White Moonlight Survival Record (Quick Transmigration)

Chapter 19: plan


After the car accident, the two went back to recuperate separately. Then a few days later, Bai Yichen came to the hospital alone again and got a detailed examination report.

When Bai Yichen saw the hesitant look on the doctor's face when he gave him the report, he had a premonition in his heart. When he actually saw in the report that he was suffering from a rare and incurable terminal illness, he felt that it had finally come.

"Well, Mr. Bai, these are the preliminary examination results of our hospital. However, this disease is too rare. If Mr. Bai wants to be on the safe side, he can go to other hospitals for confirmation." The doctor who handed the examination report to Bai Yichen spoke very gently and gave him room for maneuver. However, when he looked at Bai Yichen's handsome young face, he couldn't help sighing in his heart. It was a pity for such a good young man.

Bai Yichen naturally knew that the doctor's words were meant to comfort him and prevent him from getting too emotional, but he had already prepared himself mentally, so he was generally calm. After reading the report in his hand, he raised his head and asked, "Is this disease curable?"

"This... because there are so few cases of this kind, there is currently no effective cure internationally."

Bai Yichen was silent for a while, "How much time do I have left?"

"Given the current course of the disease, it could take three months at the shortest and half a year at the longest." The doctor's voice was very heavy.

Bai Yichen silently calculated the remaining four and a half months of his life in his mind, and thought to himself that it was completely within this period. He stood up with the report in his hand, "I understand, thank you."

"Mr. Bai, do you need me to arrange for you to be hospitalized?"

Bai Yichen shook his head. "It's useless to be hospitalized. If there is any medicine that can relieve the symptoms, please prescribe some for me to take away."

After hearing what Bai Yichen said, the doctor did not insist on hospitalization. After all, the fact was just as Bai Yichen said, hospitalization did not play a big role, and the medical community had very limited methods to treat this disease. Instead of staying in the hospital waiting to die with almost no hope in the last moments, it would be better to happily do what you want to do outside the hospital, and maybe you can hold on for a while longer.

When Bai Yichen walked out of the hospital and saw the sunlight outside, he felt as if he was in another world. He took the examination report and a few bottles of medicine and tore off the labels.

It might be the desire to survive that everyone has, or it might be for the final confirmation. Although Bai Yichen knew that this disease should be the ultimate reason for his departure, he still couldn't help but go to another hospital to confirm it. After receiving the same test results, Bai Yichen completely gave up and honestly sped up the progress to arrange things to do after his departure.

Father Bai, who had been relaxing for a long time, found an excuse to return to the company. Although Father Bai had many dissatisfactions, he still went to work honestly under the high pressure from his wife.

Bai Yichen took medicine day by day. He knew that he would not be able to hide the truth from his parents in the end, and he would have to tell them the truth sooner or later. However, all this had to wait until Bai's father returned to the Bai family for a while before he could say it, so as to avoid mixing up all the things and causing confusion.

As for his younger brother Bai Minghao, he decided to keep it a secret until the end. He had been careful to keep his distance from his brother since he grew up and could remember things. He was usually very strict with him and he seldom came home recently. It would be easier for a child to forget a brother whom he seldom saw and who was so strict with him.

After arranging the affairs of his family and company one by one, Bai Yichen couldn't help but pause when a figure flashed in his mind, because he found that he could tell the truth to his parents in this life, and he could be frank with Song Junchi, but he seemed unable to speak to that person.

Because he knew that with the strength of the Bai Jinchuan couple, although they were sad, they would eventually get through it, not to mention that they still had a spiritual pillar. No matter how sad they were, they would raise Minghao well. Time would become the best healer, and one day, they would deal with this matter calmly.

Song Junchi is his best friend. No matter how sad he is after knowing this, it will not be sadder than the parents of this body.

But when Bai Yichen changed the person to tell the truth to Su Yuanhang, he hesitated for a moment...

He thought about the cards he had seen that had been carefully kept for twenty years, about how Su Yuanhang had risked his own life to protect him when he was in danger that day, and about the firm answer he had received when he had tentatively asked him that day. He knew clearly that Su Yuanhang could not accept that fact.

It's not because Su Yuanhang is not strong enough, but because he is Su Yuanhang's spiritual pillar. From the words that he has written since he was a child, it seems that he has always been the only center of Su Yuanhang's attention. Thinking of Su Yuanhang's behavior of putting him above his own life during the car accident that day, Bai Yichen suddenly didn't dare to think about what Xiaohang would do if he knew the truth.

Is there a way to make his departure more gentle so that Xiaohang can slowly accept it

This thought suddenly popped up in Bai Yichen's mind.

In the next two days, this idea repeatedly appeared in Bai Yichen's mind. He considered all the possibilities over and over again for a few days, and a plan finally slowly emerged in his mind. After carefully polishing all the omissions in his mind, Bai Yichen finally made a decision. He took out his mobile phone and looked through the numbers he had stored. He found a contact and dialed the number. When the call was connected, he smiled and said, "Hello, is this Miss Yang?"

That’s right, the person Bai Yichen was looking for was the daughter of Uncle Yang who had a blind date with him that day. The scene he saw before he left that day, if it wasn’t for his dazzled eyes, might have enabled him to reach some kind of cooperation with Miss Yang.

Let’s not talk about what Bai Yichen did secretly, but after a while, news spread among the upper class circles of City A that the eldest son of the Bai family was dating the daughter of the Yang family, and both the Bai and Yang families were happy to see this happen, and soon there was even news of an engagement.

The news came so quickly and so unexpectedly, not to mention Su Yuanhang, even Song Junchi was confused. He didn't expect that the blind date of Yi Chen, who had made him depressed for several days, would get together with Yi Chen so soon

Song Junchi subconsciously wanted to find fault, but his mind flashed back to his several encounters with the daughter of the Yang family. He had to admit that in terms of family background and appearance, she was indeed one of the top few women, and she was very compatible with Yi Chen. Song Junchi, who was hit, wilted all of a sudden and no longer had his previous spirit.

After hearing the news, Su Yuanhang's face turned as pale as snow. He even confirmed it several times in disbelief. When he found out that the news was absolutely true, he seemed to lose all his strength and fell down behind his desk.

Even though he had known that this day would come, when it really came, he still found it hard to accept. He even felt that this matter came too suddenly. After all, there was no sign before, so how could they suddenly get engaged? He couldn't help but wonder if it was because of his little action some time ago that prompted Brother Chen to make up his mind so quickly. This guess made Su Yuanhang fall into endless regret.

Bai Yichen’s engagement was, of course, true. After he contacted Miss Yang that day, he told her about the scene he accidentally saw, and also shared his current situation and plans.

Miss Yang, who had been annoyed by blind dates for a long time, almost hit it off with Bai Yichen after hearing his plan, and immediately reached a cooperation. After all, she had thought that she would definitely find a man she didn't like and live a lifetime of marriage, but this plan that was delivered to her door, although she had a marriage on the surface, in fact, she had gained a few years or even a lifetime of freedom. What's even better is that Bai Yichen's family background is so in line with her parents' requirements, and Bai Yichen also promised that if she agreed to this plan, the two families could also cooperate in various ways.

After being extremely excited for a while, Miss Yang managed to calm down. When she saw Bai Yichen, who was handsome and gentle and even smiling in front of her, a hint of pity inevitably overflowed from her eyes.

Yes, who could have thought that the man in front of her would not live long? Miss Yang, who was also born in the upper class circle of City A, was naturally accustomed to hearing about the excellence of the man in front of her since she was a child. But now when she thinks of all the praises the man in front of her has received, she can only feel doubly regretful.

Bai Yichen keenly noticed the pity and sympathy in Miss Yang's eyes, but he controlled the expression on his face and said goodbye to Miss Yang politely before leaving.

Miss Yang was the first person he told about his illness, and it was important for her to know about it, after all, many things that would happen afterwards would require her cooperation.

The engagement was scheduled very tightly, just one month later. Although Bai's parents, who were still kept in the dark, felt that the time was too tight, they tried their best to make it happen since it was their son's happy event after all.

Everything for the engagement banquet was prepared very smoothly. Su Yuanhang and Song Junchi both came that day. These two people who had been fighting openly and secretly for a long time, at the engagement banquet, looking at the two figures who looked like a perfect couple from afar, they had the same mood, which was rare. During the banquet, both of them were silent and drank silently. They were almost drunk before the engagement banquet was over.

As the engagement party was coming to an end, Bai Yichen brought his fiancée to Su Yuanhang.

Even though Su Yuanhang was almost drunk, he regained some sobriety when he saw Bai Yichen. Looking at the beautiful woman holding Bai Yichen's arm, he couldn't help but feel bitter. But in the end, he still used his strongest reason, looked at the person he loved most, and forced himself to say that blessing, "Brother Chen, I wish you happiness."

After the engagement party, Bai Yichen spent the entire day with his fiancée Yang Yingying, and he frequently traveled abroad and was rarely seen.

In the last two months of his life, Bai Yichen also told his parents the truth. The Bai Jinchuan couple were hit hard when they suddenly learned the truth. They were even unwilling to believe it. However, the same examination reports from the two hospitals forced them to accept this fact. Overnight, the two seemed to have aged ten years.

But no matter how big the blow is, as long as the person is still alive, they have to get through it. Bai Yichen waited for his parents to calm down for a while and solemnly made a request.

How could parents refuse to agree to the request made by their son during his last days? They even didn't have the energy to investigate why Bai Yichen did this. After all, what was the point of investigating now? The person was almost dead. Why did they still have to worry about why their son did this? Did he like that man? The only thing they could do now was to fulfill all their son's wishes before his death so that he would not have any regrets.

Even though that request was like a knife in their hearts, their eldest son, who made them most proud, was gone, but they could not make this news public. They had to keep it secret, from everyone, especially from one person, and keep it secret forever...