't you say before that you were afraid of disturbing my work?"

Bai Yichen looked at Colin's unstoppable joy, and remembered that Colin had been angry with him before because he never went to see him when he was working. He couldn't help but want to laugh for a moment, but after laughing, he thought of what happened today, and couldn't hide the sadness in his heart. In the end, in order to hide his strangeness, he walked behind Colin, hugged him from behind, took a deep breath, and said in a low voice in Colin's ear: "I was wrong before, and I'm here to apologize to you today."

Yes, he always thought that he and Colin still had a long time to live together. When he found out that his time was running out, he realized that what he did to Colin was not perfect. There were many things he could have done better. But even if he realized it now, did he still have a chance...

Colin's cheeks flushed and his whole body tensed up at the low, mellow voice and warm breath that rang in his ears. He suddenly felt even thirstier. He drank all the remaining juice in one gulp and felt a little better. However, he still snorted and said, "Since you know you are wrong, you have to come to see me more often in the future, okay?"

In response to Colin, the embrace behind him tightened a little. Because his back was facing Bai Yichen, Colin did not notice that his partner was not right behind him. At this time, Bai Yichen spoke at the right time to divert his attention, "Colin, do you really want to go to Bihaixing?"

When Colin mentioned the place they were going to vacation, his eyes lit up. "Yes, I have almost checked all the guides. Once I finish the design draft, we will go there."



"Let's set off tomorrow."

The author has something to say: I would like to state in advance that this world is he~ Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mines]: 2 from Children's Palace; 1 from Miaomiao;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Anne Shirley, allthat, 20387342 10 bottles; Studying makes you bald 8 bottles; Xiaoye 5 bottles; Moer, Xiaosuo x 2 bottles; Yeyu Shengge 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!