White Moonlight Survival Record (Quick Transmigration)

Chapter 26: White Moonlight in Captivity03


Bai Yichen didn't know if he was being too sensitive, but having just experienced that kind of thing, it was really hard for him not to be sensitive to certain things. Even though Xu Jiangzhe was still a child, certain things were done by the most well-behaved child in Bai Yichen's eyes.

In addition, Bai Yichen didn't think that being held as a guardian by Xu Weihai and his wife was a good choice. Now, he had one more reason to want to escape from guardianship.

What no one knew was that after that day, Xu Jiangzhe went to find his parents and told them that there was no need to hire a caregiver and that he would be the one taking care of Ziqian from now on.

But this proposal was naturally rejected by Xu Weihai and his wife without a second thought. They thought that the disabled man trusted them wholeheartedly, but they didn't want to let their precious son follow him around like a servant every day. After all, to Xu Weihai and his wife, Xu Jiangzhe was their heir and he was young and had a lot of study to do. How could he have so much free time to do those things? They even accelerated the process of finding a caregiver because of Xu Jiangzhe's idea.

His idea was ruthlessly rejected. Xu Jiangzhe lowered his head and said nothing. He just pursed his lips and turned away.

In the days that followed, life returned to normal, except that Xu Weihai and his wife came to him and mentioned the idea of adoption. They meant that as long as Bai Yichen was willing, they could go through the adoption procedures right away, register Bai Yichen's name to their family, and make them a real family.

Bai Yichen naturally rejected this proposal without a second thought. No matter how touching what Xu Weihai and his wife said, he did not waver in the slightest. Bai Yichen, who was not a teenager who was easy to fool, naturally knew that although guardianship was troublesome, it was better than real adoption. After all, the law still had some restrictions on guardians. But if it became an adoption, then Xu Weihai and his wife would have direct inheritance rights to the property under his name. To put it bluntly, if he encountered an accident one day, those properties would be directly inherited by Xu Weihai and his wife.

Although Bai Yichen didn't want to think that people were too evil, he had to take his own life seriously. Moreover, once he was adopted, there would be no room for maneuver in his future life.

Xu Weihai and his wife tried to persuade him for a long time, but seeing that Bai Yichen refused to give in, their faces turned ugly for a moment. However, they were very shrewd and quickly suppressed their anger and returned to their previous attitude of caring for each other.

Xu Jiangzhe was naturally unaware of the secret confrontation between Bai Yichen and the Xu Weihai couple. He was a real twelve-year-old boy. He only knew that his beloved Ziqian had moved into his house and he could be with him day and night. He was so happy that he never thought that his parents had other thoughts.

After Xu Weihai and his wife proposed to adopt Bai Yichen, Bai Yichen accelerated his research on guardianship and the termination of guardianship. Bai Yichen didn't know much about guardianship before, but after carefully checking the information in this area, he couldn't help but feel troubled again.

First of all, minors cannot choose their own guardians. If their parents are dead, their grandparents, grandparents-in-law, brothers, sisters, and other individuals or organizations willing to serve as guardians should serve as guardians in that order.

Logically speaking, Xu Weihai and his wife were at the bottom of the priority list, but Bai Yichen had no relatives in the previous life, so Xu Weihai and his wife got in first. Of course, Xu Weihai and his wife were close friends of Bai Yichen's parents in this life, and they were also partners in the company, which obviously gave them extra points.

Once a guardian is determined, it is very troublesome to change him or her. Only when the current guardian fails to perform guardianship duties and seriously damages the interests of the ward, can the guardian's qualifications be revoked upon application by the ward himself or other people or organizations.

Therefore, if he wants to terminate the guardianship relationship with Xu Weihai and his wife, he must first obtain sufficient evidence and then submit an application to the court.

Judging from the current behavior of Xu Weihai and his wife, he thought that he would not see the day when they would fall out in the short term.

After temporarily putting the matter of changing guardians aside, Bai Yichen continued to try his best to adapt to life in this life. Fortunately, the new professional caregiver hired by Xu Weihai and his wife arrived two days later, which finally improved Bai Yichen's bad mood a little.

After feeling a little relieved, Bai Yichen looked at the family and sometimes thought of the little boy in this world whom he rescued from the car, the protagonist of this world, Fang Ruoming.

Originally he was supposed to be adopted by the Xu family, but now by mistake it has become me. I don’t know how he is doing now.

Without the Xu family's adoption, and having lost his only family, was he adopted by a new family? Or did he end up in an orphanage

Thinking about this, Bai Yichen frowned again unconsciously. He didn't like changing other people's life trajectories because of his appearance, which might even put people into a more tragic situation.

If Fang Ruoming met a kind adoptive family, it would be fine, but if he was unlucky and met a family that treated him harshly, abused him, or even perverted him, then he would probably not even be able to sleep well. As for what the orphans might suffer, Bai Yichen never dared to be blindly optimistic.

But let Fang Ruoming return to his original life path? Bai Yichen knew that since Xu Weihai and his wife had not yet completely succeeded in getting rid of him, even if he proposed that Xu Weihai and his wife adopt Fang Ruoming, the couple would probably agree. But what would happen if Fang Ruoming was adopted again? In the original plot line, when Fang Ruoming was needed to help their son get out of the shadow, Xu Weihai and his wife did not treat Fang Ruoming very well. Now he is living under someone else's roof and cannot protect himself. If Fang Ruoming is forced to be adopted, in the long run, I am afraid that his life will be even worse than the original plot line.

He didn't know much more, but from the information he had obtained, although Fang Ruoming moved in after being adopted, he did not live in his current house, but in a small servant's room. Although he was adopted and went to school with Xu Jiangzhe on weekdays, he did the same work as a servant. Even the so-called adoption, Fang Ruoming was not recorded under the name of Xu Weihai and his wife, but only under the household of a distant poor relative. All this was done to distinguish him from the real young master Xu Jiangzhe, and to prevent him from having any chance of getting involved in the Xu family's property.

This couple really calculated everything to the last detail.

Moreover, that couple was not easy to deal with. He wanted them to agree to adopt Fang Ruoming, but he had to pay a price. He paid so much just to give the Xu family one more person to use. Why? Just to let Fang Ruoming go back to the original plot line? Just to let the protagonist and the bottom get together early like in the previous world, so as to cultivate their feelings

When Bai Yichen thought about what happened in the previous world, his expression couldn't help but turn cold. He had meddled in other people's affairs once, and that was enough.

He swore that no matter which world he was in, he would never interfere in matters that were not his business.

As for Fang Ruoming, he took advantage of his opportunity to be adopted, so he owed him. He would find a way to compensate him from other places, such as finding a way to give him a sum of money directly. He believed that with that money, Fang Ruoming's life should not be worse than when he was originally adopted by the Fang family.

As for the rest, he won't worry about it.

Bai Yichen has always been a man who does what he thinks. Within two days, he proposed to Xu Weihai that he wanted to find a legal advisor to discuss providing financial assistance to the only child who survived the car accident and whom he rescued.

Who would have thought that Xu Weihai, who had been smiling at first, showed an embarrassment on his face when he heard this. He even expressed his disapproval in the tone of an elder and a person with experience. He said that the child was being well raised by the welfare home. The country's welfare was now perfect, and those children had food, drink and education to go to. They did not need any financial assistance at all. Moreover, the child might be adopted in the future. Giving the child a sum of money at this time would cause other problems instead.

If it was a real teenager, he might have been convinced by this well-reasoned and seemingly reasonable argument, but how could Bai Yichen not see that Xu Weihai was talking about big principles and evading the question, and in fact he just didn't want to take the money? Bai Yichen couldn't help but stare at Xu Weihai.

Maybe Xu Weihai still felt a little guilty, or maybe it was because Bai Yichen was staring at him, which made him feel unable to look directly at him. In the end, he left without saying a word.

But in the following few days, Xu Weihai seemed to have never heard of Bai Yichen's request, and the legal advisor that Bai Yichen asked him to find never showed up.

Under such circumstances, Bai Yichen already knew that it was impossible to ask Xu Weihai to do this, but Bai Yichen's body this time was Bai Ziqian. It was obvious that his parents had doted on him extremely. Every year, his parents had applied for a card to save the money he received on his birthday. The accumulated money was not a small amount, and he also had a secondary card of his parents bound to his mobile phone. Although the usage limit was limited, it was enough.

Bai Yichen used the money to find a large law firm online, entrusted them with the business, and asked them to manage it on his behalf. He would give Fang Ruoming enough money for living and study every year until he reached adulthood, and the rest would be transferred to him when he turned 18. The money Bai Yichen transferred to the law firm, minus the fees paid to the firm, totaled 1.5 million, which was exactly the sum of the limits that could be used on his own card and his parents' supplementary card.

Mr. and Mrs. Xu Weihai only reacted when a lawyer suddenly visited them one day and took out a contract for them to sign. After knowing what Bai Yichen had done, the couple looked grim, and Liu Ling almost fainted. If there were no two lawyers in front of her, she would have wanted to rush over and tear up the agreement.

One million and a half million! That's one million and a half million!

Although 1.5 million is not a significant amount for their assets, it can do so many things. She can buy more than 10 or 20 brand-name bags that she likes! She can get treatments at the beauty salon for several years! She can also buy the diamond necklace that she likes but has not decided to buy! She can also buy a car that can barely be driven!

But now a full one and a half million has been squandered by this prodigal son!

After being angry for a long time, Liu Ling suddenly realized that, yes, they brought the contract for them to sign, and they were the guardians now. The contract would not take effect without their signatures. When Liu Ling was about to refuse categorically and say that they would not sign, one of the two lawyers suddenly took out a camera and recorded them.

"What are you doing?" Xu Weihai was more sensitive than his wife and immediately asked the camera warily.

"Oh, this is the new rule of our firm. We retain video footage when signing a contract to prevent disputes in the future." The lawyer holding the camera replied with a smile.

"Uncle Xu." Bai Yichen pushed the wheelchair to Xu Weihai and happened to be in the camera's lens. "Uncle Xu, I really want to help the child I rescued. It's pitiful that he has become an orphan. This money can make his life much better. One million and a half million is not much in the property my parents left me, right? And I really want to help him, so this shouldn't be considered a waste of money, right?"

Under the camera lens, Xu Weihai held back for a long time before finally saying, "You are still young..."

But in the end, under the ambiguous gazes of the two lawyers and the pressure of the invisible cameras, plus the fact that one and a half million was indeed not a big number, Xu Weihai weighed all the factors and did not say much. Instead, he signed the contract. However, it must be said that he was not happy signing it.

After seeing the two lawyers finish recording the signing process and put away the camera, he forced a smile to Bai Yichen, "Ziqian, you are still young, forget it this time, but if you make any decisions in the future, you still have to discuss it with your uncle first."

Bai Yichen smiled at Xu Weihai, but his answer was a bit perfunctory.

The author has something to say: I am very sorry for not updating yesterday. Actually, everyone has expressed a lot of opinions, and I have also been reflecting on it. First of all, regarding the issue of attack, the plot that has already been written will not be changed, but this type of attack will not be written in the new article in the future. I will develop other types of attacks and strive to write an attack that everyone likes.

Second, some people say that I may not be suitable for writing quick travel stories. People who read quick travel stories like to read sweet love stories with happy endings. I admit that this is my first time writing a quick travel story, so I am not very good at this subject matter. But the way I like is that the story has continuity. The protagonist experiences this world, and when he goes to the next world, he will have the memory of this world, the emotions and feelings of this world, and it will affect his way of dealing with things in the next world. So in this quick travel book, although the protagonist experiences one world after another, the continuity is still relatively strong. For example, the attacker did something wrong in the first world, and he was repenting and making amends in the following worlds.