White Moonlight Survival Record (Quick Transmigration)

Chapter 51: The Senior at the End of the World 07


Is this really not fraud

This thought popped up in Bai Yichen's mind at a very inopportune time, but after a pause, he still walked forward. No matter what, this person just reminded him that if it weren't for his shout, he might have been scratched or bitten by the zombie crawling out of the green belt. By then, he wouldn't have any reward points in this world, and he would just earn the minimum amount without being punished.

As for the fact that he once smashed a flowerpot to save this person, let's leave it alone.

However, after Bai Yichen approached the man, he quickly determined that the man was not a scammer, because his condition was really bad. The man's face was pale and bloodless, and even his breathing seemed a little weak.

Bai Yichen was in a dilemma. If he left the man alone, the zombies wandering here would probably have a free lunch. But saving him also required a lot of courage. He would not wake up for a while, and he might have to be taken back to take care of him. In the end times, how many people would have the courage to take a stranger back to their homes

But after some thought, Bai Yichen finally gritted his teeth, stepped forward and tore off his clothes, because Bai Yichen felt that if it was someone else, he might still need to have some concerns, but seeing the frail appearance of the man in front of him, what did he have to be afraid of? He estimated that even if the other party used both hands, he would not be able to break one of his arms.

As for why Bai Yichen took off his clothes, it was an international practice to check if he had any hidden wounds on his body. Wounds caused by scratches or bites from zombies are very easy to identify, as the area around the wounds will be noticeably black. If this man had been bitten by a zombie, then no matter how kind he was, he would not take him back.

After a thorough inspection, Bai Yichen made sure that there was no problem, so he buttoned the man's clothes back on and supported him as he walked back.

Bai Yichen carefully avoided the zombies all the way and finally returned to his building smoothly. However, he encountered a problem when going upstairs because the power had been cut off and the elevator could not be used. He could only take the stairs. The person he was supporting had no consciousness. When Bai Yichen finally got the man back to his house on the seventh floor with great difficulty, even though he boasted of his good physical condition in this life, he broke out in a sweat.

After bringing the man back, Bai Yichen put him on the bed in a guest room. At this time, the man still showed no sign of waking up.

Bai Yichen was not a doctor and did not know why the man fell into a coma. He could only do his best and leave the rest to fate. Based on his own guess, he soaked oatmeal with water and glucose and fed it to the man. Then he covered him with a thin blanket to keep him warm and left.

As for the supplies in the house, Bai Yichen had moved them to a separate room and locked it up because he thought they were in the way when piled in the living room. So he was not afraid that the man would wake up and have bad intentions when he saw so much food.

Bai Yichen took care of the man as if it were a dying horse, but in fact he was very unsure. Fortunately, his guess was right. The man woke up that night and his stomach growled loudly. It was obvious that the bowl of glucose oatmeal that he had fed him had been consumed. It was almost certain that the man fainted because he had fainted from hunger, just as he had guessed.

Seeing this, Bai Yichen took two loaves of bread and a bottle of water from his room and handed them to the man whose cheeks were flushed and one hand was pressing on his abdomen, as if trying to suppress the sound.

Lin Jiawen looked up and saw the handsome, almost dazzling face. He was distracted for a moment and quickly lowered his head again. However, he did not have enough courage to refuse the food. He reached out and took it, trying not to eat it too voraciously.

Seeing that the other party was eating normally and seemed to have recovered most of his spirit, Bai Yichen felt relieved. He glanced at the other party who still looked a little weak, and said to him, "Have a good rest." Then he left.

After Bai Yichen left, Lin Jiawen raised his head and looked around carefully. It was already night, and because of the power outage, a candle was lit in the room. The candle was covered with an exquisite lampshade, which softly diffused the light inside. Although the light was not bright enough, it was enough to see the room clearly.

The high-end decoration that was everywhere made Lin Jiawen think without much thought that the boy was from a wealthy family.

However, thinking of the prohibitively high housing prices in this neighborhood before the end of the world, it seems not too surprising that all the people living here are rich. Isn't it because this neighborhood has always been strictly managed, with relatively few people, and as a result, there are relatively few zombies, that he came here to try his luck in finding food

However, thinking of his harvest in the past few days, Lin Jiawen couldn't help but smile bitterly. The doors of the rich people's houses were really strong. Except for two families who left in a hurry and left a mess and even forgot to close the door, he had no way to break open the remaining strong doors. So even though he worked hard for a few days, he didn't find much food. In the end, he fainted from hunger in front of that person.

Thinking of the handsome boy who made his heart palpitate, Lin Jiawen couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. He subconsciously thought, is he in his home? Judging from his age, the boy should still be in college. With that kind of appearance, he should be very popular in college...

Realizing what he was thinking, Lin Jiawen quickly shook his head. At this time, he still had the time to think about these things. What he should think about now is how he should survive. Although the unbelievably handsome boy took him in, he didn't think that he would take him in forever. After all, in this world, everyone has limited food, and if you give more to others, you will live one day less. No one will do this all the time. Although he is indeed a very kind boy, he was the one who stood on the balcony and threw down the flower pot that afternoon to remind him.

Lin Jiawen's thoughts unconsciously drifted back to that day. He subconsciously looked up in shock and gratitude, and then at a glance, the handsome figure in white sportswear was fully imprinted in his eyes...

This time, even Lin Jiawen himself did not realize that he was once again distracted by thinking about the big boy whom he had only met a few times.

In the next two days, Bai Yichen provided food and water to the thin man on time every day. What made Bai Yichen satisfied was that the man was also very well-behaved and tactful. He stayed in the guest room arranged for him most of the time. Except for special needs such as going to the toilet, he would not go to the living room or other places casually.

Bai Yichen was very satisfied with the man's understanding. He even gave him two more days than he had expected. After all, the man looked too thin. If he didn't rest for two more days, he might collapse again as soon as he went out.

Although he was worried about whether the man's body could survive in this apocalypse, Bai Yichen had no intention of keeping him for a long time. After all, he was a stranger, and he himself was not sure how long he could survive in this apocalypse. On this basis, supporting another person's survival was much more stressful than paying a mortgage. So Bai Yichen was more inclined to let him go after he recovered because he had saved him once, and they could both fight for their own survival.

With this thought in mind, Bai Yichen never asked the name of the thin man lying on the bed in the guest room during these few days, because the less information he knew about the other party, it seemed as if the bond would be less.

Just like that, after seeing that the thin man had almost recovered, Bai Yichen was very lenient and gave him three days of rest. Just when he was about to ask him to leave the next day on the third night, it suddenly started to rain heavily outside.

Isn’t it such a coincidence

Bai Yichen walked to the window and looked out. He saw the raindrops falling outside, and the scene outside the window looked a little hazy. In the downpour, only some zombies were still wandering around aimlessly, and soon they became drowned rats.

The sudden heavy rain also made Bai Yichen temporarily change his mind. He was not so unkind that he would chase people away in the heavy rain. Since the heaven wanted to keep him, he would keep him for a while. The rain could not continue.

What Bai Yichen didn't expect was that the rain really didn't stop in the next few days. Taking advantage of the rain, Bai Yichen replenished the water resources in the room, and took all the empty buckets to the balcony. Then he held up an umbrella with the inside facing up, and fixed it with the angle slightly tilted inward. In this way, all the rain outside the balcony was concentrated on the inside of the umbrella, and collected in the bucket along the slightly tilted angle.

Bai Yichen doesn't drink this water, but it's great for flushing the toilet.

While Bai Yichen was busy, Lin Jiawen also stood aside hesitantly, wanting to help. At first, he planned to carry the buckets full of water back to the bathroom, but when he actually tried it, he found embarrassingly that these oversized buckets were very heavy when filled with water, probably almost as heavy as a 50-kilogram bag of rice. He could only move the buckets a little bit after trying his best.


Lin Jiawen keenly heard a muffled laugh coming from the balcony. Although the laughter was quickly suppressed, his ears still turned red immediately.

Just when Lin Jiawen felt a little overwhelmed, the owner of that hateful laugh seemed to move closer and said in that mesmerizingly pleasant voice: "Let me do it."

Then a hand stretched out in front of him and easily picked up the bucket that he had just moved with great effort.

Lin Jiawen looked at the tall figure striding forward with a bucket in hand, and couldn't help feeling a little discouraged. He was really useless and couldn't do anything.

Later, Lin Jiawen could only hold the umbrella fixed on the balcony to prevent it from being blown crooked by the wind, and then watched with lifeless eyes as the handsome boy easily carried back all the buckets full of water on the balcony one by one.

Because of the rain, the two had to stay indoors. Although Bai Yichen had just put in a little effort in carrying the bucket, he did not give up his daily exercise plan. As his exercise time increased, his endurance and physical fitness increased. Now he can easily do hundreds of standard push-ups in one breath.

Because the living room is the brightest and largest place, Bai Yichen usually does exercise in the living room, and today was no exception. Lin Jiawen, relying on the fact that he had stayed here for quite a few days and was already somewhat familiar with the boy, also bravely stayed in and quietly watched the boy exercise from the side.

When he saw the young man doing dozens of push-ups easily in one breath without taking a break, Lin Jiawen couldn't help but feel a little sad again. He thought of himself. With his skinny body, he would probably fall down after doing only a few push-ups.

Bai Yichen was relatively relaxed at the beginning of the exercise, but as the progress went on, under such high-intensity training, Bai Yichen could no longer do it with ease. His breathing began to become heavy, and sweat began to seep out of his forehead and back.

The boy is so handsome that it is almost impossible to look directly at him. He has a slender and perfect body. With the help of sweat and powerful exercise, he easily exudes hormones that almost fill the entire room. Those hormones are mixed with a full breath of youth, which is a fatal temptation that no one can escape.

Lin Jiawen's originally wandering, self-deprecating gaze, at some point, focused on the glistening beads of sweat that ran down the boy's cheeks and slowly across his neck.

After a long moment, he swallowed with some difficulty.

The author has something to say: The update is here. When I was writing about Lin Jiawen, I almost wrote about Lin Jiacheng several times. I felt like I was poisonous.

And in this world, the weak attackers in the early stage rely on the protagonist for food, and the protagonists in the later stage rely on the attackers for support~