White Moonlight Survival Record (Quick Transmigration)

Chapter 28: White Moonlight in Captivity05


At this point, even if Bai Yichen could remain calm, he knew that something must have changed.

A few days later, Xu Weihai appeared in front of him, and the several documents in front of him made him know where the unknown change came from.

The documents Xu Weihai threw to him were the names of several law firms that he had contacted secretly but that did not show up as expected.

After Xu Weihai threw the information to him, he tore off the disguise of kindness on his face for the first time and looked at him with a sneer, "Are you waiting for them? Unfortunately, there is no need to wait, they will not come."

Bai Yichen glanced quickly at the document and looked up at Xu Weihai.

"Bai Ziqian, I have always treated you as a child, but I never expected that I have always underestimated you."

"… "

Xu Weihai stared at the figure sitting in the wheelchair, and said word by word: "Since you have always had this in mind and have always been wary of us, then I have also made it clear to you that I will not give up your guardianship, so you don't have to worry about it. I gave you a chance before, but I was careless, but from now on, don't even think about saying a word to anyone outside."

After saying these words, Xu Weihai left, leaving Bai Yichen sitting in a wheelchair, tightening his hands on the armrests of the wheelchair.

Ever since Xu Weihai said those words to Bai Yichen that day, some subtle yet significant changes have taken place in this villa.

After this dangerous incident where they nearly lost custody, Mr. and Mrs. Xu Weihai realized that Bai Yichen was not a good person at all. It was impossible to trick him into signing those key agreements.

On the contrary, they thought they had deceived their son well, but in fact they were fooled. If it weren't for what their son said, if he hadn't been more careful and asked someone to check the records on his cell phone, the custody would no longer be in his hands.

Since they knew it was useless, Xu Weihai and his wife naturally would not waste their time trying to please someone they didn't like. So, as if overnight, the couple's attitude towards Bai Yichen plummeted. All the false smiles and care they had shown before disappeared. Although they still lived under the same roof, their attitude towards Bai Yichen was more of ignoring him, and occasionally they would make some sarcastic remarks if they didn't like him.

They have figured it out. This is a man who is not willing to give in easily. He is still very cunning. Rather than playing the emotional card and taking risks to coax him to sign according to his demands, it is better for them to do it themselves. Although it will be slower if they do it themselves, they have the guardianship and can directly supervise the property under his name. They don't believe that those properties are supervised and controlled by them. After three, five, or ten years, they still can't legally transfer them to their names through some special methods.

Thinking of this, Xu Weihai and his wife felt inexplicably more confident when they snorted coldly at Bai Yichen.

Bai Yichen, who had already known the Xu Weihai couple's temperament of not doing anything without profit, was not surprised at their change of attitude. As for being sad, that was even less likely.

Speaking of this family, the only one who felt helpless and puzzled by the change in Xu Weihai and his wife was Xu Jiangzhe. Xu Jiangzhe didn't understand why his parents, who had been so kind to Ziqian, suddenly changed their attitude overnight and not only ignored Ziqian, but even said some unpleasant words to him from time to time. Every time he saw his parents saying those unpleasant words to Ziqian sitting in a wheelchair, he couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

But his protection of Ziqian did not have any effect. In fact, they became even more angry when they saw him protecting Ziqian like this...

In this way, spring went and autumn came, the leaves in the garden of Xu's villa turned yellow and green again, and five springs and autumns passed in the blink of an eye.

During these five years, Bai Yichen grew from a delicate little boy into an extremely elegant young man. The breeze blew through his hair, as if even time could hold its breath and stand still.

The only regret is that such a handsome boy is sitting in a wheelchair.

Bai Yichen's body in this life is extremely delicate and beautiful. His beauty is no less than Su Yuanhang in his previous life.

Logically speaking, this kind of appearance, coupled with the lack of sunlight and exercise for many years, is bound to appear a bit feminine. But perhaps it is because appearance is determined by the heart. Bai Yichen is not a real teenager after all. His past life experiences have given him a certain temperament. And that temperament has made his feminine appearance appear very handsome. No matter who sees him, they will not realize that he is sitting in a wheelchair at the first time.

After being detained by the Xu family for so many years, Bai Yichen has never been able to step out of that door. It may be that the incident of almost losing custody has left a deep impression on Xu Weihai. After that incident, the small Xu family seemed to have become an iron barrel, with extremely strict management.

Not only are the entry and exit and communications strict, but even every servant has become a tool to monitor Bai Yichen. When Bai Yichen is moving around the room, except in his own bedroom, there will be a servant following him anywhere else. As for the other servants, their eyes are always on him, and they will come over to check if they notice something is wrong.

For these servants, they didn't know much. They only knew that the child brought back by the husband and wife to raise was absolutely not allowed to go out, talk to outsiders, or use the phone, computer, etc. Otherwise, not only would their wages be fined, but they would also lose a year's bonus.

Thinking of the generous bonus, the servants' eyes became more determined. As for saying that the child was pitiful? They didn't think so. Although the master and the mistress were rather cold to the child over the years, their young master was really good to him. No matter what delicious or fun things were, they would send them to him first. Bringing water and food on weekdays was not a problem. They even saw the young master squatting on the ground to wash his feet. How could such a life be considered pitiful

Although they didn't know too many specific things, they only vaguely knew that the child should be the child of a good friend of the husband and wife who had passed away. However, they often heard the wife scold the child for being an ungrateful child and saying that he had raised her for so long but didn't know how to be grateful. They subconsciously believed that it was not easy to raise a little burden, and she had never treated him badly with good food and drink. They also never saw the child smile at the husband and wife. It was not a serious problem for the wife to scold him a few times out of anger. So they just had to take good care of the child.

The servant who was thinking about these boring questions suddenly heard the sound of an iron door. He looked up and saw the young master standing at the iron door opened by Old Li and walking in.

The Xu family's villa is not small, but outside the garden, there are two iron doors, one is an iron railing door, and the other is a solid iron door, which is opened by Lao Li. The thick iron door and the dense vegetation surrounding the villa garden make the villa seem airtight. People outside cannot see into the yard, and people inside cannot see outside.

In fact, the Xu family's villa originally had only one iron railing door, but it was said that because the villa of a business friend of the master was once broken into by criminals who not only stole a large amount of money but also stabbed the people in the villa, the master then added another iron door to the villa.

Although there are two doors for entering and exiting every day and the key is only held by Lao Li, except for the initial discomfort, they have gradually adapted to it. After all, the Xu family's salary is so high, especially the bonus, which is so high that it is the envy of all their colleagues.

After Xu Jiangzhe, who was wearing a school uniform with a stand-up collar and a small suit, walked into the iron gate, he immediately saw Bai Yichen in a wheelchair. His stern face with gold-rimmed glasses seemed to have melted ice and snow, and a smile appeared on his face. He walked slowly to Bai Yichen, leaned down intimately, and gently pressed his face against Bai Yichen's cheek for a while, "Come out to bask in the sun, Ziqian."

Bai Yichen subconsciously wanted to avoid this overly intimate gesture, but he was originally sitting in a wheelchair, with a backrest and armrests behind and on both sides, and Xu Jiangzhe firmly locking him in front. In the end, he could only let him maintain such a close distance for a while.

Xu Jiangzhe circled the person, enjoying the intimacy he wanted, and then stepped back and stood up. He seemed not to notice Bai Yichen's slightly frowned brows, and put his hands on the back of the wheelchair and said, "Ziqian, I'll push you back."

Bai Yichen tilted his head to glance at Xu Jiangzhe, then looked forward expressionlessly.

The author has something to say: There will be an update today, probably in the evening